April'4, 1885
The Record and"* Guide.
The Board of Education has decided to purchase for $39,000 six lote at
Sixth avenue and One Hundred and Thu-ty-fourth street as a site tor a
grammar and primai-y school.
Paul C. Grening has sold the two and one-haU'-story stone front dwelling.
No. 410 Madison street, to Agnes M. Smith for $7,500; a similar dwelling,
No. 412 Madison street, adjoining, to Samuel Barling for S7,.500; the two¬
story and basement brick dwelUng, No. 78 Rogere aveuue, to Mr. Men-
denhall tor $3,750; aud the plot, 40x100, on the northwest comer of Put¬
nam and Throop avenues, to C. B. Johnsou for $4,000.
W. F. Corwith has sold the house and lot. No. 146 Manhattan avenue,
to E. J. & J. G. Sutphin for .«i3,900; and the house and lot. No. 91 Man¬
hattan aveuue, to Michael Hughes for $3,000.
Fred'k Herr has sold the two-story frame flat, '20x48x70, No. 33 Elm
street, to WUIiam Durst for $3,850; aud the two-story frame flat, '20x48x90,
No. 34 Lawton street, to Louis Blohui for $4,000.
The appointment of Thomas B. Rutan to the position of superintendent
of the new Federal buUding is favorably regarded by the membere of the
Mechanics' Exchange, of which he is a member.
1881. 1885.
Mar. 28 te Apr. 3, inc. Mar. 27 to Apr. 2, inc.
Number................................... 319 387
Amount involved...........................$1,746,.396 $1,787,509
Number nominal............................. 51 72
Number...................................... 228 224
Amount involved............................. $873,903 $985,356
Number at 5 per cent, or less....... ......... 97 98
Amount involved......................... $467,175 $634,320
1884. 1885.
Mar. 89 te Apr. 4. Mar. -JS te Apr. 8.
................ 60 90
................. $124,575 $441,430
Number of buildings
Estimated cost........
Out Amonq the Builders.
The Trinity Chm-ch Corporation wiU shortly coraraence the erection of
a seven-story and cellar factory building on the northeast corner of Hudson
and Spring streete. It wUl have a frontage of 72 feet on the former aud
IBO feet on the latter, and will be of pressed brick, iron and BeUevUle stone
trimmings. It will contain two elevators, one enclosed elevator outside of
the biulding, and two fu-e-proof staircases. The cost is estimated at upwards
of $100,000. The plaus are uow beiug di-awn by Charles C. Haight.
A. B. Van Duseu will next week commence the excavations for seven¬
teen houses, which he wiU erect ou the Sixth avenue boulevard. One Hun¬
dred and Twenty-third and One Hundred and Twenty-fom-th sheets. Nine
will be erected ou the southwest corner of Sixth avenue and One Hundred
aud Twenty-third street. They will be four-story and basement high stoop
brown stone frout residences, aud will contain the modern iraprovemente.
Eight will be 19.0x55 each, and one, that ou the coruer, 2l.8x.55. They will
aU front on the avenue. The other eight wUl be built on the northeast
coruer of Oue Hundred and Twenty-third street and Sixth avenue. They
will be three-story aud basement brown stoue trout dwellings, seven beiug
I8.9x.50, aud one, the corner, 31.8x.50. The cost of this improvement has not
yet beeu estimated. Mr. Van Duseu is architect, buUder aud owuer.
A nine-story brick, stoue and terra cotta fire-proof building wUl shortly
be erected on upper Broadway from plans by D. & J. Jardine.
Sarauel Colcord wUl immediately coraraence the erection of five tour-
story aud baseraent brick and brown stone private dwellings on the north
side o£ Eighty-first street, between Ninth and Tenth avenuas. They will
vary in frontage frora 17 to 19 feet each, beiug of a uniform depth ot 54
with extensions 10x15 feet. The house wiU be in cabinet trira, and the
plumbing done by day's work. The prices when finLshed wUl rauge from
$35,000 to $30,000. Mr. Colcord wUl also commence the erection, at an
early date, of seven four-story and basemeut brick and brown stone
private dweUings on the south side of Seventy-ninth street, between Ninth
and Tenth avenues. They will be from ;M to 35 feet in width x .55 to 65
in depth, some with diuing-room extensions. The prices, wheu com¬
pleted, will range from $40,000 to $50,000.
E. Steinmetz is engaged ou the plaus preparatory to the erection of twelve
three-story and basement browu stoue frout houses ou the north side ot
Seventy-fu-st sti-eet, west of the boulevard, adjoining the row completed by
the same builder a short time since. The total froutage wiU be 335 feet aud
it is estimated that the buildiugs wUl cost trom $12,000 to $14,000 each.
E. Hurtzig intends to erect a first-class ornate residence tor his own
occupancy on the southwest corner of Morningside Drive aud One
Hundred aud Eighteenth street. The sketches are being drawn by Lamb
& Rich.
William Noble wUl erect tour tour-story aud basement browu stoue
houses on the south side of Seventy-second street, commencing 275 feet
west of Eighth aveuue.
Edgar & Sou intend to erect four four-story aud basemeut brown stoue
dweUings of different sizes, on the north side of Seventieth street, 100 feet
west of Niuth avenue.
J. H. Valentine has the sketches on the boards for three three-story aud
basement browu stoue private dweUings, 16.8x50, to be erected on the south
side of Seventieth street, 175 fee; east ot Eleventh avenue, for E. N. Tracy
and C. S. Van Loon.
Slawson Brothers wiU shortly commence the erection of a tour-story milk
depot and apartment house, with stable, on two lote ou the uorth side ot
One HundJ * and Twenty-seventh street, commencing 150 feet west of
Sixth aveuue.
A. B. Ogdeu has the sketehes ou the boards for a six-story brick and
brown stone teuement, with stores, 24.9x88, to be built at No. 246 Second
street, and a six-story te nemeut with stores, 25x62, to be buUt on the south
side of Stanton street, biO feet west of Sheriff street, at a cost of about
$17,000. The owner iu both instances is Michael Fay.
Robert Auld intends to erect three thi-ee-story and basement brown stone
dweUings, each 16.8x.55, and extension, ou the north side of Ninety-fourth
street, 225 feet west ot Eighth aveuue.
Sinclair & WiUs wiU at once commence the erection ot four three-story
and basement private dweUings ou the south side ot Ninety-fourth street,
commencing 365 feet west of Eighth aveuue.
Carl Pfeiffer is engaged on the sketches for an ornate residence in the
Italian renaissance to be erected at Fordham Heights, tor H. C. Schwab.
It will stand in two acres of ground, about 200 feet above the level of the
river. The froute wiU be ot brick, with stone and terra cotta trimmings,
and the size 35x.50. The house wiU contain the modern improveraents and
will cost about $22,000.
WiUiara Rankin will at once commence the excavations for three flve-
story and basemeut improved double tenemente on the northeast corner of
Tenth avenue and Thirtieth sti-eet. Two wUl be 25x85 each, and the comer
25.6xloO. They wiU aU front ou the avenue, and wiU have stores on the
firet floor. The cost is estimated at $43,000. The architect will be M. L.
M. Louis Uugrich has the sketehes under way for four flve-story brick
and stoue tenemente, 25x86 each, to be buUt on the north side ot Fifty-
fourth street, commencing 380 feet east Tenth aveuue, for P. Hause-
raann and Christian Trinks, at a cost ot about $64,000. The same
architect has the plans for a flve-story brick aud brown stone tenement,
31.8x70, to be built on the uorth side of Thirty-seventh street, between
Eighth and Ninth avenues, at a cost of $13,000.
John C. Bume has the sketehes on the boards for four flve-story and
basement double tenemeuts, 35x86 each, to be buUt on the north side of
Thirtieth street, between Tenth and Eleventh avenues, for W. P. Ramsay,
to cost about $68,000.
J. H. Havens, Jr., will shortly commence to build a flve-story brick
and stone improved tenement, 35x75, on the north side ot Fifty-fourth
street, 1'25 feet east of Niuth aveuue.
R. Rosenstock has the preliminary sketches tor two flve-story and
basement double tenements, '25x95 each, to be buUt on the north side of
Thirtieth street, west of Tenth avenue, for Jaraes Netter, to cost about
$36,000, and a simUar tenement, 25x94, to be built by Alexander Moore,
adjoining, to cost about $18,0(K).
M. McGinty intends to improve a lot ou the uorth side of SLxty-tliird
street, 300 feet east of Second avenue.
John Braudt has the sketches for altering the factory, 25x70, on the
comer ot One Hundred aud Forty-sixth stieet and St Ann's avenue Into a
tenement and stores for J. G. Dautel.
E. F. Gaylor is preparing plaus for torn- two-story and basement brown
stoue dweUiugs, 17x42 each, to be erected on the south side of Quincy street,
between Marcy and Tompkins avenues, to cost about $5,000 each; owner,
Mr. Tompkius.
Th. Engelhardt has plans under way tor a two-story aud basement fraine
dweUing, '25x45, to be erected at No. 59 Cedar street, tor Mr. Landtman, to
cost about $3,800; three-story frame double tenemeut, 25x50, at No. 257
Stockton street, for John Watsou; cost, about $4,000; three-story frame store
aud dweUing, '25x.55, and a three-story frame dwelliug, '23x55 adjoining,
to be erected on the northwest comer ot Maujer aud La Grange streete,
for J. Schmitt; total cost, about $9,000.
Mercein Thomas, has plaus for extensive alterations to the haU No. 266
Cumberland street; it wiU have a new brick and terra cotta front; the cost
is about S2,.500. and when completed will be occupied by the Church of the
Blessed Hope.
H. VoUweiler has the sketehes for a three-story frame dweUiug, '25x65,
to be erected on the corner of Calyer street and Manhattan avenue, for
Leonard Burgey.
Amzi HUl is completiug plaus for a four-story stone front flat, 23.6x70, to
be erected on the west side of Clason avenue, 80 south Putuam aveuue, for
Alfred Chm-chman; cost, about $10,000. Mr. HiU is also about to prepare
plans for thi-ee three-story stone front dweUings, 19x45 each, to be erected
on the west side of St Jaraes place, 39 uorth ot AUantic avenue.
Parfitt Bros, are preparing plans for six fom--story stoue front dweUiugs,
to be erected ou the north side of Greene avenue, near Franklin avenue, for
John M. Gibbs, to cost about $9,000 each.
Out of Town.
Uii lie lien, .^'. J.—John T. Dryden is about to erect a two-and-a-half-
story brick aud frame cottage here frora plans by A. M. Stuckert
i^ewark, .^. J.—The foUowing plaus have beeu flled in the Depart-
uient of Buildings frora March 26th to April 2d :
Two 3-sty. bk. stores, 26x.56, to be buUt at 3B3-5 Broad st, for J. P.
Anderson; mason J. S. Hedden ; a 3-sty. bk. dwg., cor. Hauulton and Ward
streete, for A. Schalp, ot N. Y., archt. Otto Gsantner ; a 2-sty. bk. do. at
50 Beacon, for Mr. Hertwig ; three 2-sty. bk. dwgs., at 351-3 Elm street, for
Chas. F. 'Kilburn ; a 1-sty. hay storage, 37x75, on Tichenor Lane, for
WUkinson, Gaddis & Co.; a 3-sty. fr. dwg., on s. w. c. 14th aud Littleton
avs., for A. Heyne ; a 3i^-sty. tr. dwg., on Wakeman av., for J. T. Tobin;
three '2-sty. do., on Downing, m-. Madison, for Pat'k Turbett; archt J.
O'Rom-ke ; a 3-sty. dwg., at 144 Bergen st, for M. Blowryth.
A. M. Stuckert has the plans tor a thi-ee-story frame cottage, to be built
on Nelson Place, on the Brentual property, at a cost of $4,000.
R. H. Rowden has the sketehes for a two-story aud attic cottage, to be
buUt ou the east side ot Summer avenue, 100 teet south of Nm-sery street,
for Mr. Alston, to cost about $2,500.
The Mechanics' and Tradere' Exchange held their flrst annual meeting on
Tuesday evening, wheu the following officers were elected for the ensuing
year: President, J. M. Sayre; Vice-President, A. H. Woodwai'd;
Treasm-er, James S. Hedden; Secretary, George S. Clark. Board of
Managere and Trustees—Horace Cook, A. Kiuuard, J. Wightman, Henry
Dickson, H. H. Mundy, E. B. VUet and J. Van Houten. The Exchange