May 16, 1914
Building Permlta.
May S to 14 May 9 to 15
New buildings.......... 15 23
Cost..................... $141,075 $658,300
Alterations.............. $57,160 $25,.875
Jan. 1 to May 14 Jan. Ito May 15
NewbuUdlnga.......... 307 430
Cost..................... $6,530,467 $11,087,791
Alterations.............. $495,215 $371,420
1914 1P13
May 7 to 13 â– May S to 14
TotalNo................ 475 485
No. with consideration.. 35 51
Consideration........... $211,890 $267,684
Jan. 1 to May 13 Jan. I to May 14
TotalNo................ 8,480 9,209
No. with consideration... 895 723
Consideration........... $6,244,913 $4,704,913
• May 7 to 13 May 8 to 14
TotalNo...........----- 367 350
Amount................ $1,1,38,829 $1,535,102
To Banks & Ins. Cos.... 62 76
Amount............... $373,250 $700,000
No.at6)J................ 187 202
Amount.................Ll $339,869 $800,148
No.at8W«............ 98 65
Amount............... $440,900 $270,283
No.«tO((............... 61 53
Amount.............. $288,250 $326,262
Unusualrates......... 6 4
Amount..............' . $20,500 $37,500
Interest not glTcn....... 15 26
Amount................. $49,310 $94,909
Jan. 1 to May 13 Jan. I to April 14
TotalNo............... 5,957 6,635
Amount................. $24,594,632 $26,495,082
To Banks & Ina. Cos. .. 1,226 1,562
Amount................ $9,667,891 $10,311,043
Bnlldlns Pennlta.
May 8 to 14 May 9 to 15
Newbtdldlngs........ 144 48
Cost.................... $1,338,650 $215,250
Alterations.............. $87,.330 $73,404
Jan. 1 toMay 14 Jan. Ito May 15
New buildings......... 1,701 1,499
Cost................... $15,832,535 $12,476,494
Alterations............. $1,116,669 $1,543,137
Q.llBE:n s.
Building PermitB.
May 8 to 14 May 9 to 15
NewbuUdlngs........... 62 81
Cost..................... $328,235 $265,900
Alterations.............. $30,993 $30,100
Jan. 1 to May 14 Jan. Ito May 15
NewbuUdlngs........... 1,699 1,903
Cost..................... $7,442,232 $6,144,073
Ateratlons.............. $447,793 $463,762
Building Permits.
May 8 to 14 May 9 to 15
NewbuUdlngs........... 54 47
Cost..................... $69,980 $180,065
Alterations.............. $3,925 $4,525
Jan. 1 to May 14 Jan. 1 to May 15
NewbuUdlnga........... 396 393
Coat ................. $582,279 $743,072
Alterations.............. $91,202 $95,538
CHRIS. SCHIERLOH has opened a branch
offlce at 1331 St. Nicholas av, near 177th st.
GEORGE W. RUDDBLL CO. has moved its
offlces to 30 East 42d st.
LOUIS BECKER CO. has been appointed agent
by the Direct Realty Co. for 1945 and 1947 Am¬
sterdam av.
DUFF & CONGER have been appointed agents
tor 1142 Madison av by Charles Gulden, the
PORTER & CO. negotiated the recent sale of
the dwelling 49 West 128th st for the East River
Savings Bank to Rosalina Frandsen.
JOHN J. KAVANAGH 'has been appointed
agent tor the buildings at the southeast carner
ot Lexington av and 86th st.
ALLiWIN REALTY CO., INC., ot 259 3d av,
win open a branch offlce in Its newly erected
building at 157 3d av tor the transaction ot
a geiAral real estate and brokerage business.
HOWARD GOULD has taken a mortgage of
$50,000 on the Globe Theatre, Broadway and
46th st, owned by the Dillingham Theatre Co.,
subject to a prior mortgage ot $655,000.
OCEANSIDE ESTATES ot Rockviile Centre.
L. I., has been incorporated with a capital of
$500,000. The directors are: Moses Morris,
Josenh Q. Eichenbauer and William Schaum¬
DUFF & CONGER have obtained tor oscar
Hammerstein a loan ot $450,000 tor five years
on tbe opera house he recently completed on
the east side ot Lexington av, between 50th and
Slst sts.
CO-OPERATIVE LAND CO. is the buyer of
the 12-sty mercantile structure at 40-42 'West
ITth st, s4H last week by M. W. Levine. In
part payment the seller gave 385 plots In Litch¬
field terrace, Babylon, L. I. The transaction in¬
volved about $450,000.
MANNING, MAXWELL &------.RE, one of the
largest machinery concerns in the country, will
pay $20,000 a year tor 10 years tor the 20th
and 21st floors ot the Lewisohn Building at 119
West 40th St. The firm took possession of their
new quarters several months ago, having moved
trom Liberty st.
A MORTGFAGE tor $5,000,000, made by the
Astoria Light and Power Co. to the Farmers'
Loan and Trust Co., was Sled in Jamaica last
Saturday. It covers all property owned by the
Astoria Co. and also the property of what waa
tormerly known as the Citizens' Mutual Gas and
Light Co. of Long Island City. The recording
tax fee was $23,000.
A MASS MEETING under the auspices of the
.Real Estate Owners' Protective Association will
be held at the Riverside Theatre Building,
Broadway and 96th st, on Monday evening. May
18, for the purpose of advocating the con¬
struction of a subway along Central Park
West, north of 59th st. Prominent speakers
will address the meeting. Mrs. A. SB. Ellison
is chairman ot the Mass Meeting 'Committee.
SMITH St PHELPS placed a flrst mortgage
loan of $90,000 on the 2-sty business building
at the junction ot Amsterdam av, Manhattan
st and 126th st; also for Clara A. Miller a
flrst mortgage of $7,000 on property on Water¬
bury av, Throggs Neck; $6,000 on the dwelling
at the southeast corner of Hoffmann and 19lBt
sts, and a second mortgage of $5,000 on the
5-sty apartment house In the north side of 182d
st, 303 tt. east of Crotona av.
BRYAN L. KENNELLY sold at auction last
Saturday at White Plains the property of the
late Reese Carpenter, known as Buena Vista at
Valhalls, North White Plains, N. Y., consist¬
ing of 309 acres with residence, outbuildings,
etc. The tract was sold in two parcels, a 301-
acre piece going to John W. and James W.
Daly for $110,000, and the remaining 8 acres
to the Lawyers' Realty Co. of New York for
L. Reynolds were the brokers in the sale.ot the
12-sty mercantile building at 41-43 West 25th
st for the Gray Realty Co. to Florence Keller,
who gave in exchange her beautiful country
residence at Shelter Island, covering about 2V4
acres and including two cottages. The deal in¬
volved about $475,000, the lott building having
been held at $375,000 and the out-of-town prop¬
erty at $100,000,
JOHN C. PRENDERGAST, tor seven years
associated with Frederick Fox & Co., has
formed a partnership with John V. Smith to
conduct a general real estate business at 226
West 42d St. Mr. Smith is a newspaper man
and made a study ot New York real estate
during his incumbency in the offlce ot the
Chamberlain under Mayor Gaynor's adminis¬
tration. The flrm will be known as Prender¬
gast and Smith.
following chairmen of the standing and special
committees of the Chamber ot Commerce ot tn»
Borough of Queens for the year 1914-1915 were
appointed by the Board ot Directors this week;
Executive, Robert W. Higbie, president; Finance
and Auditing, Henry L, Crandell; Commerce,
Frederick Russell; Transit, John Adikes; Leg¬
islation, Clinton T. Roe; Manufacturing and In¬
dustrial, Jarvis Hicks; Arbitration, W. W. Gil¬
len ; Entertainment, Fred G. Randell; Highway,
Treadwell D. Carpenter; Queens Boulevard,
Frank W. Scutt, and Improvement of Rockaway
Turnpike, Edward Roche.
THOMAS B. HIDDEN, who owns 14, 16, 20
and 22 East 45th st, has purchased the in¬
tervening parcel, 18, from Rose B. Scognan-
millo. Mr. Hidden now controls a plot 102x
-100.5, improved with flve 4-sty dwellings. Mr.
Hidden is also the owner of the six abutting
houses at 15 and 23 to 31 East 44th st at
the northwest corner of Madison av. A 16-tt.
dwelling at 21, owned by Samuel P. Colt, sepa¬
rates the six houses. The abutting dwell tig
at 350 Madison av also belongs to Mr. Hid¬
den. The combined parcels torm one ot the
largest properties un^fr one ownership in the
immediate vicinity, and may be improved in
the near future with a tall structure,
FILING OF DEEDS on Monday made know;
further details regarding the $1,300,000 pur¬
chase ot B. N. Duke, reported last week. In
part payment tor the 12-sty apartment house at
the southwest corner of Tth av and 58th at, he
gave Dr. Charles V. Paterno, the two apartment
house known as the "Marc Antony" and the
"Prince Humbert" at 214-220 Cathedral Park¬
way, on plot 200x70, between Broadway and
Amsterdam av. These structures were built by
Dr. Paterno and were sold to Mr. Duke through
A. C. & L. A. Marks, in May, 1913. In that
deal Dr. Paterno took in exchange property at
5th av aud 86th st, which he subsequently re¬
sold to V. Everit Macv and Carl D. Jackson.
JOSEPH P. DAY under the direction ot Wil¬
liam R. Willcox, as trustee, and Peter B-
Olney, a referee in bankruptcy, sold on Thurs¬
day, in the Vesey Street Salesroom, 157 acres
at Flushing, L, I., owned by the Interborough
Realty Company. The properties were offered
ifl three parcels and were disposed of as fol¬
lows : The Hadley tract, ot about 94 acres, on
Willets rd, llth av and Bayside rd, to A. P.
Hilton, tor the Rickert-Flnlay Realty Co., tor
$500 above a mortgage of $104,443; the Bowne
tract, ot about 55 acres, running Bay-
side av to Mitchell av trom 16th to
24th sts, tor $600 above a mortgage of $75,090
to L. J. Phillips & Co., for a client, and the
Carrahar tract, ot about 7 acres, on Bayside
av, from Murray lane to the center ot pro¬
posed Boerum av, tor $2,000 above a mortgage
of $24,718 to Harry Goldolsky. The bids ag¬
gregated $3,100 above the mortgage encum¬
brances ot $204,252.34.
ARTHUR J. RIDLEY, tor many years a
prominent real estate broker, died ot heart
disease last Saturday, aged sixty, at his home,
118 East 64th st, where he had lived tor forty
years. He is survived by four sons and three
daughters. The family has extensive real es¬
tate holdings in the Gravesend district ot
ELIHU J. GRANGER, president ot the Brook¬
lyn Real Estate Exchange, and a specialist in
real estate law, died ot diabetes last week at
his home, 123 McDonough st, Brooklyn. Mr.
Granger was eighty-two years old and began
the practice of law in 1860. B'esldes practising
law he operated In New Jersey and Long
Island real estate. He is survived by a widow
and daughter.
Real Estate Office
l^f)e Cfjauncep
i^eal estate Co.
Telephones, 4300, 4301, 4302 Main
Appraisers Auctioneers
aoieal estate JSrofeers;
Brooklyn Board of Real Estate Brokers
Real Estate Board of New York
eirber Brooklyn Board of R. E. Brokers
Real Estate Agent
Broker, Appraiser
The United States Government
The State of New York
The City ol New York
The Equitable Life Assurance Society
The U. S. Title Guaranty Co.
The Home Trust Company, etc., etc.
Telephone, 828 Main BROOKLYN, N. Y.
Member Brooklyn Board
of Real Estate Broker^
Tel. 2738-9 Main Branch, 177 Seventh Avenue
John F. James Clinton R. James
John F. James, Jr.
The Firm of
Established 1858 Td., Main 740IM
Firm Established 1874
Real Estate
Mortgage Ix)ans, Appraisals, Insurance
Entire Management of Property
851 Manhattan Avenue, Brooklyn
Member Brooklyn Board of Real Estate Brokers
Mortgages Secured Insurance
Telephone 5600 Bedford BROOKLYN