February 26, 1910
48TH ST, Nos. 137-145 West, 3-sty
brick, and stone theatre, asphalt and
gravel roof, galvanized iron cornices,
steam heat, limestone; cost, $170,000;
owner. New Netherlands Theatre Co.;
architect, Charles A. Rich, 320 oth av.
Plan No. 97.
Wm. A. Brady, 50 Central Park West,
is president. No contract let.
ALLEN ST, No S, windows, cornice,
marble steps to 5-sty brick tenement;
cost, $500; owner, Harris Sackin, 35 Allen
st; architect. Max Mulier, 115 Nassau st.
Plan No. 334.
CHERRY ST, No. 173. partitions,
toilets, to 4-sty brick and stone tenement;
cost, $1,000; owner. D. Cunningham, 101
W 42d st; architect, O. Reissmann, 30
1st St. Plan No. 322. â–
ELIZABETH ST, No. 240, vent shaft,
partitions, skylights to 5-sty brick store
nd tenement; cost, .$6,000; owner, Dean
Holding Co. 309 Broadway; architect.
Otto L. Spannhake, 233 East TSth st.
Plan No. 339.
FRONT ST, Nos. 149-151, columns,
piers, partitions to 5-sty brick and stone
office and loft; cost, $10,000; owner,
Carl F. Stiefel, 58 Maiden lane; archi¬
tects, Taylor & Mosley, 1 Nassau st.
Plan No. 344.
GRAND ST, Nos. 616-6161^, cut doors,
partition, to 2-sty brick restaurant; cost,
$800; owner, not given; architect, Charles
McGregor, 235 3d av. Plan No. 311.
GREENWICH ST, No. 107, alter win¬
dows to 3-sty brick store and dwelling;
cost, $1,000; owner, C. Haye, on premises;
architects, Katz & Goldrich, 278 Brook
av. Plan No. 353.
HOUSTON ST, No. 265 West, parti¬
tions, toilets, windows, -to 4-sty brick
tenement; eost, $250; owner. Corporation
of Trinity Church, 187 Fulton st; archi¬
tect, Louis F. Pick, 534 West ITSth st.
Plan No. 303.
HUDSON ST, No. 484, partitions, toi¬
lets, windows to 5-sty brick store and
tenement; cost. $1,200; owner, Georgi^
Vassar, 433 West 22d sl; architect, F. B.
Franklin, 335 Broadway, and Frank
Straub, 122 Bowery. Plan No. 352.
LAFAYETTE PL, No. 417, partitions to
7-sty brick loft; cost, $250; owners, Con¬
dit & Hall, 141 Broadway; architects. J.
B. Snooks Sons, 73 Nassau st. Plan No,
MULBERRY ST, No, 84. partitions,
alter walls, install seats, to 3-sty brick
store and loft; cost, $1,500; owner, A.
Grande, 84 Mulberry st; architect, L. F.
J. Weiher, 271 West 12.5th st. Plan No.
SUFFOLK ST, Nos. 182-184, partitions,
toilets, to 5-sty brick stable and shop;
cost, $500; owner, Mr. Lurie, on premises;
architect, O. Reissmann, 30 1st st. Plan
No, 305.
THOMPSON ST, Nos. 30-32, partitions,
toilets, Windows to two 4-sty brick tene¬
ments and stores; cpst. $2,000; owner,
Wm. C. Davidson, 280 Broadway; archi¬
tect. The Ogden Co... 21 Park Row. Plan
No. 343.
UNR'ERSITT PL, s e cor llth st, cut
walls partitions to 8 and 11-sty hotel;
cost, $15,000; owner. Estate A. S. Rosen¬
baum. 16 Exchange pl; architects. Som¬
merfeld & Steckler, 19 Union sq. Plan
No. 341.
1ST ST. No. 63;^, partitions, windows
to 4-sty brick slore and tenement; cost,
$1,000; owner, Daniel Huler, 159 East
SOth sl; architect. Chas Stegmayer, 168
E Olst St. Plan No, 313.
STH ST. No. 521 East, alter partitions
to 5-sty brick tenement; cost, $150; owm¬
er, Chas. Kneip, 441 East 121st st; ar¬
chitect, O. Reissmann, 30 1st st. Plan
No. 321.
13TH ST, No. 603 East, partitions, win¬
dows to 5-sty brick tenement; cost, $1.-
000; owner, Lena Jacobowitz, S3 "th st;
architect,' E. Rossbach, 2010 Broadway.
Plan No. 355.
14TH ST, No. 404 East, 6-sly brick
rear extension, 27.6x30.1, lo 6-sty brick
factory; cost, $10,000; owner. Henry
Fuldner. 404 East llth st; architect,
Henry Regelmann, 133 Tth st. Plan No.
ISTH ST, No 535 E, partitions, toilets,
alter walls, to 5-sly brick tenement; cost,
$800; owner. Estate Eliz Mulbry, ITO
Broadway; architect, Maximilian Zipkes,
103 Park av. Plan No. 333.
ISTH ST, Nos. 617-621 East, partitions,
vaults, chimney stack, to 3-sty brick fac¬
tory; cost, $1,250; owner, J. J. Radley,
623 East 19th st; architect, H. G. Knapp.
5 East 42d st. Plan No. 315.
H, H. Vought & Co,. 103 Park av, has
19TH ST, No. 49 East, 3-sty hrick rear
extension, 21x25.9, stairs, show windows
to 3-sty brick loft; cost, $10,000; owner,
Albert Pittis, 178 East Front st, Plain-
field. N, J.: architect, Wm. H. Torstrick,
110 East 23d st. Plan No. 336.
23d ST, No. 150 East, erect sign to 3-
sty brick store and office; cost, $200;
owner, Frank Bros., 150 East 23d st.
Plan No. 349.
20TH ST, No. 513 West, partitions, win¬
dows, toilets to 4-3ly brick store and tene¬
ment; cost, $1,200; owner, Julia Moore,
319 West TTth sl; architect, J, R. Dardis,
572 West leist st. Plan No. 338.
29th st, No 29 E, stairs, partitions,
to 12-sly brick and stone hotel; cost, $1,-
OOO; owner, Arthur W. Eager, 29 E 29th
st; architects, Moore & Landsiedel, llSth
st and 3d av. Plan No. 32T.
39TH ST. No. 232 East, partitions, win¬
dows to 4-sty brick tenement; cost, $500;
owmer, Hupfel Brewing Co., 229 East
3Sth sl; architects. B. W. Berger & Son,
121 Bible House. Plan No. 346.
42D ST. No 259 W, erect sign to —sty
store and dwelling; cost, $85; owner, J,
W. Rosenberg, 902 Walnut st, Phila¬
delphia, Pa. Flan No. 324.
42D ST, s s. 69.5 e 1st av, cut openings
to i-sty brick shop; cost, $350; owner,
the New Tork Edison Co., 55 Duane st;
architect, W. W^eissenberger, Jr., 55
Duane st. Plan No. 304.
45TH ST, No. 443 West, alter walls,
partitions to 2-sty brick dwelling and
storage; cost, $1,750; owner, Thomas
Harris, on premises; architect, J. H.
Knubel, 318 West 42d sl. Plan No. 354.
4STH ST, No. 337 East, 1-sty brick
front extension, 25x73. to 3-sty brick and
stone stable; cost, $750; owner and ar¬
chitect, A. H. Drucker, 157 East 94th st.
Plan No. 357.
56TH ST, No. 19 East, install furnace,
partitions, to 4-sty brick and stone dwell¬
ing; cost, $1,500; owner, Noah C. Rogers,
128 Broadway; architect, Oscar B. Smith,
Jr., Morristown, N. J. Plan No. 316.
Wakeham & Miller, 103 Park av. have
97TH ST. No 208 E, toilets, partitions,
windows to three 3-sty brick tenements;
cost, $3,000; owner, Bernard F. Golden,
508 Pearl st; architect, M. Conniffe, 508
Pearl st. Plan No. 328.
106TH ST, No 301 W, toilets to 12-sty
brick and stone apartment; cost, $300;
owner, Stanley Court Realty & Const Co.,
76 William st; architect, Chas, E. Birge,
23 W 34th St. Plan No. 332.
IISTH ST, No. 1 East, toilets, parti¬
tions, fire-escapes to 5-sty brick tene¬
ment and store; cost, $2,500; owner.
Adolph Rouch, 46 West 116th st; archi¬
tects, Beid & Erkins. 105 East 14th st.
Plan No. 342.
IITTH ST, No 327 E, toilets, partitions,
window's to 5-sty brick tenement; cost,
.?400; owner, Maurice Steiner. 198 Broad¬
way; architect, H. L, Young. 1328 Broad¬
way. Plan No. 331.
125TH ST, No. 432 West, vent shafts,
partitions, to 5-sty brick store and tene¬
ment; cost, $250; owner, S. Scott Hall, 33
East Olst st; architect, James W. Cole,
403 West 51st st. Plan No. 319.
146TH ST, s s, SO w Convent av, 1-sty
brick rear extension, 8.4x4, walls, parti¬
tions, electric elevator, lo 4-sty brick
stable; cost, $3,500; owner, W. & A. Gam¬
ble, 537 W 142d st; architect, Lorenz F.
J. Weiher, 271 W 125th st. Plan No. 326.
168TH ST, Nos. 514-516 West, install
bath rooms, dumbwaiter shaft, to two 5-
sly brick tenements; cost, $5,000; owner,
Susan Goldstein, 172 East 94th st; ar¬
chitects, Gronenberg & Leuchtag, 7 West
22d St. Plan No. 318.
AMSTERDAM AV. Nos. 1346-1350, par¬
titions, toilets to 5-sty brick tenement
and store; cost, $350; o^^aler, Thomas S.
Walker, 158 West 122d st; architect,
Frank HauSle, 81 Bast 125th st. Plan No.
BROADWAY, No, 1162, partitions, cut
openings lo 4-sly brick and stone store
and studio; cost, $1,900; owner, Wm. L.
Appleby, 1162 Broadway; architect, Wm.
F. Wallace, 202 West ISth sl. Plan No.
WilUam Wallace, 202 West ISth st,
has contract.
GRACE AV, n w cor Lawton av, alter
partitions, to 2-sly brick market; cost,
$1,500; owner. New York City; architect,
Edward Glas, 37 E 2Sth st. Plan No.
James Quinn, 52 5lh av, has contract.
GREENWICH AV. No. 51, partitions,
etc., lo 5-sly brick office; cost, $7,500;
owmer, Vienna Press Yeast Co., 141 East
25th st; architect, Turner Const. Co., 11
Broadway. Plan No. 340.
LENOX AV, No. HI, 1-sty brick rear
extension, 20x34.3, glass skylights, sinks,
toilets to 5-sty briek store and loft; cost,
$2,500; owner, H. Young, 111 Lenox av;
architects, Gronenberg Sc Leuchtag, 7
West 22d St. Plan No. 345.
MADISON AV, No. 340, 5-sty brick
rear extension, 25x34.2, elevator shaft,
partitions, stairs, new front, to 4-sty brick
residence; cost, $23,000; owners, Pease &
Elliman. 309 Madison av; architect, S,
E. Gage,'3 Union sq. Plan No. 335.
â– MADISON AV. No. 451, alter stairs,
elevator shaft, walls to 4-sty brick and
stone dwelling; cost. $10,000; owner,
Whitelaw Reid, 451 Madison av; archi¬
tects, McKim, Mead & White, 160 Sth av.
Plan No, 348,
1ST AV, No. 2064, 1-sty brick exten¬
sion, 19x26,2, partitions, girders, to 2-Ety
brick store; cost, $1,000; owners, Lam-
biase & Odierno, on premises; architect,
Frank Hausle, 81 East 125th st. Plan
No. 320.
2D AV, No. 305, install tile flooring,
alter windows, to S-sty brick and stone
hospital; cost, $3,000; owner. The Society
of the Lying-In-Hospital, 2d av, between
17th and ISth sts; architect, Joseph Mo-
reng, 129 East 18th st. Plan No. 306.
2D AV, No. 2476, partitions, toilets to
3-sty store and dwelling; cost, $1,000;
owner, Harlem River Amusement Co., on
premises; architect, Louis Fick, 2756 3d
av. Plan No. 351.
3D AV, No. 1253, oven, stairs, toilets,
partitions to 3-sty brick store and dwell¬
ing; cost, $2,000; owner, Harris Levy, T4
East 96th st; architects, Reid & Erkins,
105 East 14th st. Plan No. 356.
3D AV, n w cor llSth st, partitions,
show windows, piers, staircase, to 4-sty
brick store; cost. $5,000; owners, S. & E.
Gutman, 452 Broadway; architects. Shire
& Kaufman, 110 East 23d st. Plan No.
3D AV, No 194T, stairs, to 4-sty brick
factory; cost, $50; owner, Harry Parker,
158 E 126th st; architect, Harry Zlot,
58 E lllth St. Plan No. 330.
4TH AV, n e cor 27th st, partitions to
12-sty hrick offlce and loft; cost, $1,500;