Record and Guîde
October l6, 1897.
and Combustible Materials in Bulldings; State Pactory Inspectlon
Daw; and the new Mechanics' Lien Law. These Laws are mi-
nutely cross-indexed so that reference to them is as easy as to
a dictionary. Illustrations' are used wherever necessary. The
book also oontains a Diroctory of Arohitects, This is the only
oomplete volume of the kind on the market. It is absolutely
indispensable to architects, builders, real estate men, property-
owners, and ali who are ĩn any way interested in real estate.
The work has been edited by Mr. WiIIiara J. Fryer. Price, $2,
paper; $2.50, oloth. Orders received at the Record and Gulde
Publioation Oífice, 14 and 16 Vesey St.
Building News.
Flm street nortl.east oorner of Canai, two-story briok and iron
sto^re 15xMxl2x07; John Gordes, No. 153 Grand street, owner;
Louis Falk, Nu. 2,769 3d avenue, architect.
Mm-T'is Park aven'ue, northcast corner of Unionport road, three-
.lury brick hotel; cost, $15,000; Jacob Sommer, Moriis Park ave-
nuê ncar Unionport road. owner; Samuel Sass, No. 2o Chambers
•itveet architect.
r. ,^.,v>r.h street nartheast corner of Laight. Instead of merely
ie?IS tîe nier antile buildiog on this site, reoently gutted by
i?e re K E Dietz Company, owners. have deoided to put up a
w eghĩstory fire-proof structure. to cost $80,000 The archi-
ĩecl Wm. J. Fryer, No. 17 Broadway, will be ready to receive es-
timátes aĩter November 1.
SOth street, north side, 375 feet east of Amsterdam avenue.
threĩstory b^ick and stone private stable, 25x90.0; Ferrel C. Din-
inny, Jr., No. 29 Broadway, owner; Henry T Kdburn, I.,. x.jO
Ũth avenue, architeot. „ ^ ivt 10 ■m 11
54th street No 134 West, Lansdale Boardman, No. 18 Wall
Etreet who recently purchased the lot, 25x100.5, at this location.
will probably ereot a private stable, Jor whioh the architect has
not been selected.
•Itíth street north side, 375 feet east of Arosterdam avenue, four
live-story brick llats. 25x!>6; cost, $20,000 each; Morrissey & Co..
care of architeots, owners; Lawrence & Ringrose, loOth street
and 3d avenue. architects.
Prnesclilĩe plaoe, between Van Cortlandt avenue and St.
George place, two five-story stone flats, 29x50 and 25x50, respeot-
ively; oost, $40,000; Mrs. Isabella Arendt, owner; S. D. Cohen,
No. 203 Broadway, architect.
117th and llSth streets, between 5th and Lenox avenues, four
five-story brick and stone fiats, 27x82, 20xS9; A. P. Neilson, 7th
avenue. near 4-2d street, owner; J. E. Stiies, No. 134 Claremont
avenue, Mcntciair, N. J., architecí.
lS3d street, north side, 225 feet west of Amsterdam avenue,
two'five-story brick and stone flats, 25xS7; cost, $18,000 each;
Thomas J MoGuire, No. 1454 Amsterdam avenue, owner; Harry
T Howell No. 748 East 13Sth street, architect.
Jackson avenue, east side, north of 105th slreet. two two-story
frame flats; ocst. $5,000 each; Gcorge Tronnberger, Jacksou ave-
nue, north of lOoth street, owner; W. C. Dickerson, 149th street
iind 3d avenue, architect. '
rmsterdam avenue, northwest oorner of 12oth street. The im-
Di'ovements which Thos. J. Jonkins, No. 55 Lenox avenue, is
î-bout to make at this location wiU consist of two five-story
brick and stone ílats with stores, 25x95 and 25xS5, respectlvely,
the total cost being .$08,UOO. Ward Cunningham, No. 5o Lenox
avenue, is the architect. , , -ĸ -
l-,o,.J frp-.t north side, 185 feet east of Lenox avenue, plot <5x
10V1 thre\'fivesÎSry íilts; Wesslau & Hogenauer, No. 348 Wil-
li?avenue owners. Their arohitect in previous operations has
/.^r. Henr'v Anderson. No. 1180 Broadway.
"^102?srTBtTsouth side, 100 feet_wést of Central Park, West.
three five-story double flats, 27xS5, and one single flaí, 19xS6;
^n^rSlOOOÛO^ John Rankin.No. 322 West 51st street, owner;
^T -.it .e-'-Rae-e No. 217 West 125th street, architects.
îĩnton avenue,' east side, about 150 feet south of 156th street,
tnree story frame flat, 25x65, with improvements; P. J. Brady,
No 81 Centre street, owner; B. Muldoon & Son, No. 165 East
ntuii itreet, architects.
149th strêet, No, 503, five-story briek flat, 25x82; cost, $18,000;
John J. Mahoney, on premises, owner; A. De Saldern, No. 115
Broadway, arohitect.
144th street, north side. 400 feet east of WiIIis avenue, two
two-story frame flats, 25x76; cost, $2,500 each; Mrs. Jones, No.
709 East 114th street, owner; A. Rothermel, No. 201 East 89th
street, architect.
Bergen avenue, southeast corner of 148th street, three íhree-
story frame flats, 25x76; cost, $3,000 each; A. Rothermel, owner
and arohitect.
Snake Hill, near Jerome avenue and 177th street. tM-o two and
a-half story frame dwellings, 21x40; cost, .$4,000; A. James Fako,
No. 203 Broadway, owner; W. C. Diokerson, 149th street and 3d
avenue, architects.
Westchesfer a\enue, northwest corner of 175th sfreet, three-
stury frame dweliing with storo, 25x65; cost, $4,000; Fred, Rappe,
Garfield street, Van Nest, owner; W. C,.Dickerson, 149th street
and 3d avenue, architect. . -
5th avenue, southeast corner of 79th street, lot 30x100. C. P. H.
Gilbert, No. 18 Broadway, is drawing sketches for a handsome
dwelliDg, Drobably four stories and basement, to be erected on
this slte by Isaae D. Pletoher, No. 66 Broad street.
5th avenue, east side, 26 feet north of S9th street, lot 30x125,
with L 25x55, extending to SSth street, stone dwelling; George H.
Penniman, No. 536 5th avenue, owner; Babb, Cook & WiIIard,
No. 874 Broadway, architeots.
Commonwealth avenue, two-story frame double dwelling, 21x
42; Mr. Eewi. oare of Amerioan Investment Trust, No. 33 Pajk
row, owner; George Palliser, No. 32 Park place,.architect.
57th street, No. 14 East, exterior aiterations to residence, new
plumbing, etc; L. Lewisohn, No. 81 Fulton street and No. 570
West Broadway, owner; Brunner &. Tryon, No. 30 Union square,
SOth street, Nos. 422 to 430 East, store front and additional
story in flats; eost. $4,000; Karl M. Waliach & Son, No. 59 .Lib-
erty street and No. 222 East 7Uth street. owners and builders;
G. P. Pelham, No. 503 5th avenue, architeot.
Oth street, Nos. 45 and 4S East, eaeh 25x100. These premiaes
wilĩ be altered for business purpũses; M. Rosenstein, owner; Louiu
Korn, No. 37 Maiden lane, arohitect.
By the Department of Public Parks, at the Arsenal Euilding,
64th street and 5th avenue, Central Park, untll Ootober IS at
2:30 p. M., for erecting in the Botanieal Gardens, in Bronx Park,
a museum building and a power house, stable and oloset group.
The time for receiving bids on this contract was extended from
October 11. .
By the Board of Education, at No. 585 Broadway, for supplying
the heating and ventilating apparatus and electric lighting plant
for new Public Sehool No. 12, East Broadway, Henry, Gouvern-
eur and Scammel streets. Specifications may be seen at No. 419
Broome street, top floor.
By the Health Department, Criminal Oourt Building, Centre,
White, Elin and Frankiin streets, until Ootober 2G, at 12:30 p!
m., for building an amhulance station and vacoine laboratory
extension on 17th street, 355 feet east of Avenue C.
The contract for the iron work for the two six-story apart-
■nient buildings to be erected on the corner of Eoulevard, 7th
avenue and 115th street, has been awarded to the Manhattan
Iron Works, No. 212 and 214 Ea-t^ 99th street.
The Board of Education awarded the contraot for erecting a
school building on 119th and 120th streets, between 2a and 3d
avenues, to P. J. Waĩsh,, No. 503 5th avenue, whose figure M-as
$307,000. The contract for improving ĩots Nos. 215 and 217 East
109th street in rear of Public School No, 83 was given to Hartman
& Horgan, their figure being $13,787.
Thcre was only one bid reoeived by the Pire Department for
niaking alterations to 100 fire alarni boxes. The bidder was
Frederick Pearse, whose bid of $2,525 was accepteiS. The con-
tract for ereoting a building on the easterly side of Ogden ave-
nue, 195 feet north of Devoe street, was awarded to Ryan &
McPerran, of No. 106 East 23d street, at $17,500.
The Department of Docks has awarded the contraot for build-
ing a new pier near the foot of Bethune street, North River to
Robert R. Staats, No. 23 Broadway, his flgure belng .$98 650
Other builders from whom bids were reeeived were P Sanford
Ross, $98,900; Wm. H. Jenks, $109,990; John Flaherty, $120,000.
Estimates will be received at the oífice of the Supervising
Architect, Treasury Depa.rtment, Washington, D. C, until Ooto'^
ber 29, at 2 p. m., for thê ereotion of the United States Govern-
ment Building at the Trans-Mississippi and International Expo-
sition, Omaha, Nebraska. Speoiflcations may be had in Wash-
ington, or at the ofĩioe of the Superintendent of the United States
Court House, eto., Omaha.
Estimates will also be received at the Supervising A.rcliitecfs
oflioe until November 4, at 2 p. m„ for building the âpproaches
to the O. S. Court House and Post Offĩce building at Heleua,
Ark. b'peoifications may be had at Washington or of the Custo-
dian at Helena.
Dyker Heîghts. two and a half-story frame dweiling, 36x34;
cost, $4,000; F. B. Phillips, No. 37 Water street, New Tork City',
owner; plans by Co-operative Euilding Plan Association, No. 203
Broadway, New York City.
Jefferson, Lewis and Putnam avenues, alterations to 13th Keg-
inient Arniory; cost, $10,000; Chas. Werner, No. 26 Court street
arohitect. Bids will be reoeived untii October 18.
John, Bridge and Gold streets and the East River. Tho power-
house which i:-e Kings County Eĩectric Light Co. îs about t.->
erect on this site will be a one-story briek structure, 200x80. W.
E. Crane. No. 187 Montague street, is the engineer in charge. Tt
is expected that plans will be ready for estimates in a week.
4th avenue, north side, 100 feet west of 77th street, two and a-
Irnlf story frame.dweĩling, 28x38; cost, .$5,500; William Prince-
horn, 76th street, between 3d and 4th avenues. pwner;, H. L.
Splcer, No. 204 Montague street, architect.