Record and Guide
June ly, 1899.
Van Duyn, Chariotle M wife ot John G to Pranklin Society for Home
Building and Savinga. Courtlandt st. P M. June 8, installs, GAo-
Vom Lehn, Richard to Edgar H Roble. New York av, e s, 110 n Av
0,-40xl(lO. June IS, 3 years. 5%. ^,000
Von Twistern, Henry to John H Schmeelk. Devils Creek, n e end, lots
Gb and 67 map Ruffle Bar, Jamaica or Flatlands Bay. March 5, 1
year, 6%. 300
Vorbach, William to George H Helnbockel et al, firm John P Heln¬
bockel & Sou. Evergreen av, s w s, 109.6 s e Jefferson st, 27.Sx
84,8x25x73,6. June 8, deraand, 6%. 300
Same to William Uimer. Same property. June 9, due —, 1900, 5%.
Wakeman, Geo W to Abram S and Wm H Post exrs William Post,
loih St. P M- June 14, 3 years. 4*^%, 19,000
Walker, Richard L to Florinda J Tilford trustee John B Tilford.
Cambridge pl, w s, 250 n Gates av, 10.8x100. June 9, 3 years, 4%.
Ward, John to Title Guaranlee and Trust Co. SOth st, n e s, 140 n w
Sth av, 20x100.2- June 12, 3 years, 5%. 3,500
Warren, Addie to Marion F Von Beesbeik. Decatur st, n s, 100 e
Howard av, 52.2x100. May 29, installs, 5%. 2,000
Webb. Eugene C to Germania Real Estate and Impt Co. Plot begins
at n w cor thereof, &g, and other parcels. June 15, 3 years, 5%.
Wenzel, Emraa to Violette S Van Winkle. Anslie st, n s, 80 e Hum¬
boldt sL, 20x75. 'May 1, 3 years, 6%. 600
Williams, Buster and Bond and Mortgage Guarantee Co both mort¬
gagees. Agreement to subordinate mort made by Mary E McQuil¬
lan. June 9. nom
Wurster, Frederick to Isabel S Kemp, Utica av. No 14, w s, 120 s
FulLon sl, 20x70. June 10, 3 years, 5%. 2,700
Zierold, Anna T to Mutual Benefit Loan and Euilding Co. St Marks
av, n s, 257 e Rochester av, 17x127,9. Sub to mort $2,000. June
1, installs, 600
June 9, 10, 12, 13, 14 and 15.
Aschner, Jeanette lo Fredk B Aschner. Assigns 2 morts. nom
Bond and Mortgage Guarantee Co to Adeliza F Sahier and ano exrs
Benj W Merriam. Aasigns 2 morts, each $7,500. 15,000
Bryar, James to Annie K Larab. 2,000
Sarae lo Harriel .M Kendall, Islip, L I. 12,000
Bowen, Wm T lo Benson H and Joel B Goodman. nom
Byk, Joseph to C D Rust. 500
Curlis, Isaac H and N Willard to Sophy L McCann, 4,000
Chainels, Mary C extrx Lucy L Chapman to Lucy Oldham. 1,407
Clyde, Wm P, N Y, Lo James Bryar. 2,000
Sarae lo same. 12,000
Devin, Teresa M to Bertha R Cole. 'ioO
Crosby, Geo N to John F and Alexander Pearson. 1,000
Coudert, Frederic R, N Y. to Ramon Garcia. nora
Davies, Mary to N Willard and Isaae H Curtis. S.OOO
Fagereng, Andw J lo Patrick Farrell. l,5oO
Griffln, Cbarles et al trustees Samuel Willets to Grahams Polley
truslee for William G Quin will of Joseph P Quin. 6,500
Harper, John W exr James Harper to estate WiUiam Laytin. 40,000
Hincken, Cort R and ano exrs Edward Hincken to Arthur A Swany.
Halstead, Jacob, Mamaroneck, N Y, to Bdwin and Austin Ludlam
exrs Silas Ludlam. 3,000
Halstead, Jobn iil and Geo F to Chas F Halstead. 2,500
Harris, James N to Jacob Halstead, Maraaroneck, N Y. 3,028
Hurlburt, Anna R to Harriet E Dunn. 500
Johnson, Walter L to Etta Ehrlich. 1,600
Joyce, Annie A to Joaeph Goetz. nom
Ketlenning, Valenline to August Nickel. 1,850
Knowlton, Eben J and ano exrs Edwiu P Knowlton to John E Muller,
Carlstadt, N J. 5,024
Kemp. laabel S formerly Shielda to Mary E James. 2,562
Lequin, Mary B to Cornelia B Remaen, 2,000
Livingalon, Cbaa 0 trustee for R M Livingston will John R Living¬
ston to Sarah E Livingston, Ulster Co, N Y. 2-3 parta. 2,000
Mills, Marlon B wife of Benj F to Susau S Tappen. 2,000
Maynard, Theodore to Warren Gruikshank. 500
May, Geo W to Mary A May. 4,500
Meigh, Alfretta lo Willemenla Meyer. 1,200
Mueller, Cbas F exr C August Schuster to August 0 Schuster. As¬
signs 3 morts. nom
Morse, Varranus exr Obadiah Wells to Annie L, Marietta and Mari¬
etta, Jr, and Stella T .Morae, nom
Same to Marietta Morse. nom
O'Donohue. John B and Cbas S and Mary T exr Peter J O'Donohue lo
Viola C Atwood," 7,156
Oppenheimer, Mary S exlrx Francis M Rogers lo Mary S Oppenheimer,
N Y. nom
Oldham, Lucy lo Mary W Smith. 1,400
Pfalzgraf, John A to Loretta Webater, 200
Palmer, Bliz C to Gouverneur M 'Carnochan. 2,000
Rapelye, Helen S 0 Ellz W Aldrich widow. 9,000
Republic Saviugs and Loan Asscc to City Real Estate Co. 35,000
Seiigman, Marx to William Rotstein. 2,000
Skinner, Sarah A G, N.^wark, N J, to Mary L Granniss. 2,300
Skinner, Sarah A G, Newark, N J, to Mary L Grannis. 2,300
Smilb, Mary W to Sarab L Beebe. 3,500
Stephens, Caroline R Lo Peler L Cortelyou and ano admrs with will
_ annexed Sarah T Cortelyou. 4,025
Swany, Arthur A to Title Guarantee and Trust Co. 5000
Slarkey, Caroline M to Geo B Scotl, Flushing, L I, IJOO
Snowden, Robt B admr Arthur 'C Snowden to Wm S FoUetL and Geo
A Minasian. 1,600
The Borough Park Co lo Tille Guarantee and Truet Co trustee. As¬
signs 6 morts. 8,42S
Townsend, James A and Hjram P Wyant exrs Eleanor C^Townsend
to Garrett P Cowenhoven. 1,409
Tracy, Edward to Charles Pox guardian Mary R Van Dyke 700
Title Guarantee and Trust Co to Thos M Hart and ano trustees
Francis Hart.
Same to Adolphus J Outerbridge as trustee.
Same to Robt W Walden.
Same to Bowery Savings Bank.
Bame to same.
Same lo National Savings Bank, Albany.
Same lo Douglass A Willig.
Same to Lydia A Swezey Irustee Noah T Swezey
Same to M Ada and Henry C W'est.
Same to Clara V Brown-
Same to Dora M Coogau-
Same to George Rome,
Same to William Herod.
Same to M Ada and Heury C West. S,000
Sarae lo same. Assigns 2 morts, each $900. 1,800
Same to Adeliza F Sahier and ano exrs Benj W Merriam, Ti.SOO
Same to Virginia B Matthews. 6,500
Same to same. 5,500
Same to Jane B Howe, 3,300
Same to Jessie K Dowling, 1,000
Same to Adeliza F Sahier and ano exrs Benj W Merriam. 3,250
Same to same. 2,700
Same to Franklin Trusl Co. 3,250
Sarae to same. 700
Same to same. 1,400
Same to Minnie B Stevena. 1,850
Same to Mary Bowman, 1,600
Same to Julia Merrill. S,250
Same lo Fund for Aged and Infirm Clergymen Prot Epis Cburch,
Diocese of Loug Island, 2,330
Same to Gerritt H Wyckoff. 5,000
Same to Chas S Baylis, 7,000
Same to Mary B Lceschigk. 4,000
Same to Maria Wyckoff extrx Henry L Wyckoff. S.OOt/
Same to Martha Baker. 2,250
Same to Laura Shannon. nom
Same to Tbe Brooklyn Society of the New Church. 500
Same to Wesleyan Universily, Middletown, Conn. 12,500
Same to National Savings Bank, Albany. 15,000
Same to Annie R Gelston. 900
Same to same guard of May Gelston. 2,250
Same to same. 2 150
Same to Robt W Walden. 6,000
Same to Alfred D W Mason, ' 2,650
Same lo Blhan A Doty and auo trustees Edward McParlan. AsBigns
2 morts, each $2,750, 5,500
Same to same. 2,000
Same lo Eleanor M Talmage. â– - 2,506'
Same lo same. 17,500
Same lo same. 9000
Same to T De Witt Talmage. 4iO0O
Same to same. 6,250
Umpleby, John J to Edward R VcUmer. 2,500
Underhill, Phebe A to Grahams Polley trustee for Wm G Quin will
ot Joseph P Quin, 6,500
Vanderveer, Adrian to Susan T Pralt. 2,000
Willetts, Maria to Grahams Polley trustee for Wm G Quin will of
Joseph P Quin. 6,500
Wiswall, Ebenezer S to Wm F Corwilh exr -Mary A Lawton ' 1,000
Walts, Smith lo Wiiliara Raynor, 1700
Westfall, Richard W lo Edward W Rider. . '50O
Zundt, Alex F to Margaret P Brophy, 230
â– nie firet name Is that of the owner; ar't standi) for architect: b'r Tor
Dull der.
All rooflng material Is tin, unless otherwise apecifled.
1099—Hendersons walk, w s, 146 s Bowery, 1 and 2-sty brk boiler
and engine house, 42x67, lar and gravel roof; cost, $3,700' ow'r and
b'r, Frank Henderson, ou premises; ar't, C H Brinkerhoff, Schweick¬
erts walk.
1100—Broadway, s w cor Bartlett st, four 4-sty brk flats, 25x90 14
families, galvanized iron cornices; total cost, $40,000; Augusta Rein¬
hart, 2/ /. Han st; ar't, W B Wills, 17 Troutman sl; b'r, H Meyer 129
Norwood av-
''^'^'^J'^A*^^^'^'"^' ^ ^ °°^ Strattons walk, frame board walk, 14x60;
cost. $.^o0; Louis Stauch, on premises; ar't, J Stillman, West Sth st
near Surf av.
1102—Force Tube av, s e cor Hale av, 1-sty frame shed; cost, $200;
Henry Meyer, 29 Norwood av; ar't. W B Wills, 17 Troutman st.
OA ,9?^^^^ ^"^^ ^^' â– " ^' 'J'^*^ ^ Cropsey av, 1-sly frame billiard rocm
20x40, felt and gravel roof; cost, $300; AVB Voorhies Cropsey av
and Bay lllh st; b'r, W J Clarke, S2d sL and 24lh av.
1104—Church av, s s, 125 w Prospect av, S-sty brk rectory, 30x40
galvanized iron cornice; cost, $14,000; Right Rev C E McDonnell 367
Clermjjnt av; ar't, G^o J Craigen, 470 East 29Lh st,
110,5—Thompsons walk, w s, 25 s Bowery, 1-sty frame shed, 15x10-
cost, $2.-3; Isaac Reeks, Neptune av and West 2d st; ar't, J Stillman'
West Stb st, near Surf av.
f.-.-^l'^i.'r^^^'^ "^'^'^^ ^*' ^ ^- -"5 ^ ^^ ^- --sty and attic frame dwell'g.
^i;.4xSl,4, 1 family, shingle roof, hot air; cost, .^4,000; Louisa Jaynes
100 West 102d st, N Y; ar't, B Driesler, 1432 Flatbush av
110/—East 40th sL, w s, 340 n GranL st, 1-sty and attic frame
dwellg, 16x26, 1 family, shingle roof; cost, $1,000; John Cramer
Long Island Slate Hcspital: ar't, H Cramer, Ulica av aud Furnald st
f-n o â– ^^'^^'"^°° ^^' ° S' 20 e Noslrand av. three 4-sty brk flats, 26.8
x69, S families, hot water, galvanized iron cornices; total cost ,$60-
000; H Meyer & Fink. 1032 Broadway; ar't, J L Ycung 1221 Ful¬
ton St.
1109—Lenox road, s s, 200 w New York av. 2-sty and attic frame
dwell'g, 26x40, shingle roof; cost, $4,759; Mariette L Powers 191 Fen¬
nimore sl.
1110—Sterling pl, n s, _176.8 w Brooklyn av, four 2-Bty aud base¬
ment brk dwell'gs 19.2x4.3, 1 family, bot air, galvanized iron cornices;
tolal cost, $24,000; cw'r and b'r, Chas G Reynolds, 558 Decatur sf
ar t. Axel S Hedman, Arbuckle Building.
1111—Sterling pl, a s, 100 w Brooklyn av. four similar dwell'gs;
total cost, $22,000; ow'r and ar't, same as last.
1112—Stei-li^ng pl, n s, 2ri3.4 w Brooklyn av, five similar dwell'gs;
total cost, $2j,500; ow'r and ar't, same aa last,
1113—Devoe st, n s, ISO w Morgan av, 1-sLy frame shed, 15x21- cost
$^0; esiale of Bdward Conselyea; lessee, F Dietrich, 311 Devoe sl
r^ri^.'i?^" ^^' â– '^ ^' '^^^ ^ Jerome av, 1-sly frame sbed, 50x100;
cosl, $1,-00; American Horse Exchange, SOth at and Broadway N Y-
ar t, W H Ware, SOth st and Broadway, N Y; b'r, J L Quesenbury 130
24th St.
n 1115—Cornelia st, n s, 100 e Evergreen av. 3-sty frame flat, 20x52
--{ families; cost, $3,-300; Wm Miller, 980 Madison st; ar'ts L Berger
& Co, 300 St Nicholas av.
rio-^-'i'^'i^'^-? ^â– "' " ^ •=""â– ^'"^ ^*' *-sty and basement brk dweU'g, 20x
OS, 1 famiiy steam heat, galvanized iron cornice; cost, $16,000; C G
Peterson, 603 tth st; ar'l, A S Hedman, Arbuckle Building.
nil-Jth av, w s, 20 n Sth av, four 3i/.-sty brk dweU'gs, 20x49 1
family, steam heat, galvanized Iron cornices; total eost, $44 000- -ar't
same as last.
oQ-'^-^-l^"?*^^^" ^^'' ^ ^' '^" ^ ^'^ Q' 2-sty and attic frame dwell'g, 29x
33, sbingle roof, steam heat; cost, $5,000; G H Wyckolf, on premises;
ar t, AH McGeehan. 2li81 Atlantic av.
1119—Hamilton av, n s, 75 e Nelson st, 1-stv brk store "^7x616
gravel roof, galvanized Iron cornice; cost,.$22S; M ColHns.on premises'
1120-Osborn st, w s, 150 n Belmont av. 4-sty brk dwell'g 25 8x63
2 families, galvanized iron cornice; cost, $4,000; J Levy on premises'
ar't, L Danancher, 98 Snediker av.