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lufv 4. vn4
tween the tracks of the main line of the New
York Central and Hudson River Railroad and
was used for o number of years for the manu-
tnoturo oC Maxwell automobiles, which are now
niauuractured in Detroit. Mich. The Chevro¬
let Motor Co. will use the pIniO. for tho manu¬
facture of a new light automobile- When the
Maxwell-Briscoe Motor Co. were in full opera¬
tion in Tarrytown they occupied two plants,
one known as the Kingsland Point plant, which
has just been sold, and the other known as the
Beekman avenue plant, and employed about
2.5110 people. Tho property was held at about
VALLEY STREAM.—The Windsor Land &
Improvement Co. sold to M. Coyle a plot SOx
\m on Morris parkway aud to A. W. Deaday a
plot 00x100 on Montgomery st.
WHITE PLAIXS. X. Y.—The G'edney Farm
Co. sold at Gedney Farm to Frederick H Hurd-
man U plots in Willets av and Robin Hood rd.
M. FORMAX & CO. rented for H. M. Green-
berg the 11th floor In 118 West 27tb at to Brill
K- .Aaronpon. of 27 East 10th st.
M. FORMAX & CO. leased for the Adroit
Realty Co.. tho 10th floor in 32 East Slst st,
lo M. & S. Zucker of 34 W^est 17th st.
GOOD. IXC, rented for the Lesk Realty Co.
apartments in 29 East 4Sth st, to Mrs. Rosa Ep¬
stein. Miss Margaret Slosson and John B.
IIEIL & STERX leased in the Hewitt Build¬
ing at 395 4th av the 9th loft to L. Wohl & Co..
of .50 West 17th st, at a total rental of about
M. & L. HESS, IXC. leased the loft in .5(»
to .54 West 17th st to Baruch Wolff & Co.. of
215 4th av : the Hith loft in 105 to 109 East
29th st to Sidney Wolfert. of 43 West 17th st,
and the 2d loft in 49 to .53 East 21st st to Slote
& Schaffer, of 49 East 21st st.
M. & L. HESS. IXC. leased rooms 1101 to
1104 on the 11th floor, in 432 4th av, to Feuet-
raan-Rubin ^- Co , of Pbiladelpbta. and space on
thf nth floor Id 7 to 11 West i.5th st, to Engel
drum Zimnier < "o. of IIS ."If li hv. and to Adolf
McCarthy ,)«i fellows leased for 21 years
the new ti-sly building, on lot 25xl0ii, at 10
West 5i;th st" for the Kensington Holding Co.
to John R. MacMurray, who pays a rent whicli
aggregates about $1-50.oOu. Xegotiations have
been practically closed for the subleasing of
about 4-5 of the space in the building to con¬
cerns dealing in ladies' wearing apparel.
THE M. MORGEXTHAU. JR., CO. leased the
corner store in the new building on the south¬
east corner of Sherman av and Academy st.
The lease is for 5 years, with renewal privi¬
leges, the tenant being Charles Greenberg.
XELSOX & LEE leased for Samuel K. Jacobs
the rear portion of the 4th floor in the building
at the southwest corner of Broadway and 48th
St. The lessees are the Knickerbocker Engrav-
[pnimniimnjmiiniraiimraiiiimimiiuuirauiDniaiJiffl imuuiimiuram
Lease on Fifth Avenue.
The Uflaiul Millinery Company leased,
from the plans, the store and basement
in the Bergdoll & Goodman Biuldmg,
now in course of construction at 616
Fifth avenue, through N. A. Berwin &
Co. The lease is for a term of years
from next October. The Bergdoll U
Goodman Company will occupy part ot
the ground lloor and four other floors,
Icavi^ig only the top floor untenanted.
Calumet Club Leases.
The home of the Calumet Club, at Fifth
avenue and 29th street, has been stib-
leased for one and one-half years, the
remainder of the Club's lease, by Pease
& Elliman to a client. Alterations are
to be made for business purposes. Ihe
Club took title to its new property at 1-
and 14 West 56th street last Tuesday,
which is to be remodelled from plans
by McKim, Mead & White.
THE LOUIS BECKER CO. leased for ^ years
from July L% 1014, the 4-sty Indiana limestone
YoS dwellink at 'Jo^ St. -N'i<=l->^^^^-^-.^° ^,^^:
Kate Kerrigan. This house is one of a low
built tor E B. Treat, publisher, from plans by
Henri Fouchoux, architect, several years ago.
DAXIEL BIRDSALL & CO. leased the store
ind basement in IJO and 152 Duane st. to
the TR Emerson Shoe Co. of 148 Duane st.
at an aggregate rental of about ^20,001).
GUSTAVE BRITT leased the :>sty basement
dwellfng at ^2:: West 12th st, for M. B. Miller
to Sarah Griese. .„,^,.
leased for Morris Jacoby top loft in 1< Bowery.
CORX & CO leased for Rockbridge Realty
Cn lOOtXt sq. ft in the new building which is
being erected at" 30 and 41 West 2mh st to B.
Hir"?hhornl Co., of lliT 5th av. and S. Cohen
THE CROSS & BROWX CO. leased lo A E.
Rannev Co.. of ITOO Broadway, the corner store
and fith floor in the building at the northeast
corner oF Broadway and Clth st. and the
south half of the corner store in the same
building to Webster-McGowan. Inc., of 2,30
West 54th St.
THE CROSS & BROWN CO. leased for Mit¬
chell H Mark Realty Corporation offices in
the Strand Theatre Building at the northwest
corner of Broadway and 4Tth st. to Hugh p.
Mcintosh, Australian Theatrical Prom^or, in
conjunction with J. C Einstein Co.. offices to
Dr A C Levy, chiropodist, and in conjunc¬
tion With' Rice & Hill the store in 237 West
47th st to the Ireland Rubber Co., Inc., deal¬
ers in rubber tires of 1572 Broadway.
THE CROSS & BROWN CO. leased for the
Automobile Tire Co. to Wm C. Pens of 210
West oOth St. the entire Md floor in 210 West
50th st and for Howard Willets to Robert E.
Lee Weigert part of the 2d floor in S and 'J
Columbus Circle.
THE DUROSS CO. leased the stable at 207
and 209 East 27th st to Angerane & Labbate. ^
M FORMAX & CO. leased the 2d loft m 14b
to 150 West 25th st to Mishkin & Grossman,
of 15 East 17th st.
THE DUROSS CO. leased the "d loft in 242
West 14th st to Edward R. Harris ; the 1st loft
in 10 West ISth st to Brockman Bros., and for
the estate of Henrv Maiburn the building at
255 West 4th st to Charles Galli for 3 years.
THE DUROSS CO. leased stores in 4G1 and
403 West 14th st to Frank & Benjamin Pera-
gallo â– at 405 West 14th st to Mauro Parisi ;
at 407 West 14th st to Isaac Zimmerman :
the 'M loft at 407 West 14th st to Nash &
Kendall â– the 3d loft to Gardiner & Stickles Co. ;
"07 and' 200 East 27th st to Angerane & Lab-
bate, and the 5th loft at 408 West 13th st to
the Anglo-American Turtle Extract Co.
DOUGLAS L. ELLIMAN & CO. leased for
John R McMurray the pent house studio at 10
East 5Gth st to Mrs. C. C. Rice.
J B ENGLISH leased for Henry R. Stern to
Fannie Pauline Hays the G-sty kitchenette
apartment building at 1G3 West 48th st.
HOMER FOOT. JR., leased space in 334 4th
av to John X. Stearns & Co.. silk merchants,^
of .334 4th av ; the entire building at —
East 31st St. a 7-sty apartment building, on
plot 25x08.0. for Anna R. Mead to Mmerva
C. Tlsdale,
c^^ 1
The Dependable Paint
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Painters, Apartment House Agents and Owners
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Twenty-four shades give ample choice for har-
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Apartments painted with LU-CO-FLAT possess a distinct beauty.
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LU-CO-FLAT affords a sanitary^ verminless home.
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Keep LU-CO-FLAT in mind. It will save you money.
521 Washington Street
We Fireproof
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Partitions of
according to reg¬
ulations of Fire
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per illustration
for Stores and
Chelsea No. 1409
22d St. and 11th Ave., New York