The Record and Guide.
August'. 20, 1887
wooden cornice; cost, $3,575; T. "E. Allen. 975
Fulton st; b'rs, J. J Bentzen and H. J. Rraith.
1476—Hart, n s, l6Se Sumner av. four two story
and basement brown sfcone dwell'gR, 18x42, tin
roofs, wooden cornices; cost. pach. $5,00i>; ow'r
and bV, Ja<<. W. Stewart, 373 Quincy st; ar'fc, I.
D. Reynolds.
1477-Highland Boulevard, n w cor Pellineton
pl, twentv two-8tory frame (brick flllpd) dweU'gs,
17.6x31. tin roofs; cost, to^al, $30,000; J. D. Ben¬
nett. Atlantic av, near Vermont av; ar't, F.
Holmberg; b'r, not selected.
1478—Elton st. e s, 175 n Arlingrton av, onefcwo-
Ptorv frame dweU'g. 20and 21.6x36, tin roof; cost,
$*i.8n0; John Brown, 60 Oakland av; b'r, W.
1479—Myrtle st. s s. 100 w Cypress av, op« two¬
story frame dwell'?. 18x28. tin roof; cost, $1,500;
ow'r and b'r, J. E. Vincent, 495 Park av; ar't, W.
1480—DeKalbav, n s, 100 e Bumner av, four
four-story brick stores and tenem'ts, 35x64.
gravel roofs, wooden cornices; cost, pnch, $14,000;
ow'r. ar'fc and b'r, C. E. Hine. 141K Monroe st.
1481—Boerum st, s s. 150 w White st. two two¬
story frame dweU'ers. 20x14, gravel roofs; cost,
each. $250; P. Stark, 268 Bopvum st.
14S3—30tb Rt, ss. 125 e 4th av, one two-st-ory
frame dweU'g, 20x32. tin roof; cost, $1,40n: Mary
Mortimpr; ar'fc. J. Stanley; b'rs, S. S. AUen and
J. PovaU.
1483—Flushing av. No. S78. s ;=, 125 e Kenfc av,
'^ne one storv frwme shpd. I^it8.5, tin roof; cost,
$150; John Monohan; b'r, J. McKeever.
1484—De Kalbav, No. 1321, s «. 150 e Central
nv, one two-story frnme (briok filled) dweU'g, 33x
30. tin roof: cost. $3,010; ow'r and c'r, AugU'^t
ArwP, 1346 De Kalb av; ar'fc, Th. Engelhardt; b'r,
Mr. Mueller
1485—Rlake av. n s. 25 w Packman st. one two¬
story frame dwpll's:. 20x28. and extension 14x16,
tbiroof; cost, $1,9('0; Henry H. McLean, Ocean
1486—Cleveland st. e s. 325 n Arlingfcon av. one
two-story and attic fram^ dweU'g, 30x3^, shingle
nnd tin roof; est, $2,^00; ow'r aud ar't. "W'm.
Danmar, 395 Atlantic av. 26th Ward; b'rs, D. J.
Molloy and Week* & Lindsay.
14S7—'^chenck av, e s. 200 n Fulton av. onetwo-
sfcorv and attic frnmo (briok filled) dwplling, 24x
34, tin roof; cost. $1,.500; John Scbliohfcuer. Bar-
bev s^; ar't. T. Engelhard*; b'r, Henry Rock r.
1488—Enstprn Parkwav, n s. east of Powell sfc.
one onei story frame shed, 112r1R. tin mof; cost.
$200; R r-ummings Sons; ar't and c'r, Wm. Max;
m'n. J. Dick.
1489—8th st, s s. 147 w 3d av, one three-storv
and basempufc frame dweUing. 22x40, tin roof;
oost. $3.0(0; J. O. Grady, on premises; b'r, M.
14'10—Fulton av, s s. 51 e Cleveland st, one two¬
story frame store and dwellinff, 25,6x35 and 40.
tin roof; cost. Sl.5'^0; George Pin^pnrbal, Monroe
ftv, cor Baltio av; ar't, W. H Wirth; b'rs, L.
Ilspmann and M. Rergen.
1491—Ruediker av. w s. iro s Broadway (Fast-
ern Parkwav) one two-storv frame (brick filled)
dwelling- 1)0x30, tin roof; co=:t, $2 500; Wm. M.
Millar, '^'npdiker nv, oor Eastern Parkway; ar't,
C. L D'->althoff; b'rs, O. S. Totten and J.
1493—Bushwick av. ws, 75s Rlrlprtst, two two-
storv Fnd baserat^nt freme (brick filled) dweUinps.
18x4-5. tin roof: cosfc, *3,nn0; John Meehan. 178
MaenoUa s*-; ar'fc, E. Dennis; b'r. pot selected.
1493—Jpfferson St. se B, 125 p p Evergreen av.
one threp-'=;tory frame (brick filled) tenpm'fc. 2.5x
.55. tin roof; cost. 14.300; owV and c'r, Gottlisbin
Rfitz'^r, Humboldfc st cor Moore et; ar'fc, E.
Schrpmpf: m'n. P. Gross.
149+_Rushwick av, s w cor Van Voorbis st.
one two-s*orv and attic frame (brick filled)
dwellV. 25x4^, tin roof; cost, $4^'00; John Mee-
ban. 178 Magnolia'st; ar't. E. Dennis; b'r, not
1405—Berkelev pl, No. 10^, rear, one two-storv
brick pch-^ol, 20x32, tin roof; cost $1,500; J. M.
Ptamm. 102 Berkeley pl; ar't, W. H. Wirth; b'r,
T. H RuUer.
1496—Meserole st^ s s, 1.35 w Lponard st. one
two story brick (brick corriicp) stable, 76x30, tin
roof; cost, $4 000; Burger & Hower Brewing Co .
Meserole st and Leonard st; ar't, J. Platte; b'r, J.
1497—Pierrepont st, s s, 50 e Pierreponfc pl. 27x
68.6, four story brick and stone dweU'g, tin roof,
stone and copper cornice; cost, $30."Oil; John R.
James 143 CUnton st; ar't, Parfitt Bros.; b'rs, P.
J. Carlin and J. Lee.
149H—Ross st, s s. abt 135 e Lee a v. one two¬
story brick stable, 17 6x35, eravel roof, brick cor¬
nice; cost. $1,500; M H. Kornabrens, 84 South
IOth st; ar't, W. H. Gaylor; b'rs, S. Parks and
A. Weeks.
1499—Sumner av. s e cor Bainbridtre st. one
four story brick store and tenem't. 93x49 7, tin
roof, wooflen cornice; mst, $11."00; Francis Mc-
Brif n. 50 Decatur st; ar't, A. HiU.
1.51 0—President sfc, s s, 240 e 5th av, five two¬
story and basement brick and stone and brick
dweU'gs. 17 6x45. tin metallic shingle, mansard
roofs, iron cornices; cost, each. $5 5r0; Jamea C.
Jewett, 43 7th av; ar% J. W. Bailey; b'r, T.
irvn—Magnolia st. No. 353, rear, one one-story
frame .shed, 20x24, gravel roof; cost, $100; A.
Palvoy, on premises.
1502—CarroU st. s s, 144 8 e Sfch av, one three¬
story and basement brick and sandstone dweUing,
32.2 and 3.3.6x45, tin roof, iron cornice; cost,
$1.^,000; G. W. Kenyon. 576 Broadway. N.Y.;
ar't, C. P. H. GUbert; b'r, Harvey Murdock.
â– » 503—CarroU at, b a, 176.10 e Sth av, three-story
^"^asemeut brick and sandfltone dwelling, 32.2
and 33 6x45, tin roof, iron cornice; cost, $15,000;
Charlns R Smith, 49 Broadway; ar't and b'r,
same as last.
1504—Carroll st, s a. 112.6 e Sth av, four-story
and basement brick and sandstone dwelling, 32.2
and 33.6x46, slate, tin and metal roof, iron cor¬
nice; cost, abfc $30,000; J. H. Remington, 271
Broadway, N. Y.; ar'fc and b'r, same as last.
Plan 1550—4l8t st, No. 26 E., one-story extension,
10.10x3.10, tin roof, also other alterations; cost,
$350; T. F. Thomas, on premises; ar'fc, R. May-
nicke; b'rs, Ellin Kitsonfe Co.
1551—8th av, No. 6:^7, one story stone extension,
12x15.8 tin roof, door cut through rear wall, &c.;
cost, $500; lessee, F. C. Goetting, on premises;
ar'ts, Schneider & Herter,
1552—53d st, Noa. 3''7-311 E., boiler set in brick
work to be erected, &c.; cost, $1,6 lO; Adolph
Kerbs, 98S 5th av; mec. eng., A. K. Merrill; m'ns
and boiler makers, Vogt, Macy & Co.; roofer, J.
1553—3d »v, 8 w cor 176th st. two story stone
extension. 34x12.6, tin roof, also to raise build¬
ing; cost, $1,000; Catharine Heimburger, on
premises; ar'ts, Arctander & Meyer; c'r, J.
155i—Lewis st. No. 101 >^, building to be raised;
cost. $1 850; E. J. Bradley, on premises; m'n, P.
J. Lavelle; c'r, F. Sackett.
1555—Istav. No. 761, one-story brick or atone
extension. 10x6, tin roof, also new stairs, &c.;
cost. $1,500; estate of Gertrude Cutting, 17 WUl¬
iam st; ar'ts, D. & J. Jardine.
1.556—2d av. No. 213't, new show windows;
coat, $350; John Baird, 303 East 109th st; c'r, C.
1557—Walnut sfc, n s, 319 e Jerome av, buUding
to V>e raised, also one story brick and stone exten¬
sion 5x12, board roof; cost, $2,500; Lisetta
Boettcher, 173d st near Jerome av; c'r, Mr. Goel¬
1558—Lewis st. No. 141, store front altered;
cost, $'00; Christopher Metzger, ou premises; c'r,
Wm. Moorhead.
1.559 —10th av, e 8, 35 n 157th st, extension to be
moved 4 feet to rear of lot; co.st, $300; WiUiam
Drenner. 157th st and inth av; b'r, W."*E. Spears.
1560—3d av. No. 164, Baptisfc Tabernacle
Church, one-story brick extension, 64x8, slate
and fire proof blocks on iron rafters for roofing;
cost. $1,000; L. H. Biglow, 1 Rutherford pl,
chairman of the board of trustees; ar't, J. Ire¬
land; c'rs. Jeans & Taylor.
1561—Oth av, No. 375, old store window and
d"or taken out, new windows and door; cost,
$24(t; J. L. Sonnele, trustee, 48 East 6Sthst; c'r,
A. Erskine.
1562—43d st, s 8, 75 w Park av, carry up present
rear e'ttension and buUd additional story; cost,
$M10; N. Y. C. & H. R. R. R., Grand Central
Depot; lessees, Purssell & Co., 910 Broadway; c'r,
C. E Hadden.
1.563—M av, n w cor 113th st, one story stone
extension, 20x15, tin roof, iron beams; cost, $800;
Jacob Schwarz, 171 East 113th st; ar't, Edward
1.^64—Delancey st, No. 19333, ^^ ^^ raised; cost,
$1,01 0; A. Zubiusky, 25 East "Broadway; m'n, R.
N. Meyer.
1565—Robbins av. No. 473, to be moved to rear
of lot, &c.; cost, $125; John Schafer, on prem¬
ises: bYs, Gilbert & Taylor.
1566—3d av. No. 13S. three-story brick exten¬
sion, 20x32, tin roof, new partitions, stairs, &c.;
cost, $5,0 0; H. F. Helfst, 87 6th av; ar'ts, J. Boe¬
keU & Son.
1567—5th av. No. 747, internal alterations; cost;
$600; Mary Mason Jones, 1 East57th st; agent, E.
A. Cruikshank, 155 Schermerhorn st. Brooklyn;
ar't. J. A. Resch; m'ns, R. L. Darragh & Co.
1568—162d st, n s, abt Si) e Brook av, repair
damage by fire; cost, $1.50!i; Christina Pabst, 761
East 163d st; c'r, Eiward Smith.
1.569—St. Auns av, e s, bet 160th and 161st st, to
be raised, also a one-story and basemenfc stone ex¬
tension, oue side 29.10x43, other 100.6x17, tin
roof; cosfc, 12,000; A. G. Hupfel, 163d st, near 3d
av;ar't, A. Pfeiffer; b'r, not selected.
1570—49th at. No 3*2 E., new show window;
cost, $375; John Ulrich, on premises; c'rs, S.
Ziegler & Son.
1571—WUlett at. No. 68, rear waU of building to
be altered; cosfc, $350; B. Kempner, 159 East 6Ist
st: c'r. F. Sackett.
1573—155th st. No. 555 E., one-story stone ex¬
tension, 9 and 11x17, tin roof; cost. $6(tO; C.
Steingraeber, on premises; ar'ts, Arctander &
157;-i—53d st. No. 312 E., two story stone exten¬
sion, 18x12, tin roof; cost, $500; B. Kalb. 314 East
53d st; ar't, C. H. Dal hauser; m'n, P. Goerlitz;
c'rs. Ryman & Merckle.
1.574 —53d st, No. 316 E., part of rear wall is to be
cut and window taken out to make room for door¬
way, iron beams, &c.; cost, $300; ow'r, ar't, m'n
and c'rs, same as last.
1575—124th st, n s, 350 e lat av, rear of lot, new
beams and new tin roof; cost, $250; leasee. Abra¬
ham Steers. 16 West 133d st; ar't, Fred Kehoe;
b'j-. C. R. Kehoe.
1576—169th st, s 8, 133 e 3d av, descenfc of pres¬
ent roof altered and raised on one side 3 ft., also
iuternal alterations; cost, $7,000; J. Eichler, a w
cor Fulton av and 169th st; ar'ts, A. Pfund &
1577—3d av. No. 195, new show window; cost,
$3.50; J. H. StiU, on premises; c'r, F. H. Schorer.
1578—Bloomingdale road on line of 137th st to
u w cor 1S7th 8t, building to be moved; cost, $100;
*T. D. Landon, 44 JECiwc 76th ^tj b'r, Charl-M
1579—125fch st, g e cor 8t. Nicholas av, one¬
story brick extenaion, 100x13, brick arches, con¬
creted for roofing and other alfc^rafcions; cost,
$1,000; JuUa A. Clark. Riverside Drive and 90th
st; ar't, G. Robinson, Jr.
1580-St. Nicholas av, Noa. 380, 283 and 286,
new partitions; cost, $1,500; ow'r and ar't, same
as last.
1581-Madison st. No. 224,building to be raised;
cost. $4,000; Claus Droge, on premises; m'ns, G.
W. Vass»ir & Sou
1583—Park av. No. 89. two-story and basement
brick extension, 10x15. tin roof and other repairs;
cost, $3,000; Mrs. J. H. Billings. 372 Madison av;
ar't, G. B. Pelham; m'ns, Van Dolsen & Arnott;
c'r. E. H. MiUer.
1583-91st St. No. 292 E., two story stone exten¬
sion, 25x43, tin roof, some window openings cut
down for Hoors; cost, $3,500; Rhinelander estate;
lessee. G. Ringler & Co.; b'r, Joseph Stegmayer.
1584—Sth St. No. 139, take out present wall in
rear of first sfcory and have iron columns put in,
&c ; cost, $600; Adam Gander, on premises; ar't.
William Graul.
1585—Clinton av, w s, 150 s 169th st, one-story
rear stone extension, 7.6x13.6. tin roof, chimney
moved, &c.; cost, abfc $200; Theo. Sanger, Clinton
av, near 169th st; m'u, Mr.#Otfc; c'rs, Bro wens,
Strang & Co.
1586—Beach st. No. 7, building altered as to the
height; cost, $1,800; Albert Lewis, on premises;
pv% C. Reekie; m'n, Wm. Potterton; c'r, P.
Plan 777—Libprty av, n w cor Linwood st, one¬
story brick extennon. 15x15, tin roof; cost. $100;
Keiler & Swartz, 13 Moore st; ar't, H. VoUweil¬
er: b'r, J. Hoepfer.
778—Magnolia st, No. 119, add one story frame
and tin roof, also two-story frame extension, 3s
28. tin roof; cost, $900; Margaret Sagar, Fairfax
st; b'rs, A. M. Sagar & Bro.
779—South lObh sfc, s s, 100 e Berry st, one-storv
and basement brick extension, 11x13.8, tin roof,
iron cornice; cost. $.5(»i); Mr. Barnes, 80 South
lOfch st; ar't, S. M. Weekes; b'rs, J. F. Biason
and S. M. Weekes.
780—Warren sfc. No. 505. raised 3 feet, brick
foundation; cost, $200; Thomas E. Tracy, 27
Prospect pl.
781—North 8th st. No. 185, two-storv frame ex¬
tension, 17x17.6, tin roof; cost, $400; Mr. F.
Wahles, on premises; ar't, A. Herbert; b'r, not
782—Broadway, No. 603. one-story frame ex¬
tension, 2iixl6. tin roof: cost, $100; James Elkins,
on premises; b'r. J. Sedelraeyer.
783—Myrtle av, No. 169, one-storv brick exten¬
sion, 24x6 and 32, tin roof; cost. $3,700; Estateof
M. A. Bertine. Mt. Vernon, N. Y.; ar't, M. J.
Morrill; b'rs, Tasker & Kane and D. Royle.
784—Adams st, Fulton st and WUloughby st.
new vaults, streugthen walls and general repairs;
cost, $2,000; The Citizens Co., i87 Montague st:
ar't, T. F. Houghton; b'rs, P. J. Carlin and W.
G. Lee.
785—Rockaway av. No. 205, two-story frame
extension, 13.6x20, tin ronf; cost, $600; M. J.
Heiser, on premises; b'rs, C. Bauer and A. Gor¬
786—Myrtle av, s w cor Grand av, one two¬
story brick extension, 3.5x25, and alter shape of
building; cost, $6,000; Union Elevated B. R. Con¬
struction Co.; ar't, I. D. Reynolds; b'r, A. Rutan.
787—Waverly av. ' No. 304, brick pier, flU in
window, &c.; cost, $50; A. G. Jennings, CUnton
av; b'r. O. Nolan.
788—Kent av, s w cor North llth st, new store
front, &c.: cost, $800; Mr. Morse.
789—Lafayette av, n w cor Throop av, rebuild
part foundation; cost, $175; C. H. Berry, Nor¬
walk, Conn.
790—Marion at. No. 168, flattin roof; cost,$100;
T. Beer, 200 Marion st; b'r, M. Thornton.
791—Gold st. No. 387, flattin roof; cost, $651;
Wm. O'Neil, on premises; b'r, M. Feely.
792—Wyckoff st. No. 16, raise front half of
roof; cost, $350; Jacob Muller, 173 Court st; b'rs,
G. C. Patterly and A. C. Hendrickson.
793—Nevins st. w s, bet Degraw and Sackett
sts, one-story brick extension, 6.1x20.1, slate
roof, iron cornice; cost, $1,600; Fulton Municipal
Gas Co., 343 Fulton st; ar't, A. W. P. Cramer;
b'r, R. Dewees.
15 Tudor, Frederic, to William H. Klenke.
b:ings county.
13 Hastings, 'Wniiam, to Andrew I. Spencer.
13 Phifer, Adaui, to Andrew I. Spencer.
-----------<-»»- "
70th st, n s, 223 e AvA, 100x100.5, four-story brick
planing mill and one-story frame buildings and
sheds, by Wm. Kennelly & Bro. (Amt due
$3,(^67) ........................................... 2«
SSd st, Nos. 169-170, ns, 100el'thav, 100x89.&xl00.4
x97.1, six three-story brick dwelPgs, by Wm.
Kennelly & Bro. (Amt duo »l!i,MOj prior ^
TOiortt. |W,686)................ ........... ....^. M