Clay st., n. a., 300 e. Union av., 75x100, ha. & Is.
L. Dnbb fco Mary Kohn, of New York... .33,000
Chestnut st., s. e. a., 300 s. w. Johnson av., 25x
100. G. G. Diikes et al. to Cafcharine Murray.
, G.)....-.............................300
Douglass st, a. s., 129 e. Perry av., 37.6x127.6.
C. S. Barker to Freelove D.Rogers........1,000
Elliott pl, e. a., 462.6 s. Hanson pl., 20.10x100.
Eliz F. wife M. B. Swezey fco Emma wife of
John Syms...................;...........7,800
Hancock sfc;, n. a'., 204.2 w. Sfcuyvesant av., 20.10
xlOO. Mary P. wife of J. Flood to Hubbard L.
RusseU................................... .7.50
Hamilton st, w. s., 161.5 n. Park av., 100x1.50.
EUen H. wife of C. C. Patten to Mary A. Hig-
High sfc., s. s., 75 w. Bridge sfc., 25x100 (parfci-
fcion). E. A. Hutchins to Henry Crum-
Livingston st. and Hanover pL, n. w. cor., 20x
75, h. & I. N. Cooper to Maria wife of CJhas.
R. Pitt...................................6,000
LE0N.4.RD St., w. s., 60 n. Powers st, 20x75, h. ife
I. T. Terry fco James Meakin, Flushing, L. I.,
and Henry Beales.........................3,000
Marion sfc., n. s., Lofcs 44 and 46 (Blk. 8),
Hunter Ply Farm, 50x100. J. Volke to Martin
F. Lindhorn................................675
Macon at., n. s., 145 w. Tompkins av., 20x100.
G. M. Stevens to WiUiam P. C. Denike. (Fore¬
clos. ).......................................250
Oakland and Freemen sfcs., n. w. cor., 25x100.
M. Walker fco James Law..................1,000
PiERREPOiNT St., s. s., 125 6. CUnton St., 25x100.
A. Allen, Jr., to Abram AUen............25,000
Rose at., s. s., 390.4 w. Bedford av., 22.4x100.
H. Ranken to Hans C. F. Gatje...........2,000
Sackett st, n. s., 99 a Hicks st, 19.10x75x1x25
• xlS.lOxlOO. M. Shearmaji to Cath. wife of
John Griffen....................'..........S,.500
Sackett st, n. s., 118.10 e. Hicks st, 19.10x100,
h. ife 1. M. Shearman to Cath. wife of John
V-AN Dyke .st, n. e. s., 40 s. e. Richards st, 20x
80. W. W. Goodrich to John H. Von Be-
Warren st, a. s., 120.10 w. 4th av., 20x100, h. &
1. E. S. MiUs to Daniel A. Youngs... (B. &
Washington st, e. s., 78 s. Adams st, 2.5x99.6,
h. <fe 1. B. MueUer to Fredk. Schmelcher. .1,400
7th st, w. s., 74.8.n. e. North let st, 25.x80.
Emily E. wife of J. Armstrong to Alfred
9th St., centre line, 510.9 e. 3dav., 2.5x.tb. n. 12.5.
G. B. Goldschmidt to James Morgan. (C. a.
South 9th st, s. s., 146 w. 4th sb., 50x100. J.
R. Thomas fco Isfc Univeraalist Society, WU¬
South 9th at., a. a., 121 w. 4th st, 2.5x100. W.
W. Armfield to 1st Universalist Society, Wil¬
10th St., n. e. s., 100 s. e. 2d av., 22x100. E.
Brazwell to John Broderick................1,000
23d St., s. w. s., .483.4 n. w. 5th av., 16.8x100.
'J. Crocker to'Alfonzo E. Bacon........... .3,700
43d st, s. s., 300 w. 3d av., 50x100.2. P. P. Page
to John Cavanagh.............____.....___2,250
Gates av., s. s., 204 w. Ralph av., 19x100. J.
Palmer to Michael FarreU.................7,500
April lOtJi.
Amity st, n. s., 150 e. Clinton st., 25x100.....)
Clinton st, e. s., 75 n. Amity st, 25x90.....\
D. Darrow to John Shuster...............10,000
Bergen st, s. s., 197.5 e. Smith st, 23.1x100.
J. Shuster to Daniel Dan-ow, of New York.9,000
Chauncey st, n. s., 370 w. Lewis av., 20x100.
Carrie B. 'wife of E. D. Valentine to EmUy A.
wife of H. A. Kent, of Plainfield, N. J. (Q.
C.)...................................... .nom.
Degraw st, s. s., 200 e. Smifch at., 20x100, h. &
1. W. J. BedeU fco Nafch'l A. Boynton... .11,000
Diamond st, n. s., 316.4 e. Main at., S5.9xl.59.9x
40.3x87.10x200. W. P. Sweet to Diedrich
Elliott pl. (late Hampden at), w. a., 120n. La¬
fayette av., 33x100, h. <fe 1. Mary C. Hawkins
to Augusta A. Becker....................13,000
Henry st, e. s., 50 s. Presidenfc sfc., 35x117.
Kath. 'wife of J. W. GUbert to Catharine E.
Dohrmann...........................'.. .13,000
Herbert st, n. w. s., 170.9 s. w. North Henry
st, 35x100. W. Cooper to Margaret KeUy.. .400
Herbert st., s. a., 160.3 w. North Henry st, .50x
95. W. Cooper fco M'l FuUen, of New York.850
Hicks at, n. w. s., 89 s. w. Sackett at, 33x100.
Anna wife of J. S. Schoenfeld to Ada Duffy,
of New York............................. .8,000
Ivy St., 8. e. s., 180 s. w. Central av., 40x100.
G. J. Murphy to Abraham Lowerre. (Fore¬
clos. )..................................,,., ,400
PENNBt.n. s.,-383.10 e. Wythe av;, 20x100. N.
H. Clements to James W. Valentine. .(Fore¬
clos. )................................... .\.. 200
Thojipson st, w. s., 675 n. Patent av., 55x02.6
(irreg.) Mary Graf (widow) fco Andrew S.
Wheeler. (Q. C.).......................'.nom.
2d pl., s. s., 300 e. Court st, 25x133.5, h. & 1.
T. Losee fco Henriefcta W. C. wife of Louis
South 3d at, s. a., 100 e. llth st, 25x95. A.
Saloskinsky to Patrick Keegan.............3,000
5th st, about 128 a. e. and FUmore st, 53 n. e.
(rear), 30.6x20.7x3,3.11x23.7. The Industrial
School Association to Julia A. Stodder......267
8th St.,n. s., 120.9e 3dav., 2.5x100. J. R. Smith
to Peter Plantin and Theo. Person.........1,000
llTH St., n. s., 239.3 e. 6fch av., 14.4x69.11, h. &
1. T. Gumming to Edward H. Seeley......2,000
Uth st, n. a., ,239.3 e. Oth av., 14.4x61111, h. & 1.
E. H. Seeley to Wm. H. Applegate. (More.
13th st, n. a., 274.7 e. 3d av., 17.6x100, h. &1.
Jane wife of J. Mackie to Thoma a McComb.
14th st, s. w. s., 239.6 n. w. 5th av., 16.8x100.
P. C. Junker fco Barbara Eberhardt........nom.
Same property. Barbara Eberhardt to Adelbeid
wife of Henry Pette......'.................5,000
1.5th st, a. w. s., 300 n. w. 6th av., 39.11x100
(irreg.). C. WUhelms et al. to John Holmes.3,350
15th st, n. e. s., 97.10 a. e, 7th av., 25x100.
Kath. wife of P. Remmet to Joseph Mosback,
18th st, s. w. s., 84 n. w. 7th av., 16x100. J.
Wood to Nancy wife of John Mace........1,600
ISth st, n. s., 400 e. 10th av., 20x100.2. P.
Reynolds to Gerald McMurray. (Foreclos.). 3,100
20th St., n. s., 161.6 w. 7th av., 20.6x100. H.
Lee to EUas B. Weidler.....................700
32d at, n. s., 425 e. .5th av., 25x—, h. & 1. W.
Dunn to Christopher HaUiday, of N. Y... .1,700
Atlantic av. and John st., s. e. cor., 2.5x81. P.
Lauzer to Francis Vetter, of N. Y...........800
Gates and Lewis avs., s. w. cor., 100x200. J. D.
PhUlips to James Campbell...............10,100
Hudson av., w. s., 56.3 s. Lafayette st, 18.9x80.
P. Leib to Mathias Windecker. {J4 part).
(Q. C.)..............................".....3,C00
Myrtle av., n. s., 144.11 e. JeiFeraon st, 25x68x
68 to Jefferson st x25x5Sx5S. J. J. McCrum
to Henry WUla............................2,800
Nostrand av., e. s., 312 n. Myrtle av., 21x90.
M. J. Shipton fco James J. Thomson.......nom.
Portland av., w. s., 48.3 s. DeKalb av., 24x91.3,
h. & 1. L. Kane to George Crary. .'.......24,000
2d and Ovington avs., n. e. cor., 100x125 New
Utrecht. J. A. Perry to the Bay Ridge Athe-
Shepard av., w. s., 100 n. Gayst, 2.5x100. L.
Cm-fcis fco Margaret wife of Jacob Pefcerson.
(Q. C.)...................................nom.
Salt meadows of grantor in 10th Ward, adj.
Polhemus & Denton ife Creek to J. C. Preel's
mill pond. G. A. Powers to A. D. Clutfcer-
buck. (Q. C.)..............................500
April llth.
Baltic st, n. a., 150 s. e. Smifch sfc., 2.5x100. J.
Power to Thomas Hamilton. (B. ife S.)___nom.
Centre at, e. a., 50 a. Broadway, 50x100. Har¬
riet M. wife of E. E. Cornell to Anton Metzen-
Conselyea st., n. s., 225 w. Ewen st., 25x100.
G. Jackson to Thomaa H. CorneU.........5,250
Dean at., n. a., 249.6 w. Nevina st, 21x100. C.
W. Eldridge to Andrew Ayres. (B. & S.). .nom.
Ellery at, n. s., 250 w. Throop av., 25x100.
Annetta wife of J. B. CanaveUo to Jacob
Garnet st, n. s., 80 w. Court st, 20x10. C. H.
BaUey to Daniel Callahan, of New York.. .6,000
Hart st, s. a., 120 e. Yatea av., 30x100. F.
Reynolds to George W. Mead. (Foreclos.) .3,900
Johnson st, n. s., 135 w. Humboldt at, 25x100.
Maria Meyer to Peter Fabee...............3,100
Monroe st, ri. s;,'200 w. Tompkins av., 20x100.
F. Wood to Frances C. wife of Frank M. Thor-
North pier, Atlantic dock. Lots 34, 35, & 36,
75x100, hs. & Is. T. S. Shortland to Richard
H. Laimbeer.................;...........27,000
North pier, Atlantic dock, Lots 31, 32, & 33,
7.5x100, hs. & la. Mary A. Shortland ('widow)
to Richard H. Laimbeer.................38,000
Rodney at, n. s., 254 e. Bedford av., 22x100.
Maria wife of G. Peacock to M. P. M. de la
RUTLEDCiE st. and Wythe av., n. -w. cor., 80x100.
J. Frye to Josiah N. Christmas........... .7,000
Rutledge st., a. a., 160 w. Marcy av., 20x100,
h. & 1. T. Q. Holcomb to James Orr..... .6,500
Union st, n. s., 309.4 w. Smith st, 1.5.8x100, h.
& 1. J. S. BaUey et al. (Exra.) to Edward P. .
Whipple at, n. a;, 200w. Throop av., 25x100.
G. Binns to Johann Ritfcer, of L. L Cifcy.. .4,000
Wyckoff st, s. w. s^ 315 n. w. Bond st, 20x
100, h. & L C. H. Kessler to Geo. W^ Drees,
of New York.............................5,500
North 2d sfc., a. s., 61 w. 6th at., 88x99.5x25x40.2 '
x60.3x23.6x7x100. The Industrial School As¬
sociation to Daniel Schaefer................5,136
3d st, n. s., 140.11 e. Smith .st,'20x80, h. & L
EmUy W. wife of J. Baiz to Wm. H. McCool,
of NewYork.............................8,000
5th at, w. s., 122 n. North 3d st, 50x100, h. &
1. Ann wife of John Grigg to Nicholas S. Tu-
nison....................................18, COO
13th st, a. s., 173.10 w. Oth av., 25x100. C. L.
Barnett to James A. Van Brunt. (Fore¬
14Tn st, n. e s., 297.10 n. w. Sth av., 25x100. A.
McGrath to FelLx J. Duffy................6,000
14th st, s. w. s., 239.6 n. w. .5th av., 16.8x100.
Adelheit wife of H. Fette fco August & Henry
Immig and John Schoen............;.....5,000
31 ST st, s. w. a., 325 s. e 3d av., 25x100. J. Mo¬
nas to Mary and Edward McCormick. (B. &
Atlantic av, n. a., 25.10 w. WUUams av., 2.5x
77.3 (irreg.). M. Donnelly to Ludwig Er¬
Carlton av., e. s., 337.3 s. Park av., 2.5x100.
A. Schepper to Cafcharine Mendel..........3,300
Carlton av., w. s., 87.3 a. Park av., 2.5x100.
G. M. Sfcevena to Sarah CampbeU. (Fore¬
Flushing and North Portland avs., a. w. cor.,
22.6x7.5x37.6x81.2. P. Murtagh to Whitmon
Kenyon and Albro J. Newton........___12,000
New Jersey av., e. s., 100 n. Broadway, 75x100.
I. W. Vanderveer to Henry Wright........1,500
Putnam av., a. a., 40 w. Classon av., 20x80. H.
McLaughlin fco Annie wife of Edward A. Du¬
bey ......................................6,000
Putnam av., s. s., 450 w. Ralph av., 50,xl00.
Mary E. wife of J. B. Gardiner to Eliza B.
Putnam av., n. s., 320 w. Tompkins av., 20x100.
T. W. S'wimm to Theo. B. Gafces and John H.
Putnam av., n. s., 340 w. Tompkins av., 20x100.
T. W. Swknm to Uriah HiU, Jr., of PeekskiU,
N. Y.....................................8,000
St. Mark's av., n. ,«., 80 w. Carlton av., 62x131
x42x32.6x20x98.6. E. Mettler to Benjamin
7th av. and 17th st., southerly cor., 80x20, h. ife
1. G. H. Mehrhoff to Henry Ogger, of Wash- -
ington, Bergen Co., N. J..................4,800
April Vith.
Baltic st, n. s., 219.4 n. w. .5th av., 20x100.
Mary C. 'wife of R. H. Robinson to WUUam
T. Beatty................................5,100
Concord st, a. a., .50 e. Liberty at, .55xl.5Sx46x
52x204. Ann wiife of J. Libby to Society for
Aid of Friendless Women and ChUdren.. .30,000
Eagle st, n. s., 150 e; Union pl., 50x100, ha. & Is.
A. De Grootto Geo. Grassick, of New York.3,500
Ewen st, e. s., 75 n. Jackson st, 25x100. J. M.
Steams to Sarah A. 'wife of Jereiniah Has¬
tings. (B. & S.)...................;..... .3,000
Gold st, e. a., 357 a. WiUoughby at, 22x85. R.
C. Dingee to Maria wife of Chas. Good^vin. .6,000
Hamilton st., e. s., 71.8 a. Lafayefcfce av., 19.8x
75. Francea F. wife of H. S. Rigga to James
L. Brumley..............................6,000
Hopkins at, s. a., 312.6 e. Marcy av., 18.9x100.
D. Barnett to Geo. W. Mead. (Foreclos.).. nom.
Macon st, a. s., 100 w. Throop av., 200x80. C.
L. North to Agnea S. wife of WUliam J. Mc¬
North st, s. s., 118.9 e. 10th st, 27.3x9.5. P.
Reynolds to Fanny Cohen, of New York. (Fore¬
Noble st, s. s., 395 e. Franklin st, 2.5x100. Eliz.
J. wife of B;-T. Lafrance to Haniiah M. 'wife
of W." H. Rodman........................8,500
Penn at, b. e. s., 90 a. w. Bedford av.,' 16x100,
h. & l; Eiriina wife of R. Eschenbach to Otto
Penn st., s. e. a., 90 s. w. Bediord av., 16x100,
h. & 1. O. Schneeloch to Robert H. Bachen-
bach. (Q. C.)...........................7,000
Quincey st, a. s., 100 w. Patchen av., 200x100.
Josephine wife of F. Ofcard to Robert T.
Quincey st, n. s., 329.8 e. Stuyvesant av., 20.4x
100. J. A. White to Isaac S. Brundage... .2,000'
Quincey st, s. s., 347 e. Classon av., 69x8(). L.
A. Catlin to WUUam Maguire..............6,000'
Ross st, n. w. 8., 100 n. e. Bedford av., 116x100.
C. H. FeUows to WiUiam E. Chapman... .24,000
Ryerson st, w. a., 69.2 n. Park av., 16.11x36x
17.6x39.6. J. C. Ruatin to Mich'l Bums... 3,400.
Sigel (lateMarshaU) at, s. a., 50 w. Leonard at,
25x100, h. & L N. Wahl to Theodore & Caro¬
Une Stark, of New York.................. 6,000
Somers st, s. a., 2946 e. Stone av., 19.6x100.
P. SuUivan to WiUiam Dryden..............775
Stockholm at, ii; s"., 34.3 ri. e. Myrtle av;_j_83x
SOx—x8x35±12xl00, h. & 1. R. GUI to EUen.>