March 24,1864
d Guide.
tin roof; cost, $5,000; OAv'r and b'r, Chas.
Tirello, Atlantic av, near East New York av;
ar't, W Ilaiimar.
20'2—Fultou st, cor Vermont av, one 3-sty
frame store aud ilwell'g, 20x30; oAv'r, ar't
aud b'r, same as last,
293—St Marks av, n s, bet Brooklyn and
Kingston avs, five 4-sty liinestoue dwell'gs,
20x50, tiu roofs; cost, $20,000 each; OAv'r
and b'r, Henry B Moore, 88 Decatur st; ar't,
H R BrcAvster.
294—Atlantic av, s s, 225 av Vesta av, one
4-sty fraiue store, 30x18, gravel roof; cost,
$250; Le Roy E Bunker, East New York av
and Pacific st; ar't and b'r, E Gamier,
295-Kossuth pl, n s, 100 e BroadAvay, one
2-stv frame stable, 40x13, gravel roof; cost,
$300; W Sants, 1043 Myrtle av; ar't, F
296—Stagg St. s s. 138 av Waterbury st, one
3-sty frame (brk filled) teuem't, 25x57, tiu
root'; cost, $4,500; Jactdi Schneider, 325
Stagg st; ar'ts, D Acker & .Sous; b'rs, Dou-
bacTi & Banutlio,
297—Woodbine st, s s, 90 av Hamburg av,
three 3-stv frame (brk fiUetl) lenem'ts, '28,Sx
62, tiu roofs;, $23,000; E F Wildner,
1200 Madi.son st; ar't, F Holmberg.
298—West Oth st, s s, 140 w Clinton st, oue
1-sly frame .shed, 15x10, felt roof; cosL $25 ;
Thomas Milloii, 106 West Oth st.
299—Weirficld st, u s, 400 e Central av, five
2-st.v aud luKsemeut framednk tilled) tlwell'gs,
20x45, tin roofs; cost, each, .$2,500; ow'r, ar't,
and b'r, K C Mouohan, 152 Weirfield st,
300—Monitor st, e s, 175 s Uriggs av, three
2-8ty and basement frame (brk filled) dwell'gs,
20x42, gravel roofs; cost, each, $2,200; ow'r,
ar't, anil b'r, Martin Rourke, 85 Monitor st.
.'101-Belmont av. u av cor Crystal st. one
l-.stv and attic franie dweU'g, 2i,6x'29, shin¬
gle i-oof; cost, $2,200; Peter G Kerr, 047 Bel¬
mont av
302—Easteru ParkAvay, s e cor Barbey st,
one .3-8ty frame store and feni-m't, 25x58, tin
roof; cost, .f.S.OiKI; John L Olt, Eastern Park¬
way, cor Schenck av ; ar't, L F .Schilliiiger.
303—Eastern ParkAva.v, s av cor Shi'iilierd av,
one 3-st,.y frame store ami tlwell'g, 24x70, tin
roof; ciist, $6,0(Xt; ow'r and c'r, Louis Ilse¬
mann, Market st, near Fulton av ; ar't, L F
304—Attains av, s s, 100 e Lincoln av, one
2-.stv frame (brk filled) dAvell'g, 19x40, tiu
roof; cost, .*2.700; Thos R Conrod, 1161
Broatl Ava.y.
305—Shepherd av, an- s, 24 s Eastern Park¬
way, four '2-st.v frame tlAveU'gs, 18x40, tin
roofs ; total cost, $8,000 ; ow'r and h'r. Louis
Ilseman, Market st. near Fulton av; ar't, L
F Schillinger.
306—3Sth St. water front at foot of st, one
1-sty brk machine shop, 99,5x102, irou roof
auiicornice; cost, $w,,500; ow'r and ar't, IT S
Projectile Co, 5.3tl st antl 1st av : b'r, F J Ash-
307—Kent av, e .s, 60 u Rutledge st. one
1-sty brk foundry, 40x100, gravel roof; cost,
$3,500; McMillan Bros, on preuiises: ar'ts and
c'rs, Libbe.y & Keese ; m'n, .7 B Acker,
308—Soiiiers st, 8 8, 130 av Broadway, tA\'o
1-stv franie sheds, 18 and 23x12, .shingle
roofs; cost, each, $,50; R .S Losee, 178 Som¬
ers st,
.309—Bergen st. u s, 225 e Rochester av, six
3-sty franie (brk filled) tenem'ts, 20x55, gravel
roofs; cost, each, S4,000 ; P Thompson, 76
Broatl wa.v, Ncav York; ar't, 6 Arthur; h'r, not
.310—Villi Voorhis st, s s, 100 av Ceutral av,
three 3-sty frame (brk filled) lenem'ts, 28x
65; cost, total, $24,000; S Relet, New York ;
ar't, F Hohnberg.
311—McDougal St. u s, 150 e Hopkinson
av, three 2-8ty antl basemeut frame (brk
filled) tlAvell'g.s, 16.8x44, graA-el roofs; cost,
each, $3,500; Gi Dehier, Vau Voorhis st; ar't,
F Holmberg.
312—Moore st, s w cor Eweu st, oue 1-sty
iron shed, 12x,50, tiu roof; cost, $200; Julius
Auzelevitz, 10 Leouard st; ar't, H Smith.
313—Crystal st, w s, '25 u Belmont av,
three •2-.sty aud attic frame tlwell'gs, 21.6x30,
shingle roofs; cost. each. $2,200; ow-'r, ar't
and h'r, Peter G Kerr. 947 Belmont av.
314—Marion st, n s. 75 w Patchen av, one
3-st;y frame (brk filled) tenem't, 25x57, tin
roof; cost, $4,000; George Bunkeuberg, 1932
Fulton st; ar't, H Vollweiler; b'r, not se¬
313—Broadway, e s, 75 from Stewart st, one
1-sty frame shed, 24x12, gravel roof; cost,
$30 ; oAv'r ami h'r, J Kraemer,
316—Driggs av, s s, ,50 w Russell st, tAvo 4-
st.y frame (brk filled) stores antl teuem'ts, 25x
57, tiu roofs; cost, each, $4,000; C Haferkom
& Bro and Mr Keller, 145 Driggs nv ; ar't, H
Vollweiler ; b'r, not selected.
317—Milton st. w s. 145 u Greenpoint av.
two 4-8t.v brk tenem'ts, 25x65. tin roofs,
iron cornices; total cost, $18,000; John
Muntlus, No 95 Milton st; ar't, G Erda.
318—Stockholm st, s s. 89.9 av Central av,
tA\-o 4-sty frauie (brk filled) tenem'ts, 17.7x
18.3x65, tin roofs; cost, each, $4,000; Hugo
Scheller ; ar't, H Volhveiler; b'r, not selected.
319—Heur.y .st, n w cor Huntington st, four
4-8ty' brk stores and teuem'ts, 25x31, tiu
roofs, wooden coiuices; cost, each, $7,000 ;
John Caulfield, Hamilton av, uear Henry st;
ar't, H L Spicer.
320—Fulton st, u e cor McDougal st. one 3-
sty brk store, office building and meeting
rooms, 3.8x23x91, tin roofs, irou cornices;
cost, $4,000 ; Philiji Lew ; ar't, II Smith ; b'r.
not selected.
321—Stone av, av s, 60.2 s Pacific st, one 2-
st.y and attic frame (brk filled) dwell'g. 20x
32, slate or tin roof ; cost. $2,000; Frauk
Borrato, 252 Saratoga av; ar't and b'r, K
Peters. ,
322—Irving av, s e cor Stanhope st, three
3-8ty lirk tenem'ts, 25x62, tin roofs; cost.
$6,,500; ow'rs .and iir'ts, Hahn Bros, 246
Central av.
323—Willoughby av, s s, 150 e Irving av,
one 2-sty frame stable, 11x25, gravel roof;
cost, $123; Tonv Grimm, 12,50 Willoughbv
av; ar't, Th Engelhardt; b'r, J. Schellbach.
324—Bogart st. No 34, e s, ,50 s Thames st,
one l-st.v frame stable, 13x25, gravel roof;
cost, $175; Barbara Kraemer, on;
ar't, L. H. Krotler; b'r, .1. Rueger Building Co.
3'2.5—Hamburg av, u w- tor Raliih st. four
3-sty frame (brk filletl) stores ami dwell'gs,
25x56. tin roofs; cost, each, $4,000; OAv'r and
h'r, Christ Bott; .ar't, Th EngelhardL
32t)—Bainbritlge st, s s, 85 e Howard aA',
eight 2-8ty antl basement lu-k antl .sandstone
tlweU'gs, 20x4.5. tin roofs, Avootlen cornices;
cost, $3,800; ow'r aud ar't, Henry 15 HiU,
193 Ralph av.
327—Troutman st^ s s, 150 w Irviug av, Iavo
3-sty frame (brk filled) tenem'ts, 25x58, tiu
roofs; cost, total, $12,000; S Melling, 358
Melrose st; ar't, F Holmberg.
328—3fl av, s e cor Prospect av, oue l-sty
iron real estate office. 8x12.6, gravel roof;
cost, $60; M J Logan, '247 Kosciu.skii st.
3'29—Belmont av, n s, 36.K av Doscher st,
oue 2-st.y autl attic frame tlAvcU'g, 21x31 iiutl
exteusiJn 13x16, shingle roof; t-ost, $2,000;
Wm H Reveland, 45 Shi-pheid av: ar't, W A
330—Calyer st. No 15<», 75 av Lorimer sl,
one 4-st.v frame tenem't, 25x65, gravel roof ;
cost, $7,0'0; oav'is and b'rs, J H & W II
Port, 643 Lorimer st; ar't. B E LoAve,
Plan 231—3d av. No 672, raisetl 1 foot, brk
piers autl new sills; cost, $75; ,1 P Bernius,
670 3d iivj; movers, B C Miller & .Son,
232—Hopkinson av, s e cor Fultou st, roof
raised 4 feet; cost, $50; Wilhelm Mohnuann,
on Jiremises.
233—2d av, e s, 25 8 12th st, raised 10 feet
on frame story; cost, $225; Chas P Seitzt,
352a Oth st,
234—My ltle av. No 30, store front and in¬
terior alterations; cost, $1,700; Josiah T
Marean, 26 Court st; ar't and c'r, W C Booth
& Son ; m'n, J De Mott & Sous.
235—Eastern ParkAva.v. n s, 25 av Scheuck
aA', alterations to av foumlation;, $90;
Mr Levy, on premises; ar't, F C Jaeger.
236—Lewis av, s w cor Mat-oii st, 1-sty Ink
extension, 20x33, tin roof; cost, $900; C
Meyerhofl', Lafayette av, cor LeAvis av: ar't
antl c'r, J S SteA-ens; m'u, H Pitman.
237—Carroll st. No 42, frout altered ; cost,
$335; Mrs O'Kief, on iiremises; b'r, M (I'Hare.
'238—Greene av, No 873, repair damage by
fire; cost, $643 ; Floyd «& Newins, 177 South
st, NeAV York; ar't autl b'r, F Widmann.
239—Nostrantl av.No 35, ucav brk frout;
cost, $275 ; OAv'r antl ar't, W .1 Amlerson, ou
premises; b'r, B F Kiltlutf,
'240—Bridge st. No 91, new concrete floor.
ueAv beams antl posts; cost. $350; James
Clark. 102 Adams st; ai-'t, A Ulrich ; b'r, not
241—Fulton st.Nos 335 and .337, altered
for offices; cost, $1,000; Gimi C ,lettei-y, 343
Jett'erson av; ar't and c'r, H G Bcese ; m'n, P
242—Douglass st. No 383, uCAV front brk
wall; cost. $100; Thoinas Coar. 385 Doug¬
lass st; ar'ts. T L.ynch and F Schultz.
243—Flushiug av, s s, 25 e Sanford st, 2-sl,y
brk extension, 21x14, graAel roof; cost,
$500; J Cassidy, on premises; ar't, E F Gay
lor; b'rs, J B Acker anil Libbey & Keese.
244—High st, No 219, l-sty brk aud Iron
extension, 17x6,6; cost, $425; St Michael
Church, on premises; ar'ts. Withers & Dick¬
son : m'u, L MacNaughton,
245—Broadwa.v, n a\' cor Graham aA', new
shoAV AvindoAvs, door.s, &c; cost. $1,500;
Frederick Kultzow, on premises; iir't. H
Smith ; b'r, not selected.
'246—ITnion st. No 438, iicav Avindows autl
interior alterations; cost, $1,000; William
Schroeder, 438 Union st; ar't and b'r, D J
247—Irving st, s s, 200 e Van Brnut st, ruu
chiinuey up 23 feet higher Avith brk ; cost,
$300 ; Hell Bros & Co, 12 Park jil. New York;
ar't, G P Chappell; c'rs, M Gibbous & Sou.
248—Flushing av, No 146, new sills autl
weather boartliug;|co8t, $150 ; William Leou¬
artl, on premises ; c'r, ,S .Schepper.
249—Myrtle av. No 178, front anil interior
alterations; cost, $1,000 ; P F Healv, 36 Clin¬
tou st; ar't, E Van Voorhis; b'r, S 1 King,
230—Hamilton av. No 501, side fonudation
walls; cost, .-^200; Patrick Sm.vth, on iirem¬
ises; m'n, J Frank.s.
251—Leouard st, e 8, 250 s Liberty av, 1-
st.y frame extension. 14x12, tiu roof; cost,
$200; Mrs C Smith, Linwood st, near Atlan¬
tic av ; ti'r, W Max,
2,5'2—Mill st, s 8, ISO e Ctdunibia st, raised
3 feet on posts; t^ost, $75; Ht»ruiaii SehAvartz,
No 14 Mill St.
•253-16th st. No 5, beiug 42 e Hamilton av,
raisetl 7 feet on frame sty autl Ink founda¬
tion; cost, $600; John Feeuey, on premises;
ar't, F H LaAvrance.
254—Throop aA', e s, 25 8 (Jwiunett st, plate
glass store front; cost, $200; Henry Butt,
394 Broadway; ar't, H Smith; b'r, not se¬
255—Keut av, u av cor Keaji st, l-sty brk
extension, 50x2'2, gravel roof; cfist, $500;
Simpsou Foundry Co, 20 Rodney sl; ar'l, B
Finkensieper; b'r, not seleeti-d.
17 Smith, Robt H f
Sniith, Joseph R , AVm
Bniith, Robt B I
sales to be held at the real est.ate e.xchanoe
189 amd 191 montaguk .street, except as
otheran'ise stated.
March 26.
Hidsey St. No 712, s s, 218 e Patchen av, 18x1
102, 2i2-stv brk dAvell'g; assessed value,
High st. No 117, n s, 90 e Jay st, 25x101.9x25x
102, Sifi-sty brk dAvell'g; assessed value,
lst st. No '209, n s, 53,3 e Wliilwell pl, 24.0x75,
5-8ty lii-k double teuem't; assessed value, I
$5,500, I
67th 8t,B s, 400 e 12th av, '20x130, New Vt-\
Kent av. No 860, av s, 421.101.j s Park av, 25x
IGO, 3-sty brk with 2-st.v ti-aiiie extension; as-
sessetl A-altie, $2,800.
Marcy iiv. No 755, s e cor Lexington av, 16,8x
66, 2-sly Ink dwell'g; assessed value, ,"(13,000.
Gales av. Nti 529, n s, 260 w Tonipkins aA-, 20x
105, 4-sty brk Hat with store; asse.-^setl value,
liv T A Keri-iL'aii. at 9 WillnuL'lil.y st
Earl st, 8 8, SO e Utica av, 25x100. )
Earl st, s â– <, 1:10 e I'tica av, 2 lots, each 25.\100, ;â–
Flatbush, )
by Jose E Pldgeon ret, at County Court House,
Lorimer .st. No 299, n av cor Skilluiaii a v, 25x100, I
li-j-sty frame tlAvell'g; a.swesseil \'alue, $1,200; I
partition. |
Lorimer st. No 322, e s, .50 s Jackson st, 25x100,
2-sty frame tlAvell'g: assessetl value, $1,200; I
partition. I
liy Nathan Comstock ref, at County Court House.
March '27.
Bedforilav,No693, es, 93 ii Lynch st, 21.712X)
85, 3-sty brk dweU'g; assessed value, i^.,500; [
by T A Kerrigan, at County Court House. )
Watkius et, w s, 12,5 a Glenmore .av, 50x100, liy
-Thos J M0II05- ref, at C'oniit.y Court House.
March 28.
lie Kalli av. No 5711, s s, 415 av Nostraud av, 20x
100, :j-sty franie dAvell'g; assesseii value, $2,500 ;
hy W Cole, at 7 and 8 C'lutrt ,iq.
Knickerbocker av, s av cor Grattau st, runs s e 25
X SAV 68.91-2 X S54.4 x s av 10 x n 108.1 xe62.9i4,
4 aty fraint- teneiu't with store and bowling alley,
all right, title and inli assessed value, $10,000;
by T A Kerrigan, -it 9 Williiughliy st.
March -29.
Baltic st. No 491, u .-<, ,56.8 av Nevins st. 18.4x80, ]
2-sty ti-anie dweU'g; assessed value, $700;|
partition. |
Halsey 81. No 407, n s, ;125 w LcAvis aA-, 16.8x
100. 3-stv lirk dweU'g; assessed value, $3,50<l,
SI -Marks iil. No 352, s s, I21.O1.2 av 4th av, 20.4x
100, 4-stv Ink flati assessed value. $1,600.
St Marks lil. No 3.50. s s. 141.4i.j w Jth av. 20.4x
100, 4-sty brk Hat; aaHcssed value, :}il,IKiO.
Sf Marks pl. No 336, s s, 324.41.. „ 4th av. -20.4x
100. 4-stv lirk flat 1 ii...scs»cil value, :f4,i;00.
East 9tli st, e .a, 500 s Av M, 2 hil.-s. each '20x100,
Bedlord .av. No 707, a e cor Wallalioiit st, 20x
67, 3-sty frarae teuem't; aases.aeil value, $3,-
tJrecnwood av, s s, 75 av East 4tli at, 25x100,
Flatbush. I
Myrtle av No 1089, u s, 125 w Lewis av, 25x
lOO, 4-aty brk Hat with store i assessetl value,
$8,400. I
bv T A Kerrigan, at 9 Willoughby st.
Sackett st. Xo 175, n s, 59.6 e Hicks st, 19.6x75,
4-sty lirk teneni't with store; assessed value,
$4,400: by Gerard M Stevens ref, at County
Court House.
Clinton st. No 281, s e cor Baltic st, 17.4x91.llx
13.10x92.2. 4-.sty brk dwell'g and stnre; as¬
sessetl value, $5,600.
Cllutou st, Nos 297 and 299, n e i-or Harrison st,
40x68.012, two 3-sty brk dweU'gs; asaeased
value, ,$4,700 and $5,200.
Court St. No 223 f s e cor Warreu st, ruus e â–
Warren st. No 278 < aloug Warreu st. 110.1 x s
100 X AV 22 X n 79.6 x av 8t>.2 to Court st. x n
20.8, 4-at.y brk tlweU'g and store and 2-sty brk
stiible; a'sscBsed value, $8,500 ; partition^
56lh st, u o 8, 425 uw llth av, 75x100.2, New
by J Cole.
March .30.
Flatbush av. No 336. coniineuces Sterling pl, 9 w
s, 0.11 n Flatliush av. runs a w 135.8 x e 45 x n
e 82 to Flatbusa iiv, x 11 28,11 x u w 0.11 to be¬
ginning, 5-sty hrk flat autl store, hy T A Ker¬
10th st. No 194, 8 s, 113 AV 3d av, 28x100, 4-stv
hrk donhle flat, hy T A Kerrigan, at 9 Will-
oughhy al,
Al'RII. 2,
Eastern Fttrkway, No 1M47, u a, 81.3 e Sack-
man at. 18.9x100, 3-sty tranie tenem't.
Quincy st. Nos 32 and 34 t Iie«iiis t^iiiiic.v sf, s a,
Clas80ii aA', Nos 418^22 \ 91 w Clasaon av.
ruus w 34.4 x a 90 x e 40.4 x s IOx c 85 to
Classon av, .\ n 50.3 x w 74 x 8 18.9 x av 17 x
n 112.ti til t;iiiiicv st, two 2-stv hrk dwell'gs and
three 3-sty lii-k Hats, |
Balph st, n s, 100 c Knickerbocker av, 31.8x |
22.'2x30. I
West ilth at. No 189, u a, 125 e Court at, 15x100, â–
3-st.y fraiue fent^n't I asseaaed \-alue, 1^1,000.
Hndsiiu av. No 102. w s, 100 11 Vork at, 25x100,
3-afy frauie feueiu't tHrsI sty lirki with store;
assesseii value, $2,000.
Jetfersou av, Nos 14i> iind 148, a s, 380 w Nos¬
traud av, 2 lota, each -20x100, fwo 4-sty brk
flata ; assessed valiie, .$6,500 each.