December 14, 1918
J. Parke Channing, chairman; Harold
W. Buck, George F. Swain, D. S. Jaco-
bus, Calvert Townley and George J. Fo-
ran. .\ fund of $2,500 has been appro-
priated for the establishment of a
Washington ofiĩce. It has been voted to
discontinue the War Committee of Tech-
nical Societies which has been co-op-
erating with the .Vrmy and Xavy at
Betz Brothers, 233 Broadway, recently
obtained contracts for "Steelbilt" toilet
partitions to be installed in the Hotel
Brevoort, the Ford Co.'s new building
on Broadway, and the Davis Baling
Powder plant at Hoboken, N. J.
American Home Builders, Inc, Sam-
uel G. Cohn, president, Henry Gold, sec-
retary and treasurer, 26 Cortlandt street,
formerly investment builders, have en-
tered the general contracting field and
will speciaLize on fine alteration work in
Greater Xew York and adjacent terri-
Associated Metal Lath Manufacturers,
Zenas W. Carter, commissioner, an-
nounce the removal of their general
oflĩces from 901 Swetland Building,
Cleveland, Ohio, to Rooms 813-815, Wood-
ward Building, Washington, D. C. In-
formation regarding the use of metal
lath, for either stucco exterior or plas-
ter interior construction, for housing or
commercial buildings, wiU be furnished
free at all times, upon request to the
Barney-Ahlers Construction Corpora-
tion, 110 West 40th street, has the con-
tract for undergoing conduit work in
connection with the new pier now un-
der construction at Clifton, S. I., for the
Pouch Terminal.
Samuel Carner, civil engineer, in the
past identified with a number of im-
portant construction projects in this city
and neighboring localities, and David
Lang, for a number of years a practicing
architect in Manhattan. have opened
offices at 110 West 34th street, under the
firm name of Carner & Lang, and will
engage in the general practice of archi-
tecture and engineering.
E. W. McDonald, comptroller and as-
sistant secretary of the Truscon Steel
Co., Youngstown, Ohio, has been made
assistant cashier of the Xational Bank
of Commerce of Xew York and will as-
sume his new duties January 1. He had
been with the Truscon conipany twelve
years. Mr. McDonald will be succeeded
by W. J. Davis, who has been his assist-
C. T. Henderson has resigned as chief
engineer of the Submarine Boat Cor-
poration. Port Xewark Terminal, Xew-
ark, X. J., and has beconie identified
with the Hercules Engineering Corpor-
ation (chemical, refrigerating and wa-
ter-purifying plants), 501 Fifth avenue,
Xew York, as its chief engineer, also
acting as president of the Electrolytic
Engineering Corporation at the same
address. Prior to his connection with
the Submarine Boat Corporation he was
general manager of the Xiagara Smelt-
ing Corporation, Xiagara Falls, and
prior to that acted in various capacities
with the Cutler-Hammer Co.
Advanco Infonnatlon relatlve to
operations lor Federal Authoríties.
ernment, Treasur.v Departnieni, Washins-
ton, D. C, is takinfî estiniates on genei'al
eontract, to close 3 p. m., .laiiuary 15, lUlfl,
for the construction of a 1-sty and base-
ment briek, limestone and terra cotta post
oftice on the west side of Van .Vlst av, be-
tween !Uh and luth slĸ. from plans pre-
pared under the direction iif .lamcs .\.
Wetmore, -Vctins tfupervlsinĸ Architect,
Treasury Department. C'ost, approximately
ELL.IS ISL.V.\I>. X. y._The U. S. Gov-
ernment. Commissioner of Immigratlon.
Ellis Island, X. Y., contemplates the ercc-
tion of an addition to the sea wall, to cost
approximately ?250,000. Plans will be pre-
pared privately. Congress has been asked
for an appropriation for the funds to cover
this expenditure.
.SEVENTH AV.—The iletropolitan Bap-
tist Church. Rev. W. W. Brown, pastor, 143
VVest 131st st, has purthased property at
the northeast corner of .Seventh av and
12Sth st, and will probably use the same
as ,1 site for a new church building. Name
of arohitects and details o( construction
will not be available for some time.
112TH ST.—Griflfln & Wynkoop. 30
Church st. have plans well advanced for a
1',2-sty limestone and terra cotta church.
lOOxluu ft. at 512-520 West 112th st, for
the Seventh Church of Christ Scientist,
.Vllen Barris, chairman of the building
committee. CIO West 152d st. Plans will
.sLion be ready for bids on ĸeneral contract.
3STH ST.—John H. Duncan, 347 Fifth
av. has completed plans for alteratlons to
the 2í'2-sty brick stable and garage, 25x
»8 ft, including new floors, removal of
stalls, Installing fireproot partitions and
ijther work, at 149 East 38th st, for Miss
Edith Bowdoin, 39 Park av, owner. Cost,
$3.000. General contract wiu be let with-
imt competition.
23D ST.—Schwartz & Gross. 347 Fifth av,
have completed pians for alterations to
the 6-sty brick store and loft building, 78
x98 ft, at 155-159 East 23d st, for the 157
East 23d Street Co.. Inc., Charles A. David-
son, 60 Wall st, owner. Lessee, Hospital
Supply Co., 55 Fifth av. Cost, about $25,-
LEXINGTOX AV.—James Gamble Rog-
ers. architect. 40 East 22d st, has bought
the 2-sty brick dwelling on lot 19x75 ft,
at 367 Lexington av, and will alter the
same for use as oftices. Plans wiu be pre-
pared privately. Bids will not be taken
for some time.
SEVEXTH -VV.—Starrett & Van Vleck.
s West 40th st. are preparing the prelim-
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By whistle-blast signals, to the engineer
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station. Through the apparatus beíore
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'^Pelephone Siuyvesant 560U