July 20, 1901.
[ Manbattan ]
The first name is that of the owner; ar't, stands for architect; m'n
for mason; c'r for carpenter, and b'r for builder.
When character of roof ia not mentioned, it is to be understood that
the roof ia to be of tin.
1301—Sth st, No 45 E, 6-sty brk loft building, 25x89.11; cost, $25,-
000; trustees Sailors Snug Harbor, 31 Nassau st; lessee, Leonhard
Hanger, 143 E Sth st; ar't, Frank E Albinger. 41 E Sth st.
1303—Oth av. No 199, 3-sty brk lofts and stores, 19.6x56; cost,
812,000; S J W Bent, 1773 Washington av; ar't, Austin L Gillespie,
1021 E 169th St.
1306—Ilth st, No 309 E, l-sty frame shed, 18.9x15.0; cost, $230;
estate James Mullry, 309 E Ilth st; ar't, Fred Ebeling, 97 7th st.
1315—Pitt st. No 53, 6-sty brk factory, 22x97; cost, $12,000; Max
Goldberg, 140 Stanton st; ar'ts, Horenburger & Straub, 122 Bowery,
1289—15th st, Nos 60 and 62 W. s s, SO e Oth av, 6-sty brk and
stone lofts and stores, 33.8x103 and 86; cost, $70,000; Chas Witte-
nauer, 36 W 15th st; ar't, F A Minuth, 289 4th av; b'rs, N Campbell
& Sons, 146 W 23d st.
1292—54th st, s s, 42.6 w Madison av, 4-sty and basement brk and
stone dwelling, 20x74.2, tUe and slate roof; cost, $30,000; Cecelia
F Barrows, 667 5th av; ar't, C P H Gilbert, 1123 Broadway.
1299—7th av, s e cor 16th st, G-sty brk factory, 77,0x150, tar and
gravel roof; cost, $60,000; James L Van Alen, Newport, R I; ar'ts,
Clinton & Russell, 32 Liberty st; lessees, Oxley & Bnos, 292 Av B.
1304—Broadway, w s, 34th st to 35th st, 9-sty brk store, 179.0x
403.2 and 380.1; cost, $------; H R Macy & Co, 14th st and Oth av;
ar'ts, De Lemos & Cordes, 130 Fulton st.
1305—o2d st, s s, 75 w Madison av, 5-sty brk and stone dwelling,
25x—; cost, $40,000; Henry D Babcoek, 21 W 49th st; ar'ts, CImton
& Russell, 32 Nassau st; m'n, Richard Deeves, 309 Broadway.
1291—95th st, s B, 350 e 2d av, l-sty brk dry-room, 16x35; cost,
$800; ow'r and ar't, Jno W Rapp, 311 B 94th st.
1307—1st av, e s, 95th to 96th st, l-sty frame shed, 21.3x47; erst,
$250; Metropolitan St Railway Co, 621 Broadway; ar't, A V Porter,
621 Broadway.
1309—103d st, n s, 75 w Ist av, 2-Bty hrk aud stone store, 25x95;
cost, $6,000; Anna Maria Simon, 533 E 161st st; ar't, Gustav Schwarz,
554 E 158th st.
1300—67th Bt, n s, 325 e Columbus av, 7-sty brk and stone studio
building, 75x85, slate and brk roof; cost, $150,000; William J Taylor,
495 Sth av; ar'ts, Sturgis & Simonson, 102 E 17th st.
' 1297—120th st, Nos 246 and 248 W. 6-sty brk flat, 50x86; cost,
$110,000; Ida J Walker, Irvington, N Y; ar't, 0 Abbott French, 406
W 42d St.
1313—Audubon av, w s, 178 s 178th st, l-sty brk toilet, 30x8.5;
cost, $300; N Y Juvenile Asylum, 177th at and Amsterdam av; ar't,
Wm A Gorman, 1059 Ogden av.
1290—3d av, w s, 31 n 181st st, 2-sty brk office and store, 25x75;
cost, $8,000; Otto Weber, 88 6th av; ar't, John E Kirby, 722 Tre¬
mont av.
1293—ISth st, n s, 180 e Sth av, Wakefield, 2-sty frame dwelling,
18x27; cost, $1,200; Mrs Bodwin, 851 Morris av; ar't, F Le Meier,
on premises.
1294^Elton av. No 683, l-sty frame shed, 7,10x10.3; cost, $25;
Mrs Pussimann, 683 Elton av; ar't, M J Garvin, 3307 3d av.
1295—149th st, n s, 170.3 e Morris av, 3-sty brk lodge rooms and
store, 25x79; cost. $7,000; Raphael Avallone, 513 B 149th st; ar'ts,
Moore & Landsiedel, 148th st and 3d av.
1296—Saxe av, w s, 25 n Cornell av, 2-sty frame dweUing, 22x45;
cost, $3,000; Franz Vesata, 426 B 71st st; ar't, John De Hart, 1039
Fox st; b'rs, M & J Herdlicka, 133S 1st av.
1298—Kingsbridge road, s s, 160 e Belmont av, two 2-sty frame
dwellings, 20x45; total cost, $7,000; Ephraim B Levy, 231 Broadway;
ar't, W 0 Dickerson, 149th st and 3d av! b'r, Thos Scott, Van Nest.
1302—233d Bt, n e cor Verio av, l-sty frame shop, 64x38; cost,
$2,000; Robt Caterson, Woodlawn; ar't, J C Babcoek, on premises.
1308—Spuyten Duyvil Parkway, e s, 225 s Sidney st, 2-3ty frame
stable, 25x20, shingle roof; cost, $700; A Caraccioli, on premises;
ar'ts, Ahneman & Younkheere, Nathalie av, Kingsbridge.
1310—161st st, n s, 83 w Elton av, four S-sty brk flats and ttores,
37.6x23; total cost, $48,000; William Foster, 207 E 54th st; ar't,
Louis Paik, 2785 3d av.
1311—Sth st, n s, 305 w White Plains av, 2-sty frame dwelling, 21x
63, slate roof; cost, $5,000; Ann Jane Gordon, 84 oth st, t.'illi.i.ms-
bridge; ar't, Chris F Lohse, 631 Eagle av.
1312—Intervale av. No 1225, l-sty frame shed, 25x65. gravel rcof;
cost. $300; John Gass, Bergen av and 149th st; ar't, Chris P Ichse,
631 Eagle av.
1314^3d av. e s, bet 181st and lS3d sts, l-sty frame passageway,
185x8; cost, $3,000; Home for Incurables, 182d st and 3d av; ar't,
Robt E Rogers, 150 Broadway.
1316—238th st, s s, 150 e Martha av, 2-sty frame dwelling, 25x40,
slate roof; cost, $4,000; Carolina Schwarz, 614 E loSth st; ar't, L
Falk, 2785 3d av.
1317—144th st, n s. 16.8 e Spencer pl, l-sty frame shed, 60x8; cost,
not given; Edwards & Co, 405 E 144th st; ar't, R. Warren, Lawrence,
600 E 140th St.
1671—33d st. No 8 B, 5-sty extension, 9.6x93.7; cost. $15,000; Wm
W Astor, 21 W 26th st; ar't, Clarence L Sefert, 233 W 120th st; b'r,
John Downey, 410 W 34th st.
1672—SSth st. No 102 E, new window; cost, $100; J Harsen
^^°?^^^ if'^^^ Madison av; ar'ts, Tracy & Swartwout, 156 Sth av.
*i nnn ^I: ^^' ^1 ■l^'^'''^.^^'^ window, stairs and plumbing; cost,
Ssth st '^^^ Schiffer, 301 W 133d st; ar't, Edwin Wilburf 217 W
rj,\^'^R~u^''l, ^^' ^° J^ E 3-sty extension, 14.1x13; cost, $2,500;
34th s^ ^^^^^^^o^' 27 E 6Sth st; ar't, Grosvenor Atterbury; IS W
nnn''^^^^ ^\- ^°^ ^^ ^"^^ ^* ^' °«^ beams, girders, &c; cost, $5.-
000; lessee, John Wanamaker, Broadway and 10th st; ar't Thos
Butcher. Zi W lltb st.
«t=r''"^7^T^^^;.^° ^'^^ ^' ""^'^^ building 2 ft; cost, $250; Nathan
i^--b 1, ^^- ^^^^' Horenburger & Straub, 122 Bowery,
rotf'«?nnf? n' ^,^^' }^1 ^ ^^ ^' running to loth st, new stalls;
cost, .t.2,000; Dry Dock & Bast Broadway Railway Co, 621 Broad¬
way; ar t, A V Porter, G21 Broadway.
1679—5th av. No 511, new elevator; cost, $2,500; R T Wilson, 33
WaU st; art, Marshall R Grimes, 621 Broadway; b'rs, Peter Mc¬
Cormack & Sons. S3 E 52d st.
1680-Olst st, No 257 W, new partition; cost, .$200; Harriet A
Rich on premises; ar't, Chas A Rich. 35 Nassau st.
1681—Amsterdam av. s w cor 157th st, new window; cost, $50:
Geo R Schieffelln, 11 William st; ar't, John E Scharsmitb. 477 West
144th St.
T.-■'■=^^^":;§?'™^^^' ^° ^^2, new stairs and partitions; cost, $200; John
Kafka 231 E (2d st; ar't, Chas B Meyers, 1 Union sq W.
168.:!—Broadway, n e cor Liberty st, new show window; cost, $850;
Williamsburgh City Fire Ins Co, on premises; lessee, John S Huy-
ler, Irvmg pl and 18th st; ar'ts, Zimmerman & Voight, Leonard and
Devoe sts, Brooklyn.
168^^14th St. No 24 W, 2-sty extension. 25x20; cost, $1,500; es¬
tate John D Wright, 2 Wall st; ar'ts, Jno B Snook & Sons, 261 B'way,
lObo—Suffolk st, w s, 73.6 n Hester st, enlarge window; cost, $250;
City N Y; ar't, C B J Snyder, Park av and o9th st.
(.. I nn,?~^^'^ ^^' ^ ^' -*'** ® Amsterdam av, build retaining wall;' cost,
44,(JtlO; ow'r and ar't, same as last.
1688-Monroe st, s s, 160 w Pike st, enlarge window; cost, $250:
ow'r and ar't, same as last,
1089—Washington sq S, No 72, new store front; cost, $750;- Jeremiah
W Dimick, Jr, 140 Sth av; ar't, Predk C Zobel, 41 W 24th st
1690—126th st. No 174 W, 2-sty extension, 10.6x15; cost. $1 OOO'
^^^^}!i^ R Wilson, 222_W 23d st; ar't, Richd R Davis, 247 W 125th st.
1691—SOth st. No o9 B, new bay window; cost. $1,000; Dr Louis
Riser, 59 E SOth st; ar't, J G Robinson, 2133 Bathgate av
1692—12th av, n w cor 130th st, erect sign; cost, $300; Mrs Susan
Burke, on premises.
1693—3d av. No 336, new store front; cost, $123; Rebecca M Greve
56 W lOoth st; ar't, J B Wilson, 11 E 10th st.
«A'^^*~^^*'^ ^t- ^'^ 1**^ ^' f^'se roof 6 ft; cost, $8,000; Gilbert estate
229 Broa_dway; ar't, H J Hardenbergh. 10 W 23d st.
^^-^^^^'^^^ ^^- ^'^^ 4^ ^^'^ *5 W. 2-sty extension, 15.4x27; cost,
$40,000 W W & T M Hall, 11 E 42d st; ar'ts, Welch. Smith &
Provot, 11 E 42d st.
1696—22d st. No 343 W, 3 dormers added; cost, $200- A C & E S
Melson, 55 W 127th st; ar'ts, PolJard & Steinam, 3 E 14th st.
1697—Rivington st. No 347, new entrance, &g; cost, $1,000- Will¬
iam Materson, 38 Willett st; ar'ts, J Bockell & Son, 54 Broad st.
1698—Spring st. No 83, new skylight; cost, $200; estate Julius
Hirsch, 1140 Madison av; ar't, J W Stevens, 156 Sth av.
1699—39th st. No 25 W, new bay window; cost, $1,000; Ella See¬
ley, on premises; ar't, Louis Brown, 41 Union sq.
1700—Broadway, Nos 1456 to 1460, new stairs, beams, &c; cost
$1,000; Ottinger & Korn, 31 Nassau st; ar'ts, Cleverdon & Putzel,
41 Union sq,
1701—Chambers st. No 87, new entrance, &c; cost, $230; estate
J L Bremmer, Boston, Mass, care C S Brown, 160 Broadway; b'rs
Jas C Hoes Sons, 10 Liberty pl,
1702—West st, Nos 400 and 401, cut opening; cost, $25; Benjamin
Bernard, on premises; ar't, Geo M McCabe, 102 E 17th st ,
1703—Lexington av. No 316, new partitions; cost, SlOO; James
Daly, Ridgefield, Conn; ar_^ts, John B Snook & Sons, 261 r.rcadway.
1704^Canal st, Nos ISo and 187, new steel beams and gliders,
enclose coal vault and boiler room with brk walls; cost, .iil.OOO;
Schrenkeisen estate, 23 Blizabeth st; ar'ts, De Lemos & Cordes ISO
Pulton st; b'r, C F Hart, 50 New st,
1705—Broadway, Nos 78 to 82, build chases; cost, $10,000; Union
Trust Co, 80 Broadway; ar't, Geo B Post, 33 E 17th st.
1706—71st st. No 167 W, 2-Bty extension, 12x16; cost, $2,000;
Martha E Magie, 86 Convent av; ar't, Bli Benedict, S6 Convent av.
1707—Ludlow St. No 73. raise extension; cost, $425; Philip Cchn,
on premises; ar't, Fred Ebeling, 97 7th st.
1709—116th st, No 2 B, new show windows; cost, $750; Peter
McGinn, 2 E 116th st; ar't, Richard Rohl. 48 7th st.
1710—William st, n e cor Ann st, build elevator shaft, new stairs
and strengthen column and girders; cost, $10,000; N Y & Boston Dye-
wood Co, 55 Beekman st; ar't, Wm B Tubby & Bro, 81 Fulton st.
1711—Broadway, No 603, new store front; cost, $300; Daniel Birds-
all, 319 Broadway; ar'ts, Horenburger & Straub, 122 Broadway.
1713—Greene st, Nos 41 and 43, new tank on roof; cost, $1,050; Jul¬
ius Kayser, 461 Broadway; ar't and b'r, Th© Rusling Co, 26 Cort¬
landt St.
1714^S4th st. No 27 W, 2-sty extension, 11,6x4.9; cost. $4,500;
Chauncey M Depew, 27 W 54lh st; ar'ts, Ludlow & Valentine, 100
Broadway; b'rs, Wakeham & Miller, 1133 Broadway,
1715—63d st. No 14 E. new elevator shaft, stairs and partitions;
cost, $20,000; W W & T M Hall, 11 B 42d st; ar'ts, Welch, Smith &
Provot, 11 E 42d st.
1716—Pearl st, Nos 409 to 41S, build pent house on roof; coat, $3,-
000; S W Bowne, Plaza Hotel; ar't, Chas H Fox, 369 W Ilth st; b'r,
Geo Hayes, 71 Sth av,
1717—Sth av, No 222, new store front; cost, $200; Estate Geo C
Taylor, care of agent, Jas F Bragg, 358 W Slst st; ar't.Hy Davidson,
240 W 20th St.
1673—Boston road ] the block, new tank on roof; cost, $391; Don-
Jackson av I aid B Toucey, 24 B 62d st; b'r, A J Cor-
Home st | coran, 11 John st.
1687—Mott av, w s, bet 144th and 146th sts, reinforce chimney; cost,
$2,000; City N Y; ar't. C B J Snyder, Park av and 59th st.
1708^Qrand Boulevard and Concourse, w s. 188 s Van Courtlandt
av. move building; cost, $700; Jas F Farrell, on premises; ar't, Chaa
S Clark. 709 E 177th st.
1712—Jerome st, n s. 225 e White Plains road, move bldg; coat,
$500; John Di Mattia, 33 Jerome st. Williamsbridge; ar't, Robt Glenn,
873 Brook av.