Record and Guide.
'TSTarcli 24, 1888
tbe northeast comer of Tth avenue and 119th street. There ai-e ten m aU,
tbree being apai-tment houses of a ffi-st-class character, the balance being
private houses, aU of which wiU be ready for the sprmg market. Mr. BUss
achieved bis greatest reputation in tbe constraetion of the handsome " Rut¬
land," on 57th street and Broadway, where he can be communicated with
inreference to any of the above properties, wbichhaveaU beeubuUt under
his careful supervision.
A. W. Budlong was an advertiser in The Real Estate Record in 1868.
His large lumber yards are at the same place now as then—corner of llth
avenue and 23d street. The yeai-s have considerably Increased his busmess,
but it has brought few changes m other respects. He stfil leads the trade
in what is almost a uew generation, as he did twenty years ago, and is stiU
known as oue of the shrewdest buyers of pine and hai'dwood lumber in tbe
market, whose quotations to purchasers are usually a shade lower than the
"next man's."
----------------------------â– %------------------------------
Real Estate Department.
This has been an unimpoi-tant week in the brokers' offices. Both rent¬
ing and selfing have been at a comparative discoimt, and the reports
ai-e not of an encouraging nature. Sales at the Exchange this week
have been numerous, and on the whole satisfactory. As wUl be seen
below, there will be quite an active market at auction dm-ing tbe com¬
ing week.
There was not much done at the Exchange on Monday. A majority of
the sales announced being postponed.
The sales held on Tuesday were both numerous aud important and the
attendance lai-ge. The properties offered embraced dweUings, tenements,
lots and plots suitable for unprovements. Several of the parcels were
secured by parties iu intei-est.
Sales were held by no less than eight auctioneers on Wednesday, and
the Exchange was so crowded that it was very difficult to move about.
Parcels on Ann street and East Broadway "were among the most valu¬
able offered. Particulars ai-e given in another page.
Thmsday was also a very busy day. The partition sale of tbe valu¬
able coi-ners on the northwest corner of Broadway and Duane street aud
the southwest comer of Broadway and Leonard street attracted a num¬
ber of weU-known mvestors and dealers. Tbe parcels were offered at
upset prices, and as no bid equal to the sums caUed for were made the
sale was postponed untfi Thm-sday, AprU 5th, when the property will be
offered without reserve.. Au experienced brokei- said that the reason
why no bid was forthcoming was on account of the placing of an upset
price ou the property. Tbis is aU very weU vrith small parcels, but
where half a million is involved investors flght shy. It is said tbat offers
have been made at private' sale on both parcels at about the flgnres
announced (as upset prices, but that, owing to a disagreement amongst
the owners it was decided not to cover the offers b5.buying in the parcels.
On Monday, the 26th inst. Richai-d V. Hai-nett wUl seU No. 417 Pearl
street and Nos. 294 to 398 Stanton street; the leasehold property No. 207 East
18tb street; a triangnloi- parcel on Boston avenue and Old Boston road, neoi-
177th street, and a finely-located plot of over seven city lots at CUfton
Heights, N. J., near Dundee Lake.
On Tuesday, the 27th inst., Mr. Hai-nett will sell, by order of the executor,
the valuable store and tenement property on the southwest corner of 7th
avenue (No. 278) and 2<Jtb sti-eet (No. 203); also tbe store and tenement No. 737
2d avenue, between 39th and 4(.th streets, sale positive and title guai-anteed;
and by order of the assignee, the flne 35-foot front residence No. 4S West
58th street. He -wfil at the same tune sell, by order of the executor, the
dweUing No. 60 South 10th street, Brooklyn, E. D.
Adrian H. MuUer & Son will conduct the Jumel sale on Tuesday,
March 37th. This long exjiiected sale was ordered by the Supreme Coui-t,
and comprises seventy-nine very choice lots, which formed a portion of
the celebrated Jmnel estate. They are situated on 10th aud Audubon
avenues, lOUd, IfHtb, 166th, 167th, lOSth, 169th, 170tb and ITlst streets
ahd Edgecombe road. The title is guaranteed by the Lawyei-s' Guar¬
antee Title Company.
On Tuesday, the 37th inst., E. H. Ludlow & Co. will seU the sevenatti-ac-
tive private houses Nos. 201 to 313 West 134th street.
On Wednesday, the 3Sth inst., Mr. Hai-nett wiU offer at auction tbe valu¬
able triaugidar corner, comprising No. 3 City HaU place and No. 14 Centre
street, which is weU worth the attention of mvestors.
On Thm-sday, the 29th inst,, A. H. MuUer Sc Sous wiU seU the foUowmg
properties : No. 135 East 57th street, Nos. 1120 to 1138 9th avenue, Nos. 334
to 343 'W'est 134th sti-eet and Nos. 1312 to 1318 Avenue A. These comprise
properties worth bidding for.
On Thursday next, the 29th inst, John S. Mapes wiU sell twenty-nine
desirable lots in Brooklyn, situate on Orient and Sackman avenues, neai-
Manhattan junction and the Brooklyu Elevated Raih-oad stations, a rapidly
improving section. This isa committee's sale and wiU take place atthe
New York Real Estate Exchange,
1887. 1888.
Mai-. 18 to 24 inc. Mar. 16 to 22 inc.
Number .................... â– ^S 275
Amount'iiivoived............................. $5,096,767 $4,171,314
Number nominal............................. 51 69
Number 23d and 34th Wards................. „ ^ â– "
Amount involved............................. $217,612 *9a,4a4
Number nominal............................. 10 14
Number ................ 237 238
Amount iii'voiv^d'.::.......................... $3,268,405 $2,157,705
Number at 5 per cent........................ 118 liM
Amount invofved............................. S1,274,M8 $1,117,816
Number at less than 5 per cent............... «=«, ,^ - «am-,fr,
Amount involved............................. $894,000 S4lI,3S5
Number to Baiiks, Trust and Ina. Co---------- 53 38
AmSunt involved............................. 81,!A000 $637,700
Mar. 19 to 25.
Numberof buildings......................... 266
Estimated cost................................ $3,964,850
Mar. 17 to 23.
Gossip of the Week,
Richard V. Harnett & Co. have sold for John Watson the four-story
stone front dweUing on the northwest comer of 5tb avenue and 30th
street, with plot 40x125, for ^235,000 to Wm. Moir, the jeweler of Oth
avenue and 23d street. Mr. Moir purchased the northeast corner of Slst
street, 38.9xl.'50, just one year ago, for $160,000, and has this week filed
plans for alterations to cost $35,000. Harnett & Co. have also sold for
Mr. Watson the stable opposite. No. 0 West SOth street, for §48,000.
L. Tanenbaum has sold for M. and S. Sternberger the six-story brick
facto]-y Nos. 190, 192 aud 194 South Sth avenue, 60x175 to Thompson
street, Nos. 36, 38 and 40, for $124,000; for John Hayes, the dweUing
No. 9 Washington place, 35 feet west of Mercer street, 35x100, for
$37,000 to Theodore Wehle, and for F. H. Mela, the premises No. 187
South 5th avenue, 31x83, for $13,000.
E. A. Cruikshank & Co. have sold tbe four-story brick dwelliug with
lot No. 300 West 14th sti-eet, southwest coi-ner of Tth avenue, for S36,000
to H. Meinken.
We hear that Scott Sc Bowne have sold fourteen lots, six on the
north side of Olst stj-eet, 1-^0 feet east of 9th aveuue, and eight on 93d
street in the rear thereof. Rumor has it tbat ten adjoining lots have
also been sold, and tbat the entire property has been purchased as a site
for a church.
S. B. Goodale & Co. have sold for Jeremiah DevUn, the clothier, the
dweUing No. 62 West 39th street, to Pelham S. G. BisseU for $43,000.
Brown & Leviness bave sold No. 1929 Madison avenue, southeast cor¬
ner 124th street, 3 .6x50 feet, lot 80 feet, for $25,000.
M. B. Baei- Sc Co. have sold for R. W. Witliiugton the four-story, higb
stoop, brovTO stone dweUing No. 79 West 45th sta-eet, 20x100.5, for $22,000.
H. Ludlow Hay has sold for H. H. Jackson tbe three-stoi-y brown stone
dweUing No. 249 West 131st sti-eet, 17x50x100, to Mi-s. Anna Goodrich.
The four-story iron front store No. 30 West 14th street and the two-story
brick stable No. 19 West 13th sti-eet have been sold by Myei- Hellman to
Wm. W. Cole for *150,000. This is an advance of about $35,000 on the
price paid by Mi-. HeUman. Broker, H, H. EUiott.
Dr, Polk is the pm-chaser of the dweUing No. 7 East 36tb street,
reported sold last week. The brokers were Richards Sc Sause and Geo.
A. Savory. The price is $80,000.
Joseph Stern has sold a plot of lots, 102x132, ou the northwest corner
of the Boulevard aud 7fith street, for $70,000 to T)or6 Lyon. Brokers, L.
J. & I. PhiUips.
W. E. DiUer has sold two three-story dweUings on the south side of
121st street, between 6th and 7th avenues, for about $3.5,000 each.
Emanuel Perls has sold for Fi-. HoUender the flve-story brick flat No.
37 East 4th street, 27.3x129, on private terms. Mr. HoUander saUed for
Gei-many last Wednesday.
Mrs. Fleischman has sold the four-story stone frout dweUing No. 142
West 49th street, for $19,000.
Jacob Bookman bas sold thi-ee lots on tbe north side of 114th sti-eet, 125
feet west of Madison avenue, to Jenkins Bros, for improvement.
Dot6 Lyon has sold a fonr-story stone front dwelling on the soutb
side of 91st street, between Sth and Sth avenues, for $30,000 to Catha¬
rine S. Bari-ow, Mr. Lyon has pm-chased from Mi-s. Bai-row a plot 64x
100.8 on the soutb side of 94th street, 346 feet west of Sth avenue. Mr.
Lyon has purchased from F. M. Jencks seven lots on the south
side of 107th street, 100 feet west of Stb avenue. R. V. Harnett & Co.
and Richards & Sause bave sold the flve-stoiy brick store on the north¬
east corner of Ci/rtlandt and Washington streets, 40.9x66.6x45.1x67.1, for
$60,000, and for E. EUery Anderson the five-story store, 20x66.6, No. 72
Cortiandt street, adjoining, for $33,000.
W, H. Stafford has sold three of his fom- four-story brick and stone
dwellings on the north side of S3d street, west of 9th avenue. The
houses are not yet completed.
L. FroebUch has sold for the estate of Wm. Chuck No. 108 East Olst
sti-eet, a tbi-ee-story and basement brown stoue front residence, 19.9x50x100,
to A. Homberger for $30,000,
Thomas C. Edgar has sold to P. Ci-awford one lot, 25x90, on the west side
of 4tb avenue, 25 feet south of 117th sti-eet, for $8,500.
PhiUips &,WeUs have sold the elegant estate, near Ridgewood, N. J., of
the late Isaac W. England, foi-merly pubUsher of the New York Sun, to
Mr. Nelson Chase for $25,000. They have also sold tbe Cat-penter farm,
near PleasantviUe, Westchester County, for Mi-s, Col, George Bliss to A,
Birdsall for $8,500.
Hulbert Peck has sold for Louis Coutencin the fuU lot with frout and
rear brick tenements No. 350 West Sfith sti-eet to James H. Havens
for $12,000.
James A. Breen has sold tbe [foUowing: Eight lots on SOth sti-eet,
south side, 100 feet west of Aveuue A, for J. M. Libbey to James Hig¬
gins for 151,300; No. 344 East 69th street, a thi-ee-story and basement
brown stone residence, 16.8x50x77, for M. Gans to E. Di-ucker at$10,.500;
No. 138 East SOth sti-eet, a three-story aud basement, brown stone resi¬
dence, 18.4x45x102.3, for Mary M. Dodge to Jas. Higgiiis for $16,160;
No. 131 East SOth street, 30x55x100, for Breen Sc Mason to a Mr. Lieb-
mau at $33,500; No. 136 East 72d street, a four-story and basement, 30x
60x74xS4, for Breen & Nason to a Mi-. Offenbach at §33,000; also the
adjoining residence No. 138 East 72d s-treet, same size, etc., for Breen Sc
Nason to a Mr. Veith at $33,000.
John H. Wright bas rented, with option to purchase- at $30,000, to
Arthur Hart the weU-known PearsaU estate, Brentwood, L. I., about 600
acres, with fine mansion aud outhouses.
J, E. Muhliug has sold for Morris Reiman the housa and lot No. 303
Friuce str'»et to Jacob Reich for $14,150.