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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 109, no. 12: March 25, 1922

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Marcli 25, 1922 RECORD AND GUIDE 381 tic slate rt; $13,500; o) Jos. N. Provernzano, 29 W 38; (a) M. A. Cardo, 61 Bible House (601). 211TH ST, n s, 150 w Paulding av, 2-sty fr dwg, 24x24, asphalt shingle rf ; $5,000; (o) John McCarthy, 254 W 134; (a) L. E. Thompson, 301 W 48th (597). 217TH ST, 3 s. 280.4 e White Plains av, 2- sty fr dwg, 21x50, rubberoid rf; $6,000; (o) Theo, Pfodenhauer, 720 E 217 ; (a) W. Hopkins, 2600 Decatur av (547). 217TH ST, n s, 3(B.8 e Barnes av, two 2-3ty bk dwgs, 16x38, tin rt; $9,000; (o & a) Jos. Spadaro, 827 E 217 (58T). 220TH ST, s s, 375 w Bronxwood av, 2-sty t c dwg, 20x43, slag rf ; $13,000; (o) Michael Trez¬ za, 84 E 22; (a) De Pace & Justin, 3617 ■White Plains av (624). 236TH ST, s s, 93.93 w Webster av, 2H-8ty fr dwg, 28x31.6. asphalt shingle rt; $8,500; (o) Anna E. Nelson, 228 B 238; (a) Jos. L. Kllng, 3410 Gunther av (560). STORES AND DWELLINGS. BOSTON POST RD, swe Rombolt av. 3-sty fr str & dwg, 39.4x27, slag rf ; $9,000; (o) Vin¬ cenzo Vilello, 537 W S9th st; (a) Sllvis Mlnoli, 75 Havemeyer st. Corona, L. I, (679). TREMONT AV, n s, 100,01 e Monroe av, 3- sty bk str & dwg, 40x40.7, plastic slate rf ; $20,- 000; (o) S. J. Altman, 200 B Tremont av; (a) Chas. Schaefer, 394 B 130th (716). STORES, OFFICES AND LOPTS. SHERMAN AV, nee Academy, 1-sty bk strs, 100x100, compo rt; $35,000; (o) L. & B. Const. Co., 700 Trinity av ; (a) Wm. Shary, 41 Union Sq W (161). STORES AND TENEMENTS. BOSTON RD. swe Wilkins av. 2-sty bk strs & tnt, 165.11x61.4, slag rt; $55,000; (o) Louis Koenig, 841 Jennings; (a) J. M. Felson, 1133 Bway (790). PLYMPTON AV, w s, 236.47 s 172d, 5-sty bk tnt, 175x37.7, plastic slate rf; $170,000; (o) Thos. Dwyer, 216th & Bway ; (a) Chas. Schaefer, jr., 394 E 1.50th (646). SEDGWICK AV, w s, 580.7 n IClngsbridge rd, 2-5-sty bk tnts. 126.11x121.1, rubberoid rf; $450,000; (o) John H. Bukman. 2299 Andrews "v; (a) John P. Boyland, 120 E Fordham rd (636). STEBBINS AV, e 3, 99.4 n Westchester av, 6-sty bk tnt, 100x67, slag rt; $120,000; (o) Geo. F. Johnson Est., Inc., Fredk. Johnson, 30 B 42d, Pres; (a) Chas. Kreymborg, 2334 Marlon av (691). UNIVERSITY AV, w B, 175 n 195th, 5-sty bk tnt, 75x85.8, plastic slate rf ; $130,000; (o) Bed¬ ford Const. Co., W. M. Rooney, 103 E 106th, Pres; (a) Bdw. O'Connell, 666 E 164th (702). VYSE AV, es, W 174TH ST, 2-sty bk tnts, 75x 88, slag rt; $2.50,000; (o) Vyse Bldg. Corp., Kreymborg, 2,534 Marion av (676). STORES AND THEATRES. BURNSIDE AV. n e o Walton av, 1-sty bk theatre & strs, 100x208, asphalt rf; $150,000; (o) The Jupiter Realty Co, Morris Winlk, 71 W 23d st, pres; (a) John J. Dunnigan, 394 E loOth 3t (644). Brooklyn CHURCHES. BRISTOL ST, 375-81, e s, 100 s Livonia av, 1- sty bk synagogue, 50x80; $18,000; (o) Chevra Anawath Israel Ansheb Troleveo, Inc., 363 Bris¬ tol ; (a) S. Millman & Son, 1780 Pitkin av (3339). DWELLINGS. PRESIDENT ST, 1349-31. n s, 125 e Brooklyn av. 2%-sty bk 1 fam dwg, 39x.54.4 ; $30,000; (o) Chas. I. Mandell. 1.34 Bway; (a) Slee & Bryson, 154 Montague (2962). SEELEY ST, 167-81, n s. 10.10 e Prospect av, 8-2-sty bk 1 fam dwgs, 16x45; $40,000; (o) Geo. Watts. 1418 President; (a) Jas. A. Boyne, 367 Fulton (2942). TERRACE PL. 1.54-60. s s. 17.7 e Prospect av, 4-2-sty bk 1 fam dwgs, 16x45; $20,000; (o) Geo. Watts, 1418 President; (a) Jas. A. Boyle, 367 Fulton (2943). NEW YORK AV. 901-5, e s, 100 n Church av, 4-sty bk tnt, 60x84.2; $90,000; (o) Maurice Shapiro, 902 Brooklyn av; (a) Cohn Bros., 361 Stone av (3221). OCEAN PKWAY, 183-9, e s, 133,8 n Church av, 4-oty bk tnt, 80x102; $123,000; (o) Olga Realty Co., Inc., 646 Vernon av, L. I. City; (a) Shampan & Shampan, 50 Court (3259). OCEAN PKWAY, 191-201, nee Church av. 4-sty bk tnt, 102.9x109.7; $150,000; (o) Olga Realty Co., Inc., 646 Vernon av, L. I. City (a) Shampan & Shampan, 50 Court (3099). K,.^."'^'l'5^1,o-^^.' -■'-''• i» s, 90 e Grand av. 5-8ty bk tnt, 60x88; $75,000; (o) La Maur Realty Co., Inc., 211 3 av ; (a) Eugene De Rosa, 110 W 40th. Manhattan (3026). , T^Z'^.t^ i^■^• l"-25. ° e c Grand av, 5-sty bk tnt, 90x90: $150,000; (o) La Maur Realty Co., ,^?;.- , ? ^^' '"' Bugene De Rosa, 110 W 40th, Manhattan (3027). SNEDIKER AV, 523-7, e s, 100 s Riverdale av. 2-2-sty bk tnt, 25x70; $28,000; (o) Max Kimer, 4i4 Junius; (a) Morris Rothstein, 2109 3 av (29:35). STH AV, 114, w s, 40 n Carroll, 5-sty bk tnt, 40x80; .$65,000; (o) Victory Operating Corp., 305 Bway, Manhattan; (a) Benj. Driesler, Jr., 153 Remsen (3239), FACTORIES AND WAREHOUSES. N lOTH ST. 1-11, n s, 309.2 w Kent av, 2-3ty bk warehouse, 100.10x100; $30,000; (o) The Standard Oil Co,, 26 Bway, Manhattan; (a) owners (2830). KNICKERBOCKER AV, 106-20, s w 0 Thames, 2-sty bk factory, .56.8x92.8; $20,000; (o) Murray & Manceri, 118 Knickerbocker av; (a) Adolpn Goldberg, 104 Montague (2819). STABLES AND GARAGES. 87TH ST, 416-24, s s, 121.10 e 4 av, 1-sty bk garage, 80x80; $8,000; (o) John Kass, 7416 2 av; (a) P. W. Stork, 7416 3 av (3327). 3D AV, 9002, swe 90th, 3-sty bk garage, str & 2 fam dwg, 20x80; $15,000; (o) Alvin R. Olsen, 6014 3 av ; (a) M. A. Cantor, 373 Fulton (3113). 4TH AV, 5824, n w c 59th, 2-sty bk garage, strs & 2 fam dwg, 20x90; $10,000; (o) Alexander Miller, 5210 12 av ; (a) Harry Dorf, 614 Kosci¬ usko (3057). 4TH AV, 5802, swe SSth, 2-sty bk garage, strs & 2 fam dwg, 20x90; $10,000; (o) Alex. Miller, 5210 12 av ; (a) Harry Dorf, 614 Kosci¬ usko (3058). STORES AND DWELLINGS. AMBOY ST, 448-58, n w c Newport av, 2-sty bk strs & 2 fam dwg, 25x72 ; $15,000 ; (o) West- field Bldg. Corp., 404 Alabama av ; (a) Abraham Farber, 1746 Pitkin av (3098). FULTON ST, 2849-55, n s, 21 w Barbey, 1-sty bk str & 2 fam dwg, 73.x60; $20,000; (o) Fred Frisco, 199 Shepherd av; (a) Wm, C. Winters, 108 Van Siclen av (3011). SOMERS ST, 133, n s, 250 e Stone av, 3-3ty bk str & 2 fam dwg, 29.5x43; $20,000; (o) Theo¬ dore Egeroff, 184 Varet; (a) Murray Klein, 37 Graham av (3106). 22D ST, 194, 3 3, 175 e 4 av, 3-sty bk str & 2 fam dwg, 25x56; $15,00; (o) G. Paglianettl, 198 22d; (a) Raphael Caporale, 6023 19 av (3031). THEATRES. MYRTLE AV, 158, s a, 33.10 e Flatbush av ext, 1-sty bk theatre, 22.6x100; $8,500; (o) Sub¬ way Motion Picture Co., prem; (a) Mctiarthy & Kelly, 16 Court (2816). MISCELLANEOUS. SMITH ST, 3 e c Sth, 1-sty bk gas purifying house, 49.10x150.11; $18,000; (o) Brooklyn Union Gas Co., 176 Remsen; (a) Jas. J. Mill- man, 26 Court (2S26). ORIENTAL BLVD, sec Ocean av,. 1-sty tr stand, 33.8x33.8; $1,500; (o) Manhattan Beach Park, Inc., 67 Liberty, Manhattan; (a) Nelson K. Vanderbeek, 15 Maiden lane, Manhattan (3237). Queens APARTMENTS, FLATS AND TENEMENTS. LONG ISLAND CITY.—Queens blvd, swe Bragaw st, 5-sty bk tnt, 40x90, gravel roof, 15 fam, elec. steam heat; $95,000; (o) Queens Blvd. Realty Corp., 220 Ely av, L. I. City; (a) Pettit & Ferris, 2 Wall st, N. Y. (2323). DWELLINGS. DOUGLASTON.—Virginia rd, s s, 197 w Doug¬ laston rd ; also PRINCETON RD, n w c Virginia rd, two 2»4-sty fr dwgs, 33x37, shingle rt, 1- family, elec, steam heat: $24,500; (o & a) Geo. C. Fike, Douglaston (1426-1427). EDGEMERE.—Maple Court, e s, 168 n Bay av, four 1-sty fr dwgs, 18x38, shingle rf, 1 fam, gas; $10,000; (o fi a) Max Shapiro, Bch SSth, Edgemere (1170 to 1173). EDGEMERE.—Far Rockaway blvd, s e c, & Beach 40th st, two 2-sty fr dwgs, 16x42, shingle rf, 2 fam, gas; $8,500; (o) Queens Land Es¬ tates, Inc., 364 Pulton st, Bklyn; (a) Louia Secher, 364 Pulton st, Bklyn (1386). ELMHURST.—16th st. e s, 280 n Albermarle ter, 2-sty fr dwg, 22x48, shingle rf, 2 families, gas, steam heat; $9,200; (o) Chas. & Mary Geibel, 1.559 Av A, Manhattan; (a) A. N. Drag- nett. 116 W .39th. Manhattan (1344). FAR ROCKAWAY.—Rue De St Felix, n e O Bch 14th st, 2-sty fr dwg, 116x87, slag rt 2 fam and store; $18,000; (o) Dorf & Cohen, Par Rockaway; (a) Ben Glucksman, Far Rockaway (1211). '' FLUSHING.—35th st, s s, 415 w Parsons av, 2V4-sty fr dwg. 25x44, shingle rf, 1 fam, gas, steam heat; $12,000; & 1-sty Ir garage, 20x24, $500; (o) A. Simons, 29 Main, Flushing; (a) Joseph Unger, 28 W 19th, Whitestone (1:351-52). FLUSHING.-Union at. e s, 75 n Washington, 2%-sty fr dwg, 21x52. slag rf, 2 families, gas; $10,(X)0: (0) Margaret Pearson, 32 Union, Flush¬ ing ; (a) W. J. McKenna, 21 State, Flushing (1584). LAURELTON.—Belmont av, a s, 88 e West rd, 2%-sty fr dwg, 36x30, shingle rf, 1 family, gas, hot air heat; $9,000; (o) Kate Waltjen, 567 Hudson, Manhattan ; (a) H. R. Cloyd 261 Bway, Manhattan (1583). EMPIRE Extensible Steel Partitions are adjustable to any ceiling height. Entire floors can be dis¬ mantled and re-erected over night, at less than 2.5% of the cost of the ordinary partitions. Finished in Baked Enamel, Oak, Mahogany, Circassian and Amer¬ ican Walnut, etc. "COST COMPARES FAVOR¬ ABLY WITH WOOD" See Our Details in Sweet's Catalogue In that giant among giants—the Equitable Building—what parti¬ tion to use was a serious ques¬ tion. You can imagine that with the stream of tenants moving and changing continually the cost of building new partitions might easily be tremendous. There was not only the cost of the material destroyed if plaster partitions were used, but the dust annoyance to the tenants had to be thought of. Every type of partition material was considered and rejected for one reason or another. Finally Empire Steel Partitions was decided upon because of the "ease and economy" with which it can be moved whenever ten¬ ants require alterations. "The partitions embodying the EMPIRE STEEL construction give us a flexible partition which can be used on nearly every floor, and which can be moved at low cost, without expensive waste or damage. C. T. COLEY, M. E., Operating Manager, Equitable Ofiice Bldg. Corp., New York EMPIRE STEEL PARTITION CO., Inc., College Point, N. Y.