Novem'ber 2, 1907
Building Operations.
Statlstics of Plans FUe>a.
The íollowing is a table of tbo new bulldlngo and altera-
tlona projected for Manhattan and the Broni wlth the estl-
mated oost, íor the past week and alao for the correapondine
week of 1906:
1907. 1906. '
No, of tlie new boildings jn Manhat-
tan aad the Bronx............ 39 57
Estimated cost of new buildings. . $574,100 ¥1,370,700
Total estinmted cost of alterations
for Manhattan and the Bronx. . ¥148,600 ¥153,085
Twelve-Stoi-y Office Building for Broadway and Pranklin
BROADWAT.—Louis M. Jones & Company, No. 350 Broadway,
have commissioned Architect Frederiek C, Erowne, No. 143 West
125th st, to prepare plans for a 12-sty high cĩass offlce building
to be situated on a plot 50x150 feet at the nortbeast corner of
Broadway and Franklin at. Materials for the exterior will be
light brick, limestone and terra cotta. Figures wlU not be taken
for some weeks yet. No contracts bave been iasued.
New Long Acre Square Theatre Plîius.
EROADWAT.—Pians for the new playhouse wbicb Charles E.
Dillingham, David H, Tayior and Frederick Manners are about
ot ereet at No. 1555 Broadway (west side of the street) and Nos.
203 to 217 West 46th st., witb a frontage of 23.10xS9 feet on
Broadway and 139 feet on 46th st., wiil not be ready for figures
for some time yet. At the ofBce of íbe architects, Messrs. Carrere
& Hastings, 5th av,, and 2Gth st., it was learned on "Wednesday
that only preliminai-y drawings have been prepared. Tlie com-
fained propertles make up a plot of the size and shapé most in
demand araong theatre builders; that is, with enough Broadway
frontage to provide a suitable entrance connecting with a larger
parcel of less valuable ground on a side street. The plot has a
total area of about 16.000 feet, so that it wiU be one of the largest
playhouses yet established \a the arausement centre around the
squar.e, The Record and Guide announced the project several
weeks ago, also the sale of this property by tbe Shanley Eros,,
through the MeViekar-Gaillard Realty Co. 'as brokers, but the
buyers' names at that time were withheld. Tĩie estimated cost
of the buiiding, it is flgured, wlll reach about $1,000,000, while tbe
site is sald to have cost $600,000. Tbe theatre will be called the
Pai'ticulars of Sheflfteld Parms New Uptown Plant.
The Record and Guide was informed on Tuesday, witb refer-
ence to tbe new sanitary pasteurization bottling piant which the
Sheflieid Farms-SIaT\'Son, Decker Co. proposes to establisb on
a plot, 91x150 ft., on the south side of Manhattan st, near
Broadway, that so far no plans have been perfected or building
details determined upon. T'he company's milk depot in 57th st,
west of lOth av, completed nearly two years ago at a cost of
about $340,000, is the most complete aiid up-to-date plant for
handling dairy products in tbis city. It is intended that tbe np-
town structure, wben erected, will be constructed along alraost
simiiar designs. In the 57th st plant are found many noteworthy
features, suggested by simiiar esíablishments in Europe, whicb
are bighly recommended by the Eoard of Health. Tbe building
îs six stories in height and 75x100 ft. in ground dimensions.
Frank A. ĩîooke, 489 5th av, was the architect and Messrs.
Dawson & Archer, 150 5th av, were 'general contraetors, Further
detaiis will be given in later issues.
Enlai'gement of the Harbison-Walker Works.
Owing to the large increased business being conducted the
past six months by the Harbison-Walker Refractories Company,
through the New Tork offlces, the flrm has been obliged to double
the daily capacity of the works which are now still better
equipped to handle without delay contracts of any size. The
eompany has secured orders to furnisb front brick for most of
the largest buildings now being constructed in this city, whicli
înclude the Hudson River Terminal buildings, the Siiversmĩtlis'
Euilding, Van Schaick Building and the Marbridge Euilding.
Since the company opened its New Tork oflices it iias maûe
great progress. Tbe offlce of the brick department is in tbe St.
James Building, 1133 Eroadway,
Eiigene Clirîstian to Build iii the Bronx.
Herbert M. Baer, architeet, 542 5th av, is preparing plans for
a residence for Mr. Eugene Christian, the well known food ex-
pert, to be located at 2ô3d st, Riverdale, tbe Eronx. The house
is to be built entirely of native stone, and wiil have a number
of novel features, such as a private gymnasium, an open air
dining room, and open air bedrooms on the roof of tlie large
eircular tower. The building will cost approximately $22,000,
and the drawings wiil be ready for estimates in the course of
two or three weeks.
The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Project.
MADISON AV.—The new Ritz-Carlton Hotel wbich is to be
fauilt by English capitalists on property, it is said, located at the.
northwest corner ofMadison av and 4(ĩth st, owned by the Goelet
estate, fronting 105 feet on Madison av and 140 feet on 46th st,
it i's learned wlll be delayed indefinitely. The arcbitects, Messrs.
Warren & Wetmore, No. 3 East 33d st, bave the plans well un-
der way, but no flgures have yet been taken or contracts let,
The structure is estimat?d to cost about $1,500,000.
Donald M. Mitchell tô AJter a Gould Eesideilce.
5TH AV.—Charies A. Gould of Portchester, N, T,, has awarded
to Donald M. Mitcheli, 306 West 5od st, the general eontract to
remodel his town house, No. 714 5th av, into stores and offlces,
for which Architect Woodruff Leeming, 20 Eroad st, has com-
pleted plans. At the rear a side extension will be erected, one
story wili be added over tbe main building and extensive interior
changes, including electric ligbting, electric passenger elevator,
partitions and plumbing fixtures.
Apartments, Flats aud Tenements.
SIMPSON ST.—H. H. Morrison, Westchester av and Southern
Boulevard, Bronx, is preparing plans for tbree 5-8ty fiat build-
ings, to be erected at Dongan, Simpson and Fox sts. for tlie
American Real Estate Co., Weatchester av and Southern boule-
POREST AV.—Goldner & Goidberg, Jackson and Westchester
avs, have completed plans for the 3-sty synagogue, 63xS7, to be
erected on the west side of Forest av, near IGOth st, for Con-
gregation Eeth Haradrash Hagodel, 696 Cauldwell av.
Messrs. Carrere & Hastings, 5th av and 26th st, Manbattan,
are preparing plans for a 1-sty church for the Christian
Science congregation, Philadeiphia, Fa, C. Moore, ISll Filbert
st, Pbiladeiphia, Pa., can inform, The cost is placed at $75,000,
EEOADWÁT.—-In tbe near future Grace Cburch, situated at
Eroadway and lOth st, will undergo alterations and interior
changes which will cost in the neighborhood of $18,000 to $20,-
000. A new organ wiil be a íeature. No pĩans have yet been
drawn, architect selected or contraets let.
The new Episcopal Church House at Fulton av and 171st st,
Bronx, is now ready for occupancy. The seating capacity is
1,300, the largest auditoriura in the Eronx.
4TH ST:—M. M. Loniger. 30 Eaat 12tb st, ia planning for al-
terations to No. 56 East 4th st, owned by S. Reĩner, lOS West
lllth at.
20TH ST.—C. H. Dietrich, 42 Union sq, is making plans for
extensive improveraents to No, 200 East 20th st, for Henry
Glaser, 7 Warren st.
5TH ST.—Mrs. Marie Werckle, S7 East 3d st, will make im-
proveraents to No. 614 East 5th st. C. H. Dietrich, 42 Union
sq, is raaking plans.
WATER ST.—-Alfred L, Kehoe, 206 Eroadway, is preparing
plans for .$6,000 worth of improveraents to Nos. 336-33S Water
st, for G. Tuoti, 200 Broadway.
3D AV.—Sampson & Scbwartz, 1111 Madîson av, wilĩ im-
prove No. 1670 3d av, at a cost of about $5,000. Sommerfeld &
Steckler, 19 Union sq, are arcbitects.
79TH ST.—Charles Harameĩ & Co,, 10S9 Lexington av, will
make extensive alterations to Nos. 414 to 420 East 79th st, for
wbich Otto L. Spannbake, 233 East 78th st, is raaking plans.
Architect L. C. Holden, 1133 Broadway. Manhattan, Is prepar-
ing plans for a dorraitory 42x100 feet for the Peekskill Military
Academy, Peekskill, N. T., to cost about $60,000.
Work will shortly be started on the new building to be erected
at Marion, N. J., fay the H. G. Kotten Co., 120 Liberty st, Man-
hattan, manufacturer of pneumatic tools. The company recently
purchased a tract of land at Marion 150x250 ft., and a fauilding
75x150 ft. is to be erected on-the property.
Estimates Keceivable.
105TH ST.—J. C. Cocker, 103 East 125th st, will recelve esti-
raates Nov. 11 for a 6-sty apartment and store building, 90x125
ft„ to be erected at 165th st and St. Nicholas av, for Murray
&. Hil!, 103 East 125th st. Cost is piaced at $100,000.
CANAL ST.—Henri Fouehaux, 10-5 Hudson st, has not yet
awarded contracts for tbe 10-sty loft building whicb Alexander
M. Powell, 326 West 72d st, is soon to erect at Canal, north-
east corner Sullivan st, estimated to cost $250,000,
5TH AV.—Hoppen & Koen, 244 5tb av, have plans ready for
fĩgures for the new 5-sty residenee, 27x7S ft., wbich Mrs, J. J.
Wysong, 3S East 34th st, will erect at the northeast corner
of 5th av and 76th st, to cost .$SO,000. No contracts let.
DOWNING ST;—One building will be torn down at No. 42
Downing st, on which Edwin H. Sayre, 56 Hudson st, will erect
a 4-sty brick and frame stable, 29x97.8 feet, to cost $25,000. A.
G. Rechlin, 235 5th av, is architect. No contracts have yet been