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MANHATTAN AND BBOMX RECORDS SECTION SECTION TWO FOUNDED. 1668r AND ^% BUILDERS OUID DEVOTED TO REAL ESTATE, BillLDING MANAGEMENT AND CONSTRUCTION IN GREATER HEW YORKAND VICINITY TkU section Includes all recorded Conveyaacea, Miscellaneous Conveyances, Mortgases, Asslffnmenta of Mortgrages atid SatlsS*,' Ifortcacres and Mortgage Extensions, Leases, Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Sales, Adrartlssd Legal Sales, Foreclosure SaK: /BdKraents in Foreclosure Suits. Lis Pendens. Mochanlca' Liens. Satlsfled Mechanics' Liens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Atfacti^ Rsal Bstate, Building Loan Contracts. Wills and Real Estate Appraisals In the Borongrh af Manhattan. Vol. CVIIL (2801) NEW YORK, NOVEMBER 19, 1921 No. 21 CONVEYANCES. Manhattan. NOV. 9, 10, 12, 14 & 15. AUen st, 104 (2:414-38), es. 129.5 s Delancey, old line. 24.8x87.0, 5-sty bli tnt & sirs ; K & L Really Corpn to .\br Carahi. 100 -\IIen; ralg $21,:j(Kt; NovO; Novl2'21 ; A$13,009-2S,999 (R S $12). O C & 100 Bedford st. 38 (2:580-21. es, 60 s Leroy, 20x 78, 2-sly & b bk dwg: JIarjorie JI JIulry et ai. by Jas Tinioney, GDN, to Franli Laurino. NovS; Nov9'21 AT; 34 Carraine 000. Bedford st, 38 sarae; mtg $4,090 A$7,990-9, 397.50 JIargt Hennessey et al to OctlS; Nov9'21 (R S .$3). 4.600,50 Bleecker st, 241 (2:589-3), es, 120.11 n Car¬ raine, '20.11x103.3x24.10x103.3, 4-sty bk tnt & strs, 1-stj' ext; Isaac J Silberstein et al, in¬ divid & EXRS & TRSTES David Silberstein, to Louis B Rosenbaura, 241 Bleecker ; PM ratg $25,000; Nov7; Novl4'21; A$12,000-19,000 (R S $30). 30,000 Chrystie st, 1: see Division, 44. Cliff St. 40; see Fulton. 49-53. Division St. 44 (1:289-25), nwc Chrystie (No 1), 26.4x36.5x24.8x48.4, 4-sty bk lofl & str bldg; Abr Soloraon to Shirley Levine, 271 New Jer¬ sey av, Bklyn, 1-0 part; AT; ratg $——; Nov 12; Novl4'21; A$S9,099-30,000 (R S $3). nora Duane st, 207 (1:142-23), ns, abt 55 e Caro¬ line, 26.8x58.4. S-sly bk lofl bldg: Virgil A Stewart, 169 Colurabia Heights, Bklyn, to V A Stewart & Co, 207 Dnane: ralg $——; Octl4: Novl5'21; A.$21,.300-27,000 (R S $5). nom Front st, 362-66 (1:243-67-69), ns, 233.6 w Jackson. 54.2x70, 3-2-sty bk & fr tnts & shop; Edw .T Dowling, ref, to Theodore D Partridge, Cornwall-on-the-Hudson, NY, plff; FORE¬ CLOS, ------; NovO; NovlS'21; A$7,300-10,090. 11,009 Fulton St. 49-5S (1:95-40). nes at ses Cliff (No 40), 60.9x4.3.2x67.8x44.3, 3-4-sty bk loft & str bldgs: -4Ifred C Greening lo R K Carter & Co; QC; Feb28'03; NovlS'21; A$65,000-70.000. nora Grand st, 198 (2:471-54). ns. 75.11 w Mott, runs nS1.2xn49.'2xe25.6xs4S.6xsS1.19 to st xw 24.7 to beg, S-sty bk tnl & strs; Louisa V R Ba.vlies, et al. heirs -\lex Van Rensselaer, to Generoso Ristiano, 198 Grand; B&S: CaG; Nov9; Novl4'21; A$19,000-22,000 (R S $28). O C & 100 Grand st. 648 (2;.326-28), ns, 75.2 e Cannon, 25x100, 5-sty hk tnl & sirs; Ernest Howe, TRSTE Geo W Robins, to Harry Lieberraan, 91 Lewis; Oct'20: Novl2'21: A$l 1,000-24,000 (R 5 $'24). 24,000 Hamilton pl, sec lS»th: see ISSth W, ns, 116.5 e Hamilton pi. Houston St. 323 E (2:,345-13), ss, SO e Attor¬ ney, 25x100, 5-stv bk tut & strs; Abr Weiss et al to Rachel Weiss. 3647 Bwav; QC; Apr7: Novl4'21; A$19.000-29.000. nom James si, 19 (1:110-7). sws at nws South st (No 187). 21.11x30.2, 4-sly bk tnt & strs; Edw D Fife, Jr, lo James Slip Gospel Mission, Inc, 19 Jaraes sl; ratg $1,.300; PM mtg .$10,000; Julyll; Novl5'21; A$8,SOO-11,000 (R S $3.50). nom Jane st, 77 (2:642-66), ns, 152.10 w Greenwich 20.8x87.5, 3-sty & b bk dwg ; Nelson A Lawton, EXR Abigail R Briggs, lo Timothy Sullivan, 811 Greenwich; NovlO; Novl2'21; A.$7,S00-9.OO0 (R S .$8.50). 8,500 Lewis St. 53 (2:.328), ws. 1.30 n Delancev, 25 XlOO, vacant: Royal H Weiler, REP, to Jlinnie B Wood, 431 Fulton. Jamaica. N Y; Lillie E Rohe. Hillside & Bergen avs. .Tainaica, N Y. & Otto J Betz, Bellerose, N Y, BXRS Eliz Betz, pfes; FORECLOS, ------; Nov24'19 ; Novl0'21; A $8^100-11,000 (R S $5). 5,000 Lewis st, 53; Minnie B Wood, et al. individ 6 EXRS. Eliz Betz, to Sainl Weinberg, 65 Av D; NovS; Novl0'21 (R S $10). 10,000 Mangin st, 108-32; see Stanton, 342. .Mulberry st. 79 (1 :199-23), WS, abt ISO n Bay¬ ard, 23x190, S-sly bk tnt & strs & 3-sly bk rear tnt; Francis J Riley & ano, EXRS Jos Riley, to JI Berardini Holding Corpn, S4 JIuI- lierry; SeptlS; Novl0'21; A$17,0(MI-24,000 (R S $301. 28,000 Prospect pl, 60 (5:1335-3214), ws, 67.1 s 4Sd, 10.8x34, S-stv & b stn dwg; Anna JI Gallagher. B of Q, N Y, to Augusta L BradtrauUer, 69 I'rospect pi: Nov4; Novl0'21; A$3,730-6.700 (R 5 $9). O C & 100 St Nicholas pl (7:2009-8), ws, 104.4 u ISSd, 60 x104, v:icant; Sainl Glass lo l';irbrook Realty Corpn. :i03 Bwav; lutg $17,000; NovS; Nov9'21: .\.$;i2.ii()o-:i2.909. nora South St. 187: see James si, 19. Stanton st. 342 (2:325-42), nec Mangin (Nos 198-32). 299 to Torapkins x200; AT to wharves, liulkheads, docks, &c, and to land under water lo the east of sl in front of said prop, 1-sty bk 6 fr stables: Bradlev Contracting Co to Jaraes S & Daniel L Reardon, 113 Prospect Park W, Bklyn: Julyl2; Novl2'21; A$7O,0OO-72,0OO. nora Stanton st, 342; Stephen U Hopkins et al. receivers Bradley Contracting Co, to sarae; NovlO: Novl2'21 (R S $65). 155,000 .Stanton st, 342; Jaraes S Reardon & ano, Bklyn, to State Ice JIanufaclnring Corpn, 1.30 Nassau; ratg $------; Nov2; Novl2'21 (R S $63). nora Suffolk st, 141 (2:354-61), ws, SO s Stanton, 29 x75, 4-sty hk bldg; Saral Resler, et al, EXRS &c Rubin Resler, lo Bernard Katz, 624 B Sth; Ullg $10,000; JulylS: Novl0'21; A$9,000-18,00() (R S .$91. 19.000 Suffolk St. 141 (2:3:34), ws. 80 s Stanton. 20 x75: Sam Resler, of Waverly, Ohio, to same; QC: Oct20: Novl0'21. nora Suffolk st, 141; Bernard Katz, 6'24 or 524 B Sth. to Sarah Katz, .324 E Sth; AL; Oct26; Nov l(r21. nom Sullivan st. 39 (2:476-10), es, 202 s Broome, runs eSO to an alley xnS4xnl0.7xwll.5 to Watts (Xos Sl-9) XW71.7 to Sullivan xslS.S to beg, O-sty bk strs; JIartin Garone to Doraenica Grossi, .'{71 Broorae; mtg $33,730; NovlO; Nov 12'21; A$21,000-43,000 (R S $1530). O C & 109 Sylvan ter. 16 (8:2109-65), ss, 39.6 w Jumel ter, as on raap of Jurael estate, 19.6x34.6, 2-sty fr dwg: Jladelon -\ Grahara, heir JIary A O'Connor, to Erailio & Henrv Rega, 424 w'lOS: lutg .$2,900; PJI ratg $1,.300; AL; Nov7; NovO '21: A$'2..300-3.000 (R S $2). nora Tompkins st. nwc Stanton; see Stanton, 342. Washington nl. 129-.S.5 (2:S92-.82-86), ns. 344.1 w 6 av. runs u97xw4S.Sxsl9.9xw21.1xwlS.llxsw .'i9.3xse2.4 lo pl X—129.5 to beg. 2-5-sty & 1-4- sty bk tnts & sirs, 3-sty fr bldg & 2-4 & 2-3- sty bk & fr rear tnts; JIargt A Huntington, Tlewletls, L I. lo JIargt Riley, 47 E 58; Feb 28: Nov9'21 : A$62,900-71 ,.300. nora Washington ter, 7 (8:2156-46), es. 53.3 s lS6th 17.9x62.6, 3-sty & b bk dwg; Jacob Zweibel, 7 Washington ter. to JIary Zweibel, 7 Washing¬ ton ter. his wife: nitg $------; AL; AuglO; Nov 9'21: A.$2.900-6,000 (R S $1). nora Water st, .394 (1:251-57), ns, abt 20 w Cath sl. 29x40.1, 3-sty bk tnt & str: Nilton Realty Corpn. 149 Bwav, to Anna Garone, 192 Jlonroe: ratg $2,899; Novl0'21; A$S.500-4,.3()0 (R S .$2). O C & 100 Watts St. 31-9; see Sullivan, 39. WiUett st, 69 (2:338-21), ws, 81.0 s Riving¬ ton. 18.0x.30, 5-sty bk tnt & strs ; Ignatz Weiss, Binghanipton, NY', to Sarah Y'arniark, 69 Wil¬ lett: correction deed; ratg $8,990; Nov7; Nov 13'21 : -\.$3.090-10.000. nora wniett St. 69; Jacob M Weiss, Forest Cily. I'a, to same; correction deed; mtg $8,000; Nov 7: Nov13'21. nom Willett Ht. 69: Saml Weiss et al to same; correction deed; mtg $8,000; Novl4; Novl5'21. nom WUliam st. 186 (1:103-3), es, abt .30 n Spruce, 30.10x191.9x39.8x103.6, 4-sty bk loft & str bldg & 1-sty bk rear bldg; David Lippraann et al lo Louis Goldstein. 2189 Universitv av, Bronx : B&S; mtg $37,800; I'JI ratg $10,700; NovlO; Novl2'21; A$63,000-70,000 (R S $30). O C & 100 3D st, 306 F; See 3d, 308 E. 3D Bt, 308 E (2:372-27), ss, abt 235 w Av D, 22.7x106, 3-sty bk tnl, Irsty ext; A$10,000-21,- 000; also 3D ST, 300 E (2:372-26), ss, abt 260 w Av D, 22.7x106, 3-stv bk tnt, 1-sty ext; A .$10.90O-2O,(X)0: Lena Fensterheira, Bklyn, to Y'etta Schraulowitz, 306 B 3; mlg $40,100; Nov 10: Novl4'21 (R S .$8). O C & 100 5TH st B. swc 1 av; see 1 av. 79-81. 6TH st, 533 E (2:402-49), ns. 450 e Av A. 25x 90.10, S-sty bk tnt; Adolph Kuhn, BellevUIe, N J, to Sara Papel, 192 E 3; mlg $13,000; Nov 15'21; A$12,000-17,500 (R S .$10). O C & 100 6TH st, 535 E (2:402-48), ns, 475 e Av A, ''lox 90.19, S-stv bk tut & strs ; Adolph Tvuhii, Belle¬ ville, NJ, to Sara Papel, 192 B 3; mlg $13,900; Nov]5'21; A$12,0()0-17,000 (R S $10). O C & 100 ISTH st, 131 E; see 16th, 110 E. 15TH St. 338-40 E (3:921-43), ss, 196 w 1 av, 42x103.3, 7-sty bk tnt; Aarou Goodman et al to Rose Katz, 259 Treraont av, Bronx; mtg $.39,000; PM ratg $15,000; NovlO; Novl2'21; A $26.090-78,900 (R S $:35). O C & 100 16TH st, 110 E (3:871-76), ss, abt 205 e Union sq E, 33x103, 4sty & b bk dwg; A$46,000-56.- 000; also ISTH ST. 131 E (3:871-29), us, abt 125 e Irving pl, 23x103, 4-sty & b bk dwg; A .$22„300-.30,000: Vincent C King, individ & EXR Vincent C King, to Geo B Naylor, 1001 West Baroni sl, Plainfield, N J; JunelO; Nov5'21 (R S $1). O C & 100 17TH st, 3-5 W; see 5 av, 122-4. 18TH st, 2 W; see 5 av, 122-4. UTTH st, 322 W (3:742-51), ss, abt 263 w 8 av, 21.10x92, S-sty & b bk dwg; Hy F Tavlor, Jlorristown, N J, to Rose F JIcKenna. 360 W 19; PJI mtg $9,390; Novl4 ; Novl5'21; A$11,000- 14.000 (R S $13.:30). nom 21ST st, 455 W (3:719-10), ns. 180 e 10 av, 20 x98.9, 4-sty & h stn dwg: Jos L Buttenweiser to Beiij J Buttenwieser, 135 Central Park W: B&S: Oct22; Novl.3"21; A$19,0OO-14,00O. nom 24TH st, 100-14 E; see 4 av, 313-21. 24TH st, 240-2 E: see 2 av, 411-15. 25TH st, 438-40 W (3:722-61-62), ss, 270 e 10 av, 40x98.9, 2-4-sly bk tnts; Julia I O'Hara, Hotel Commodore, .. Y, to Geo W Brown, 312 W 20; ratg $14,000; Oct31; Novl0'21: A$I7,000- 22,000 (R S $9). O C & 100 26TH St. 461" W (3:724-6), ns, 190 e 10 av, 25x98.9. O-sty bk tnt & strs: JIaryland Mlg Co to Jennie Bossie. .3921 Wilder av, Bronx; mtg .$29,600; NovlS'21; A$ll,000-S0,000 (R S $3.50). O C & 100 28TH 8t, 1 E; See 5 av, 251. 29TH st, 49-53 E; see 4 av, 424-32. .S3D St. 140 E; See Lex av, 215-17. S4TH st W. nwc 5 av: see 5 av. 338. SSTH st, 17 W (3:837-31), ns, 275 w 5 av, 22x 98.9, 4-sty stn lofl & str bldg, 2 & S-sly ext; Geo W Brown to Julia I O'Hara, Hotel Cora¬ raodore, N Y: Ullg $40,000; Oct28; Novl0'21; A $59,000-66,000 (R S $10). nom 36TH St. 38 W (3:837-67). ss. 455.2 w 5 av, runs s98.9xwl5xn43.4xn.30.3xn5 to st xelS to beg, 4-sty stn loft & str hldg: Theo K Wil- raerding, EXR, &c. Erama L Wilmeriling, to Roth-Picket Realtv Co, 103 Park av; Oct2S; Nov9'21; A$39.9O0-42,00O (R S $45). 46,000 36TH St. 132 W (3:811-31). ss, .383.4 e 7 av, 16.8x98.9, S-stv bk tnt & strs : Hattie -4nders to Alfred F Seligsberg, .30 W 79; uitg .$39,000; Nov 3; Novl0'21; -4.$44,0O0-47,O09 (R S $21). O C & 100 36TH St. 134 W (3:811-52). SS, S66.8 e 7 av, 16.8x98.9. 3-stv bk loft & str bldg: BUen Re¬ gan, 109 W 4.3, to Alfred F Seligsberg. 30 W 70; ratg $2-2.000; Novll; Novl5'21; A$44.000-47,- 000 (R S $23). O C & 100 40TH St. 208-16 W (3:789-47-511, ss, 143 w 7 av, 71.3x98.9. 3-4-stv bk tnts; Little Streets Co to 205 W .S9th St, Inc: B&S; ratg $100,000; Novl5'21; A$100,000-104,000 (R S .$47). O C & 100 48TH St. 2.S6 W (4:1020-10), ns, 2'20 e 8 av, 20xl00..3. 3-stv & b bk dwg; A$40,000-42,000; also 48TH ST, 237 W (4:10'20-9), ns, 200 e 8 av, 20x100.5. 3-sty & b bk dwg; A$40,090-42,- 999; Win H G Gould, Ardraore, Penn, to N T t^itv Soc of Jlethodist Episcopal Church, ------, N Y; ratg $50,000; NovlO; Novl4'21 (R S $1). nom 48TH St. 237 W; see 48th, 235 W. The text of these pases Is copyrighted. All rights are reserved. Notice is hereby given that infringement will lead to prosecution.