Msrch 19, im
Record and Guide.
on tbe north side of 107th street, running through to a plot on 108th
street, belween Columbus and Amsterdam avenues, aud the two tbree-
story brick houses Nos. 148 atid 150 West 27th street.
Ou Tuesday, March 22d, the Real Estate Loan and Trust Corapany
wiU sell, tbrough Richard M. Montgomery. thirty-íeven very desirable
lots variously situated in New York Ci'y. Of these, twenty-eight are
included in tbe block bounded by Arasterdam aveuue, Convent avenue,
142d and 143d streets. Tbii property ii part of Hamilton Grange, for-
merly the homestead of Alexander Hamiltoa, and the historical " Thir-
teen Trees," represeuliug tbe tbirteen original States, are on the Couvent
avenue front. One block below, on the same avenue, a $300,000 church
has been erected. Five o£ the resiJue are on a coriier ot Ihe Boulavard
and West 147th street, and four are ou East S4th street, between 5th and
Madison avenues. On tbe same day the same auctioneer will also sell ten
lots on the Graud Boulevard, betweenand on 15'2dand 1.53d streets.
On Tuesday, March 22d, Smyth & Ryau will sell tbo four-story, bigh
stoop, brown stonedwelling, No. 250 'vV^est^id street; four five-story and
cellar brick flats, on tbe nortbwest coruer of 9tb aveaue and tíOtb street,
and the five-story brick flat, 1.5x88x100, No. 103 West 6Jth street.
On Tuesday, March 32d, Ricbard V. Harnett &Co. will.«ell, by order o£
the adminlstralor, the vacant plot at Noi. 303 and 304 West 13tb street.
Ou Wednesday, March 23d, Bryan L. Kennelly will sell, to close tha
estate of Rebecca Walbach, deceased, tbe three-story brick business prop-
erty, No. 352 East Houstou street; ihe three-story browu .stoae dwelling,
No. 913 2d avenue; the three-story brick aud frame dwelling, No. 142 East
lllth street; and two lots situated on tbe southerly side of Itílst s'.,reet, east
of Coui'tlandt avenue, with framo buildiugs tbereon. On the same day,
the same auctioneer will sell tbe flve-story improved apartment house, No.
158 West 15th street.
On Wednesday, March 23d, Smyth & Ryau wiU sell tbe fivestory brick
flat, 28x93x103.3, No. 236 West 16ih street, and the five-story brown stoue
double flat, 25x88x100, No. 448 West 55th street. The sale is positive and
tbe terms liberal.
On Wednesday. March 23d, Richard V. Haruett & Co. wiU sell the four-
story single flat, No. 77 East lílst street, and, by order of executors, tbe'
three-story brick buildiug, No. 148 2d avenue.
On Thursday. March 24th, Ricbard V. Harnett í& Co. will sell tbe four.
story brick dwelling, No. 202 East 40th street, aud the three-story brown
toiie dwellÍDg, No. 248 East 7'2d street.
Ou Monday, March 28tb, Ricbard V. Harnett & Co. will sell, by order
"■of the surviving partner and the executor of the estate of Hugb McAIee-
nan, deoea-ed, tbe New York City property, described as foUows: No 194
8th avenue; No. 12 Christopber street, on tbe southeast corner of Gay
street; two lots ou 5tbavenue, oear lOJth street; three lots on 5tb aveoue,
near UOth street,,and two loison64lb street, uear Central Park West.
Ou Tuesday, Marob '29th, Adrian H. Muller& San wiU sell tbe flve-story
brick and stone apartment, No. 161 Wost 4tb street. ou the northwest
cornerof Cornelia street, facing on 6th avenue.
On Thursday, March 3tst, Adriau H MuUer & Sou will sell, by order of
the executors of tbe estate of James Mouteith, deceaseí, fifty-seven valu-
able lots oo St. Nicholas and Edgecombe avenues, St. Nicholas place, 150th,
151st, I52d and 154ih streets. Also a two-aud-a-half-story fraine house at
No. 14 bt. Nicbolas place, oorth of ISOtb street, aod adjoiuiug the resídencs
of James A. Bailey. This propsrty is situated iu a very desirable resideuce
locality. Seventy per cent of tbe purchase money may remaia on bond
aod mortgage at 5 per cent.
The sale of the Arnold estate lots wUI be held on Tuesday, April 5th, by
L. J. Pbillips & Co., auctioneers. About one-balf o£ the 143 lots to be sold
Ue north of Ceutral Park, along Leuox avenue, and east and west of said
avenue on ihe streets from 133d to 139tb street. There are twelve avenue
lots. iucludiug three corners, viz., northwest corner 128th and 13Sth and
southwest. corner 139tb street.
All uf tbese lots will largely ÍDcrease in value wheu tbe Metropolitan
Traction Co. builds its cable road ou 6th and Lenox avenues. This is sure
to come soon, as ihe títh and 9ih avenue roads were lately secured by tho
owners of the Br._adway liue, wbo will revolutionize surface transit witbin
a few years. There are deventy-three lots east of Central Park to be
offered, ten of wbich are on 5th avenue, two westerly fronts on Madison
avenue aud forty-seven lots on S7th, SStb, 90th, 94th, 95th, 97th and ltí2d
Btreets. Purchasers at this sale, wbich will be aosolute and without
reserve, are likely to secure bargains. Tbe terms are veiy easy, and book-
maps raay t)e obtained frora the auctioneer or the executors.
Gossip of the Week.
L. J. Pbillips & Co. bave sold for tbe estate of the late Hugh McAIeenan
the six-story brick buildiug on tbe southwest corner of Broadvvay aud
Lispenard street for $250.000. Tbe same brokers bave sold for Havens &
Winter to David L. Eiustein the six-story b'-ick warebouse, 9SxlU0, on
the west side of Wooster street, 75 feet north of Houstou street, tor about
$210,000. Less thau two years ago this property was owned by M. A. C.
Levy, who sold it for $21,000 prottt on his purcbase prĩce to Scott &
Bowne, who iu turn sold it to Haveus & Winter for a profit of $15,000, or
a price of $210,000. Tûis last trausfer, tberefore, shows au increase of
$46,000 over Mr. Levy's purchase price.
Otto Pullich has sold for the estate of Tbomas Weatherby. to Keppler &
Schwarzmaun, of Puck, the four houses on the north side ot Jersey street,
67 feet west of Mulberry street, on a plot about 73x07. This, together with
the plot reported sold by tbis broker last week, gives Puck 97 ftet on Mul-
berry stroet, x 14i feet9 iucbes on Jersey street, aud tbo eutire plct wiU
be Iniproved immediately by a teustory building erected as an eitensioo
to tha Puck building, southwestcorner Houstou aud Mulberry streets.
Fred. A. Carll has sold for the estate of James Dickson No. 210 Weit 22d
street, 20x98 9, at $21,000; No. 218, adjoiniug, 20x98 9, for Margaret Hind
at$ál.00O; also in counection with Jaraes F. Bragg £or Mrs. Cathrine Col-
rUI No. 214, adjoining the flrst meotiooed, 20i9S.«, at $21,000. The buyers
of the tbree pieces, together 60x98.9, are Daniel Lawson and Abrabara
Quackenbush. Two flats will be erected ou the plot.
Douglas Robinson, Jr.,&Co., it is repurled, baTc sold for a clieut the
plot of land Nos. 133, 134 and 136 West 14lh street, on private terms. Tbe
sizeof the plot is 75x103.3, andthe purchasers are Ottinger & Korn, who
ÍDteud to erect a six-ítory aud basement warehouse with stores. The
building will have modern improvements.
FitZîimons '& Smith have sold for Mrs. Jenny Allen Carew to Mrs.
Annette Lehmann tbe four-story Englisb basement dwelling, No. 249 West
4'2d street, 18.9x55x100 5, for $24,400; and for John L. Hasbrouck to Robert
Cbristie, the builier, tbe three story brick buiMing, No. 122 West 29th
street, lot 25x100, for $20,000.
Ascber Weinstein & Co. bave sold the premises Nos. 327, 3'c9 and S81
West 32d street, in size 54i9S 9, to Cumming & Ferguson, builders, for
improveraent. Messrs. Weinstein & Co. have purchascd the tbree-story
private house No. 438 West 51st street. Broker, Fred. A. Carll.
Bellamy & Winans bave sold for Jaspar H. Sioger to I. LewidtzNo. 40
East 67th street, a four-story brown stone dwelliug, on private terms>
The same brokers have sold No. 113 East 57th stieec, a four-story brown
stone dwelliug, 2Os6JxlO0.
Pbilip Sammet has purcbased from Professor Daniel S. Martin No. 23fJ
West 4tb street, a tbree-story dwelling, on lot 20x88, and from Jobii
Raynor No 238 West 4th street, a similar building, on lot 21xt>8.
Wm. Keunelly has sold for Robert Adams to Police Commissioner
James .1. Martin No. 132 West 48tb street, a tbree-story stone front dwell-
ing, on private terms.
Henry Waters has sold the flve-story apartment bouse, No 34 Attorney
street, size 25.9í88xlo0, to Mrs. P. Obitbaum for $42,500. Broker, Jos.
Melrose & Montgomery have sold for Mrs. A. Pell No 111 East54th
street, a four story and basemeut browu stone dĸelling, 16.10x50x100, for
Johu G. Borgstede bas sold tbe flve-story tenement, No. 560 West S2d
street, for John Klioker oo private terms.
SetoD & Wissraaon have sold to Pbilip Sammet No. 144 Madison street,
a three-story house. on lot '25x100, on private terms.
John R. Foley & Son have sold for John Pettit to L. Jaoobs Mo. 161
Wasbington street, a seven-story buildiug, 2'>x9i, for $75.000.
Mayer Kahn has purchased tbe four-story buildiug No. 47 West 27tb
street, on private terms.
Tbe nortbwest corner of Broome and Crosby streets bas been purobased
by John Williaras for $100,000.
Tbe^Rabery estate has sold to Dr. B. Grunhut the brown stone dweUing,.
No. 267 West 52d street, near Broadway, on pnvate terms.
The Colurabus Iraproveraent Company, it is reported, have purchased
tbe northeast corner of Riverside Drive and 93d street, 29.2x97.10, from
L. Toplitz; the adjjining lot, 28..5x97, from Alice M. Sumner, and ihe
plot adjoining on tbe nortb, 56.10x97, írom Gardiner Wetberbee. Tbese
purcbases, together with thtse previously made by this syndicate on thls
frout, complete their title to the block front on Riverside Drive, between
93d and 94tb streets.
F. R. Houghton has sold the four lots on tbe nortb slde of 72d street, 220
feet east of West End avenue, for Fraucis P. Burke for $120,000.
Johu R. Foley & Sou have sold for Frederick A. Libby to Karl M. Wal-
lach Nos 412 to 4'24 East 86th street, seven four-story brick tenemeotg, on
lots 35x100 each, for $105.000.
Cbarles Gahren, it Í8reported,'has sold ihe northeast corner of Columbiu
avenue and 92d street. a plot 100x100, with the three flve-story flats and
stores tbereou, on private terms.
Bellamy & Winans have sold tor Riehard Deeves, No. 27 Weit Slst
street, a four-story whitestone front dwelling on full lot, for $90,000.
The Board of Education has accepted the plot, 200x100, on the east aide
o£ Edgecombe avenue, between 140th aud 141st streets, for a school site.
The property was offered to tbem by Hayden & Co., wbo have also con-
sumraated the following sales : For John Casey the two four-story, gable
end, privatedwellings, 20x5*5. ou lots 32x68, Nos. 718 and 732 St. Nícholas
avenue; aud for Lizzie A. Maloy tbe plot, 65x50, on the east side of Edge-
combe avenue, at the centre line of 149th street, ruuniug soutb, for $9,000.
Frank L. Fisher & Co. have sold for P. T. Radiker. No. 425 West Eud
avenue, a three-story brick and stone dwelling, 20x.55x9U, to Mrs, Wra.
R. Sargeant for $28,000; for Geo. A. Denig, No. 143 West 92d street, a
three-story stone front dwelling, 20x50x100, to Bernard Stahl for $25,000;
for the sarae owner to a Mr. Hind, No. 151 West 92d street, a similar
dwellÍDg, 17x50x110, for $22,iJ00, to Robert Staats; also for Mr. Denig,
No. 153 West 9ád street, a sirailar dwelline', 17x50î100, for $i2,000; for
Dr. Lozier and Charles McDonald, No. 64 West 82d street, a four-story
stone front dwelUng, 17x55x100, to a Mr. O'Conner for $33,000; and for
Prague & Power, No. 125 West S5th street, a three-aud-a-haU-story
Btone frout dwelling, 20x55x100, to Mrs. Haskell for $.'8,000.
Riker & Son bave sold for Cornelius W. Luyster No. 115 West 74th
street, a four-story brick and stone front dwelling, 20x55x100, on private
Lewis Z. Bach has sold to Thos. J. McLaugbliu tbe plot 00x100, ou tbe
north side of 65th.6treet, 40 feet west of 4th avenue, for $54,000, for improve-
Hirsh Bros. heve purchased from B. CarroIItbeplot, .50x100, ontbeuorth-
east corner of 142d street and Willis avenue, ou private terras.
Melrose & Montgomery have sold for Natban Wise, No. 14 East 76tb
s'reet, a four-scory and basemeut brown stone bouse, 20x0(Jxlli2 2 to a Mr.
Sboenfeld for $42,000; for A. Aeschlimann.No. 181 EastOltb s.treet, a tbree-
story and basemeut brown slone dweUiog, 15x50x1011.5, to a Mr. McLough-
lin for $13,000; fortheRev. H. S. Day, No. 134 East 60tb strcet, a four-
story aud basement brown stoae, 20x50x100.5, for $24,500; and for Wra. T.
Black, No. 119 East 6lst street, a four-story and basemeot browo stone, 20
x50xl00.5, to a Misg Ryan for $24,500.