St.anton sfc., n. s., 37.6 w. Sheriff st., 18.9x00,
h. & ]. Ernest C. W. GottUeb to Alberfc Gros¬
ser, of Brooklyn. .Tune 23................9 000
Stone st., s. s. (No. 2), 25.6x66x23.4x66, h. &l
Hester E. Smifch, Abiah Smith, Samuel Davis,
Emma S. Robins, and Thomas Robins, Jr.,
HUah A. and Henry E. Davis to Bartolome
Blanco. June 22........................14,000
Wall st., n.w. cor. Water (Tonfcine Coffee House),
h. & 1. James F. De Peyster and Hamilton Fish
(Trustees) to John W. De Peyster, WUliam T.
LaAvrence, James Renwick, Richard King and
John De Winfc Hook. June 21............nora.
West Broadway-, e. s. (No, 93), 20x76, h. & 1.
Caroline C. wife of and WiUiam F. Shirley to
John Taylor and Thomas B. Wilson, of Rye,
' N.Y. June 20..........................20,000
4Tn St., 6. s., 145.4 e. Lafayette place, 25.4x84.3.
William C. Wetmore (as Exr., <£:c.) and Adele
Howland to David Dinkelspie. and Edward
Oppenheimer. (Ex. D.) June 21...... 21800
10th St., n. s., 149 e. 5th av., 24.6x94.9. James
S. McCaU to Savia E. S. wife of Charles E. Ap-
plebj^ June 23..........................10,000
13Tn St., n. s., between 7th and Sth avs., Lofc 99,
Map No. 3, Greenwich, 2,5x103.3. Susan D.
Crissey to Roberfc L. BeU. June 20........nom.
Same property. Robert L. Bell to Margarefc N.
Crissey. June 20......................nom
20THst., s. s., 2.50 e. 2d av., 20x02." JuUa'R.
Davis to Patrick and Jane McMahon. June
26th St., n. s., 125 vr. Isfc av., 100x98.9, hs. & Is.
Joseph Soria to Elizabeu.!i, John, and George
Matthews. June 23............ 5.=j 000
29th St., n. s., 140.6 e. 3d av., 15x98.9'. "Bernard
Flanagan to John J. Healy, Jr. June 26. .13,000
Same property. Gideon, John W., and Ebenezer
Peck, and Phebe W. wife of George H. French
to Bernard Flanagan. (Q. C.) June 26.....nom.
30th St., n. s., 325 e. 7th av., 26x98.9. Sarah
wife of and Edward D. James to Augustus
Taber. June 21..........................]5 oOO
33b sfc., s. s., 212.6 w. Sfch av., 18.9x98.9,' "h." & \.
Helena Tifcus Tompkins to Washington Irving',
Jr. June 21.............................^5 750
36Tn St., s. s., 166.71^ w. Broadway, i6!8x98.'9, h.
& 1. John R. S. Denton to Edward Adrian.
June 22..................................1.^000
S7th sfc., s. s., 330 e. 6th av., 20x98.9, h. & L
Charles B. Gardner to Symmes Gardner. June
„ 21........................................nom.
38th sfc., s. s., 243.9 w. 10th av., 18.9x98.9, h. & 1.
John O'NeiU to James Keenan. June 20.. .8 000
39th sfc., n. s., 300 e. Madison av., 25x98.9, h. & 1.
John Hoey fco Julia H. BUlings. June 20. ..57,000
40th sfc., n. s., 225 vr. lOfch av., fchence easterly,
25x98.9. Mary A. "vvife of and John O'Shea to
IsabeUa Shea. June 20................ 3 750
42Dst.,n. s., 115e. 2d av.,'l7'xl'o'o.5.'""WUliam
A. Glover to Orlo R. Briggs. June 20___10 000
43d St., n. s., 250 e. 2d av., 16.8x100.5. John Q.
A. Butler to Charlotte wife of Leopold Men¬
delson. June 26.................... 12 000
46th St., s. s., 220 e. 7fch av.,'280xi00."4.' R
Roberfc CodUng to PhUo Brown, of Wafcerbury
Conn. June 24....................... . _. nom.
46Tn sfc., n. s., 455 w. Ofch av., SOxioO.'i'' Corne¬
lius D. Myers to John Lloyd. Jnne 26___8 000
47Tn sfc., s. s., 325 w. llfch av., 2.5x69x26x61.4.
(Dec, 1862.) The Brooklyn Fire Insurance
Company to Francis A. Palmer. June 23..nom.
Same property. Francis A. Palmer fco WiUiam
Fanning. June 33..................... 1 P.50
50th sfc., s. s., 4.50 w. Ofch av., '25"xl'dd.4x" 'Mar¬
garet Muller, Mary wife of and Henry Mahler
Casper, Johu, and Rosa MuUer fco Christopher
Meyer, of New Brunswick, N. J. June 21. .8 500
Same properfcy. Erasfcus H. Munson to Chrisfco¬
pher Meyer, of New Brunswick, N. J (Q C )
June 21............................... 'lOO
51 st St., s. s., 474.6e. lOfch av., 17xlo6..5. "Joseph
Brandel to Margaret wife of Christian Gum¬
pert, of Morrisania, N. Y. June 22 22 400
52d sfc., n. s., 263.6 e. 4th av., 15.9x100.5. War¬
ren A. Ransom fco George W. Ransom. June
„ ^^........• • - • •.........................nom.
Same property. George W. Ransom fco Esther A.
wife of Warren A. Ransom. June 26.. nom
52d St., n. s.,. 325 e. 5fch av., 3,5x100.5. GriJffith '
Rowe fco Charles Moran. June 34...... 16 000
53d St., s. s., 200 e. 5fch av., 50x100..5. George M.
Boyd to Charles Moran. June 24.........37 000
55th Bfc., n. s., 525 w. 5th av., 18.9xl00..5.
Cafcharine wife of and Casper Goetz fco Eliza¬
befch Kelly. (Deed, 1870). June 23........25,500
55th St., n. s., 375 w. 6fch av., 25xl00..5. Har¬
riefc B. Evans (as Exrx., itc.) to Albert B. Cap-
weU, of Brooklyn, N. Y. June 24..........4,500
56Tn St., s. s., 1.50 w. 2d av., 25x100.5. John J.
Hinchman to James Williams. June 20.. .3,500
57th Bfc., s. s., 71.10 e. Ist av.,17.10x99.10. Gratz
Nathan (Ref.) to Bernhard Mayer. June
.57th St., s. s., 89.8e. 1st av., 17.10x99.10x17.10%
xlOl.3. Gratz Nathan (Ref.) to Bernhard
Maj^er. June 21.........................12,000
57th St., n. s., 335 e. Ofch av., 40.6x100.5. Onder¬
donk Angevine to CorneUus W. Luyster. June
58th St., n. s., 95 e. Broadway, 25x100.5......)
59th St., s. s., 250.11 e. Broadwaj^ 50x100.5 f
IsabeUa S. Connolly (as Exrx., &c.), James A.,
Charles M. jr., Washingfcon A., and Thomas
B. ConnoUy and Samuel F. Chalpin (as Exrs.,
&c.) to Emma L. wife of Elias Higgins. June
OOth sfc., n. s., 255 e. 3d av., 20x100.5, h. & 1. Mary
Irving and Charles Irving to Michael Ryan.
June 21..................................24,000
62d sfc., n. s., 125 e. Madison av., 50x100.5.
Emmor K. Adams fco Selig Sfceinhardfc. June
20.......................................21 ,.500
63d St., s. s., 275 e. 4th-av., 25x100. Jeremiah
Pangbum and Emmor K. Adams to John
Webber. June 23.........................8,100
65th St., n. s., 315 e. 2d av., 20x100..5. Magnus
Frank fco John L. Lindheim. Jnne 21___10,250
69th St., s. s., 175 e. Madison av., 25x100.5. John
G. Thompson to Jerome B. Crane, of Walpole,
Norfolk Co., Mass. June 23..............65,000
70tu St., s. s., 103 w. 3d av., 33x100.5. Margarefc
KeUy to Da\T,d Scott. June 23............9,750
70th St., n. s., 275 w. Sfch av., 25x100.5. Joseph
Smith to RusseU Sage. June 24...........7,000
71ST St., s. s., 150e. 2dav., 2.5x100.4. Helen Lang¬
don fco Benjamin P. FairchUd. June 20___2,450
71ST sfc., s. s., 175 e. 2d av., 2.5x100.4. Lewis C.
Jones fco Benjamin P. FairchUd. June 20. .3,450
72d St., s. s., 275 w. 2d av., 100x102.3. Rebecca
Jones to Benjamin P. FairchUd. June 20. .24,000
72d St., n. s., 200 e. 2d av., 100x102.3. Lewis C.
Jones to Benjamin P. Fairchild. June 20. .10,400
73d St., s. s., 100 w. 1st av., 275x102.2. Robert
Whifce fco Thomas E. Stewart. (Dec, 1808).
June 23........................-..........10,.500
Sa:me property. Thomas B. Stewart to WUliam
H. McCool. June 23....................24,750
7.5Tnst., n. s., 253.9 w. Broadway, 100x131.0x100.4
xl39.10(l-45 part). James Leach to WUliam
Mead. (Deed, 1867. Q.C.) June 23.... 165.61
SOth st., n. s., 250 w. Sd av., 7.5x100. Michael
Ryan to Mary wife of Charles Irving. June
83d St., n. s., 200 w. Sth av., 12,5x>/ block. Ru¬
dolph A. Witfchaus to John W. Pirsson. June
85th .St., n. s., 1.50 e. .5th av., 7.5.xl03.2. William
H. Tracy and WUliam Lalor to Samnel S.
Sands. June 21.........................39,000
86th sfc., s. s., 134..5X e. Madison av., 30x102.2.
Isaac H. Tuttle to John J. Searing. June
89th St., n. s., .593.4 w. 4th av., 50x100.8. Mafc¬
fchias B. Smith to Samuel A. W^amer. June
91 ST St., n. s., 55 w. Lexington av., 7.5x100.SJ^.
Edward Bradbnrn to Bernard Maloney. June
OSth St., s. s., 125 e. 9th av., 50.xl00.11. Addison
Brown to Alonzo R. Hamilfcon. June 20... 6.500
107th St., s. s., 263 e. Isfc av., 100x100.11 (May,
1863). George Chesterman (as Exr., (fee), to
WUliam Miles. June 21....................780
112th St., n. s., 170 vr. .5th av., 12ox.l4 block... [
113th St., s. s., 170w. .5thav., 125xi^ block... (
Edward Barnes to Roberfc Ferguson (.}^ part).
June 21.................................10,000
112th sfc., n. B., 225 e. 5fch av., 95x100.11......j
IISth sfc., s. s., 235 e. 5fch av., .50x100.11.......\
Cornelia E. G. vrife of and PhiUp G. Hubert fco
Herrman Bacharach and Joseph Rosenfchal.
June 24...........................____; .20,.500
lliTH St., s. 6., 192.6 e. 4fch av., 18.9x100.11, h. &
1. Henry WeU fco Felix Weil. J une 21.... 9,000
117th St., n. s., 244.6 w. 3d av., 19.1%xl00.
Thomas Mackellar to Mary wife of Thomas
Sampson. June 23......................13,000
121 ST St., n. s., 325 e. 8th av., 50x100.11.......(
122d St., B. s., 150 e. Sth av., 375x100.11.......j
George Douglas fco John H. Watson. June
123d St., s. s., 285 w. 3d av., 2.5x100.11. Maria S.
wife of and John V. Hageman to Henry Du-
chardfc. June 20......................... 3,000
127th sfc., s. s., 275 w. Ofch av., 25xl04.7)^'x28.3x
117.73^. The Female Academy of the "Sacred
Hearfc, N. Y. fco Pafcrick Sullivan. June 33..3,500
138th sfc., n. s., 385 w. 5th av., 18.9x99.11. h. & 1.
iTrancis Edwards fco Joseph Hendrickson of
Brooklyn. June 24................... 9 000
130th St., n. B., 425 e. 6fch av., 20x99.11, h. & 1.
Richard C. Beamish (Ref.) to Lewis BaUy.
June 22..................................15,600
132d sfc., s. s., 341.3 e. Ofch av., 18.9x99.11, h. & 1.
Henry Parsons to Nafchaniel Tooker, of Nor¬
wood, N. J. June 33....................10,000
133d St.. n. s., 125 w. Boulevard, 32ox99.il. -
Alvin Higgins to James T. King. June 23..27,725
133d St., n. s., 260 w. 5fch av., 50x99.11. James
Reid fco Helen J. wife of Henry K. Mofcley.
June 23..................................7,000
133d St., n. s., 100 w. Oth av., .50x99.11. Charles
L. Mead to Helen J. wife of Henry K. Motley;
June 24..................................7,000
138th St., s. s., 175- e. Ofch av., 27.5x99.11.
Emmons Clark to Saul J. Levy. June 26. .27,500
152d sfc., n. s., 500 w. 10th av., 75x J^ block... I
153d St., s. s., 500 w. lOfch av., 25x J^'block.... j
George F. Jackson to James Galway. June
208thSt.,n.s., 200e. 10thav., 100x99.11. Michael
PhUUps to George W. Abbe. June. 20.....2,240
Av. A, n. vr. cor. 103d st., 100.11x300. Thomas
W. Burd to John L. Brown. June 30... .13,600
Av. A, w. s., S0..5J^ B. 130th st, 20.41^x85.
Helen J. wife of Henry K. Motley to Sophior
G. wife of Charles Vandervoort. June 33. .3,000
Av. B, s. vr. cor. 13th sfc., 63.3x90.6...........[
ISth st., s. s., 90.6 w. Av. B, 40x103.3........\
Alexander Masterton fco WUUam Dougherty &
Charles Clark. 04 parfc, deed 1855). June
Madison av., e. s., 24.8>^ s. 34fch st., 24.8)^x100,
h. & 1. Mary S. Dean (as Exrx., &c.) fco Walfcer
R. T. Jones. Jnne 20...................42,000
Madison av., e. s., 06.8 s. 43d st., 20.9x100, h. &
1. Ellen M. wife of and Martin A. J. Lynch
fco Roberfc A. Forsyfch. June 20..........45,000
Madison av., n. w. cor. Olsfc sfc., 25..5x95. Susan
C. wife of and Robert Currie to John Jardine.
June 23.................................25,000
South .5th av., n. w. corl Canal sfc., 2.9Xx0.11x
2.9. Frederick H. M. Newcombe to WiUiam
J. Kane. June 23..........................800
Vermilyea av., s. s., 300 e. Dyckman st., 50x
150. Michael PhUUps to Jefferson M. Levy.
June 20....................................950
2d av., e. s., 24.3 s. Ofch st., 24.3x100, h. & 1.
(February, 1870.) Mina wife of Zacharias
Oppenheimer fco Marcus Oppenheimer. June
4th av., w. s., 42.2 n. 85th st., 20x70, h. & 1.
John O'Connor fco Edward P. Steers. June
4th av., w. s., 83.3 n. SSth St., 30x70. Augustus
Wackerhagen to Andrew H. Sands. June
4th av., w. s., 50 n. lllth st., 50x100. John
Kiebel to Mathielde Hoch. June 23.......2,000
5th av., e. s., 26.6 s. 84th sfc., 2.5x100. Joseph
Smith to Michael Cain. June 24.........35,000
5th av., s. e. cor. 85fch sfc., 27.2x100. George .H.
Peck to John J. Walsh and AdamS. Cameron.
June 24.................................38,00 0
5th av., e. s., 77.3 s. 85th st., 25x100. Samuel
Schiffer to Roberfc Ward. June 22........30, OOO
5th av., s. e. cor. ttOfch sfc., 25x100. Griffith Rowe
to John J. Walsh and Adam S. Cameron. June
22.......................................40, COO
5th av., s. e. cor. 97th st., 50.9x100...........)
97th St., s. s., 100 e. Sth av., 75x100.9.........f
Edward King to Joseph Kohner. June
5th av., e. s., 7.5.11 n. 110th st., 2.5x100. WUliam
H. Tracy to Samuel J. Goodenough. June
Oth av., n. 6. cor. llSth st., 2.5.2x85. Peter
O'NeUl to Le-vvis J. PhUUps. June 32......6,000
OTHav., n. e. cor. 141sfc sfc., 99.11x175. Griffifch
Rowe to Thomas A. Vyse, jr. June 34...35,000
8th av., s. w. cor. 47fch sfc., 25x100, h. & 1.
Rosannah wife of and Joseph Smifch to
Adolph and Samuel Levy. June 26......41,000
Sth av., n. w. cor. 66th sfc., 75x100. Emeline M.
* Michellefci to James R. Smith. June 20. .50,000
Sth av., e. s., 50.5 s. 52d st., 25x100, h. & 1.
Sidney W. Cooper (as Exr., &c.) fco Ben¬
jamin P. Fairchild. June 22..............8,875
9th av., n. w. cor. 68th sfc., 100.4x100. Matthias
Donnelly, Patrick H. Cockley and James J.
Burns to Russell Sage. June 23..........28,000
9th av., s. e. cor. 62d st., 100..5xl00, h. & 1.
Theresa wife of and Siegmund M. Peyser to
Charles P. Burdefcfc. June 26............53,500
9th av., w. B., 25.8K s. 92d sfc., 7.5x100. Samuel
Cohen fco Orlando B. Potter. June 26... .15,000
9th av., s. e. cor. 93d st., lOO.SJ^xlOO. Michael
H. Cashman (as Exr., ifec.) and individually to
Orlando B. Potter. June 23..............25, OOO
10th av., e. s., 43.2 7-16 s. 31 sfc st., 18.6 3-16x
100, h. & 1. Mary A. wife of and Isaac
J. Henderson to Janefc wife of James Noble.
June 20.................................10,600
Boulevard s.w. cor. 209fchBt., 112.10x121.2)
IOth av., s. e. cor. of 69fch sfc., 125..5xl00....... )
Elijah Piirdy, Jacob Halsted, James N. Platfc
and John H. Rhoades (as Exrs., &c.) to
Samuel V. Hoffman. June 20...........140,000
10th av., s. e. cor. 91st st., 100.SOxlOO. James
Maurice (Ref.) to Thomas Morrell. June