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.aAlVHATTAN AND BRONX REAL ESTATE RECORDS SECTION FOUNDED 1668 8KOTION TW AND ^^ BUILDERS ©urn DEVOTED TO REAL ESTATE. BUILDING MANAGEMENT AND CONJTRUCTION IN GREATER NEW YORKAND ViaNltY, This section includes all recorded Conveyances, MiSi;elIaneou8 Conveyances, Mortgages, Assignments of Mortgages and Satisfied Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions, Leases, Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Sales, Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure Suit*. Judgm'ents in Foreclosure Suits. Lis Pendens. Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Affecting Real Estate, Building Loan Contracts. 'Wills and Real Estate Appraisals in the Borough of Manhattan. Vol. CX (2345) NEW YORK, SEPTEMBER 23, 1922 No. 13 CONVEYANCES. Manhattan. SEPT, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18 & 19. Abingdon sq, 15-19; see 8 av, 8-12, AUen »t, 44 (1:308-1), es, 73 n Hester, 25x 65.1, 5-sty bk tut & strs ; Ernestine Cohen, 363 Grand, to Ezra Cohen, 365 Grand; Septl-1':.'2; AJ18 000-24,000 (R S SOcl, O C & 160 Bleecker st. 1I8U-2 (2:321-41-45), sec Wooster (Nos 192-91), 56x73, 2 & 3-sty bk & fr tnts & strs; St John B.dg Corpn to Lithos Really Corpn. 277 Bway, Vi pt: mtg $45,000; SeptlS; Septll'22; A$31,SOO-31,000 (R S SOc). nom Broome st, 337 12:408-39). ss, SO e Ludlow, 25x50, 5-sty bk loft & str bldg; Louis Shein¬ berg, 2698 Valentine av, to Isaac Coheu, 518 Bedford av, Bklyn; mtg $8,500; Septl2; SeptlS •22: A$U,0rO-18,0flfl (R S $ii). 100 Cherry st, 39 (1:109-15), ss, 61.11 w Roose¬ velt, 17x74.S.\ 17x74. 4-sty bk tnt & strs; ,Tohn B Golden to Bernard Golden, 4820 13 av, Bklvu mtg $9,000; JulySl'lS; Septl6'22; A$6,OnO-lil,- 000, O C & 160 Division st. 113 (1:283-92), ss, abt 60 e Pike, 26x63.6, with use of alleywav 8 ft wide lead¬ ing from rear, to Bast Bway, S-stv bk tnt & strs; Sarah, wife .Max Piatt, to Louis W Prag¬ er, 911 Fox, IS pt; AT; QC; Septl2; Sepil6 '22: A$21„-00-28„sno. iom Division st, 113 Max Piatt to same, 1-S pt; B&S & CaG: JuiylS: Septl6'22. nom Dominick st, 39 (2:570-39), ns. 160 e Hud¬ son, 20x87.6, 2-sty bk dwg: Ben] F Heard of Township of Springfield, Union Co, N J, lo Wm N Heard, al cor Morris & Mapie avs. Township of Springheld, Union Co. N J; mlg $14,000 & AL; Augl; Augl6'22: A$9,S0O-Il,(i.(O (R S $250). nom Dyckman st IS:2174-pt It 46), ws, 300 u Nagle av, runs nl00xwl30xs31.11xs7,3.1 lo es Thayer xsl4.4\?-2flfl to beg, vacant: Edw J Pene'nn, IW B'liott av. Yonkers, NY, to I J & M V R R-a'ty Co, 103 Park av; mtg $12,000: SeptO; Septl4'22: AS------$------ (R S .«;13). nom Forsyth St. 61 (1:302-17), swc Hester (No 110), 2,Sx:0 S sty bk tnt & strs; Esther Schnitzer, E.XTRX Hyman Schnitzer, to Hy¬ man Posinsky, 8 B'dridge: mtg $21,060: Aug 10; Septl3'22; A$20.000-3S,COO (R S $23). „ 45.600 Forsvth St. 109 (2:421-34), ws, 73 n Riving¬ ton, 27x,-02 S sty b'l tnt & strs: Enhraim FIesch"r to Morris Eskanazi, 38 Rivington, & Isaac Ishouel, 123 T.udinw: mtg $13,600- Sent 13; Septl6'22: A$9,0C0-16,O0O (R S $5). .^ ... O C & 100 Franklin st. sg; see Bway. 260-61 Greene st, ??7 (2:,S35-1S). swc 4th (Nos 34- 38). ruus w6ixs.'ir,.0 XW27.6 X320xe87.0 to ws Greene xn76 2 to beg, 7-sty bk loft & str bldg; Louis S Freed et al to Thirtv-Four-Six & E'r5,t ^'•'^* '**'' S't Corpn, 299 Bwav; mlg |60.IVV); Septll: Septl5'22; Ai545.00O-l,30,000 (R S $42), , nom Hall Dl. 4-,'5 (2:462-5), es, 706 n 6th, 43 3.x 75, 4-sty bk garage; Albert Horstmann, Brightwaters. Bay Shore. L I. to Jns Stern- M^fn^^^c" T; * '^'*'f*^ Frank, 216 E 6; mlg gl-^'"": Sept6; Septl6'22: A$15,0flO-47,00O (R s $33.80). O C & 100 cn^.^n**';'',?' ^-'' '^ :313-,33-34), ns, 50 w Clintou. 50x101, 2-6 stv bk tnts & strs: Morris Fein to Dora Kessler, 644 Wnlcg av: mtg ,i;,S0 000 & two PM mtgs, each S7 5(H)- Sentl"- Sent1,3-'-''• A$42.ono-7S noo (R S .1!2.-,i. " ' O C & liio Hester st, 5-7: Dora Kessler tn Sophia Mav¬ er, 41 E 72; mtg $65,000; Septl2; Septl3'22. „ . , nom Hester st, 110: see Forsvth, 61. Hnd'on st, 141; sec Hudson 143 «o?"^» ?" ,"*• l'«,.(l'2« 21). -ws. 114 n Beach, il;?^!'!:?- ^""y '''^ f"': A$17.0flO-],no-('OOno (R S $105). iii.-i.omi -William sf. 3.57-9 (1:119-40), ns, 77.5 e New Chamhors, 30 .-xn'.6x.30.Sx63.2, 7-sty bk lotl & sir bldg; Richard B Rodermond, 62 Colum¬ bia ter, Weehawken, N J, to Henry O Roder¬ mond. 41 Columbia ter, Weehawken, N J; mtg .';77.,S0O; Oct27; SeptlS'22; A$26,O0O-6S,O0O (R S $2), ' nom William st, 257-9 (1:119); Henry O Roder¬ mond, 42 Columbia ter, Weeha-ivkeu, N J, to Marv A Hail, 3-29 W 77; mtg $77,300; SeptlO; ScptlS-22 (R S .'Ji. 2,000 Willett st, 10O--J; see Stanton, 241. Wooster St. 192-94; see Bleecker, 120 22. 4TH st, 34-38 W; see Greene, 227. 9X11 St. 337 E (2:451-43), ns, 173 w 1 av. 25x 92.3, S-sty bk tnt & strs; John N Conyngham 10 Peler Fiorentino. 434 E 117; B&S: Sept7; Septl3'22: A$15,000-24,000 (R S $12.30). O C & 100 PTII sf. 337 E; Wm H Couvngham to same; Seini): SepllS'22 (R S Sl2.-:o». O C & 100 i.'TH st, 13 W (2 :,-i73-51), ns, 2'.S w 3 av, 17.4 x92.3 4-stv bk dwg; Ira H Patcbin to Mar¬ tin E-an.' 993 Park av: B&S; mtg $18,000; Septll; Sepll4.-22 : .\.sl3.,S00-2n,ilflO. uom OTH St. 24 W (2:."7--'-2S), ss. 3,i5.9 w a av, 25 x03.ll, 4-stv & b bk dwg; Teresa .f Coman et al to Laura" E Wa'k-r. ."i3S W 179; Aug2S; Sept ]4'22- A,$23.0OO-,3O,(:lK) IR S $39), O C & 100 IITH st, .'■.-28-32 E (2:404-18), SS, ,370.6 e Av A, (»x94,.'^. 6-slv bk tnt & strs; Solomon Sil- bcrb'att to Dora Si'berblatt, 120 W 119; AL; Scpt7; Septl4'22; A$2i;.IH^)-76,000 (B S .$1). O C & 100 13TH St. 431 E (2:441-46), ns, abt ,330 e 1 av, 2(ix;-;.s;7. vacant: Hy M Brigham, REF, to City N Y, plff, FORECLOS transfer tax, Juiyl9'22; SeptlS: Septl4'22: A$4,000-4,000 R S $3), 3,000 13TH st, J33 E (2:'41-4S1, ns, abt 231 w Av A. 24,sxlll.3. vacant: Hv M Brigham, REF, to Citv of N Y, plff: FORECLOS transfer tax, Jii''v19-22; SeptlS; Septl4'22; A$3,0O0-o.0l)O (R S $1). -tOBO 13TH st, 239 W (2:618-.')9). US, 47S w 7 av, 20.10x103.3, 3-stv bk dwg; Mary D Boyle, 71 7 av, to Bruno Ouenther, 245 W 14; ni'g $11„'!00; SeptlS: Scptl6'22; A.$IO,000-12,000 (R S $650). O C & 100 14TH st, 317 E (3:921-11), US, 187.6 e 2 av, '23.3x103 .';x23x]03.8. 4-sty stn tnt; Edwin B King, Warren'on, Virginia, to Frank P Cati- nella. SO St M-rks pi: mfg .^l.'.O'O; Septll: Sent1S'22: .\,$lS.500-1S.i100 (R S $'!..'^n). nom 16TH sf. 9-11 E (3:.'i44-8). ns, 191.6 e S av, SO x92. 7-sty Ilk loft & str bldg: Baron de Hirsh Fund, a cornn. to Beatrice, wife Isidore OMu- er. .\rvernp.'LI; mtg $73 000; Augl; Sentl4'22 ; .\$7S.orO-14.1.0^0 (R S $1.'^). O C & 160 1,TH st, 400-2 E: s<>e 1 av, 2.88, 19TH st, 347 W (3:7-'3-15), ns, 26,S.7 e 9 av, 21,10vi!3.in. 3-=ly bk dwg: Nora .\ Garvey, 347 W 19, to M,'irieta Timbrr. 27.34 s av: PM ; mtg $9,600; Septl3'22; A.'f9.fi00-ll,500 (R S $14). O C & 100 20TH St. 200-2 W; see 7 av, 166. 23D st, 312 W (3:7'6-50), ss, 100 w 8 av, 20.7 x9S 9. 4-sty stn tnt & str; Anna Delaney, (;liN Marv Fitzgerald & ano, to Louis Phil- lipe, 318 W -23: B&S: mtg $18,000; Septll: Sepll3-22: A.l;ii;.0C0--20.flO0 (R S $4). noui 23D st, 312 W: Anna A King. 311 W 7.''!. to same. 1-ii part; mtg $18,000; JulylS: Scpll3'22 (R S .'?2i. (I C & 100 23D st, 312 W; Rachel A Bovlan, widow, & ano. lo same, 3 0 pt; mtg $18,000; JulvS; Sept ]3'22 (R S $5). O C & 100 3311 -1. 334 W (3:746-61). sws, abt 350 w 8 av, 2."xlis,,'J. 4-sty & b stn dwg: Rachel A Poylaii, 2s Pinehurst av, widow, & ano, to Leo House for German Catholic Bmigraiils. a corpn, ,330 W 23. 3-6 pt ; mtg Sis.ono; JulylS; Scptl4'22; A,$20.
St. 331 W; Mary & Ann Fitzgerald, by Ann Delaney. GUN. to same: AT; mtg $18,- 000; Septll; Sentl4'22 (R S $41. 3.833,32 24TH sf, 33G-8 E 13:929-40-41). SS, 123 W 1 nv, 30x9^9. 2-4-sty bk tnts & strs: Reinhardt Realty Corpn lo Laura B Walker, widow; mtg $14,000 & two PM mlgs. each $1,623; Sept 1; Septin'22: A$20,O0O-27,COO (R S $7.50), nom The text of these pages is copyrighted. All rights are reserved. Notice is hereby given that Infringement will lead to prosecution.