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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 110, no. 19: November 4, 1922

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THIS ^lAGAZii'i j2. ' >V ^,*1 11 1, *7 7 Dey Street, New York MA.MHATTA.N AND BRONX RECORDS SECTION •BCTIOM TW« REAL ESTATE FOUNDED lees BUILDERS AND DEVOTED TO REAL ESTATE. BUILDING MANAGEMENT AND CONSTRUCTION IN GREATER NEW YORK AND VICINITY, This section Includes all recorded Conveyances, Miscellaneous Conveyances, MortKagea, Assignments of Mortg-aKes and Batlsflad Mortgrages and Mortgage Extensions, Leases, Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Sales, Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure Suits, Judgments In Forecrosure Suits, Lis Pendens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Affecting Real Estate. Building Loan Contracts, 'WOlB and Rea;l Bstate Appraisals In the Borough of Manhattan, Vol. CX (2851) NEW YORK, NOVEMBER 4, 1922 No. 19 CONVEYANCES. Manhattan. OCT. 25, 26, 27, 2S, 30 & 31. Arden st, 15 (8:2174-1801. es, 134 n Nagle av, 27x110, 5-sty bk tnt; Elenore Grossman, 213 W 90, to Agnes R & Mary P Havanagh, 400 Convent av; mtg $36,800 & PM mtg $3,000; Oct27; Oct30'22; A$4,500-35,000 (R S $8), num Attorney st, 155-7 (2:350-69-70), ws, 200 s Houston, 50x100, 2-6-sty hk tnts & strs, 4sty bk rear tnt; Jos L Buttenwieser, 135 Central Park W, to Rosemin Realty Corpn. 261 Bway; PM mtg $34,000; Oct26; 0012722; A$23,500- 36,000 (R S $40). O C & 100 Attorney st, 155-7; Rosemin Realty Corpn to Liebhaber Realty Corpn, 158 Rivington; mtg $34,000; Oct26; Oct27'22 (R S $7,50). O C & 100 Bank ht. 6 (2:614-54), ss. 65 e Waverly pl, 15x60, 5-sty stn dwg; Mary A Williams, 6 Bank, to Alk-e M Ertz, 148A Webster .-iv, Jer¬ sey City, N,l ; mtg $8,250; Sept6; Oct31'22; A $8,00012,000 (R S 50c). nom Bank st, 6; Alice M Ertz, 148A Webster av, Jersey City, NJ, to Jos M Levine, S32 Manida 8t, Bx; mtg $8,000; Oct30; Oct31'22 (R S 50c). nom Barrow st, 18 (2:591-34), ns, abt 48,3 e 7 av ext, 25x90 to 7 av, except part for 7 av & Varick st widening & ext, 4-sty bk dwg; Jas E McKeown to Martha E Moore, 2043 Creslon av, Bx; Matilda J, Robert G McKeown, 425 W 160, & Samuel A McKeown, 270 Convent av; JulylS; Oct26'22; A$9,000-15,000 (R S SOc). nom Bayard st. 70 (1:201-34). ns, abt 50 e Mott. 22.10x100, 7-sty bk tnt & strs; Beckie Hurwitz & ano to Chin Pong, 10 Doyers ; mtg $21,500; Oct26; Oct28'22; A$16,5OO-3S,O0O (R S $31). nom Bleecker st. 91 (2:533-35). ns, 74.8 w Mercer, 28.4x160,10x20x153.10; also BLEECKER ST, 99 (2:533). ns, 75 e Greene, 25x125, 6-sty bk loft & str bldg; Ray Hershkowitz to Feinblatt Re¬ alty Corpn, 22 W 1st st, Mt Vernon, NY; mtg $121,750; Sept29; Oct26'22; A$42,000-107,000 (R S $13,50). O C & 100 Bleecker st, 99; see Bleecker, 97. Catharine bl, 1-7; see Cherrv, 119-21, Cherry st, 41 (1:109-16), ss, abt 45 w Ro.ise- velt, 16.2x74x15.7x74, 3-sty fr bk ft tnt & sir: Wm P Clare, REP, to Emanuel G Barh. 1-200 Mad av; FORECLOS, ------; Oct27 ; 0.t2s 22 ; A $5,500-0,500 (R S $6), 5,725 Cherry st, 119-21 (1:250-SG), sec Cath sl (Nos 1-7), runs e71.5xswS0.4xw63 to sl xn80 to beg, 2 5 sly bk tnts & strs: Wm H Numann to John M Gaiinari. 142 Cherry; mtg $22,000: Oct26; Oct27'22; A$20.()00 72,00(1 (R S $64), nom Cherry st, 327 (1:248-86), ss. 1S0.9 e Pike .--1 or St. 24.o.xf)!).6x23.11x99.6, 5-stv bk tnt: Abr I Spiro, REF. to Bernard F Go'lden, 1205 IOth, Bklyn: FORECLOS. ------; Oct-27; OcV2S'^22: A $8,000-19 000 (1! s s;ii;i. 15,8110 Christopher st, 3-6; see Greenwich av, 5. Clinton St. '27-29: see Stanton. IOO. Delaurey sl, 2:12 (2:338-79). nec Willett (Nos 46-4SI. 25x05. 7-sty bk loft & str lildg; Annie Brimlnrg. 27;i Eastern Parkway, Bklyn, to Harry Sehetzen, 653 Blake av, Bklvn; AL; Ool9: ()<.'t.'!1"22: A$13,000-20,()oi) (R S $1), nom Duane sl, 207 (1:142-23), ns, abt .55 e Caro¬ line, ■26S-S.5S1. 5-sty bk loft bUiR: V .V Slew- art & Co. 207 Duane, to Parksloy National Bank at rarksl.>y, Va ; B&S; mtg :flO.iKiO ; Sept 18: 0(-l2C-22: A.i:2,-5,(100-20,noO (R S $10). O C & 100 st, Av .\ or Pleasant av (6:1C97- 2,';i--2(;i , 27',), el, as laid out prior to 1,^75 ext. from 103d to 104th sts, —x— to pt 40 w from bulkhead line established 1890, va¬ cant; Standard Gas Light Co to Lancaster, Dailev & Lancaster, Inr. laid st & East Riv¬ er; H&S & CaG; Oct27; Oi(2S-22: .4$5:!.00O .".:!,- 000 11; S ,$551, () c & 100 Goerck st, 2G (2:322-11, es, 75 n Broome, 25x100, 5-sty bk tnt; .Vnna Jackson, Floral I'ark, LI, & ano, to .\nna S Jackson, Hemp¬ stead av & Clii-stnut st. West Hempstead, Ll; mtg $------: 0.t2; Oet27'22; A$5,000-17,000. nom Goerck st, 26; Anna S Jackson, West Hemp¬ stead, LI, 1.. Anna Jackson, 51 Maenolia av. Floral I'ark, LI. & Iiv Brandt, 492 Bklyn; mtg $------; 0.-t3; Oct-27'22. nom Goerck st, 6S (2:323-4), es, 150 n Delancey, 25x99, 5-Bty bk tnt; Alrick II..Iding Co, 230 Grand, t.i Gruen Holding Co, 2:;o Grand; AL; Oet-20; Oct28'22; A$7,000-13,000 (R S $1). nom Goerck st, 111-17; see Stanton, 319. Henderson pl, 16 (5:1.5,S3 25F). is, 1'23.6 n .•^Oth, 18x46, 3-sty & b lik dwR: .Mary F Wat¬ kins, 10 Henderson pi, to .\ilelaide I'l'iidersa^^t, 1(1 Henderson pl; Ql': Oet25; ("dl 20-22: A $3.,500-10,000 (R S $2..5()). 1) (' & 100 Heury st, 100 (1:275-41), swe Pike (No 20). S5x25. 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Louis Rotkowitz t.i Isra.'l Kotk..witz, 104 E 81: mtg $24.1100; Oct 24; Oet2(;-22; A$2'2,000-39,000 (R S ,''J).'). iii in Houston st, »28-30 B; see .\y A, 13. Houston st, 495 B (2:325 14), ss, OO e Goerck, 20x75, 4-stv tr bk ft tnt; Civia Reiss to Alir J Hecht, 220 Ii.'laneey; QC ; Julyl7 ; Oct25-22 ; A$4,500-5,5O0. nom Honston st. 495 B; Abr J Hecht to Celia Isman, 495 East Houston; mtg $6,500; JulylO; Oet25'22. nom .James st, 9 (1:117 29), WS, abt 130 s Park Row, 20x132x26x131, ns, 5-sty bk tnt & strs & 4-sty bk rear tnt; Margt Brown, Sloatsburg, XY, EXTRX .Nicholas T Brown, to Ellis Gor¬ don. 207 Park Row: mtg $18 500; Oct23; Oct30 ■22; A$20,00O-32,(X)0 (R S $15.50). 34,000 Leroy St. 81; See St Lukes pl. 9. Leyden st. nes. at ses Teunissen pl: see Teu¬ nissen pl, SI'S, at nes Li'.iili'ii Lewis St. 13 (2:326 30), es. 150 n Grand. 25 xloo, 5 sty bk tnt & strs: (!ood Samaritan Dis- p.-iisarv. a corpn to Solomon Green, 91 Jack¬ son: ()ct2::: Oct'2l3-22; A$6.000-12,000 (R S $17). I7,0«fl Market st, ,36 (1 :275 1 son. 22.:',x,S0,nx22,3x86.9, Tillie M Frieil. legatee of Abr Uii'liniaii. S.53 Macy A$11.5ll0.21.(l0l). .Monro., st. 5S (1 :2.>4-45), .'t. 23.1x02,l(ix-25 :;xii2,?. 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Kalman Gol.liiian to Morris Zuckerman & Abr Ydowif/.. 241 K i::: mtg $-23,000 & PM mtg •$2,200; i)cl2,s; 0.-t:lii-22; A$10,0O0-23,00O (R S $3). 100 .Monroe st. I.5fi (1 :-2,5S-3(l I. ss. l.'!7.7 e Clinton, 24.11x»:i 4x25x9l).4, 6-sty lik tnt .*.- sirs; Dora K.ssl.r. Bx. lo Benj .\l Clruenstein, 119 W.'St 71; Jos L P. Muycr. 2 W SO. & Moritz Gruen¬ stein. .115 ('.'iiir:il I'ark W: .\I.: SeptSO; Oct 2,-^-22: A$1".i'OO-33.0i:n. nom yioor.i.' st. ixi (1:20.-', 5i, ss. 125 e Jackson, -25x017. O-sty 1.1; tnt & strs: Marshall W I'ask. Portchest. r, N5'. t.i Anthonv A Agolia, 2.S1 i;&S .V- CaG: Oct25: Oet;;i-22; A$7,- 50-22.50(1 (K S $201. %U,aOO Overlook ter. es, at land C K G Billiiifrs; see Bwny. nwc 102.1. Overlook ter. sec Ft Wash av; see Bwav, nwc 192d. Perry st, 49 (2:613-1), nec 4th (No 267). .'lO xl7.11. .-l-stv 1.1c tnt & str: Conl H Sehroeder 1.1 Ali.'.' T ()-|-onnor, 207 W 4: 0.125-22; A$9,- 0(10-13,0(10 (i; S $18). 100 I'll:.. h(. 36: see Henrv. 100. KiviiiKlon St. 275 (2 :.-i:;:!-.54), ss. IIS.I w Can¬ non, 1,'<\50.1, 3-sty bk & fr tnt: Dolores Fred¬ ericks ei al to Henry M Groehl, 527 Bedford av, Bklvn; OctlO; Oct25'22; A.$7,000-9.000 iR s $9). O C & Mil st Luk. s pi, 9, or Leroy st, 81 (2 :ri.s:;-.-i2l. ns, 1,', & 5 s(y Ilk & fr tnt & strs; Peter Iio.'lger K.altv ('.. to Peter Doelger Brewing Co. 407 E .55 : Junel; 0.'t2i;-22 ; A$17,00O-19,0Oil. uom Stanton st, 166 12:350-30), nwc Clinton (Nos 27-291, 25x75. r. slv l.k Ini & strs: Louis Rot¬ kowitz to Isj-ael llotkowitz. 104 E Sl; mtg $25,- Ol<0; Oct24 ; (). (20-22: A$::o.oi)0-5I,()()0 (R S 50e). 100 Stanton st, :il!i (2:32!1-,54), swc Goerck ( 111-171. 50x75. 0 stv bk tnt & sirs: .\rthur .\ Mill.T to Jos (isir..ff, 7S5 II.'Wilt 1.1: Oct27: (i.'t:!r22: A.$2::.inio-.5; (r .s $oO). o C & l.oiio Sufl-olk st, 12 il:::i:;2l, .-s. al.t 75 11 ll.'St. r. 25x.'iO. 5-sly bk tnt & sirs; Marold C M:illu'ws I't al to iirev Goldman. 6'5 West Kud av; (ii-t2:i: Oct:i1-22: A$ll,o(io 13,300 (R S $18), 18,000 Teunissen pl (S:2215-42l. seS, at nes l.iydcu, 75x100. vacant ; Sigmunil B.'ndit & aim, 'I'KS- 'I'F.S of lli.'liard Alexander, to Tommaso Gior- ilaiio. 2247 Soiitli.'rii blvd, Bx; Sept27; Del27 '22: .,\.$:i.(Ki .-l.iXHi (K S $1). '.no Washington st, 313 (1:112 10). es, 75 n Duane 25xSO, 5-sty bk lofl & str lililf;; H.-rbcrt G Mill's, Jersev City. N,1. to ,Ios S.-hwartz, 244 West St. Bklyn: I'lyinaii Pakula, 1221 E 10th st, Bklvn; Isidor Krumholz. 1|-.51 47th, Bklyn, & Harry Brown. 1409 St Johns pl. Bklyn: nits; .$:;o.oiio & P.M mtK $10.0oi); Oc(25: Oct3(|-22: A $-20,000 ::!i,000 ii; s $:!5i. o c & loo Willett st, 46-4«: see Delancey, 232. Wooster sl, 93-5; see Spring, 143. Wooster st, 179-83 (2:524 IS), ws. 100 i. Bli'.'.-ker, 74.8xl00x74.l')xl00, 7-sty lik loft & sir I'l.lg: Louis Smith, Jr, to Trinuuvir Reaity Co. 107 Wo..ster: ml;.- .$------; Ocl25: ().t27'22; A$43,00-1.50,000 (K S $26). nom IsT St. 70-72 E; see 1 av. Pi. IST sl. 123-5 K; sec .\y .\. 1-:;. -.'!> St. 191 E (2 ■.307 ■27). sws, 171.10 nw .\v B, 19:4x105.5. :: sly bk (nt & s(r; Rosa Krcis- ler I.. Jenni.' 'i-aulicr. 101 E 2; mtg $——; O.-t 14; (i.(:;ii-22: .\.$s.,-ii)o-i:;.oiiO iR s .50.-). loo 4TH sl. 2«7 W: see I'.Try. 49. 6TH sl. .-,24 K (2:401-22), ss, :>4n.S e Av A, 24.9x97. 5-sty l.k tnt & strs; Margaretha Do.I- s:.'r & alio. EXRS of M;irgar.'th;i Reidenbach, to .M;ir::ar('tlia llaiior. 120 Stanhope st, Bklvn; nil!.' •$10,000; Oct:!; Oct27-22 : A$l.-i,000-18,000 (R S .$S) 18,000 IITH sl. -03 E (2::j79 63). ns, 58 e Av C, 25 x5s 2, 5 sty bk tnt & strs; Philip Blumen¬ kranz to .\doIph R.'iter. 156 .\v C; mtg $i:!, 0.50: ()ct30; 0.'i:;i-22: A.$7..500-13,.5IX) (R S $7). nom IOTH st, 219 W (2:0211 29), ns, 54.7 w Bleeck¬ er. 21,::x.5ii,ll. .-i-sty bk tnt: Williaius-Dext.'r Co to Ki.'iH-.l.. ,1 \v.?bber, :i.52 w :;i : mis .$5. ooo- 11.125: ()ct30'22: A$5,0OO-0.00O (R S .$1), O (' & IOO IITH sl. 227 E (2;4l-.7 4S). nes. 277 nw 2 av. 25 0x100, 4-slv Ilk tut & strs; A L G Ri':ii- tv Corpu, 434 r.wav, Bklyn. t.. J..s (;..rd..n, 110 V, ici : nitc $li;.(iilO: O.-'tlO: ii.'i:il-22: .\$I5.- 5l,KI-21.IIOO (I! S .-^li, O C & 11") IITII St. 546 B (2:404-27). SS, 7.1 w Av B, 25 xOI.O, 5 sty bk tnt & strs; Naihan Frender, ::17 E .57. to .\ngcla Ccrvello. :;iii E 11; mig $12,000; Oct20: Oct27-22; A$0.500 21,0(X) (R S .MO). O C & 100 12Tn st, 619 E (2:.395 .52). ns, 243 e Av B, 25 xl0:;.3, 4 sty bk (lit; W.ilcott G Lane, TRSrE Eliz II G Lane, to Christian M Rexroth, 120 ll.'ll.'r I'arkway. N.'ivark, NJ; Octll; Oct26'22 .\.«s,11110-11.lioil (K S $7501. 7,300 13TU st, 300-0 E; see 2 av, 210 14. 13TII sl. .-illl E (2:454-15), ss, 133 e 2 av, 19.S xliKS. -I sty l.k ilwg: G.'O B Gartland et al. EXKS Cliarlotte L Wilkins. to Markham Re¬ altv Corpn, 31 Nassau: OctlS: Oct28'22; A$8.- 5110 11,500 (R S $1S). 18,000 l.-iTII st, 529 E (2:407-40), ns, abt 270 w Av B, 25x103 3. 5-sty hk tnt & sirs; Geo J Gross¬ man. TRSl'E Margaretha Klotz, to Margaretha ralinu'v.'r. at Lak.' Ronkonkoma. LI, .\; Louisa Sold, li):iS 1 av; mtg $10,000; Aug23; Oct:ii)'22; A ,$9,000-17,000 (R S $10). nom The text of these pages is copyrighted. All rights are reserved. Notice is hereby given that Infringement will lead to prosaositloik