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■ December 28, igdf
A Fifth Avenue Home.
[Wlth lllustraíion.)
The magiiificent new residence which Mrs. Frieda S.
Warburg js erecting at 5th av, the northeast corner, and
92d st, will have facades of limestone of. a dark gray eolor
and richiy carved in the French Golhic sty'e of the flfteenth
century period, Tliere will be six stories abpve tlie street, with
a basement and cellar below. A driveway will lead up from
the street to the entrance on 92d st, and one passes through the
vestibule which is divided from the entranee hall by a hand-
some ornamental screen and door, of metal and glass, for
entering the hall. The grand staircase leacls up past the organ
at the rear to the floors above. To the rĩght is thc kitchon.
opposite end with rear hall. A dumbwaiter is arranged for
in thfs rear hall co'mmunĩcating with the niain panlry and
serving room bclow. The son and daughter's bodroons, witli
baths adjoining, are^ arranged on the fmn-th floor with a study
in the corner directly .above the sitling-room. The east end
is given over to the nursery and nurse and child's bedroom,
with bath adjoining. Guests' rooras. with baths, are arranged
for on'the west end of the flfth floor. -
Tlie east end provides a squash court with gallery at one end,
and connecting with the squash court, with wĩndows openjng
on rear court, is a tea room, and back of same a dressing-room
provîded with a shower and lavatory. Connecting all stories
from cellar to sixth floor is an electric elevator and servants'
lift operafced by the automobile push device. Tlie building will
Fifth Avenue, corner 92d Street,
C, P. H. Gilbert, Architeet,
serving room and servanís' dining room; fo the ĩeft the reception
room and billiard room, between which is an ornamental arch
On the second floor in front of tiie stairs !s the drawlng-room
with a conservatory connecting it on the right wĩth the dining-
room, and on the left of the stairs and foyer hall is the library.
Each of the above mentioned rooms, namely, the reception and
billiard rooms, library and dining-room are in length equal
to the width of the building. The owner's sitting room is
arranged in the corner of the third floor with windows opening
on the avenue and street. A passage connects this room with
the boudoir, also facing on the street; and beyond this roora is
Mrs. Warburg's bathroora, which connects with the owner's
bedroom, Back of this room is Mr. Warburg's batli and
Back oE the sitting-room first mentioned Eor this floor is
located the breakfast roora. A pantry ĩs arranged for service
for this room, connected by a passage over the main staira,
enclosed with glass, and having a glass floor opening on the
be lighted with electricity throughout and heated with steam
autoraatically controlled. A vacuum cleaning plant is to be
installed, as well as many otiier convenienees. T'he plumbing
throughout will be of the best quality and highest grade
flxtures. The A. J, Robinson Company is the builder and C. P,
tl. Gilbert the architect.
—With the exception of 1906 the real estate transactions in the
Borough of Queens have been greater than ever before. More
than 30,000 transfers and mortgages have alr.eady been re-
corded with the County Clerk, with many eleventli hour filings
still to be placed on record. It is interesting to note that for
the year just closing there have been a larger number of small
transactions recorded than previously, indicating that many of
the new owners of realty in that zone have purchased on the
instalment pĩan, A large percentage of the recorded mortgages
represent loans for constructing dwelHngs on many of the
recent subdivisions throughout that borough, although not a
few were for loans on tenements and businesa buildings.