August I, 1908
luvestoi'^ Sell Mercantile Building.
FRANKLIN ST.—Daniel Birdaali & Co, sold for the Misses Board-
man 85 Franklin st, a Ij-sty business building, 24.6x100, for about
$60,000. The Misses Boardman bought this property on May 16,
1902, through the same flrm, paying a trifle less than $60,000, A
few years ago this property was almost totally destroyed by flre,
and has been practically rebuilt. The sellers also own property in
the north side of Leonard st, west of Broadway.
SUFFOLK ST,—Ury Goodman, ot 1040 Clayton av, Bronx, sold to
Dr. Isidor R. Lowenthal 93 Suffolk st, a 6-sty tenement with store,
25x100. The 3-sty dwelling 42o Bast 122d st was given in part
WASHINGTON ST.—W. B. Kilpatrick sold 708 and 710 Washing¬
ton St. two 3-sty and basement buildings, 46xS8x irregular, between
Perry and West 11th sts. These houses are built to a depth of 32
ft. each.
19TH ST,—Hubertb & Gabel sold for the Dayton estate the 3-sty
and basement high-stoop bouse 139 Bast 19th st, 23x75, to Frederick
J. Sterner, architect, who after alterations aud improvements will
use it for his own occupancy. This property bas not changed hands
in more than 35 years. The Friends Meeting House is in the rear
and occupies a plot 106x109.
Investor Purchases Mercantile Building.
20TH ST,—Isaac B. Wakeman sold for the Acme Realty Co. to C.
Grayson Martin 9 West 20th st, a 12-sty mercantile building, 28x
92. On Feb. 16, 1907. this property was bought by the present
sellers from Albert Cavanagh, At that time it was improved with a
4-sty dwelling, and was subject to a mortgage of $67,500, The pres¬
ent fireproof structure was built to a depth of 89 ft,, and a mort¬
gage for $115,000 was given to the Manhattan Life Insurance Co.
on April 9, 1908, The due date and rate appear only in the bond.
On Feb. 1 last a lease for three years for the store and basement
was made. The consideration is $3,000. On the opposite side oC
the' street is a 12-sty building with a frontage of 100 ft. on 20th
st, a depth of 1S4 ft. and a frontage o£ 125 ft, on 19th st. Tha
Presbyterian Building is on the northwest cor of 5th av and 20th st.
It is an 11-sty fireproof structure and occupies a plot 92x192. Mr,
Martin owns several valuable parcels of Manhattan real estate. H*
is a member of the flrm of Rogers, Peet & Co.
Murray Hill Dwelling Changes Hands.
39TH ST,—I. B. Wakeman sold for Mary F. Belts 125 East 39th
st, a 5-sty American basement dwelling, 20x9S,9, 78 ft. west of Lex¬
ington av. The house was built and formerly occupied by Bruce
4RTH ST,—I. B. Wakeman sold for a client of Strong & Cadwal-
lader IS East 4Sth st, a 4-sty brownstone dwelliug, 25x100,5, 120
El. west of Madiaon av. The buyer will alter the house into a business
building and hold it as an investment. The property has not been
transferred for half a century.
52D ST,—Arnold, Byrne & Baumann sold for Patrick McCarthy
426 and 428 West 52d st, two 5-sty tenements, 50x100.5. The
houses are 76 ft, deep. In the rear is St. Elizabeth's Hospital, The
German Evangelist Church is across the street.
Park Avenue Dwelling Sold.
PARK AV.—The Interborough Rapid Transit interests sold to
George A. Plyrapton 61 Park av, a 4-sty dwelling. 24,7x80. on the
cast side of the avenue, adjoining the southeast cor of SSth st.
This is one of the houses to which the subway approached more
closely than the official plans permitted, and which the company in
July, 1902, bought, in order to avoid damage suits, when the late
Charles T. Barney discovered the facts and brought suit to enjoin
the operation of trains in front of his residence at the northeast
cor of SSth st and Park av, Mr. Plympton, who has tor many yean
been connected with Ginn & Co., and is a trustee of Columbia
College, will rebuild the house. An interesting feature of his plan'i
is an absolutely flreproof extension, in which he will house his
unique collection oE American educational works. The Interbor¬
ough Co. purchased in the same year Nos 49, 51, 53, 55 and 57
Park av. In fact, they own the entire block front except No. 53
which belongs to Frederick W, dc Voe, and No, 65. which is tho
property of Mrs. Collis P, Huntington. Nos. 53, 55 and- 57 Park
av are unimproved, tlie buildings having been torn down shortly
after the title was acquired by the railroad company. The houses
were badly damaged by the blasting while the road was under con¬
struction. These are the only vacant lots on the avenue from 34th
to 40th sts. This section of the avenue is restricted, not oly by the
Murray Hill restriction, but also hy one put on some years ago by
the owners o! property in the neighborhood. The property on th^
northwest cor oE 34th st, which is occupied by a church, was place*
on the market for sale a short time since and what was said to hav â–
been an excellent offer was made, with the understanding Ihat a'
apartment could be erected on the site. When the records w
looked into it was found tliat this could not be done. The avenue
is 140 ft, wide, wilh A handsome grass plot in the centre. It is tho
only avenue in New Tork where there are two tunnels, one under the
other. It will be remembered that not only does the subway pass
under this avenue, but also the 4th av trolley line. It is said that
the railroad will shortly sell the rest of their holdings on this block.
75th ST.-"•.'illiam Hutter sold for Ernest N. Adler the 5-sty
double flat 515 E'ast 75th st, 25x97, The present seller bought this
property from Charles Sachar on May 2. 1908, subject to a mortgage
of $1.5,000, Abraham Tumpowsky is the buyer and gives in part
payment 1317 3d av: Title will be passed Aug. 3,
86th ST.—Gustavo Eckstein sold to a Mr. Schrock 53 West 86th
st, a 4-sty dwelling, 22x100,8.
SOTH ST.—Daniel B. Freedman bought 58 East 86th st. a 4-sty and
basement stone front dwelling. 21,1x102.2, adjoining the grounds oE
Public School 6. Wm. L. Radford was the owner.
SSTH ST,—Albert A, Kirchner bought through the Cruikshank Co,
from Hannah Stein 380 West SSth st, a 5-sly single flat, 25x100,8.
adjoining the southwest cor of Amsterdam av. The present seller
bought this property on March 2. 1908. subject to a first mortgage
of $30,000 for 5 years at 3%, from March 4, 1907, and a second
mortgage for .f 10,000 for 3 years at 6%, from the same date.
Plot To Be Improved.
114th ST,—Edward J, Moloughney sold to Paterno Bros, the plot
of 5 lots on the south side of 114th st, 225 ft. east of Broadway.
With the plot they now own, adjoining on the east, this gives them
a plot 225x100, on which they will immediately begin the construc¬
tion of three 75-ft. 8-sty apartment houses. The Messrs. Paterno
also own the plot in the rear of 113th st, which they recently ac¬
quired from Mr. Moloughney. The total operation will Involve an
outlay of about $1,000,000.
115TH ST.—Gibbs & Kirhy sold Eor Max Blanck fo A, Hclman the
Portland, 612 West 115th st. This is an 8-sty fireproof elevator
apartment, 50x100. The owner had been holding it for $175,000,
No, 132 West 131st st was given in trade.
116th st,—Arnold, Byrne & Baumann sold for George Reichhart
247 to 253 West 116th st, four 5-sty flats, 75x100,11, Max Cohen
et al. 35 Nassau st, sold these houses October 16, 1905, to the pres¬
ent seller, subject to a mortgage of $77,500,
122D ST.—In part payment for 93 Suffolk st, Dr. Lowenthal gives
to Mr, Goodman 425 East 122d st, a 3-sty dwelling, 16,8x100.11.
127TH ST.—The W, & B, Realty Co. bought the Rosemere. a 6-sty
elevator apartment house, 50x99,11. at 145 West 127th st. This
property was transferred to Bernard Heine and Solomon Boehm on
July 16. 1908, subject to a mortgage of $75,000. The property 215
to 225 West 145th st figured in a trade for this property.
131st ST.—Gibbs & Kirby sold for A, Hetman the 3-sty dwelling
132 West 131st st, 20x100. This property was exchanged for 012
West 115th st, together with a money consideration.
142D ST,—Harris & Co, sold for Sarah Cohn to P. J. Kennedy 289
West 142d st, a 5-sty fiat, 25x09.11, Mr, Kennedy has owned the
adjoining property—287—for a number of years and now controls a
50-ft. frontage.
145TH ST.—The W. & B. Realty Co. sold to Heine & Baum 215 lo
225 West 145th st. three out of a row of six 6-sty houses recently
erected by the sellers, each on plot 40x99,11. The block square on
which these houses are located was formerly used as the elevated
railroad terminal yards. There are all told 30 houses built on this
block. There remains a vacant plot on the north side of 145th st with
a frontage ot 205 ft. located 100 ft, east of Sth av, and one
with a frontage of 1-30 ft. located 100 ft. west of 7th av. The houses
just sold are built SS ft, deep. Across the st there is a big vacant
plot. 475x99,11, unimproved. The property 145 West 127th st was
traded for this property.
LEXINGTON AV,—Minnie Weinstein sold S25 Lexington av. a
3-sty and basement brownstone front dwelling, 20x70, adjoining the
northeast cor of 63d st. The seller purchased the property about
3 months ago from Gustave S, Boehm.
Riverside Drive Corner Resold.
RIVERSIDE DRIVE,—Bernard Smyth & Sons sold to the A. C, &
H. M, Hall Realty Co, the plot of 8 lots at the northeast cor of
Riverside Drive and S5th st. fronting 102,2 ft, on Riverside Drive by
200 ft. on S5th st. excavated. The bnyers will erect thereon a
12-sty flreproof high-class apartment, plans for which are now being
drawn by the architects, Neville & Bagge. About a month ago these,
lots were sold to Brody. Adler & Koch by the City Investing Co.
The property at that time was held at $400,000, and is part of the
plot formerly occupied by the Misses Ely's school. The SGfb st halt
was sold by the City Investing Co. some time ago to Ranald H, Mac¬
donald & Co.. architects and builders, who have improved part of it
witli a high-class apartment house,
3d av.—Ernest N. Adler bought from Abraham Tumpowsky 1317
3d av, a 7-sty loft building with store. 18,9x105. The seller ac¬
quired title June 15, 1908, from Chas. H, Potter, subject to a mort¬
gage ot $2-5.000. It was assessed at $30,000 with improvements.
The 5-sty flat 515 East 75th st was given in trade.
147th ST.-Reoton-Moore Oo, sold for J, & M. Haffen, the brewers
in the Bronx, the 3-sty and basement dwelling 429 West 147th st,
22,6x55x79.11, to Alfred Haffner. The buyer will make extensive
alterations and occupy the house. The building is exceptionally well
constructed and is very favorably located, being next to the corner of
Convent av. Mr, Moore reports that the demand for property in
this section is good for this time of year, and expects a considerable
uplift in prices in the fall.
169th ST,—John J, Egan. sold for Charles A. Person to Murtha
J. Garry 2 lots in 169th st, 50x85, 95 ft, east of Audubon av. On
Feb. 2R of the present year this property was sold at foreclosure
tor $3,000 over and above mortgages of $12,000,
WEST FORDHAM ROAD,—William Stonebridge sold to Chas, M.
Rosenbaum the 3-s_ty ll-room private brk dwelling S West Ford¬
ham road, adjoining the southwest cor Jerome av, University
147TH ST,—Jacob Sado and Simon Henry sold for Samuel Newman
Ihe 6-sty tenement 536 and 53S East 147th st. 50.x99.1O. Mr, Hei-
denreich, the huyer, gives in part payment 160 East Houston st,.
a 5-sty business building, 17x,82.
231ST ST.—Cahn & Cahn sold two 2-family houses for Andrew H..
Scoble lo I, Morrison and M. C. Ficken, 6.56 and 658 East 231st st„
Williamsbridge, each on a lot 25x114,
ARTHUR AV,—Harry Pearsall. of Clement H. Smith's office, sold
for Herman Kahn 2183 and 21S5 Arthur av, two 3-sty 3-family brk
BROOK AV.—Clement H. Smith sold for William Kenyon 1522
Brook av, a 4-sty flat, 25x100,9.
DAVIDSON AV,—B. H. Weislcer, Jr,, in connection with Porter &
Co,, sold for H, U. Singhi the southeast ,cor of Davidson av and
North st, a 4-sty flat, 15x100,
GRAND AV,—B. H. Weisker, Jr,, in connection with Porter & Co,,
sold for H. U. Singhi the 3-sty brk dwelling on the east.side of
Grand av. about 200 ft. north of lS4th st, 15x100.
HOE AV.—J, J. Haggerty sold tor Elizabeth Reilly the 2-family
frame house 1497 Hoe av, 25x100, to Peter Purfleld.
KINSELLA AV.—Schano & Co, sold the 2-family dwelling 90 Kin¬
sella av for Edward Cahill,
MORRIS AV,—Porter & Co. and James L, Libby sold for John
B, Haskius to H. H, Singhi the block front, 258x125, on the east side
of Morris av, from 193d st to Kingsbridge road,
SOUTHERN. BOULEVARD,—The Tully Construction Co. sold one of
its new 4-sty houses on the Southern Boulevard, near Tiffany st,
the Bronx, to John Graham, who buys as an investment.