July 13, 1912
Why not buy your doors from stock in New York and
thus save delay and disappointment ?
Why not buy doors that you can see when you place
the order and' where you can make your own selection
of grain, etc. ?
Why not buy the best veneered doors on the market—
doors the maker stands behind ?
In short—why not specify "IROQUOIS DOORS"
and then insist ?
Our Doors Are " FAIR "
18 Broadway, Manhattan
161ST ST, s s, 45 w Union av 1-sty brick
stores, slag root, 45.4x25; cost, $2,500; owner,
Herman A. Strasser, 861 Union av; architect,
Chris F. Lohse, 563 Eagle av. Plan No. 550.
204TH ST. s e cor Decatur av. 1-sty frame
store, 30x70; cost. $4,000; owner, Oswald Bene-
dix. 3166 Webster av; architect. Wm. J. Hill,
2943 Bainbridge av. Plan No. 573.
LIND AV. e s, 735.3 s 165th st 3-sty brick
loft, slag root, 100x60; cost $18,000; owner. Hill
Crest B'uilding Co., 950 Ogden av; architect.
lilbyd J. Phyte. 949 Ogden av. Plan No. 366.
ARTHUR AV, w s, 27.59 n 187th st, 5-sty
brick stores and tenement, tin roof, 50x113.72;
cost, $50,000; owners, Deteo Realty Co., Michael
A. Deteo. 652 East 187th st, president; archi¬
tect, M. W. Del Gaudio, 401 Tremont av.
Plan No. 552.
SOUTH BOULEVARD, e s, 134.3 n Aldus
St. 3-sty brick theatre and stores, slag roof,
120x191; cost, $150,000; owners, S. P. W. Co.,
Meyer Solomon, 931 South Boulevard, presi¬
dent ; architect, Thos. W. Lamb, 501 5th av.
Plan No. 361.
176TH ST. n s, 100 e Webster av, 1-sty trame
shed. 21.4x65.5; cost $800; owner. Mary Mul¬
lins, 137 East Broadway; architects. Horen¬
burger & Bardes. 122 Bowery. Plan No. 354.
SHERMAN AV, e s, 250 n 167th st 1-sty
frame shop, 64x24; cost $500; owners. Clay
Construction Co., Albert J. Schwarzler. 1310
Brook av, president; architect Charles Schae¬
fer, Jr., 401 Tremont av. Plan No. 302.
STATE ST, n s, 175 w Nevins st, 4-sty brick
tenement, 25x88, tin root, 12 families; cost.
$25,000; owner. Louis Kahan. 320 Schermerhom
st; architect, Benj Driesler, 153 Remsen st. Plan
Nc. 4194.
41ST ST, s s. 160 w 4th av, 2 4-sty brick
tenements, 40x87.8, tin roof, 16 tamilies each;
total cost, $40,000; owner, Lanoor Realty Co.,
446 Lafayette av; architect, Cohn Bros., 361
Stone av. Plan No. 4176.
73D ST. s s. 66.6 w 7th av. tour 5-sty brick
tenements, 40x89, tin root, 20 tamilies each;
total cost, 80,000; owner. Harbor View Const
Co., 451 47th st; architect, Cohn Bros., 361
Stone av. Plan No. 4223.
ATLANTIC AV, s s, 200 w Hopklnson av.
four 4-sty brick tenements, 50x38. slag roof, 20
families each ; total cost, $140,000; owner. Law¬
rence Realty Co.. Inc.; architect, S. Millman
& Son. 1280 Pitktn av. Plan No. 4139.
w Lincoln pl, 4-sty brick tenement, 42.5x92.4.
Blag root, 16 families; cost, $25,000; owner, The
Constructors, Inc., 1492 Eastern Parkway;
architect, S. Millman & Son, 1780 Pitkin av.
Plan No. 4249.
HERKIMER ST. s s, 60 e Troy av. 4-sty.
brick tenement, 20x.S9. tar and gravel root,
8 families; cost, $12,000; owner. John T.
Gewin. 544 Herkimer st; architect. Cohn Bros..
361 Stone av. Plan No. 4266.
22D AV. s w cor 68th st, 1-sty frame church,
23x3.5.3. metal roof; cost, $1,000; owner. Eng¬
lish Luth Mission Society. 96 Hewes st; archi¬
tect. Ducker Co., 277 Broadway. Plan No.
MILL ST, s s, 100 e Columbia st, 2-sty trame
dwelling, 20.6x38 felt, tar and gravel root, 2
families; cost $3,000; owner, Rocco De Maio,
12 Mill st; architect W. J. Conway, 400 Union
St. Plan No. 4180.
NEW LOTS RD, s s. 21.2 w Williams av,
4 3-stv brick store and dwellings. 21.2x51.4,
2 families each; total cost, $18.000; owner.
Vermont Building Co.. Vermont st and New
Lots rd: architect, Frederick J. Dassau, 137.3
Broadway. Plan No. 4171.
PRESIDENT ST, s s. 502.6 e Albany av. 3-
sty brick dwelling. 21x55. tar and gravel roof.
2 tamilies ; cost, $13,000; owner, J. K. Cole Co..
1460 Union st; architect J- B'ursh, 53H4 Pacific
St. Plan No. 4242.
WATKINS ST. e s. 22 s Hegeman av. three
2-sty brick dwellings. 20x.52. tin roof. 2 tam¬
ilies each; total cost, $12,000; owner, Wm.
Treib & ano., 647 Williams av ; architect, Cohn
Bros-, 361 Stone av. Plan No. 4191.
EAST lOTH ST. w s, 100 s Av I, three 2-sty
and attic frame dwellings. 22x41. shingle root.
2 families each; total cost. $13,500; owner,
Samuel Burg. 260 Kingston av: architect, Benj.
F". Hudson. 319 9th st. Plan No. 4231.
EAST 12TH ST. e s. 2G0 s Av P, two 2-sty
brick dwellings. 20x42. tar and gravel roof.
1 family each; total cost. $8,000: owner. Louis
Seeteid, 138 Linden st; architect. A. "White
Pierce. 59 Court st. Plan No. 4149.
WEST 31ST ST. w s. 140 s Mermaid av. 1-
sty trame dwelling. 33x29.4 .shingle roof, 1
family; cost. $4.000; owner. Sarah Lamb, iim
Sth av ; architect, Thomas W. Lamb, same ad¬
dress. Plan No. 4144.
SIST ST, s s, 80 e 14th av, 3-sty trame dwell¬
ing 28x40, shingle root, 1 family; cost, $5,.300:
owner, Mary Lewick, 1460 Slst st; architect,
. Harry Olsen, 1627 Slst st. Plan No. 4114.
51ST ST. n s, 100 w 3d av, two 2-sty brick
dwellings, 20x5.5. tin roof, 2 families each;
total cost, $12,000; owner, Charles Krenge;
architect Eisenla & Carlson, 16 Court st.
Plan No. 4235.
56TH ST n s, 200 e 2d av. five 3-sty brick
dwellines. 20x74, tin roof. 6 fam. each; total
cost $37,500: owner. Boyd Realty Co., 23.t
SSth st; architect. Eisenla & Carlson, 16 Court
St. Plan No. 4236.
73D ST, n s, 280 w 19th av, tour 2-sty trame
dwellings, 20x47, gravel toot. 2 tamilies each;
total cost $14,000; owner, Jas. B. Roche, 6720
19th av; architect. Gregory B. Webb, 104 West
42d st, N. Y. Plan No. 4117.
76TH ST, n s, 184.3 w Oth av, 2-sty brick
dwelling. 20x38. tin root, 1 family ; cost. $4,000 ;
owner. Patrick J. Carley, 275 74th st; archi¬
tect. Eisenla & Carlson, 16 Court st. Plan No
TGTH ST. n s. 36.3 w 6th av. 2-sty brick
dwelling. 20x.S8. tin roof. 1 family; cost. $Hii]0;
owner. Patrick J. Carley. 273 74th st; archi¬
tect, Eisenla & Carlson, 16 Court st. Plan No
76TH ST. n s, 64.3 w 6th av. six 2-sty brick
dwellings, 20x38. tin roof. 1 family each; to¬
tal cost, $24,000; owner. Patrick J. Galley.
273 74th st; architect. Eisenla & Carlson. 16
Court St. Plan No. 4234.
77TH ST. n s, 100 w 14th av. fifteen 2-sty
frame dwellings. 17.6x45. shingle root, 1 fam¬
ily each; total cost, $45,000; owner. Cropsey
Realty Co.. 16 Court st; architect. C. Schubert,
13th av. cor SGth st. Plan No. 4161.
WILLIAMS AV. w s, 061.10 s New Lots
rd. 2-sty brick dwelling. 20x42. gravel roof,
2 families : cost, $3,300; owner, Vermont Build¬
ing Co., New Lots rd and Vermont st; arch¬
itect, P. J. Dassau, 1373 Broadway. Plan No.
BEDFORD AV. w s, 100 n Clarendon rd. two
2-sty brick dwellings. 20x27.10, tar and gravel
root, 2 tamilies each ; total cost. .$7,000 ; owner.
Albert J. Schotf. 7 Warwick blvd; architect,
Wm. B. Ellis. 105 Glen st. Plan No. 4163.
FLATBUSH AV, n e cor Rogers av, 2-sty
brick store and dwelling. 69.6x46.9, slag root,
2 families; cost, $14,000; owner, Sophia M.
Tableporter, 333 East 2Ist st; architect, Sham¬
pan & Shampan, 772 Broadway. Plan No.
The rate for Advertising under this heading is 25
cents per line, nonpareil measurement, with a
minimum of four lines. Copy received until 3
P. M. Friday.
the Supervising: Architect, Washing:ton. D.
will be received at this office until .3
o'clock P. M. on the 26th day of July. 1912.
and then opened, for repairs to the me¬
chanical equipment of the U. S. Treasury.
Winder and Butler Buildings. Washing¬
ton. D. C. in accordance w^ith this speci¬
fication, copies of which may be had at
this office at the discretion of the Super¬
vising Architect.
Acting Supervising Architect.