[ Manhattan]
May IO, 1902,
Archer, Rolland B exr Charles Archer to Wm G Watt. All title.
Jackson av, w s, 439.11 s 156th st, 6S,7xl07.2x6S.6xl0G.ll. May
7 190'' i.biiu
Eracherr'Geo S to Henry J Klappert. Washington av. w s, 42o s
171st st, 50x150. May 3, 1002. l.OOO
Brown Willie L to Harlem Savings Bank. 180th st, n s, we
Tiebout av, 20.1x00. May 8, 1902. ^.500
Busch, Geo S and Fray L to Jeannie L Wuytack. Clay av, w s,
239.1 n 169tb st, 25x82,9x27x83. May S, 1902. nom
Costello, Mary A to John F Boyle. Av B or Creston av, w s, 22o
n 182d at, 37.6x125. May 8, 1902. nom
Coeppicus, Joseph to Mary Coeppicus. Ail tiUe. Southern Boule¬
vard (133d at), n s, 69 e Alexander av, 22.0x80. May G, 1902^
Same to same. All title. Southern Boulevard (133d st), n a, 91.6
e Alexander av, 20x100. May 6, 1902. 4,000
*Dexter Alice M to Sarah E Mapes. De Milt av, n s. S4,l e FeH
place, 34.1 x—xSS.4x— lot 22 map Penfleld property. May o
1900 1,GOO
*Dorman. Harry H to Robt W Milbank. Palisade av. w s, 743 n
South av, 13Sx360xl38x3o4, Riverdale, May o, 1902. 2,000
Greves, James 3 to James S Greves as trustee Mary T Porter. Wil¬
lard av, s s, 150 w Oneida av. oOxloO. ^ May G, 1902 600
Hirshkind, Max to Samuel Hyman. Union av. No 1143. May 2._
I'lO'^ '
HeideVman, Julius recvr of estate Frederick Schwab deed to^Rosma
Volk. Jackson av, w s, 25 n 160th st, 23.10x<o. May a, 1''02.^q
Manhattan Mortgage Company to Eleanor M McGregor. Trinity av,
e s, 275 n 161st st, 25x100. May 7, 1902. I,i00
Perry Francis T to Richard W Stevenson guardian Arthur C F
and' Reginald Ferry. Jennings st, s s, at n w a Stebbins av,
69.6x48.8x38.6x75.8. May 8, 1002. , . , , ^ ^ ^^^
Sands Sarah A extrx Abraham B Sands to Sarah A Sands and Fred¬
eric' de P Poster trustees Henry M Sands under will Abraham E
Sands. Alexander av, e a, SO n 134lh at, 20x75- May o, 10O2.
Steeves, John F to Eliz A Heaney. 179th st, n s, 163.5 w Webster
av, 16.8x125. May 7, 1902. _ 300
Smith Anna B to Robt W Milbank. Palisade av, w s, i43 n South
av, 138x360x138x354. May 5, 1902. 4,000
Title Ins Co of N Y to N Y Mortgage and Security Co. Southern
Boulevard w s, 173 s Penfold av, oOxlSO.l. May 1, 1062. 2,006
Same to same, Boston av. n s. 340,2 e Suburban pl. runs n 107,11 x
e 10 5 to w a proposed East 173d st, or Minniford pi, x s 109,6 to
av, X w 23.1 to beginning. May 7. 1002, 8,040
*Weitz, Geo L exr Margaret B Weitz to Antoinette W Little. Mort
recorded in Westchester county in Liber lOlS, page 71. May 1,
1902. ^**"
The first name is that of the owner; ar't stands for architect; mn
for mason; c'r for carpenter, and b'r for builder.
When character of roof is not mentioned, it is to be understood that
the roof is lo be of tin._____________________________________
2G8—Gth st, Nos 745 and T4T B, 6-sty brk tenement and stores, 30x
T7.10; cost, $40,000; Jacob Margovitz, IGS Henry st; ar'ts, Horen¬
burger Se Straub, 122 Bowery. ^ , ,, .
■i70_william st. s e cor Platt st. 12-sty and basement brk and etone
office building, 32.5xS2.9xlll.j-0, tile roof; cost, $200,000; The Wyl¬
lys Co, 100 William st; ar'ts, Howell & Stokes, 100 William st; b'r,
Thompson-Starret Co, 51 Wall st.
271—Pearl st. Nob 178 and 180, two 6-sty brk warehouses, 56.1x
118.8, tar and gravel roof; total cost, $50,060; Adele de Tallyrand
Perigerd, Paris, France; ar'ts, Clinton & Russell, 32 Nassau st,
285—llth st, Nos 13 and 15 E, O-sty brk and stone hotel, 47x93.6,
asphalt roof; cost. $165,000; Leopold Wertheim. 17 E llth st; ar't,
Louis Korn. 31 W SSd st.
290—Goerck st, No 34, 7-Bty brk factory, 2ox9S, plastic slate roof;
cost, $25,000; Annie Aronwitz, 60 Pike st; ar't, G F Pelham, a03
Sth av.
2t).^^-Rivington st, n w cot Allen st, 6-3ty brk and stone flat and
store, 44x67,6; cost, $45,000; Friedman & Pelnberg, 329 B 116th st;
ar't, M Bernstein, 111 Broadway,
295—Houston st. No 148 W, 1-sty frame atores, Slx20; cost, $o,800;
Estate N Low, 208 Bleecker st; ar'ts, McIIvaine & Tucker, 19 Lib¬
erty St.
900—21st at, Nos 223 and 225 E, 6-sty brk tenement and stores, 46x
85.9; cost, $40,000; Isaac Kleinfeld, 290 Bowery; ar'ts, Horenburger
Se Straub, 122 Bowery.
272—47th st, Nos 409 to 413 E, two 2-sty brk stables, 2.) and oOx
95 and 90, plastic slate roof; total cost, $20,000; Philip Goerlitz, 242
B Slst st; ar't, Chas Rentz, Bowery and Spring st.
275^Lexington av, n e cor 49th st, 9-sty brk and atone hotel, Sl.Sx
100,5, plastic slate roof; cost, $200,000; Hy Gundlach and Hy Koch,
204 E S6th Et; ar't, John Hauser. 1961 7tb av.
279—Madison av. No 273, 4-sty stone front dwelling, 24.8x94.8,
copper roof; cost, $60,000; Morris Loeb, 118 W 72d st; ar't, Arnold W
Brunner, 33 Union sq.
282—Sth av, n w cor SSth st, 3-sty brk dwelling and office, 24,8x95;
cost, $25,000; Alfred Cohen, 92 Sth av; ar'ts. Stein, Cohen & Roth, 92
Sth av,
284—±4th st, Nos 227 and 229 E, S-sty brk warehouse, 50x9o, tar
and gravel roof; cost. $25,000; Wm Baumgarten, 323 5th av; ar't,
Emile Baumgarten, 323 oth av.
288—llth av, w s, SSth st to SOth st, 1-sty brk power house, 202.6x
587; cost, -$-----; Rapid Transit Ry Construction Co, 21 Park row; ar't,
S L F Deyo, 21 Park row.
201—14th st. No 540 W, 2-sty brk stable, 2Sx9S, plaatic alate roof;
cost, $5,000; Jacob and Ludwig Hirsch, 624 10th av; ar't, John H
Knubel, 318 W 42d st.
293—49th st, s s. 360 e Sth av. 9-sty brk and stone hotel, 40x92,
slag roof; cost, $156,600; Wells Realty and Construction Co, Croaer
Building, Phila, Pa; ar't, Rush A Plowman, Betz Building, Phila, Pa.
273—GTth st, Nos 31 and S3 B, 5-sty brk dwelling, 35x83,8, tile and
slate roof; cost, $62,000; Hugh D Auchincloss, 22 William st or Tux-
iAo Park, N Y; ar'ts, Robertson & Potter, 160 5th av; b'r, Chas T Wills,
160 5th av.
281-62d st, Nos 36 and 38 B, 5-aty brk and stone dwellings, 40x59,8,
slate roof; cost, $60,000; T Wyman Porter, Plaza Hotel; ar't, Trow¬
bridge and Livingston, 424 5lb av.
283—lllth St. Nos 232 and 234 E, G-sty brk lofts and stable, 40x
100,11 and 95.11; cost, $26,000; Peter Imperiale, 507 President st,
Brooklyn; ar't, Nathan Langer, 220 Bowery.
286-TSth st, n s, 125 e Av A, two 6-sty brk tenements, 3T.6xS9.2;
total cost, $T0,000; Hulda Wittner, 10 Beekman pl; ar't, M Bernstein,
111 Broadway.
2T4—123d st, n s, SOO e Broadway, 3-sty brk and stone seminary,
TSxlOO.ll, tile roof; cost, $T5,000; Jacoh H Schiff. 2T Pine st; ar't,
Arnold W Brunner, 33 Union sq W.
276—ISTth st, n s, 249,6 w 7th av, seven 3-sty and basement stone
front dwellings, 17,6x18x30, plastic slate roof; total cost, $154,000;
Picken & Lilly Construction Co, 19G1 Tth av; ar't, John Hauser, 1961
7th av.
277—137th st, n s, 125 e Sth av, fifteen 5-sty brk and stone dwell¬
inga, ten ISxoO and five 19x50, plastic alate roof; total cost, $335,000;
Geraldine Broadbelt, 604 W llSlh st; ar't, Hy Andersen. 1183 B'way,
278-130th st, n s, 190 w 4th av, 1-sty brk otfice, 50x24; cost, Sl.¬
OOO; John Dobbins, ISSth st and Madiaon av; ar't, Julius Munckwitz.
247 W 125th St.
280—161st st, n s, 35 w Amsterdam av, 1-sty brk office, 19,8x25;
cost, $200; Wm Seggie, 1523 Sd av; b'r, D J Menton Co, 236 W
116 th St.
2ST—Sth av, a e cor 140th at, 6-sty brk and stone flat, 100x87.5;
cost, $200,000; Howell A Webster, 221 W 116th sl; ar't. Fredk C
Bourne, 14S W 125th st,
289—131st st, n a, 410 w Sth av, 6-sty brk and stone flat, S0-x86.11;
ccst, $G5,000; Robt M Silverman, 50 W 112th st; ar't, G F Pelham,
503 Sth av,
292^149th st, s s, 125 w Sth av, G-sty brk and stone tenement, SOx
86,11; cost, $40,000; Ernest Califano, 115 Hamilton pl; ar't, Benj W
Levitan, 489 Sth av.
206—177th st, n w cor Watsons lane, 2-sty and attic frame dwelling,
18x30, shingle roof; cost, $3,000; Adeline Grossman, West Farms
road. Van Nest; ar't, Julius Grossman, Van Nest.
207—3d av, Nos SSIS and 3820, two 5-sty brk tenements, 2SxSS,
total cost, .^38,000; Chas Ast, 72 Belmont av; ar't, Franz Wolfgang,
7S7 E ITTth St.
208—Fordham road, s s, 25 e Davidson av, five 3-sty brk dwellings,
18.4x47; total cost, $40,000; Wm T Holding, ISGth st and Davidson
av; ar't, Frank A Lang, Room 105 General Post Office Bldg,
209—Ogden av, e s, 50 n 164th st, two S-sty frame dwellings, 21x
48; total cost, $13,000; Harris Jones, 114 Woody Crest av; ar't, John
J McMillan, 950 Ogden av.
210^Bronx Park av, n w cor Lebanon st, two 2-sty frame dwellinga,
22 and 21x50 and 52; total cost, $9,000; August Diener, Bronx Park
av; ar't, B Ebeling, Van Nest.
211—Classon av, w s, 186 s West Farms road, 2-sty frame dwelling.
21x32; cost, $2,500; Kearnin Claffay, 111 E 129th st; ar't, same as
212—Monroe av, w s, 145 s 17Sd st, 2-sty and attic frame dwelling,
20x43, shingle roof; cost, $4,000; ow'r and ar't, Bleanor M Williama,
8 W 95tb St.
213—Davidson av, n e cor North st, 6-st7 hrk tenement. 40x90; coat,
$35,000; Steven W Anderson, 309 W 9Tth st; ar't, W C Dickerson,
3d av and 149th st.
214—.4ntbony av, e s, 200 n ITSd st, rear, 1-sty frame storage, 17x
IT; cost, $60; Patrick Donnelly, on premises; ar't, D J Mclsaac, 53 E
125th St.
215—Washington av, w s, 100 n 183d st, S-sty brk dwelliug, 25x100;
cost, $3,000; Mary E Doyle. 4 E lOTlh st; ar'ts, Moore & Landaiedel,
148th st and Sd av.
216—Gth st, s s, 150 e "White Plains av, 2-sty and attic frame dwell¬
iug, 2T.6x43, shingle root; coat. $6,000; Horace K Hill, 77 B Gth st,
Wakefield; ar't, Bronx Architectural Co, 330T 3d av.
GOS—Lexington av, No 8T4, 1-sty extension, 4,6x3, rear; cost, $4,000;
Jas E McLarney, ITO E OSd sl; ar't, John H Friend, 148 Alexander av.
609—19th st. No 59 W, —sty extension, 20x31.6, rear; cost, $800;
Barbara Edebohls, 39 W 49th st; ar't, P W Herter, 503 Manhattan av
(jlO—4Tth st. No 413 E, add 1-sty; cost. $2,600; Philip Goerlitz, 342
E Slst st; ar't, Chas Rentz, Bowery and Spring St.
Gil—Broadway, Nos 643 and 647, new partitions, doors, stairs, sky¬
lights, eto; cost, $10,0(X); W Emleu Roosevelt as exr and trustee, 804
Sth av; ar'ts. Lord & Hewlett, 16 B 2Sd st.
612—15th st. No 222 W, huild bay window; cost. $175; W W Astor,
London, Eng.; ar't, Clarence L Sefert, 233 W 120th st.
(]13_3lith st, No 10 B, 2-sty and basement extenaion, 10x7.6, side;
cost, $1,500; owner and ar't, same as last.
614—9tb av, s e cor Slth st, new posts and girders; cost, $20,000;
Metropolitan St R R Co, 621 Broadway; ar't, A V Porter, 621 Broad¬
615—Park row, No 103, new show window; cost, $4d0; Rebecca C
Wayne, Jamaica, L I; ar't. Max Muller, 3 Chambers st.
616—East Broadway,. No 159, new store front, partitions; cost, $2,-
000; Church of St Theresa; ar't, Max Muller, S Chambers St.
GIT—Grand st. No 323, general alterations; cost. $12,060; Mrs Vail,
201 W IlTth st; ar't, Johu H Duncan, 21 W 24th st.
618—Sth av, n e cor Stb st, general alterations; cost, $10,000; Mrs
Emraa Clark et al, on premises; ar't, Paul E Duboy. 96 Sth av.
619—Park av, s e cor 12oth st, 2-sty extension, ol.2.x4S,6, side; cost,
$20,000; Geo Bhret, 3d av and 92d at; ar't, Peter Keller, 121 Bible
620—132d st. No 115 W, fill in basement window and ne-w steel
beams; cost, $TSO; Wm Burns, 840 Oth av; ar't, Fred Ebeling, 97
621—Division st. No 51, cellar extension, 25,6x15, rear; cost, $150;
Lewis Adelson, 360 B GOth st; ar'ts, Horenburger & Straub, 122
622—Slth st, No 351 W. 2-Ety and basement extension, 11,9x21,
rear; cost, $2,000; Metropolitan Throat Hospital, Sol W S4th st; ar't,
Jas B Ware & Son, 3 W 20th st.
023—G2d st. No 133 E, 2-sty extension, 17.4x44, rear; coat. $18,000;
Jennette Maitland Lloyd, 37 Sth av; ar'ts, Poster, Gade & Graham,
2S1 4th av.
G24—Broadway, No 2483, new atore front; cost. $1,500; Janet Mc¬
Adam, South Nyack. N Y; ar't. Julius Franks, 725 Broadway.