May 20, 1905
â– CHERRY ST—G Toull & Co. have sold for Joseph L. Butten¬
weiser to a client of Max Keeve's the 5 and 6-sty tenement 150
Cherry st. size 25.4x125,
DOWNING ST.—Leopold Parrino has aold to clients, for Mr.
Cbarles Reiehenbach and Mrs, C. Hartner, 29 Downing st, a 3-
aty and basement dwelling on a lot 25x70 feet,
ESSEX ST.—S. Leinbard has sold to Albert Freedman 136 Essex
6t, a 6-sty front and rear tenement, on lot 25x100. Louis Bhl-
rlch was the broker.
MADISON ST,—S. S. Manheimer haa sold for the Gouverneur
Realty Co. to Berger & Leventhal the 6-3ty tenement, number
S'-'g Madison st, on plot 20x97, also In conjunction with D. Albert
for Mr. Weintraub to N. Goldman, tbe 6-sty double tenement,
number 60 Montgomery st. on plot 25x100.
VARICK ST.—Grossman & Passon have bought the northeast
corner of Varick and Broome sts, a 6-sty tenement, on plot 68x
WEST ST.—Samuel Green and Robert S. Smith have sold to
the Century Realty Co.. tbe 5-sty iron-front buildings at 40
West st, running through to Washington st, on plot 42,6x180.
ISTHST.—J, Rosenblum & Co. have sold for D. Gronholz to
Katz & Bier. 007 East 13th st, a 7-sty tenement, lot 25x100.
I6TH ST.—Chas. E. Duross has sold the lot witb front and
rear buildings 408 West 16th st, size 25x108, for Daniel S. Dryer
to W. W. Strasser of Steinhart Bros. Co. Plans are to be drawn
for a new 5-sty stable, which will be erected on the lot.
20TH ST,—Louis Schrag has sold for Malinda Foster, the 3-sty
and basement dwellirg, 320 West 20th st.
21ST ST.—S. B, Goodale & Son have sold for Mary F. Dentins
to a builder for improvement 10 West 21st st. a 3-sty dwelling,
on lot 25x92.
25TH ST.—J. Arthur Fischer has also sold to a client for Geo.
Fuchs the 4-sty English basement dwelling 244 West 25th st.
size 15x79.
SOTH ST.—Ogden & Clarkson have sold for the estate of Sam¬
uel Waterlow 34 East SOth st, a 3-sty dwelling, on plot 34x98.9,
to George Rosenfeld.
40TH ST.—Pocher & Co. report the sale of 445.West 40th st, a
5-sty tenement house, on lot 25x100 for Edgar Logan.
40TH ST.—J. Arthur Fischer has sold to the New Tork Cab
Co, the 3-sty dwelling 260 West 40th st. size 20x98.9. which, with
the four recently purchased by the Cab Co.. through the sarae
broker, affords them a plot of 102x98.9 ft. on which they have In
contemplation the erection of a 7-sty modern stable to contain
about 400 stalls.
45TH ST.—Rubinger. Klinger & Co. have sold and re-sold for
. Sigmund Cohn, 536 West 45th st, a 5-sty double tenement, on lot
49TH ST.—W. Se J. Bachrach have bought the two 3-sty dwell¬
ings. 345 and 347 East 49th st. on plot 37,6x100.5.
53D ST.—Walter C. Oakman has sold 12 East 53d st, a 5-sty
dwelling, covering the full depth of a plot 37.6x100-5, The
house has been occupied by Mr. Oakman since 1896. It abuts
In the rear the residence of Harley T. Proctor at 13 East 52d st.
5STH ST.—James Kyle & Sons bave sold for Mr, George Ben-
dine tbe 4-sty apartment bouse 304 East 58th st, size 19x75x100.
PARK AV.—Albert B. Ashforth bas sold for the Manhattan
Eye and Ear Hospital Its property at the southeast corner
of Park av and 41st st, 98,9x105.
IOTH AV,—Rubinger. Klinger & Co,, have sold for Weil &
Mayer, 64T and 049 10th av, two 5-sty double tenements on lot
64TH ST.—Davis & Robinson have sold for Miss Josephine
Lazarus, 54 and 56 East 6Ith st. two 4-sty and basement brown¬
stone front dwellings, on lot 25x100.5. The buyer will tear down
tbe present buiidings and erect an American basement house,
63TH ST.—W, & J. Bachrach have bought 320 and 328 East
65tb St. two 2-sty d>,vel!ings, on plot 37.6x100.5, and bave sold
to Binder & Baum 330 to 340 East 60th st, six 2-sty dwellings,
on plot 112,6x100.5.
69TH ST.—M. H. Beringer & Co. have resold for Lowenfeld Se
Prager, flve lots on the south side" of 69th st, 150 ft west of Ave¬
nue A. This Is part of the property sold to Lowenfeld & Prager
last week by the same brokers.
70TH ST.—Karl M. Wallach bas sold the two 5-sty tenements
31G and 318 East TOth st, 50x100.5, to Michael Kraemer.
72D ST,—Slawson & Hobbs have sold for Frederick Hasbrouck
to the Atlantic Realty Co. the 4-sty high stoop dwelling, 121
West 72d st, size 20x100.
76TH ST.—Douglas Robinson, Charles S, Brown & Co. have
sold for the estate of E. Burton Hart 13 East 76th st, a o-sty
American basement dwelling on lot 19x102.2.
SOTH ST.-Pease Se Elliman have sold for Harley T. Proctor,
21 East 80th st, a 5-sty American basement on lot 25x102.2.
82D ST.—John J. Kavanagh has sold for Mrs, Mary Hersch-
fleld the 4-sty brownstone dwelling 14 West 82d st on lot 21x
84th ST.—Snowber Se Co. have sold for Mr. Frazier to a Mrs.
Collins 100 West 84th st, a 5-sty flat on lot 27.6x102,2.
91ST ST.-Charles H, Schnelle has sold 101 East Olst st, a
4-sty single flat, on lot 20x100-8. for Cbarles Klotz to Elizabeth
04TH ST,—Young & Gahren have sold for William Overton
41 West 94th st, a 3-sty and basement dwelling, on lot ISxlOO-S.
96TH ST.—John Fleming has sold two lots on the south side of
96th st 100 feet west of Columbus av, 50x100,8. and two on the
south side of 95th st, 150 feet west of Columbus av, 50x100.8, to
F. Tuchmann.
98th ST,^Samuel Roseff and Israel Lebowita have sold to
the Knepper Realty Co. 224 East 98th st, a 5-sty flat, on lot 23x
102D ST.—Fleischmann Realty Co, has sold flve 6-sty flats-
two on the north side of 102d st, 225 ft east of 2d av, and three
on the south side of 103d st, 1 ft east of 2d av. The buyers are
Blumenkrohn Se Freundlich,
103D ST.—John R- Davidson has sold for M. Gustine Rieser the
5-sty double flat, 144 West 103d st, on plot 27x100.
104TH ST.—J. Berkowitz & Co. have sold 246 East 104th st, a
5-sty flat, on lot 25x100.11,
104TH ST.—M. Morgenthau, Jr., & Co. have sold Nos. 12, 14
and 16 West 104tb st, three 5-sty fiats, on plot 75.1x100.11, be¬
tween Central Park West and Manhattan av. Nos. 12 and 14
are each 27 ft front and are triple apartments; No. 16 is a double
flat, 21 ft front. The seller, Bernard Naumburg, of tbe law flrm
of Liebmann Se Naumburg and Tanzer, bought these houses
through 'M- Morgenthau, Jr., & Co. a few months ago. Arron
Welder Is the buyer of No. 12; Mrs. Mannheimer of Nos. 14
and 16.
105TH ST.—Anna Leonhardt bas sold 307 West 105th st, a 4-
sty dwelling on lot 19x100.11, to E. P. Barrett, who gives in part
payment a tract of ten acres adjoining the Knollwood Country
Club at White Plains, N. Y,
IIOTH ST.—Sundel Hyman has sold to Adler Brothers & Lask,
the six houses 161 to 171 East 110th st, on plot 150x100.11.
115TH ST,—Braisted, Goodman & Hershfield have resold for
Mrs. Edith B. Weed the "Monroe," a new 6-sty elevator apart¬
ment house at 415 and 417 West 115th st, on plot 70x100.
122D ST.—Porter Se Co, have sold for Mary J. Searle to Samuel
C Baum the 4-sty brick double tenement 339, 341 and 343 East
122d st, 100 feet west of 2d av, on plot 75x100.
122D ST.—John H. Loscarn has bought from Louis Lese for
a client the 5-sty brownstone front triple flat, 63 East 122d st,
on lot 25x100.
124TH ST.—Moses L, Marrus & Abraham Richman have
bought from Charles R. Faruolo the 5-sty tenement 411 East
124th St. on a lot 25x100.
127TH ST.—Shaw & Co., have sold for De Witt H. Kornhauser,
223 West 127lh st, a 3-sty and basement brownstone dwelling,
12STH ST,—Abraham Silverson has sold the plot. 60x100, on
the north side of 12Sth st, 175 feet east of Lenox av, to Lesowltz
& Kaufman, who will erect two 6-sty buildings,
12STH ST,—Pauline Goodman has sold to M. M. Stone 161 and
1G3 East 128th st, a G-sty apartment house, on plot 41.6x99.11,
134TH ST.—A. M, Kirtland has sold for Charles Seiferd the
5-sly double flat, 12 West 134tb st on lot 25x99.11.
134th ST.-The Cohen Realty Co. has sold for Jacob Deutch
to the Godspeed Realty Co. 310-312 West 134tb st. two 4-sty
double flats, each on lot 25x100.
137TH ST.—Adolf Mandel has sold eight lots, 200x100, on the
north side of 137th st, 345 ft west of 5th av, to Flam St Falk. who
give in exchange 126 and 128 East 118th st, a 6-sty flat on plot
141ST ST,—G- L- Lawrence has sold to Dr. George L, Meylan
468 West 141st st, a new American basement dwelling, on lot
146TH ST.—Thomas & Son have sold for Franklin C. Elder to
Fred'k, Knubel. tor occupancy the 3-sty and basement private
dwelling, 414 West 146th st on lot size 19x100.
149TH ST.—Hoffman Brothers have sold to the Fleisbmann
Realty Co. the ten 6-sty apartment houses in course of construc¬
tion on the south side of 149th st, 100 feet east of Sth av, each
210TH ST.—Monroe L. Simon bas sold to Peter J. Shields the
plot. 100x100, on the north side of 210th st, 100 ft east of Oth av,
AMSTERDAM AV.—Horowitz & Lefkowitz, bave bought for
improvement, the northwest corner of Amsterdam av and 122d
st, a plot 91x150.
AMSTERDAM AV.—Herman Cohen and Samuel G. Hess have
bought the elevator apartment house in course of construction,
on plot 100x91, at the southwest corner of Amsterdam av and
122d st, facing Morningside Park,
AMSTERDAM AV.—H. C. Senior & Co. bave sold for Rudolph
W, Pick the 5-sty flat 643 Amsterdam av, on lot 27x100, to a Mr,
AMSTERDAM AV.—Eugene Wolf has sold 333 and 335 Am¬
sterdam av, a 5-Ety business building on lot 77.2x25, at tha
southeast corner of TOth st.
BROADWAT,-Stokes & Knowles sold for T. A. Howell to the