The Record and Guide.
October 1, 1887
wood and stone ballroom. 96 and 104x143, tin roof;
cost, $30,000: HeniT Zeltner, 170th st, near 3d av;
ar't. A. Pfeiffer. Plan 1751.
Brook av, e s, 25 u 144th st, oue four-story
brick teuem't with stone trimmings, 25x65, tiu
roof; cost, -----; h. Cavinoto. 811 East H4th
st: ar't, A. Pfeiffer; b'r, not selected. Plau
Brook av, w s, 25 n 146th st. one four-story
brick teuem't, 95x55, tiu roof; cost, $13,OuO; Mrs.
Helena Beck, 5S7 Southern Boulevard; ar't, T,
b. Godwin; b'r, not selected, Pian 1750.
Plan 1718—S2d st, n e cor 4th!av, one-story stone
exten!«ion, 21x43.6, slate and tin roof; cost, $4.-
000; Roman Cathohc Orphan Asylum, 498 Madi¬
son av; ar% A. B. Jones; m'na, J. H, Deeves &
Bro.; c'r, Johu Murphy.
172'i—125th st. No. 304 E., two-story brick «-
tension, 12x5.2, galvanized iron or tin roof also
otber alteratious; oost, $1,000; William Renfrew,
on premises; ar't, James Barrett.
1723—Broadway, No. 1489, front of basemeut
and parlor floors taken out to have show windows
put in, iron shutters. &c.; cost, $500; D, S. McEl¬
roy, 246 Lexingtonav; ar't aud m'n, A. Welah;
c'r. P. A. Ryan,
1742-3d av, w 8, 25 8 169Lh st. onestory
â– tone extension, 12.3x16, tin roof, one window
taken out and door substituted; cost, $3uO; C.
Wetzel, 35913d av; ar't, A. Pfeifl-er; b'r,C. Zorn.
1743—Greenwich av, Nos. 122, 124 and 126, new
storefronts; cost. $l,So0; C. O. H. Fritsche, 107
East 10th 8t; ar't, E. W. Greis; c'r, Wm. Kl«in,
1744—Ist st. No. 85, an additional half story
added; cost, $800; Helena M. Oert, 23 Av B; ar't,
Wm. Graul.
1745—Fordham av, e s. bet Irving aud Taylor
sts, one-story and basement stone extension, 20z
«6, slate ror.f, also internal alterations; cost, $5,000;
Horae for Incurables, 186th Bt and Fordham av;
ar't. R. K. Rogers.
1746—Eaat Broadway, No, 277, oue-story brick
piers, extension, 13x6.8, tin roof, one window
changed into door; cost, abt $100; J. W, McBar-
ron, 283 East Broadway; c'r, A. Morrows.
1747—17th st, n s, 100 w Av B, an additional
story to be added; cost, $1,000; Bergmann & Co.,
on premises; ar't. Julius Kastner.
1748—Rose st. No. 32, threestory stoue exten-
lion, 20x12, tin roof and other alterations; cost,
$1,500; August Schroder, 42 West 128th ut; m'n,
J. G, Porter.
1749—llth 8t, No. 3^9 E., westerly wall cut out
so as to make a gate, iron beams, &c.; cost. $150;
William Ottman, 119 Bast 17th st; lessee, Isaac
Davis, 308 East 14th st; ar't, Wm, Graul; m'n,
J. E, Dougherty.
1750—Hudson st, No. 464, balcony to be taken
out and plate-glass front to be substituted; cott,
$600; James Wilmore, 84 Barrow st.
1751—2d av, No, 1574, new show window; cott,
$250; A. E. M, Oppenheimer, 1146 2d av.
1752—28th 8t, Nos. 24i and 244 W.. two stories
to be added, all wooden posts, girders and beam*
to be replaced by iron, &c ; cost, $17,0(X); M.
Groh's Sons, on premises; art'?. Lederle & Co.
ns-i—145th and 146th sts. bet 7th and 8th avs,
buildiug runs along 7th av 199.10 aud extends
back westward 103.9 on 145th and 146th ste, to
erect double smoke-stack, j'lace two boilers, and
build engine-room, &c,; cost, $5(0; Mnnbattan
Railway Co,, 71 Broadway; ar't, Chief Engineer
of Company; b'r, Company's.
1754-51btst, Nos. 231 and 233 E., three-story
extension, 7.6x14, tin roof, &c.; cost, $200; Anton
Halm, on premises; ar't, John Brandt,
1755—23d st, No. 326 W., uew iron stoop and
show windows; cost, $1,500; J. C. Goodrich, 166
Keap st, Brooklyn; lessee and c'r. Robt Hen-
der!»on, 2C6 9th av; ar't, H. J. CampbeU; m'n, P.
D. Robinson,
1756—4th av, Nos. 104 and IOC, one-story brick
extension, 49.8x10, tiu roof aud other alterations;
cost, $1,500; O. B. Potter. 26 Lafayette pl; ar't,
A. Belland,
1757—1st av. No. 1674, iuternal alterations;
coat. $100; Anthony Sauer, 173 East 94th at; m'n,
E. A. Thorpe,
1758—Grand st. No. 268, one-story brick exten¬
sion, 20x29, new stairs, &c.; cost, $3,000; F. Lew¬
kowitz, 290 and 2903< Grand st; lessee, T. Feld¬
stein. 59 2dav; ar't, J. Kastner.
1759—121st st. No, 129 E., one-story stone ex¬
ten&ion, l<'xl5, tin roof; cost, $i00; Mrs. Kate
Paulson, on premises; ar't and b'r, W. Broad-
1760—9th av. No. 1756, cut well-hole larger and
build stairs instead of iron ladder, &c.; cost,
$2C0; F. J. Brown, 12 Charles st; c'r, J. W.
1761—3d av, No. 258, an additional half-story
added and other extensive alterations; cost.
$7..5tJ0; MiPs Louise O. Hunter, 140 East 29th st;
ar't, Fred. Ebeling.
1762—Lewis st, No. 189, internal alterations;
cost, $2-50; John Brodbcck, cor 6th and Lewis
sts; c'r, Johu Scott.
1763—Greenwich st. No. 435, raised to four
stories, tin roof, walls rebuilt, &c.; cost, $10,000;
Emil J. Follmer, on premises; ar't, Chas, Rentz.
1764—Whita st. No, 18, easterly panel of front
taken down and rebuilt; cost, $550; Mrs. Hen¬
rietta Martin, 117 East 57th et, m'ns, Burns &
McCann; c'r, S, R. Goodsell.
1765—I07th st, n s, 53 w 9th av, an additional
story to be built; cost, $18,000, Bernheimer &
Schmid; ar'ts, Lederle & Co.
1766—108th st, s 8. 150.8 w 9th av, building to
be raised, also other alterations; cost, $10,0C0;
owVs and ar'ts, same as last
1767-i4th 8t, Noa. 416 and 418 W., front alter¬
ation; cost, 5^150; A, H. Wellington, on premises;
ar't. J. M. Dunn.
17tiS—Frankliu st. Nos. 194 and IPl}.,'. iuternal
alterations; cost, $130; Delia Connolly, 30 Beach
st; ar't, W, Graul.
1769—5th St. No. SOI, one-story and ba^iement
brick extension, 23x13, tin roof; cost, $1,000. An¬
na Marie Eisele, ou premises; ar't, E. W, Greis,
1770—3d st, No. 55 E., two-story and basement
stone extension, 19x29, tin roof, &c.; cost, $-3.S00;
Chas. Hahn, on premises; ar't and m*u. Peter
Schffler; c'r, C, T, Schukroft.
1771—Broome st. No. .534, store to be repaired;
cost, $30; Stephen Moore, Leonia, N. J,; lessee,
Jacob Bofch, on premises; oV, Wra, Brophy,
1778—-Barrow st, No. 18, first tier of beams low¬
ered and front rebuilt; cost, :$l.flOO; James Mc
Keown, ou premiaes; m'ns, H. M. Reynolds &
1773—Sth av, n e ror 12th st, two-story and
basement brick extension, 20x7, tiu roof, win¬
dows and doorway altered, «&c.; cost, 4^12,OCO;
Presbyterian Board of Missions—W. A. Booth,
chairman, Third Nat, Bank; ai't, S, D. Hatch;
c'r, James Eigar.
1774—Elton av, e s, 25 n 154l;h st, building to be
moved; cost, $200; L. G. Palmer, Philadelphia.
Pa.; lessee, Jas, Kubin; ar'ts, Arctander &
~ â– < •-â–º----------—
Plan 1724~Melrose st. No, 97, bet Evergreen
av and Bremen st, one two-story frame stable, l-S
x25, tin roof; cost, $200; Geo, Reinhardt, ou
premises: ar't, H, Loeffler, Jr.; bV, W. Ochs,
1725—Rockaway av. n w cor Soraers st, one
one-story frame church, 48x70, shingle roof; cost,
»5,000: Rockaway Avenue Baptist Church; b'rs,
R. B. Ferguson and W & T. Lamb.
1726—18th st, 8 s, 164.4 w 10th av, one one-storv
frame dwell'g, 17x25, tin roof; cost, 3=400; Ed¬
ward Dowd, ou premi:§es.
1727—Kosciusko st, s s, 80 e Nostrand av, one
four-story brick tenem't, 20x60, tin roof, woodeu
cornice; cost, $^,OUO; ow'r and b'r, M. J. Mc¬
Laughlin. 100 Kosciusko st; ar't, I. D. Reynolds.
1728-Prospect pl, No. 158, rear, one two story
brick stable, SOx.^l, slate and tin roof, wooden
cornice: cost, $4,500, John T, Pirie, 181 Parkpl;
ar't and b'r. J. V. Port r.
1729—Central av, e s, 50 s Cooper st or av, oue
oue-story frame, glass and tin greenhouse, 50x10;
cost. $;3O0; Adara Rotha, Central av, near Cooper
st: b'r, J, Diem.
1730—Sumner av, Nos. 143 and 145, e s, 26 n
Pulaski st, two four-story brick teuem'ts, 26.3
and 25.9x55, tin roof", wooden cornices; cost,
each, «12,.^00; Mrs, E. L Moore, 272 Cliftou pl;
ar'ts, W. Field & Son; bV, J, Hood.
1731—Baltic st,R s, 83 e 3d av, eight four-story
brick tenem'ts, 27x52, cement roof's, iron cor¬
nices; cost, each, $10,000; E. R. Herbert, 1995
Fulton st; ar't, W. D, Anderson; b'r, I, H.
1732—Devoe st, No. 105, n s, 150 w Ewen st, one
onestory frame stable, 15x10 to 18, tin roof; oost,
$00; Jacob Weis, 54 Union av; IVr, H. Otter.
1733—Hamburg av, n e cor Troutman st, one
three-story frame (brick filled) store aud tenem't,
25x60, tin roof; cost, $.5,60J; ow'r and b'r, Henry
Roth, Johnson av, near Humboldt st; ar't, H,
1734_Clay st, Nos. 24 and 26, s s, abt 200 from
Frankliu st, one two-story frame factory, 40x98.8,
tin roof; cost, $5,000; Glen Cove Machine Co., J.
F, Welch, manager, 104 Kentst; ar't, J. F. Welch;
b'r, J. Reuhl,
1735—(Greenpoint av, s w cor Diamond st, one
one-story frame car house, 50x80, gravel roof;
cost, $500; Calvary Cemetery &, Brookl>n R. R.;
b'r, J. Cashraan,
1736—Luquer st, n s, 66 w Court st, three three¬
story and basement brick teuem'ts, 20x40, tiu
roofs, wooden cornices; cost, each, $4,800; Thomas
Keogh, 14^*32 Nelson st.
1757—Dean st, n s. 300 e Albany av, two four-
story brick tenem'ts, 25x50. tin roofs, wooden
cornices: cost, $8,0U0; ow'r nnd ar't, W. V.
Young, 209 McDonough st; b'r, uot selected,
1738—Front st, s e cor Greene lane, two four-
story brick stores and tenem'ts, 18 and 24 6x60,
tin roofs, iron cornices: cost, $13,000 each; Mrs.
H, L. Weaver; ar't, B. Finkensieper; b'r, R.
1739—Warwick st, e s, 200 s Arlington av. one
two-story and attic frame dweU'g, 2ux30, shingle
roof; cost, $2,400; ow'r and b'r, B. M. Hampton,
2cJ5 Atlantic av; ar't, W. Danmar.
1740—Arlington av. n s, 33 e Van Siclen av. one
two-story and attic frame dweU'g. 25x32, sbingle
and tin roof; cost, $4,000; ow'r and b'r, D. J,
Molloy, Smith and Arlington avs; ar't, W. Dan¬
1741_4th st, s s. 257.6 e Smith st, one three¬
story frame (hrick filled) tenem't, 22x42. tin roof;
cost, $3,800; Jane Corcoran; ar't, M. J, Morrill;
b'r, W, J. Conway.
1742—Lexington av, s s. 200 o Grand av, one
threestory brick factory. 51V4xafc tar and gravel
roof: cost, $10,(X)0; T, Parsons, 1^6 l&tst; a.'ts,
De Mewron & Smith; b'rs, Smith & Drake.
1743—Gates av. No. 914, ss, 80 w Patcben .v, one
four-story brick.storesand tenem'ts, 30x55, gravel
roof, wooden cornice; cost, $7,000; ow'r ^nd c'r,
Jos. P. Miller. 299 Sumner av; ar't, J. G.'Glover;
m'n, not decided.
1744-Gates av. No. 913. s ?, 110 w Patcben av,
one four story brick store and tenem't. 20x55,
gravel roof, wooden cornice; cost, J5,(O0; ow'r,
ar'tand b'r. same as last.
1745—Monroe st, n b. 9> wSumner av, ninetwo
story and basement brown stone dweU'gs, 17.9x42,
tin or gravel roofs, wooden cornices; co&t, each,
$4,500; Eugene M. Wilsou, 430 West 125th st; ar't.
J. E, Styles.
1746—HuU et, 8 s, 200 e Broadway, 21x40. one
two-?tory fearae (brick filled) dwel 1';^, liu roof;
rni^r., $2,000; ow'r and ar't, W. H. Field, on prem¬
ises; b'r?. Barton & Ames aud K. Kutterlein.
1747—Railroad av, w s. 8?- n Liberty av. .me
two-story frame (hrick filled) dwell'g, 18x24, tin
roof; coat, $900; Jacob Munz. Liberty av, cor
Railroad av; ar't aud bV, C. Gertum.
1748-Melrose St. No. 147, one one-story frame
stable, 10x13, tiu roof; cost, $100; Justus Plock,
on premises,
1749—Lafayette av, n s, 245 e Lewis av. flve
twostory and basement brick dweU'gs, 16x4',
aud extension 8 8s9, tin roofs, wooden oornices;
cost, each, $3,6ih); ow'r, ar't and b'r, John K.
Bulmer, 213 Adelphi at.
1750—Meli^ose st. s s, 200 e Ceutral av, two
three-story frame (brien filled) stores and dwell¬
ings, 25X.55, tin roof; cost, each, $4,500; ow'r and
ar't, John Krahmer, 712 Bushwick av; b'r, J.
1751—Berriman st, s e cor Eastern Parkwav,
one two-story frame store and dweU'g, tOxSi,
gravel roof; cost, tl,t)0O; Jere. Johuson, Hancock
st; ar'ts and c'rs, Randall & Miller; m'n, J. Hen
17.i2—Crescent st, n s, near Jamaica av, one
two-story and attic frnme dweU'g, 20x30, and
extensiou 12x12, tin roof; cost, $2,800; Augustus
Naelhing, 1032 (iates av; ar't, H, VoUweiler; b'r,
not selected.
1753—Concord st, n s, 80 e Gold st, oue tbree-
story brick stable, 25x120. erravel roof, brick
cornice; cost, $8,0(0; J, P. Taafe, 19 Poplar st;
ar't, C, F. Eisenach; b'rs, T, Donlon and W.
1754—Ross st, s 8, 120 e Lee av, one three story
and basement brown stone dweU'g. 22x50. tin
roof, iron cjrnice: cost. $9,000; Mrs. Koruahrens;
ar't. W. H. Gaylor; b'r, 8. Parks.
17.55~Franklin st, s w cor Dupont st, one three¬
story frame (brick filled) store and tenem't, 25x
55, tin roof; cost. $f;.0(,0; Henry Wittich, 276
Franklin st; ar't, Th. Engelhardt; b'r, J. Rooney.
1756—Locust st, e s, 4(^0 s Atlantic av, one two¬
story frame dwell'g, 20x30. and extension 12x16,
tin roof; cost, $2,(i00; Wm, Ryan, Locust av;
ar'fc. C, Truax; bV, J. King,
1757—Park av, s s, 150 w Tompkins av, one one¬
story frame blacksmith shop, 10x20, tin roof;
cost, $75; Matthew J, McKenna, 53 Tompkins
1758—Troutman st, a s, 225 w Central av, one
threestory and one-story brick factory, I0»x30,
tin roof, brick cornice; cost. $30,000; Schloss &
Sons, lul Thorapson st, New York; ar't, Th. Eu¬
gelhardt; m'ns. G. Lehrians & Sons,
17.59—Atlantic av, u s, 25 e Wyona st, one three¬
story brick store and tenera't, 2.5x68, tin roof,
wooden cornice; cost, $7,397; G. Deuker. Atlautic
av and Wyona st, ar't, F. Holmberg; b'rs, H. 6c
D. Cook and G. Distler.
17(jO—bth Bt, w s, 150 w 2d av, one two and
one-story frame factory, 49x41, gla^s roof; cost,
*2,(m0; Davis Oil Co., 10 and 12 Old slip, New
York; c'r. E. Hallam; ar't, C. Haud.
1761—Reid av, w s, 05 s Gates av, one four-
story double brick and terra cotta flat, 40x6ii,
gravel roof, galvanized iron cornice: co-^t, $14.-
50O; Samuel S. Carlisle, Newbury, N. Y ; ar't
aud b'r, J. N. Smith, 257 Greene av,
17G2—Marcy av, w s. 75 s Gwinnett st, one¬
story framo shed. 25x72; cost, $500; The North
American Irun Works, 4J and 42 Walton st; c'r,
J. Windmiller,
1763—Linden st, No. 126, ono-story frame shop.
12x30; cost, $25; ow'r and cV, J. T. Miller, 112
Linden st; ar't, J. G. Miller.
1764—Bedford av, s w cor North 12th st, three
four-story frame (brick filled) tenem'ts, store in
coruer, each 25x66, tio roofs; cost, each, $6,000;
Chas. Albrecht, cor Graham av and Jackson st;
ar'r. J. C. Snackenberg.
17(i5—Suydam st, s s, 219.11 e Myrtle av, one
three-story frame (brick filled) teuem't, 25x56, tin
roof; cost, $4,500; Joseph Amerheim, ou prem¬
ise.^; ar'ts, D. Acker & Sou; b'rs, J. Eich and E.
Plau 921—Lafayette av, n w cor Stuyvesanfc
av, side wall altered: cost, $500; Henry Peters,
on premises; ar't, H, VoUweiler; b'r, W. Maske.
922-Fultou st, Nos. 2220-222S. front altered;
cost, $1,150; John S. Stiger, 107 Broadway, Now
York; ar't, J. G. Miller.
923—Rush st. No. 64, two-story brick exten¬
sion, 12x13; cosfc. $650; J. Cosgrove, on premises;
b'rs, W. & T. Lamb.
924—Water st, No. 74, rebuild rear wall; cost,
$150; A. J. Pouch: b'r.-----MiUer.
9J5"Myrtle av, No. 691, one-story brick exten¬
sion, 20x28, tin roof; cost. $850; ow'r and ar't,
Mr. Bronson; b'rs. M. FitaU and A. McKnight.
926—Ewen st, No. 29;i, one-story and basement
brick and wooden extension, 17x9.6, tin roof;
cost, $4iJ0; G. Franck, 203 Greene st; ar'tand b'r,
927-IrvSfeWjCw iiloWbree-story brick exten¬
sion, lOx'jfi, gravel iioof; co^t, ^4,20!»; V. Sava-
resi & Bros... 11 Uuioa &C; ar't, A. Hill; b'rs, M.
Gibbons & Son.
928—Suttipber 4, n s. If 5 o Howard av, one¬
story frame exuvislou, 12.6x21, tiu roof, front
altered; cast, $5t (J; Charies Schmitt, 268 Marion
st; b'r. C. Horn. * I
9^:9—Dean ht, a s, 2-0 6 Rockaway av, one¬
story franie extenMon. iox'it*. lin roof; cost, $150;
C. Mendenhall, fl'i/teo;, r4av; bV, J. Pirrung.
930—Wolc tt at.lJo 1, raised to curb level or
near foundacioh. f..-- â– w-story frame extension,