March 12, 1904
building, 3T.6x87.ll ft., for William J. Brown, 149 West 117th
st, to be erected at 159 and 163 West 103d st, to cost $80,000.
No contracts issued.
McKim, Mead & White, IGO Sth av, are making plans for a
residence for T. Jefferson Coolidge, to be built al Manchester,
FLANGDEN ROAD, Brooklyn.—Lawson Sc Field, 150 Nassau
Bt, Manhattan, are preparing plans for two 2-sty brick and frame
dwellings, 25x61 feet, for John W. Egen, 728 Rodgers av, Brook¬
lyn, to be erected on the soulh side of Flangden road, 55 feet
west of East 23d st.
65TH ST, Brooklyn.-Angelo Adamo, 67th st and 14th av,
Brooklyn, is making plans for two dwelling houses to be erected
on the north side of GSth st, 220 feet east of 14th av, Brooklyn,
for D. Serra, of 467 CarroU st.
AV J, Brooklyn.—George J. Moore, 164 Argyle road, Brooklyn,
who owns the property on the north side of Av J, SO feet west
of East 18th st, will erect a 2-sty brick and frame dwelling. Six
30, from plans by A. W. Pierce, 1127 Flatbush av, to cost $7,500.
WEST 23D ST, Brooklyn.—Plans are being prepared by S. P.
Murphy, Bay 34th st and Bath av, Brooklyn, for two two-fam¬
ily houses to be erected on the east side of West 23d st, 22G feet
norlh of Surf av, for W. F. Mark, of SSd st and Surf av. Com¬
position roof, hardwood trim, and floors, hot air heat, open
plumbing, etc.
9TH ST., BRONX.—Mrs. Katharine Goldschmidt, 279 White
Plains road, Bronx, has purchased a plot on 'the south side of
9th st, 305 ft. west of 4th av, Williambridge, Bronx, and will
erect a S-sty brick and stone S-family flat, 17x52.6 ft. John
Davidson, 50 West 13th st., is preparing the plans. Estimated
cosl, .i!4,S00.
109TH ST.—Plans are being prepared for alterations to the
4-sty building at the northeast corner of iOOth st and 2d av, for
Meyer Bach, of 4S0 Grand st, lo cost $3,000. Wm. C. Summerfleld.
19 Union square, architect.
liOTH ST.—C. Olsen, IITO Timpson pl, is preparing plans for
alterations to the T-sty apartment house at the northeast cor¬
ner of 116th st and Madison av, for the Ewing Publishing Co.,
62 Trinity pl, to cost $3,000.
1ST AV.-Henry Rothenberger, 334 Easl 59lh st, has received
the ccnract for extensive alterations to the 4-sty store and Ioft
at 903 1st av, for Michael Aukner, on premises. The improve¬
ments consist of installing steel beams, a new bake oven and
windows. John H. Knubel, 318 West 42d sl, is the architect.
IIGTH ST.—Schwariz & Gross, 35 West 21st sl, is making
■ plans for $5,000 worth of alterations to the 5-sty flat build¬
ings, Nos Tl and T3 East 116th st, for Leopold Gerky, of 443
6th av.
Maximilian Zipkes, 35 Nassau sl, is making alteration plans
for the following: 21-23 E. lllth st, for A. S. Weltfish; 347 E.
SSth st, for Jacob Hallo; 311 E. 75th st, for W. & J. Bachrach;
northeast corner ISlst st and Madison av, for Wm. Salaman;
159 W. lS3d st,- for Wm. Salaman; 74 E. llSth st, for J.
8th ST.—John Ph. Voelker, 979 Third av, is making plans for
alterations to 10 East Sth st, for Ameo & Fogliesse, lessees.
E. Childs, 285 Broadway, has awarded contract for alteration,
complete restaurant equipment and decoration of building at 120
Salina St., Syracuse, N. Y., to Story & Flickinger, of 52 Bond st,
cily. Schwartz & Gross, 35 W. 21st st. New York, are the
Mi scellaneous.
Freeman & Hasselman, 566 5th av. New Tork, are the suc¬
cessful competitors for designing the new quarters for the Mor¬
ris County Golf Club, at Morristown, N. J. II is to be an elabo¬
rate Colonial structure that will cost from $80,000 to- $100,000
to erect. Plans are now on exhibition at the Morristown Trust
Co.'s building, in Morristown,
S6TH ST.—Ail plains submitted in the competition for a large
flreproof club house, to be built on a plot 75x100 ft, on the south
side of SOlh sl, easl of 3d av, for the Musical Protective Union,
now occupying the "Old Homestead," at Olst st and Sd av, were
rejected. New plans will be obtained. Prank Evans is secre¬
lary of the society. Max Pranklin is a member of the Building
Contracts Aurarded.
BUOADW>\Y.—Johnson-Kahn Co., 500 Sth av, have received
thi cc utract, from plans by John E. Scharsmith, 500 Sth av, for
th" cre(t)<n of a 2-sty brick and stone studio building, 28.11x20.6,
for G. M. Phillips, of 261 Columbus av, to be erected on the east
side nf Broadway, 58.4 ft soulh of 64th st.
WATER ST.—Ebeling & Meyer, 194 Bowery, have awarded
to Paul Hillmann, S29 East 77lh st, the general contract for the
erection of a G-sty brick, stone and terra cotta gravel roof
stable and loft building, 50x95, for Thomas Crump, of 662 Water
Et, to be erected at 678 and GSO Water st, to cost $40,000.
SSTH ST.—McKim, Mead & White, 160 Sth av, have awarded
to True & McKeefrey, 720 Glh av, the general contract for the
alterations to 6 East 35lh st, adapting it to a club house for
"The Erook." Work has begun.
44TH ST.—McKim, Mead &. White, 160 Sth av, have awarded
to True & McKeefrey, 729 6tli av, the general contract to build
the new club house for "The Lambs," on a plot 37.6x100.5, at
128 to 130 West 44th sl. The estimated cosl is $100,000.
57TH ST.—A. W. Brunner, 33 Union Square West, hae
awarded to Marc Eidlitz & Son, 489 Sth av, the general contract
for extensive alterations to the residence of Adoiph Lewisohn, 9
West S7th St. A flfth story will be added. The remodeled
dwelling will have a new front of ornamental stone and will
contain a music room, a library and a picture gallery, wilh a
glass dome. The cost is estimated at $25,000.
ST. NICHOLAS AV.—Ludlow &, Valentine, 100 Broadway,
have granted to Antonio G. Pucci, 33S-340 East 109th st, the
contract for excavating for the new Lenox Presbyterian Church,
to be built on the northwest corner of St. Nicholas av and
141st st
29TH ST.—A. G. C. Fletcher, architect, 1133 Broadway, has
granted Johnson & Co., 1133 Broadway, the contract for building
a 1-sty brk scenic studio, 25x65 ft., and 50 fl. high, al 526 West
29th st, at a cost of about $10,000. '
Estimates Receivable.
OOTH ST.—Pinal plans for the new club house for the Har-
monie Club, of 45 West 42d st, to be located on the south side
of GOth st, 125 ft east of Slh av, are under way in the offices of
McKim, Mead & White, 160 Sth av, and are expected to be com¬
pleted by April 15, when they will be submitted for estimates.
The building will be seven stories high and will cost about
Sealed bids or estimates will be received by the Commissioner
of Docks al Pier A, foot of Battery pi. Borough of Manhattan,
until two o'clock p. m., on Monday, March 28, 1004, for furnish¬
ing all the labor and materials required for constructing and de¬
livering flve steel screw propelling ferry boats, with four cylinder
triple expansion engines. The lime for the completion of the
work and the ful! performance of the contract is on or before
the expiration of SGS calendar days. The cily reserves the right
in awarding the contract to award it to the bidder or bidders
whose bid or bids show such award to be for the best Interests
of the city, as determined by the amount of the bid for the first,
second, third, fourth or fifth boat; or, in other words, the con¬
tract, if awarded, will be made to the bidder or bidders whose
prices are the lowest for the five ferryboats.
Proposals will be received by the Cienfuegos, Palmira and
Cruces Electric Power and Railway Co. at its office, Havana,
Cuba, or at the office of its consulting engineer, C. C. Vermeule,
203 Broadway, New York, until March 15 for the following ma¬
terial, delivered f. o, b. ship in the harbor of Cienfuegos, Cuba:
4,400 tons of steel lee rails, 70 lbs. per yard; 1,200 kegs of spikee,
14,100 (0000) electric rail bonds, 105,000 creosoted railroad ties,
4,100 trolley poles, 15,000 barrels Portland cement. Specifica¬
tions for the above material will be furnished at either of the
above offices.
Proposals will be received until March 25 for building a Melan
arch bridge across the Naugatuck River, al Derby, Conn. Pro-
posale will be received on both high and low grade plans. The
high grade plans will contain three arches and one subway. It
will have a width of SO ft and a length of 329 ft 6 in, exclusive
of approaches. The low grade plan will contain three arches.
It will have a width of 54 fl and a length of 284 ft over all.
Plans and specifications can be examined at the offlce of the
Concrete Steel Engineering Co., Park Row Building, New Tork
city. George P. Sullivan, chairman Bridge Committee, Derby, Ct.
Bids will be received by the Commissioner of Water, Gas and
Electricity up to 2 p. m. March 16, as follows: (1) For furnishing
materials, driving wells, and installing an air-lift system at the
Flushing pumping station; (2) Por furnishing materials and
building a brick chimney at Flushing and at Bayside pumping
Bids will be received by the Commissioner of Correction up to
11 a. m., March 15, for furnishing and delivering hardware,
paints, iron, steam fittings and miscellaneous articles.
By the Aqueduct Commiseioners, Room 207, Stewart Building,
up to 12 o'clock noon, March 22, for constructing a highway or
road near the Tilicus reservoir, in the to-wn of North Salem,
Westchester Co., N. T.
Van Vleck & Goldsmith, 111 Slh av, Manhattan, are ready for
estimates on a 2-sty shingle frame residence, 3Gx36 ft., to be
erected on Mountain av, Montclair, N. J., at a cost of $10,000.
M. B. Taylor, of Montclair. is the owner.
■Moore & Landsiedel, 148th st and 3d av., are ready for bids
for a 2-sly frame dwelling, 20x50 ft., lo be built on fhe west
side of Green Lane, SO ft. north of Glebe av, Unionport, for Annie
Cashel, of Unionport, at a cost of $3,200,