March 24, 1900.
price as $110,000- Tour other statements with reference to the
property are also inaccurate, save that it is true that a one-quar¬
ter interest sold in May, IStiS, for $18,000, but even that state¬
ment gives a wrong impression, for then the property was subject
to the unexpired term of a lease for 21 years, from February 1,
IStiO, at a low rent, with a right in the lessee to remove the
building during the last ten days of the term-
On behalf of the owners, our clients, we reauest that you cor¬
rect in your next issue the erroneous statements made.
Tours respectfully, EVAE.TS, CHOATE & BEAMAN.
BuildiniT News.
Bleecker st. No, 190, 6-sty brick building, 25x98; Lasar Wallen¬
stein, owner and builder, has obtained a building loan of $13,000.
Bergen av, west side, 25 ft north of 148th st, 5-sty brick and
stone stable and storage house, 50x100; cost, $35,000. John
Niuephius, on premises, owner; Albert Rotbermel, No. 663 Bast
144th st, architect.
151st st, south side, 175 feet west of Amsterdam av, three 5-sty
brk and stone flats, each 33x87; cost, $100,000; John G, R. Lil-
liendahl. No 630 West loSth st, owner and builder; Neville &
Bagge, No 217 West 125th st, architects; plans only.
118th st, south side, 200 feet west of 5th av, 5-sty brk flat, 25x
87; C. M, Silverman, No 1210 Sth av, owner; Neville & Bagge, No
217 West 125th st, architects,
llSth st, south side, 25 feet west of Manhattan av. 7-sty brk
and stone apartment house, 100x90; Alfred A. Siegfried, No 19d1
Boulevard, Jersey City, owner and builder; E. 'Wenz, No 1491
yd av, architect.
Trinity av, northwest corner of 165th st, three 4-sty brick
flats, corner 25x95, inside 25x85; cost, $57,000; Walter McLaugh¬
lin, No. 13s West 129th st, owner; W C Dickerson, 149th st
and 3d av, architect.
12Sth st, north side, SO feet east of 4th av, through to 129th st,
plot 75x200, six 5-sty brick and stone tenements; Thomas H. Bell,
No. 145 West 96th st, owner and huilder; Moore 61 Landsiedel,
148th st and Willis av, architects. This is the site of the factory
of A. S. Nichols which was destroyed by flre. Mr. Nichols re¬
cently filed plans for a new factory to be erected on the same
108th st, south side, 100 feet east of Columbus av, three 5-sty
unflnished flats, each 25xS5,-j; Albert V. Donellan, No. 27 West
98th st, who has just purchased this property, has obtained a
building loan of $20,000 to complete the building. They were
started by Arthur Moore, who was foreclosed. The plans were
drawn by C. A. Millner, No. 81 East 125th st.
Rivington st, Nos. 42 and 44, 6-sty brick and stone tenement,
lot 44x100; Polstein & Cohen, No. 315 East 79th st. owners and
builders, who have obtained a building loan of -"^20.000. M. Bern¬
stein, No. 245 Broadway, drew plans for the former owner of this
Brown av, west side, 450 feet north of Sagamore st, 21,4-sty
frame dwelling; Gordon & Gii;ingham. W^estchester av and 173d
st, owners; W. C. Dickerson. 3d av and 149th st, architect.
Cedar av, near 177th st, 2-sty brick dwelling. 18x41; Patrick
Dorgan, No. 163 West 60th st, owner; Marshall Grimes, No. 621
Broadway, architect.
54th st. No. 17 East. Clarence Cary. No, 59 Wall st. who re¬
cently purchased this propsrty, will make extensive alterations as
soon as he obtains possession,
Lenox av, southwest corner of 131st st, alteration of first floor
to store; cost, $2,000; Henry M- Denton, owner; H. Andersen,
No- IISO Broadway, architect.
50th st. No 337 West, alterations to dwelling; cost, $3,000; Mrs
Harriet Boyd, No 343 West oOth st, owner; R. R. Davis. No 247
West 125th St. architect; W. J. Wright, No 309 West 125th st,
Madison av. No. G05, alteration and extension to dwelling; Lud¬
low & Valentine, No. 100 Broadway, architects.
42d st, north side, 2n.'i feet east of 3d av, brick and stone dis¬
pensary, on plot .10x100,5, This property, which was recently
purchased by St. Bartholomew's P. E, Church. Rev, Dr. D, H.
Greer; pastor, will be improved, as stated; Clinton & Russell, No.
32 Nassau st, architects.
31st st, Nos 113 to 117 West, 7-sty fireproof loft building,
62x85; T. J. Duffy. No. 131 West Slst st. owner; A. V. Porter,
No. 021 Broadway, architect, Mr, Duffy is now taking esti¬
mates on masonry.
By the Board of Supervisors, Nassau Co., until April 9, at
4 p, m.. at the County Court House, Mineola, L. I,, for the erec¬
tion at Mineola of a new county court house and other buildings
r--'--ct£d therewitli. Details will be found in our advertising
p. ■"-
By the Board of Education, until April 2, at 4 p,- m,. for heat-
(For Plans Filed see pp. 517 and 531.)
ing and ventilating apparatus for Public School No, 119, Manhat¬
tan. Plans and specifications may be seen at the estimating room
of the Board, 59th st and Park av.
West Broadway, southwest comer of Grand st, S-sty store and
factory building; Ruth Livingston, owner; Wagner & Jahn, No.
109 University place, architects, are taking estimates for a gen¬
eral contract.
60th st, Nos. 329 to 33? Eas;, 5-sty brick and stone stable and
wagon-house, 300x95; American Ice Co., No. 131 East 23d at,
owner; J, A. Sinclair, No. 160 5th av, architect, is taking esti¬
mates, and Charles T. Wills, No, 156 Sth av, is figuring.
By the Department of Charities, foot of East 26th st, until April
2d, at 12 m., for the materials and work required for the erection
of a new derrick, boom and rigging, at the coal storage yard,
Bellevue Hospital grounds.
By the Department of Docks, Pier "A," North River, until
■March SOth, at 2 p. m., for preparing for and building a new
wooden pier, with appurtenances, at the foot of Broad st. East
River, Manhattan, to le known as Pier, New 4.
By the B%re Department, Nos- 157 and 159 East 67th st, until
March 2SQt, at 10,30 a. m,, for the erection of a new building on
the north side of 77th st, 125 feet west of Amsterdam av; also for
the erection of a new building on the north side of 33d st, 200.1
west of Gth av. Plans and specifications may be seen at the office-
of the Department.
By Treasury Department, until April 18th, at 2 p, m., for
stairs, elevator enclosure and incidental changes in the IT. S.
Court House and Post-Office building at Dubuque, la,; until April
24th, at 2 p, m., for the extension and changes incidental thereto,
at the U. S. Court House, Custom House and Post-Office building,.
Omaha, Nebraska; until April 25th, at 2 p. m,, for furnishing the
heating and ventilating apparatus, complete in place, for the U.
S. Post-Offlce building at Newport, Kentucky; and until April
26th, at 2 p. m., for furnishing the heating and ventilating ap¬
paratus, complete in place, for the U. S. Custom House and Post-
Offlce building at Bristol, Tenn., in accordance with plans and
speciflcations, which may be obtained on the jobs or of James
Knox Taylor, Supervising Architect, Washington, D. C,
Jamaica, L, I,—Near Railroad Station, 2i4-sty frame dwelling;
cost, $5,000; Armand Schule, No. 29 West 19th st, Bayonne, N.
J., architect.
Gth av, southeast corner of 40th st, 9-sty fireproof hotel and
studio building, GOxlOO; Mrs, E, M, Anderson, owner; C. A, Rich,
No, 35 Nassau st, architect. Excavating has been started on this
plot, and it is reported that Robinson & Wallace had the general
West End av, No. 338, o-sty brick parsonage, 38x45; cost,
$;i0.000: All Angels P. E. Church, owner; C. A. Rich. No. 35-
Nassau st, architect. The general contract has been awarded
to C. T. Wills, No. 156 Sth av.
Ocean av, 2i/4-sty frame dwelling; cost, $15,000; E. H, Driggs,
owner; J. J. Petit, No, 1S6 Remsen st, will probably be the archi¬
Albermarle and Westminster road, 2-sty frame dwelling; cost,
$25,000; F. A. M. Burrell, No. 3-56 Ocean av. owner; Frank
Freeman, No. 132 Nassau st, architect, is taking estimates.
Lorimer and Newton sts, 5-sty brick machine shop, 50x140;
George M Ball & Son, No 56 Greenpoint av, owners; Frank T.
Cornell, No. 2S1 4th av, N. T„ architect.
Paciflc st, south side, 165 feet east of Franklin av, 4-sty brick
an'd stone bachelor apai-tment, 35xS0; cost, $18,000; Meyer
Bros.. No. 1258 Broadway, owners; Ajiel S. Hedman, Arbuckle
Building, architect, plans only.
East 24th st, near Foster av, flve 2-sty frame dwellings, 26x46
each; cost, $30,000; Bauer & Corbin. Flatbush av and Av G,
owners; Benjamin Driesler, No, 1432 Flatbush av, architect,
plans only.
East 21st St. near Poster av, 2-sty frame dwelling. 20x46: cost.
$6,C00; E. R. Strong, Av F and East 32d st, owner and builder;
Benjamin Driesler. No. 1432 Fiatbush av, architect, plans only,
Pierrepont st. No, 26, alteration and extension to dwelling;
cost. $S,000; Parfitt Brothers, No. 26 Court st. architects.
Shore road and Brighton Beach R. R.. Sheepshead Bay, al¬
teration to frame hotel; cost, $10,000; George N. McKane.
owner; H, D, Whipple, West Slh st and Surf av. Coney Island,
Sheepshead Bay, L. I.. 2i,^-sty half timber and plaster dweU¬
ing, 4flx70; cost, ^:20,000: J. Tod Sloan, the famous jockey,
owner; Stein, Cohen & Roth, No. 17 Union Square, N. Y,, ar¬
Atlantic av, Nos, 631 and 6:i3, interior alteration to store and
flats; cost, $3,000: Arthur Perego, No. 56 Broadway. N. Y.,
owner; Parfltt Bros,, No, 26 Court st. architects.
40th st, near 16th av. 2-sty frame store and dwelling, 211x30,
cost. $2,000: Joseph Rapp, owner; Oscar Lowenson, No. 2*.! Cort¬
landt st, N. y., architect.
West Hampton, L, I,—Two and a-half story frame dwelling, 28x
28. and stable; cost, $2,800: Mrs. James Davidson, owner; C. Me-
Rae, No, 1034 East ISlth st, N. Y, City, architect and builder.