December i6, 1905
Dworkowitz & Haber 239 East 10th st, a 5-sty bldg, on lot 25x
IOTH ST—The executors of James Anderson sold 274 West
12th st, a 5-sty tenement, 16.7x91, for ?22,500. It is assessed
at $14,000.
12TH ST.—Samuel Kadin has sold the two 6-sty flats 504 and
506 East 12th st, to Max Brettler and Oswin Stuhmer.
12TH ST.—Jacob Scheer has sold to Hillinan & Golding 640 to
644 East 12th st, three tenements, on plot G0xl03.3.
13TH ST—Rubinger, Klinger & Co. have sold for Osias and
Michael Karp 43S and 440 East 13th st, two G-sty double tene¬
ments, on plot 50x100.
Maubattan Trade School Sold.
14TH ST—Charles E, Duross has sold 233 West 14th st, a 5-
sty and basement brownstone house, on lot 25x120, for the ex¬
ecutors of the estate of Nannie Lauer. Some time ago the build¬
ing was remodeled for the Manhattan Trades School, for young
women, a society of which Miss Virginia Potter is president.
The property is sold to "Madame Pauline" for a dressmaking
ISTH ST__Rubinger, Klinger & Co. have sold for Heilman &
Crump to Simon Lefkowitz the four 6-sty tenements in course
of construction on the south side of 18th st, between Avs A and
B. each on plot 43.9x92.
21ST ST.—M. & L. Hess have sold for Anne G. T. Duval 20
West 21st st, 25x92. This is the ninth parcel sold by this flrm
on this block within the last few months.
21ST ST.—Fedler & Levin have sold to the Godspeed Realty
InTprovement Co. 208 and 208 East 21st st, a 7-sty fireproof flat,
with stores, on piot 31x92, being 125 ft. east of 3d av. In part
payment for 20G and 20S Bast 21st st the Godspeed Realty Im¬
provement Co. gives to Fedler &' Levin 25 and 27 West 134th st,
two 4-sty brownstone single flats, on plot 35.8x99.11,
22D ST.__H. J. Sachs & Co. have sold for Louis Sachs 6 and 8
West 22d st, a 5-sty ofHce and store building, on plot 56x98.9.
The same brokers have also sold for Joseph and David Steiner
10 and 12, adjoining, a 5-sty building, on plot 54x98.9._
22D ST.-The 4-sty dwelling at 472 West 22d st, 2ox98.9 sold
for $15,000. Similar houses in the block are held at $18,000.
20th ST.—Thomas P. Fitzsimons has sold for Henry Well¬
brock to Herman F. Bauer the 5-sty tenement 419 West 26th
st, 25x98.9.
26th ST.—Huberth & Gabel have sold for Charles Berndt the
three 5-sty fourteen-room tenements, with stores, at 43G to 440
West 2Cth St.
26TH ST.-The New Tork Trust Co. has sold for the estate
of Emily K. Davis 32 West 2Gth st. a 4-sty dwelling, on lot
SOTH ST.—John T. Wall has sold for Bertba Roestei to Annie
M. Goudey 443 West SOth st. a 5-sty double tenement. 2dxS9x
SIST ST.—Douglas Robinson. Charles S. Brown & Co. sold
for Ole Oleson, the builder, to E. C. Potter & Brother and Daniel
b: Freedman 120 and 122 West Slst st, a new 7-sty loft build¬
ing, on a plot with a frontage of 40 ft. and a depth of 115 ft.
on one side and 123 ft. on the other. The building itself is 110
ft. deep.
SSD ST.—Daniel B. Freedman and Potter & Brother have
bought from the Scheper estate 141 West 33d st, a lot 25x100.
opposite the McAdoo-Pennsylvania terminal site. The estate
had owned it half a century.
STTH ST.—Albert F. Jammes is reported to have sold 2 West
37th st, a 4-sty and basement brownstone front dwelling on
lot 21.6x98.9. The parcel adjoins the southeast corner of Bth av.
41ST ST.~The 5-sty building. 20x98.9, at 122 West 41st st.
was sold for $4G,000. It is assessed at $39,000.
4STH ST.—The lot. 16x100.5, on the south side of 4Sth st. 514
ft, west of Sth av, was sold by the trustees of Columbia College
for $36,350. It is assessed for $30,000.
49TH ST.—John T. Wall has soid for William Loughlin to
Bertha Rcestel the 5-sty 4-family building 516 West 49th st,
49TH ST.—Schneider & Bachrach have bought 340 East 49th
st, a 5-sty tenement.
52D ST.—A. W. Miller & Co. sold for Samuel Katz 332 West
52d st, a 6-sty triple flat, with stores, on plot 25x100.5.
54TH ST.—Pease & Elliman have sold for William Murray
15 West 54th st, a new 5-sty American basement dwelling on
■ lot 25x100.5,
I*Irs. incCoy's Purclia&e.
55TH ST.—Mrs. Nellie Ellis Selby, wife of "Kid" McCoy, the
pugulist, has bought from Robert Ferguson the Gosford, a 7-
sty elevator apartment house at 230 and 238 West 55th st, on
plot 40x100.5, between 7th and Sth avs.
57TH ST.—Douglas Robinson, Charles S. Brown & Co. have
sold for John L. Martin to Dr. F. A. Dorman 133 East 57th st.
a 3-sty brownstone dwelling, on lot 20x60.
5STH ST.—A, W. Miller & Co. have sold for Frederick Scheele
434 West 5Sth st, a 5-sty double flat on lot 25x100.5.
5STH ST.—James Daker and Patrick Fogerty have sold 405
and 407 East oStli st, two 3-Bty dwellings, on plot 34.11x100.5,
to a builder for improvement.
59TH ST.—Henry Broder has bought the two 5-sty flats 322
and 324 East 59th st, on plot 50x100.5, from Shapiro & Levy.
Charles Isaacs was the broker.
LEXINGTON AV.—William LJ Sutpin and Frederick C. Gilsey
have bought, through James Kyle & Sons, 369 Lexington av, a
3-sty high stoop dwelling, on lot 20x75.
Bougltt for Improvemeut.
1ST AV.-The Peter H. H. Jackson estate has sold to Hillman
& Golding the plot, 200x100.5, at the northwest corner of 57th
st and 1st av. The Jackson family has owned the plot for sixty
years. It is noTV' partly occupied by old 2-sty frame buildings,
which the new buyers will remove and build five 40-ft. 6-sty
2D AV.-Charles Laue has sold 709 2d av, northwest corner of
SSth st, a 5-sty tenement, with four stores, on plot 32.8x90;
also 709 2d av, adjoining, a 5-sty tenement, on lot 27.4x100, and
the parcel adjoining on the st. 241 Bast 38th st. a 5-sty tene¬
ment, on lot 27x9S,9. The buyers. Riffel Brothers, own prop¬
erty adjoining both on the av and st. and now control a front¬
age of 148.1 ft. on the av and 176 ft. on the st.
3D AV.—Huberth & Gabel have sold the northwest corner of
58th st and 3d av, 50.xl05, and an adjoining plot, 50x100, on
5Sth st for the Vanderpoel estate to Lowenfeld & Prager, and
have resold to Barnett Hamburger, who wili improve. This
property has been in the Vanderpoel family for nearly a cen¬
tury, and is one of the few remaining unimproved plots on 3d
av in this vicinity. It is only a block from the approach to the
new bridge.
OTH AV.—Nicholas Espenscheid has sold 461 Gth av, a 2-sty
building, on lot 24.10x100, 49.3 ft. south of 28th st.
6TH AV.—W. Clarence Martin has bought from the Bachrach
estate and Charles A. Schrag 417 and 419 Gth av, two 4-sty
buildings, on plot 39.6x60, between 25th and 26th sts. The
Bachrach parcel has not previously been transferred for half
a century, the family being long-time owners of many high-class
properties in various parts of Manhattan Borough. Mr. Schrag
bought the other piece from the Barth estate last April. Louis
Schrag and H. Hamilton McBride. of Ames & Co., were the
Skyscraper for Broadway.
Leopold Weil and J. C. Hand have leased for Daniel A. Loring
to Felix Isman, of Philadelphia, Mr. Loring's holdings at the
southeast corner of. Broadway and SSd st, for a term of 105
yrs, at a total rental of about $7,000,000. Mr. Isman will erect
on the site a 25-sty mercantile building. Mr. Loring began
acciuiring property at this point 20 yrs. ago. and gradually
acquired a plot fronting 116.8 ft, on Broadway and 9S.G on 333
St. and known as 1270 to 12S0 Broadway and GO and 62 West
33d St. On the east and south the property is bounded by tbe
holdings of W. R. H. Martin. Mr, Loring also owns 38 and 40
West 33d st, to the east of the Martin holdings.
10th AV.—Blumenkrohn & Freundlich have sold the 6-sty
tenement 657 10th av, on lot 25x100, to Bertha Oppenheim.
IITH AV.—David and Harry Lippmann have sold through A,
W. Miller & Co. 733 llth av, a 4-sty double tenement, with
stores, on plot 25x100.5.
The Record and Guide Bureau of Information will supply you
with Conveyances, with names and addresses of Grantees for
filing purposes. Also Mortgages and all other real estate infor¬
mation. Address for particulars. Record and Guide, 14 and 16
Vesey St., New York City.
OOth ST.—David Lion has bought from the Accumulation
Realty Co. the two 5-sty tenements 218 and 220 West OOth st,
each 27x100.
65TH ST.—H. C. Senior Se Co. have sold for Mrs. Juliet Turner
the 5-sty fiat, IGS West G5th st. on lot 25x100.5. to Sarauel
Liebovitz and Isaac Sehreiber, who own two adjoining houses.
GOTH ST.—Samuel Wacht has hought from a Mrs. Schwall
S4S East GGth st, a 3-sty dwelling, on lot 10.3x102.2. Mr. Wacht
owns 350 and 352, adjoining, and now controls a plot 50x102.2.
TOTH ST.—Vennette F. Pelletreau & Co. have sold for Schnei¬
der Se Herter the Orienta. an S-sty fireproof apartment house
304 West 79th st, on plot 70x104.4.
SOTH ST.—William E. Smith has sold 127 West SOth st. a
4-sty dwelling, on lot 21x102.2.
SIST ST.—T. Scott Se Son have sold for a client to C. Folker
105 East Slst st, a 3-sty basement private dwelling, on plot
SIST ST.—William Lippman has sold 125 East Slst st, a 3-sty
and basement brownstone from dwelling on lot 17x102.2.
SSD ST.—Mayer J, Weinstein has bought the 5-sty flat, 130
West SSd st, on plot 32x102.2.
SSTH ST.—Henry D. Winans & May report the sale of East
SSth st, a 5-sty American basement limestone house, on lot
24.0x100, for the estate of James C. Carter.
S9TH ST.—A. P. Holly and Charles Cohen have sold for a
Mrs. Wetzler 72 West S9th st, a 5-sty flat, on plot 36.4x100.4,
adjoining the southeast corner of Columbus av.
IOOTH ST.—Chas E. Duross has sold for Emilie W. Reichow
the G-sty apartment house at 10-12 West 100th st.
103D ST.—208 to 212 West 103d st, three 5-sty tenements.