May 19, 1917
Geo. A. Fuller
Fireproof Building
New York Baltimore
Kansas City
Montreal, Can. Atlanta
Winnipeg, Can. Toronto, Can.
Architects' Bldg. , 101 P.\RK AVE.
Edward Corning, Charles F. Berger, C.E.,
President. Vice-President.
Edward Corning Company
Edward P. Corning, Clinton L. Frobisher,
Treasurer. Secretary.
Telephone, Farragut 3034
The Goodman Co.
References Furnished on Application
1151 Broadway
New York
Consulting Engineer
101 Park Avenue New York
51ST ST.—C. B. Brun, 405 Lexington av,
has completed plans for the alteration of
the 4-sty brick dwelling, 21x69, at 28 West
51st st, into a store, oftice and apartment
building, for Sherrill Babcock, on prem¬
ises, owner. Cost, $5,000.
BR0.4D ST.—C. G. Ogden and J. J. Gan¬
der. 6X State st, Albany, N. T., will draw
plans for addition to the 25-sty brick and
stone office building at 25 Broad st, for
the Owners of Broad St. Exchange Build¬
ing. W. T. Rosen, pres., 115 Broadway,
owner. Includes a 5-sty top addition.
X.A.SS.\U ST.—Deutsch & Polis, 50
Church st, have plans nearing completion
for alterations and addition to the 4-sty
brick and stone office and store building.
25xSn. at the nortliwest cor of Nassau st
and Maiden lane, for Jane Sanders, Den¬
ver. Col., owner, and the Broadway-John
Street Co., Elias A. Cohen, pres., 10 John
st, lessee. Cost, $25,000.
40TH ST.—Franklin H. Janes, 154 Nas¬
sau st, has completed plans for alterations
to the 4-sty brick store and loft building.
25x8S. at 207 West 40th st, for William H
Keogh, 111 Eroadway, owner. Cost, $9,000.
32D ST.—Edward L. Angell, 57 West
127th St. has completed plans for Interior
alterations to the 3-sty brick store, office
and loft bldg. 25x98, at 29 East 32d st, for
the Meany Realty Corp.. Edward P. Meany,
pres.. 50 Church st. owner. Cost, $8,000.
22D ST.—Henry H. Holley. 38 West 32d
St. has completed plans for interior alter¬
ations to the 5-sty briek oftice bldg. 33x
90, at 25 East 22d st, for the Reformed
Church in .\merica, William N. Clark,
pres., on premises, owner. Cost, $20,000.
WORTH ST.—Frederick Putnam Piatt.
1123 Broadway, has plans in progress for
alterations to the loft bldg at 104 Worth
St. for Marshall Field Estate. 22 East Wa¬
bash St. Chicago. HI., and 104 Worth St.
Manhattan, owner, and H. P. .Andrews
Paper Co., 112 Worth st, lessee.
FULTON ST.—The Estate of Daniel Ed¬
gar, c/o Edward C. Cammann, 84 William
st, contemplates altering the 3-sty brick
and stone business bldg, 23x78, at 212
Fulton st, from privately prepared plans
Cost, $3,000.
BROADW.\T.—William H. Gompert, 171
Madison av, has completed plans for al¬
terations to the 2-sty briek restaurant,
office and roof garden, 164x123. at 2527-
2537 Broadway, for Thomas Healy, Col¬
umbus av and 66th st, owner. Cost
BROADWAY.-Guy W. Culgin, 15 Broad
St. has completed plans for the alteration
of the two department stores at 756-760
Broadway, for John Wanaroaker, on prem¬
ises, owner. Cost, $5,000.
44TH ST.—Herbert J. Krapp, 116 East
16th st, has completed plans for the al¬
teration to the 4-sty brick theatre, 75x
100. at 238 West 44th st, for the Astor
Estate. 21 West 25th st. owner, and Win¬
throp Ames, 238 West 44th st. lessee Cost
49TH ST.—F. W. He.«senmueller. 7 '«'est
106th St. has completed plans for the al¬
teration to the 4-sty brick furnished room
house. 16x81. at 46 West 49th st, for Col¬
umbia University, owner, and Joseph D.
Peck. 261 Broadway, lessee. Cost, $4,500.
3D AV.—John F. Jackson. 1328 Broad¬
way, has new plans in progress for the
alteration of the 5-sty brick and concrete
loft bldg, 25x100, at 2350 3d av, into a mis¬
sion bldg, tor the National Bible Institute,
c/o D. O. Shelton, pres., 214 West 35th st'
owner. Cost, $20,000.
166TH ST.—Irving Margon, 370 East
l'''th St. has plans in progress for a 5-sty
brick apartment, 63x100, at the northeast
cor of 166th st and Sherman av. Owner's
name will be announced later Cost
CAULDWELL AV.—William Koppe, 830
^Vestchester av. has completed plans for
three 6-sty apartment houses, 51x88 ft
each, on the west side of Cauldwell av.
113 ft north of 149th st, for the St. MarVs
Park Construction Co., Meyer Stein, pres..
644 Madison av, owner. Cost. $50,000 each!
SHERMAN AV.—Irving Margon, 370
East 149th st, has plans in progress for
two 5-sty apartment houses. 75x100 ft
each, on the east side of Sherman av. 63
ft north of 166th st. and on the east side
of Sherman av, 138 ft north of 166th st
Cost, $70,000 each.
BOSCOBEL -W.—Gronenberg & Leuch¬
tag. 303 Sth av, have plans in progress for
three 5-sty brick, stone and terra cotta
apartment houses, 175x220, on Boscobel
av, adjoining the northwest cor of Shake¬
speare av, for the Filrose Construction
Co., Philip Krulewith, 92 Haven av,
P.\RK AV.—Frank J. Schefcik, 4158
Park av, is preparing plans for a 5-sty
apartment house. 50x92. on the east side ot
Park av, 225 ft north of East 179th st, for
the Lindo Building Co., 1910 Webster av,
c/o Harry T. F. Johnson, pres., owner and
builder. Cost, $40,000.
1S4TH ST.—Moore & Landsiedel. 148th
st and 3d av, are preparing plans for a
B-sty brick apartment house. 68x87. at the
northwest cor of 184th st and Marion av.
for the Valhalla Corporation, 148th st and
3d av, owner and builder. Cost, $70,000.
KEHOE PL.—J. E. Scharsmith, 523
West 146th st, is preparing sketches for
the alteration of the residence at the
northwest cor of Kehoe pl and Anthony
pv, into a church, for the Sixth Church of
Christ Scientist, owner.
232D ST.—Lucian Pisciotta. 391 East
149th st. has plans in progress for four
2-sty brick dwellings, 20x50 ft each, in
the north side of 232d st, bet Paulding and
Laconia avs, for the .A.nfas Operating Co.,
-Angelo Easany, pres., 2537 Cambreling
av, owner. Cost, $6,000 each.
P.\ULDING AV.—M. Di Miuli, 241 East
lOSth st, has completed plans for a 2-sty
brick dwelling. 23x60, on the west side
of Paulding av. 109 ft south of 226th st.
for Carmele Tonitta, 240 East 114th st,
owner. Cost, $5,000.
FR.^NKLIN AX.—The Kreymborg Ar¬
chitectural Co., 1029 East 163d st, has
completed plans for alterations and ex¬
tension to the 2^4-sty frame dwelling at
1341 Franklin av, for Louis Rosenberg,
1143 Lexington av. owner. Cost, $3,000.
FIELDSTON RD.—Dwight J. Baum.
246th st and Waldo av, has completed
plans for a 2-sty trame residence, 72x33.
on the west side of Fieldston rd. 490 ft
north of 246th st, for the Delafleld Es¬
tates, 27 Cedar st, owner. Cost, $17,000.
TAYLOR .\V.—M. W. DelGaudio, 401
East Tremont av, has completed plans for
a 2-sty briek dwelling. 22x52, on the east
side ot Taylor av, 125 ft north of Wood
av, for Orlando Ciprian, 2434 Cambreling
av. owner. Cost. $5,000.
TYND.4LL .W.—Dwight J. Baum, 246th
st and Waldo av, has completed plans for
a 2ii>-sty brick dwelling, 36x32, on the
west side of Tyndall av, 279 ft south ot
261st st, for Robert Fein, 419 Lafayette
st, owner. Cost, $10,000.
JEROME AV.—Kreymborg Architec¬
tural Co., 1029 East 163d st, has completed
plans for a 1-sty brick garage. 53x100. at
the northeast cor of Jerome av and 170th
st, for the Sardis Realty Co., Ormond
Fraenkel, pres., 505 5th av, owner. Cost.
3D .\V.—Fred Hammond, 1994 Valentine
av, has completed plans for a 1-sty brick
and stone garage, 72x103, on the west
side of 3d av, 68 ft north of 182d st, for
the Willow Astoria Corp., Thomas D. Mal¬
colm, pres. 91 Willow st, owner. Cost,
D.WIDSON AV.—Sass & Springsteen, 32
Union sq, have completed plans for 1-sty
brick store, 101x85, at the southeast cor
of Davidson and Burnside avs for Emco
Improvement Co., Harris Moran, pres., 132
Nassau st, owner. Cost, $15,000.
SMITH ST.—Cantor & Dorfman, 371 Ful¬
ton st, have revised plans nearing compla-
tion for ten 3-sty brick and stone flats
and stores, 20x55 ft each, on the block
front in the west side of Smith st, bet
Butler and Baltic sts, for the G. & M. Im¬
provement Co., I. Grodsky, 26 Court st,
owner. Cost, $75,000.
METROPOLIT.AN AV.—E. J. Messinger.
394 Graham av. has completed plans for
alterations to the 3-sty tenement on the
north side of Metropolitan av. 125 ft ea-ft
of Graham av, for Felix E. Donnelly, on
premises, owner.
ROGERS A\.—Joseph Nololtie. 171
Bleecker st, Manhattan, has completed
plans for a 3-sty brick tenement and
store. 26x62, on the west side of Rogers
av, 376 ft south of Tilden av, for Oreste
Pighi, 28 Roosevelt st, owner. Cost, $6,000.
BAY RIDGE.—Henry Olsen, 1230 73d
St. has plans in progress for a 3-sty brick
and stone tenement. 20x75, in the Bav
Ridge section. Owner's name will be an¬
nounced later. Cost. $8,000.
POWELL ST.—Slee & Bryson, 154 Mon¬
tague st, have completed plans for four
3-sty brick and stone tenements, 25x70.