June 21, 1919
Real Estate Office
l^ije Cljauncep
a^eal €£itatE Co.
Telephones: Main 4300. 4301, 43*2
Appraisers Auctioneers
Eeal Csitate profeerg
Brooklyn Board of Real Estate Broken
Real Estate Board of New York
Membera Brooklyn Board of R. E. Brokera
Real Estate Agents
Brokers, Appraisers
The United States Government
The State of New York
The City of New York
The Equitable Life Assurance Society
Equitable Trust Co.
The U. S. Title Guaranty Co., etc., etc
Breokl^B Chftmber mt C«mBi«re« Balldlac
■Telephone: Main 828 BROOKLYN, N. T.
74 Wall Street, New York City
Management of Estates a Specialty
Member of Board of Broken
Jflim r. Dorle JohB F. Dorle, Jr. AMmn L. Dsvle
The Leading Agency
Firm Established 1874
Corwith Bros.
Oreenpoiiit and Long Island City
Real Estate
Mortgage Loans, Appraisals, Insurance
Entire Management of Property
851 Manhattan Avenue, Brooklyn
Corn Exch. Bank Bldg., Bridge Plaza, L. I. C.
Tel. 6900 Bedford
Member Brooklyn Bosrd of Broken
Chas. JL/. Gilbert
Renting, Collecting, Insnrance
Efficient management
of Brooklyn Real Estate
753 Noslrand Ave. BROOKLYN
at St. Johnt Plao« NEW YORK
Co. for an extension to its factory. The broker
was Herbert R. Ludd.
HOWARD AV.—Charles Buermann & Co.
sold for J. Segat & Co. 485 Howard av, a 4-sty
tenement, to Mrs. E. Lamm.
LAFAYETTE AV.—Burling and Swan, Inc..
sold the frame dwelling at 7;{7 Lafayette av,
on a plot 25x100, to a client who will alter for
NARROWS AV, ETC.—Frank A. Seaver & Co.
sold the following plots: Northwest corner of
Narrows av and 7nth st, 241x213, for S. Bar¬
rows : 100x100. on the north side of 88th st, 150
ft east of Colonial rd, for W. Hassell ; 200xHX(.
on the north side of 91st st. 175 ft west of 3d
av, for E. Alleman; 100x10(1, on the northwest
corner of 15th av and 59th st, for Blackman &
Cooper; 75x120, on the north side of Marine
RIDGEWOOD AV.. ETC.—Walter S. Beaver
sold the 4-sty basement brick factory, 50x150,
owned and occupied by the Wagner Comb Mfg.
Co., at Ridgewood and Buchman avs. The new
owners will take pos.session of the factory in
about two months ; also sold the southeast cor¬
ner of North i:Uh street and Wythe av. 100x100,
upon which is a factory which will be oc¬
cupied by the Ferro Products Co. ; also a 2-sty
dwelling. 1.5.5 Diamond st. for a client to Francis
Eichele for occupancy; a 1-fam. dwelling. .542
Guion av, Richmond Hill, for Emma K. Eis-
sing to Rengaw Realty Co.; a ;!-sty dwelling,
180 Kent st, for Annie McCauley to Anna Quinn,
for investment ; a 2-sty dwelling, 01 Hausman
St. for George E. Carroll to Cornelia Herring
for investment; 24 lots on the block bounded
by Frost st. Withers st, De Bevoise and Morgan
avs. for the Boullion Realty Co.. to the Fihre
Dyeing & Cleaning Co., which is to erect a
factory containing about .50,00*1 sq. ft. for a dye¬
ing and cleaning establishment ; lot on the
northwest corner of Devoe st and Morgan a v.
containing about 27,000 sq. ft. for the Con-
*;elyea Estates to a client who will Improve
the property with a modern Tjulldmg for the
manufacturing of candy.
IOTH AV. ETC.—Realty Trust sold for the
Artee Realty Corp., the 1-fam dwelling, 8003
loth av. to S. Dattner. who now occupies the
premises : also sold for Alco Building Co. the
1-fam semi-detached brick dwelling, 2153 OOth
St. Mapleton Park, to Alexander K. Moses, for
13TH AV.—I. Salzberg sold for the B. F. B.
Realty Co. to the L. A. O. Realty Co. the Bor¬
ough Park clubhouse, occupying the entire
block front on 13th av, from 50th to 51st sts,
on a plot 200x140.
13TH AV.—B. J. Sforza sold for Domenico
Cosenza to a client for investment the 3-sty
tenement, with stores, on lot 20x80. at the
southeast corner of 13th av and OOth st.
14TH AV. ETC.—Realty Trust sold for the
Artee Realty Corporation the 3-sty store and
apartment house. 4115 14th av. Borough Park.
to the Frank Building Co.. for investment;
also sold for Alco Buildine Co. the 1-fam semi¬
detached brick dwelling. 2020 05th st. Mapleton
Park, to Bessie Fruitman. for occupancy.
15TH AV.—Clinton Trading Corporation sold
to Rosa Cerami the 1-fam. dwelling at 8730 15th
av. on a lot 20x00.8. Frank Bambara was the
broker in the transaction.
$250,000 Exchange Buffet Lease.
The Charles F. Noyes Co. leased for twenty-
one years from .July 1. 1020. to the Exchange
Buffet Corp. for the 470 Broadway Corp.. Frank
.7. Heaney. pres.. the store and basement of the
11-story building, recently purchased by Mr.
Heaney at an aggregate rental of over $250,000,
Extensive improvements will be made by the
Exchange Buffet Corp.. and the basement oc¬
cupied by one of their restaurants. About $00.-
OfMi will be spent on the changes. Negotiations
are pending through the Noyes Co. for a sub¬
lease of the ground floor for the leasing tenant.
This is the second large lease negotiated with
the Exchange Buffet Corp. through the Charles
F. Noyes Co. in this same neighborhood during
the past few months, the other lease being that
of the store and basement at 412 Broadway.
Closing Big Construction Deal.
Negntintions are pending for the lease of the
site, r»(»xlOO, at the southwest corner of Madi-
'"^n avenue and 40th street, owned by Henry
Phipps. to a prominent corporation, whirh plans
a 14-story store and office building. Part of
the structure will be occupied by the lessee.
Warren S: Wetmore are making the ])lans for
the improvement which is wanted for occupancy
by next May. Frank Veiller and .T. L. Robert¬
son are negotiating the transaction.
"Osborne" in Long-Term Lease.
William Pierre .Jockin li-ns^d for the Taylor
estate the Osborne. 11 and 12-story duplex
apartment house at the northwest corner of
7th avenue and 57th street, diagonally opposite
Carneeie Hall. Tt is assessed hy the city at
.'*;i .270,t)00. The lease is for twenty-one years
with renewals. Walter .T. Salmon is the lessee.
Mr. Salmon also purchased from Robert M.
Kerns the lease and option which Mr. Kerns
obtained last April from George H. Earle. Jr.,
on the Strathmore apartment house at the north¬
east corner of Broadway and 52d street, a 9-
story structure, on a plot 02x70.
More Space for Telephone Conipany,
The Ruland-Whiting & Benjamin Company
leased to the New York Telephone Company for
the Excelsior Estates Company (S. H. Stone,
president), 27,000 square feet of office space
in the modern building at the southwest
corner of Centre and Walker streets (now
occupied by the Health Department), for a long
term of years, at an aggregate rental of about
$27(i.n0o. The Telephone Company will move
its audit and bookkeeping departments from 195
Broadway to the premises just leased.
Apartment Alteration Planned,
A net lease for a period of fifteen years, in¬
volving ahout $75,(XMi, on the four-story house
at 114 East 50th street has been arranged by
Chas. Griffith and Eugene Moses & Co. The
property has been taken by the 114 East 5eth
Street Corporation, which has prepared plans
for an extensive alteration of the building into
apartments of a type in keeping with the ex¬
clusive character of the neighborhood. The
Title Guarantee and Trust Company has agreed
to make a mortgage loan to aid in the financing
of the operation.
AMES & CO. leased for Joseph Levy to Tania
Daniel the 3-sty garage at 228-230 East S5th st
for a long term of years, at an aggregated rental
of $148,000; also for William P. Dixon to the
Ambrose Garage Co. the 2-sty building at 108
West 30th St. on plot 38x115. for a term of
years. The tenant is to make extensive alter¬
ations to the property.
THE BRETT & GOODE CO. leased for Henry
Lindenmeyer & Sons basement in the Puck
Building. 205-.305 Lafayette st, to the American
Paper Mills.
entire top floor at 542 5th av for Joseph T.
Tower to the General Carbonic Co. as its mair)
New York office.
fices at 2 West 45th st for the Sperry Realty
Co. to the George F. Lee Coal Co., and for the
Berkeley Arcade Corp. offices at 25 West 4.5th
st to the C. A. Wood Co.
DUROSS COMPANY leased the 2d loft of the
Herring Building, containing 0,500 sq. ft., for
the Philbin estate to the Bias Buff & Wheel Co. ;
the store at 103 West 14th st for the Taylor es¬
tate to Charles Basil for a term of years; and
the basement store on the subway station of 200
John A. Locke to J. H. Evans : at 140 East 56th
West 14th st to the Mennuti Stationery and
Confectionery Co.
DOUGLAS L. ELLIMAN & CO. leased an
apartment at 270 Park av for the Railing Realty
Co. to Edward A. Clark, of Jamaica Plains,
Mass. ; also an apartment at 820 Park av for
st for Henry A. Rudkin to Miss Blanche Potter;
at 0,"tO Madison av to Miss Mary J. Mott; leasefl
a large apartment, comprising an entire floor,
at 135 .-►8th st for William B. May & Co.. agents,
to Alfred Maclay ; for Mrs. H. H. Henry 46 East
64th St. a 4-sty house, to Thomas Tileston.
DOUGLAS L. ELLIMAN & CO. have leajyii^. for
Veryl Preston 4 East 72d st. a 5-sty Ae«3Hc»&
basement dwelling, on a lot 25x100, to Eftsign
Johnston L. Redmond ; also leased a store at 14
East 40th st for Livingston Phelps to Samuel
Schwartz Sons & Co., picture dealers, now at
2itO 5th av.
DOUGLAS L. ELLIMAN & CO. leased for W.
S. Groesbeck Fowler 125 East 04th st. a 3-sty
dwelling, to Col. Latham R. Reed; also for
Bernard Feifer 110 East 82d st. a 3-sty private
house on a lot 14.3x]OlX to Miss Edith Totten,
and for Mrs. Fred. S. Lee 144 East 05th st,
a 3-sty house, to Russell Leffingwell, Assistant
Treasurer of the United States,
J. ARTHUR FISCHER leased for American
Education Press. Inc.. space in 223 West 30th
st to Stewart & Widder, steamfitters' supplies.
A. A. HAGEMAN has leased the building 41
West .35th st to Louis and Israel Solowey. This
building will he aUered into a restaurant and
apartments, which will be ready for occujjancy
about October 1.
HERBERT HECHT & CO. leased for the
Union Square Holding Cor;), the 1st loft at
ll.'i East 14th St. now being altered, for a
term of ten years to George Hong, who will
open a Chinese restaurant.
HEIL & STERN leased in conjunction with
Horace S. Ely & Co. the 3d floor in 5-0 Union
sq to Chain Shirt Shop. Inc. ; in conjunction
FRED'K FOX & CO., mc
Business Buiiding Brokers
14 W. 40TH STREET and 793 BROADWAY