May 7, 1921
Convent «v, 310 |7:205SJ, swc U3d (Nos 4.30-
Oi. 99.11x125; P-AI; pr mtg $199,300; -Alayl: May
321; 10y6%; College Hnlding Cu tu Crnwn
Operatiug Cu. :!2(i Bway. 94,800
Convent av, 310 |7:2(),3S), swc llSd, 99.11x125:
alsn BAV-AY. 2790 (7:lS79l. es, 26 s 108th, 51.9
x'.13.9x5O.0xlO3.4: alsu HAVE.N .4V, 3(19 (S:2177i
sec 180lh (Nus 870-80), 100x147; I'.M; Mayl;
.AIav3-21; installs, 0%; Shenk Realty & Cunstn
<-n "tu College Holding Co, 320 Bway. 31,200
Convent av, 310; also BROADAVAY, 2790; al
sn HAA'EN AV, :;n9: cerlf as tu abuve ralg:
-Alayl: May3'21; same tu sarae. â– ------
Edgrcoinbe av, 137 (7 :-20.311; exl $15,000 mtg
tn Apr30-24 at 0%; Aiir29; .Ala.vS^l; Bnnd &
-Altg Guar Cu with .Marie L Koltraan, 205 Edge
.-nrabe av (R S $7.50). nom
Edgecombe av. 363 (7:2053), ws, 94.11 n USth.
13x90; PM; Apr29; Apr:i0-21; due, &c, as per
bond- Chas C Francis to Lillie B Berlitz, 2(iS
Edgecorabe av. 10.000
Edgecombe av, 363; I'M; pr mtg $10,000; Apr
29; Apr30-21; due, &c, as per bund; same tu
.sarae. 3.000
Ft Wasbinglon av. 47-63; see 7 av, 1880-6.
Haven av, 309; see Cunvent av, 310.
Lenox av, 365 (7:1913); ext $20,-230 ralg lo
^lir1S-24 at 3>-.%: Apr28; Api-29-21; Ilaunah
-Alever with Israel Lewis, i:!70 S7th, Bklyn.
Lenox av, 447 (7:1917), ws, 49.11 n 1.32d.
10.S.X74; pr ratg $3,000; Aprl; Aprll-21; SyO'^t ;
Robt AA' Justice, 447 Lenox av, lo Eliz Wallnii.
9 Bayard st. Larchraont, NY. (Corrects errur
in issue Apr 9 when ami of mtg was $9,0001.
Lenox av, 475 (7:1918), ws, 25 s 134th, SS.Sx
100- PM; pr mtg $16,000; Aprl: Apr28-21; 20y
0%'; Gomez E AVhitfield tu Mariarane Rnsenz¬
weig, 135 AV 1-23, et al. 27.000
Lexington av, 43S-436 (5:1298); leasehold:
May2; Mav3-21; installs, 5%: Domenico Gian-
utti lu Jaraes Eaggio, 5S14 6 av, Bklyn. 1,590
Lexington av, 712 (5:1312), ws, 80.5 s SSth.
20-\80; P-AI: pr ralg $4,000; AprSO; May3-21; .3y
0%; Bernhard Ararom to Henry G AA'inter &
alio, Ashburuham, Mass. 37,000
Lexington av. 1264-70 (3:1S14); also 85TH
ST, 131 E; ext $75,000 mtg to Apr-26-24 al 6% ;
Apr20- Anr29'21; Arthur Bloch with Bank for
Saviugs, 280 4 av (R S $37.50). nom
Lexington av, 1655 (6:1627), es, 51 n 99th,
25x95; P.AI; pr mtg $21,300; April; Apr28-21:
,3y6% ; Adelaide H AVeat, Bklyn, lo Sarah
AA'all, 239 E 126. 2,953.,34
Lexington av, 1713 (6:1635), es, 17.7 n 107th.
10.8x63; also LEXINGTON AV, 1715, es, 34.3
n 107th, 16.8x65; PM; Apr29: Apr30-21; 3y6% ;
Celia Davis to Edwin Bendheim, 56 AV 85.
Lexington av, 1716; see Lexington av, 1713.
Madison av, SOO-2 (5:1-276), nwc 41st (No
23), 49.4x74; pr mtg $850000; Marl; Apr28'21;
3y0% ; 300 Madison Av, Inc, to Pred P French
Co, 299 Mad av. 85,000
Madison av, 300-2; certf as to above mtg;
Marl; Apr28-21; sarae to same. ------
Madison av, 316-30 (5:1277), nwc 42d (Nos
13-17), runs n200.10 to 43d (Nos 16-22), xwl6S
xslOO.Sxe44xsUM).5 to 42d xel21 to beg; MayS
'21; due Decl'25, 6%; Anahma Eealty Corpn
tu Metrupulitau Life Ins Co. 500,000
Madison av, 316-30; also 4SD ST, 16-22 B;
certf as"lo abnve mtg; MayS-21; same to same.
Madison av, 873 (5:1387), es, 27 8 73d, 23x63;
P-AI; pr mlg $23,000; Apr29; Apr30-21; installs,
6% ; Minnie B A'an Rensselaer to Plora M E
AVhiting. Briarcliff, NY. 30,000
Madison av, 1891 (6:1748), es, 100.5 8 12Sd,
20.6x100; PM; pr mtg $------; May2-21; 5y6% ;
Carraela Sisia lo Paul S Bolger, 1891 Mad av.
Madison av, 1997 (6:1752), es, 33.7 n 127lh.
10.7x60; PM- pr ralg $6,750; Apr26; AprSO-21;
installs, 6%; Eisig Duke to Alfons Cloos, 19'J7
Madison av. 3.730
Alorningside av, 25 (7:1943), es, 81.7 s 117lh,
19.4x100; PM; Apr-28; AprS0'21; Sy6% ; Jennie
Lewis to Anton Szilagyi, 2768 Decatur av, Bx.
Morningside av, 105 (7:1950), es, 83.11 n l'23d,
17x100; Apr27; Apr28'21; due July30'2S, G'/c;
Scoville Reallv Corpn to Abr Seborer & anu,
39 Haraillun av, Bklyn. 2,980
Park av, 800 (5:1389), nwc 74lh (No 63), 102.2
x27; Mav2; May3-21; due, &c, as per bond:
Electus b Litchfield lo Union Dime Savgs Bk.
Park av, 1359 (6:1625), es, 50.7 n 97lh, 25.2x
100; PM; pr mtg $8,000; Apr28; Apr29-21; 4y
(•7c; Nicholas Massito to Amalie H Q Mill¬
holland, Fishkill, NY, et al. 4,000
Park av, 1446 (6:1612), swc 107th (No 86),
75.11x25; PM; Apr26; Apr27'21; Sy, int as per
bond; Philip Samuelsou Realty Co to Agnes
Stewart, 4 Etna pl, Elmhurst, NY. 16,500
• Park av. 1446 (0:1612), swc 107th (No 86),
75.11x25; Arr26; Apr27'21; due as per notes,
G'/o ; Philip Samuelsou Eealty Co to Jos Aron¬
auer, 61 Chrystie. 3,.300
Pleasant av. 434 (6:1819), es, 127.11 w 122d.
18x74: PM; pr mlg $4..300; Apr28; Apr30-21; 5y
G7o ; Martha Scott. South Ozone Park, LI, to
Hudson P Eose Co, 7 W 45. 3,300
Riverside dr, 180-5 (4:1231j, neC 90lh (Nu
:;27i, runs el59.9xul00.8xw25xn3Sxwl03.6 lo dr
xsi:;:i.7 to beg; PM; pr mtg $1SO,000; Apr2(i,
Apii.-21; 10yu% ; AVesl OOth St Eealty Cn tu
City Investing Cu, 01 Bway. 370,000
Riveraide dr, 410 (7:1895), nee 113th, runs e
SS.S xii.3n.ll xeG',i xu5u xwlll.9 xslOl.S lo beg,
agrat as to exl of $25,000 mlg to Octl9'21 al
G'/o & as lo additiunal luau uf $3,000 lu be
due Oetlli'21 at G'/c ; recording lax $25 paid;
-AprlO; -Vpr20-21; Winter & A\ ilkes, Inc, 2299
Bway, with -Alauriee N Hyman, 2405 Curnaga
av, lar Kuckaw-ay, LI. num
M -Nii-buias av, 1530 (8:2157), es, 100 u 180lh.
:;'.!. IOx 1110; I'-AI; May2; May3'21; due Nuvl-24,
G'/c : -NaOiaii Berustein lo Irraa Silverman, 24'i
-Aiiiiuliun av, & anu. 5.300
st Nicho.as av, 731 (7:2061), ws, 99.11 u
Uiitli. 23x100; PM; Apr29; Apr30-21; Sy6%;
Hnward A Rayrauud lo N Y Title & Mtg Cu.
.st Nicholas av, 954 (8:-210S); exl $7,500 mlg
tu Augl-23 at JVi7o; Oct-28'20; Apr27'21; Equit¬
able Life Assur Soc of U S with Erastus B
Treat, 942 St Nicholas aV, & ano (R S $3.75).
st Nicholas av, 958 (8:2108); ext $175,000
ratg to Apr27-26 at 0%; Apr25: Apr28'21; Ital¬
ian Savgs B;ink with Ardsraore Estates, Inc.
3-5 AV 29 (R S $.S7.S0). nom
Sherman av, 108 (8:22-24), ns, 200 e Dyck¬
raan, 100x130; supplemental & as additional
security fur payment of mlg for $40,000 cover¬
ing ieasehuid pi-emises at 108 & I'lO Dyckmau :
-Alay2; May3-21; due June2'23, 6%; Speedway
Garage, inc, lOS-170 Dyckmau, to AA'insou Mlg
Corpn. 40,000
Sherman av, 108; cerlf as to abuve mtg; May
2; -AIayS-21; sarae to sarae. ------
AVadsworth av, 351-3 (8:2169), es, SO s 191st,
S3.Uxl(i0.2x77.3xl(H); PM; pr mlg $58,000; Apr
20; Api-2S21; 6y6'.(, ; Kimmelman ISros Realty
Curpn, 10S7 St Niehnlas av, lo A Z Realty Co,
170 Bvvay. 42,000
West Broadway, 555 (2:536), es, 97 s 3d, 22
xl2bi; I'M: Apr26; Apr28'21; Sy, int as per
bund; Ferdinand Lulz to John M Daniels it
ano 171 AV 4. 3,300
Weat End av, 495 (4:1245), swc 84th (Nu
SOOi, 108.4x100; ext $350,000 mtg to Nuvl-2S at
6%; AprlS; Apr2S-21; Ralph AV Dundas with
iletruiHilitaii Life Ins Cu (R S $178). nura
AVest End av, 503-9 (4:1246), nwc 84lh (Nus
3111-31, ruus nl02.8xwSS.6xs0.6xw46.5xslir2.2 tu
sl xellH) tu beg; ext $100,000 mtg lo Ocll'26 at
G'/c; Apr25; Apr26-21; Morris H Rothschild
with SOS AA'est End Ave Corpn, 001 AA' 115 (con¬
sent by Anthony A Paterno & 225 W 71st St
Corpu) (R S $50). uora
West End av, 503-9, uwc 84th (No8 ,301-3) ;
sobrn agmt; AprJS; Apr27'21; Morris H Roth¬
schild with City Mlg Co, 52 Bway. uuui
Weat End av, 885 (7:1890), nwc lOSd (Nu
301), 100.11x100; equal lien with following mtg
for $:iO,000: pr mtg $485,000; Apr27; Apr28-21:
4y6%; Carolina T Paterno Corpn, 601 AV 115.
lo Rose P Faiella, 340 Northern av. 30,000
Weat Eud av, 886; certf as to above mlg;
Apr27: Apr28'21; same to sarae. â– -----
West Emd av, 885; equal lien with above
mlg fur $30,000; pr mtg $485,000; Apr27; Apr
28-21; 4y6'/i; same to Theresa P Ciiuzzi, 106
Northern .av. 30,000
Weat Bnd av, 885; certf a8 to above mlg;
Apr27; Apr28-21; same to sarae. ------
West End av, 885: equal lien with following
ratg for $18,000; pr mtg $545,000; Apr27; Apr
-28'21; 6y67<j; same to same. 18,000
West End av, 885; certf as to above mtg;
.4pr27; Apr28'21; same to same. ------
West End av, 886; equal lien with above
mtg for $18,000; pr mtg $545,000; Apr27; Apr
28-21; 6y69'<,: same to Rose P Faiella, 340
Northern av. 18,000
West Bnd av, 885; certf as to above mtg;
-4pr27; Apr28'21; same to sarae. ------
1ST av, 337 (2:455), ws, 103.S n 13th, runs w
80xs2()xe39.9xn0.9xe40.3 to av xnl9.7 to beg;
P.AI; pr mlg $9,000; Apr20; Api-28-21; due June
434, 0%; -227 Isl Av Corpn to Thames BIdg
& Contracting Co, 53 AV 40.- 13.000
1ST av, 467-61 (3:932), swc 27lh (No 344),
74.1x95; PM: Apr27; Apr29'21; 3yS%; Young
Men's Christian -Assn of the City of N Y to
N Y University, ,32 Waverly pl. 35.000
1ST av. 2207 (6:1685), ws. 25 n USlh, 25x75;
PM; pr ml- $12,000; May2; May3-21; Sy6% ;
Luigi lervolino lo Salvatore Marino, 817 B 176.
Bx. 5.000
1ST av, 1340 (5:1466), sec 72d (No 400), 21.2x
SS: PM: Apr25; Mav2-21: 5v6% ; Ignatz Manl¬
ier In Jnhn J Cusklev. 153 B 71. 2O000
1ST av, 1340; PM; pr mtg $20,000; Apr25:
May2-21; 5yG7c ; same to same. 5,000
1ST av, 2355 (0:1797), ws, 83.6 s 121sl, 20.6x
6(5.8: Apr27; Apr29'21; Sy6%; Francesco Gre-
gurio. 418 B 124, to Lena Homburger, 2353 1
av, el al, exrs Max Homburger. 8.500
3D av, 411-15 (3:904), swc 24lh (No 240);
agmiil raodifying terms of ratg for $14,000;
.\prl3; May3"21: Mendel Presberger & Tekane
Realty Co with Lnuis Koenigsberg. nora
2D av, 536 (3:9.33), es, 44 n 29th, 17.10x7Sx
29.1x76; PM; pr ratg $10000; May2; Mnv3'21;
4y6% ; Victor M & Cesare Orefice to Molly Bot
zenmayer, 526 2 av. 4.000
:il> a\, 1190-»(> (3:14:i7), scc 63d (Nos 310-12>,
lnii..-,x1.30; I'M; Apr29; AprSO^l; 5yS%; Jos-
i-iihine J Schnurraacher lo N Y Hisluricul Soc,
liO (-enlral Park AV. 80,000
31) av, 1559 (5:1.326^ sw-c Slst (Nos 242-4),
2i:.lxS0; P.AI; pr mtg $l3,()(H); Apr29; Apr30-21;
due Juiiel-25. 0',, ; I'aul .Areiistein to Isidor H
Kerapner, 343 AV 87. 15,500
2D av. 1808 (5:1556), es, 75.7 8 94th, 25x100;
I'M: pr ratg $12,400; AprSO; May2'21; dne, &c,
:is per buud; Susan J Irwin to Laara B
AValker, 5:58 AV 179. 5.500
:il> av, IMS 13:1416), es, 43.5 n 63d, 21x73,
Ieasehuid; P.AI; nr mtg $5,180; Apr29; May»-21;
due. Jiily29-20, G7o; Mae E George, 235 E 57,
tu Harry -Aliller, 226 E i33, & auu. 6,820
STII uv, 43 (2:.374), ws, SO 8 lllh, 25x100;
PM; .May2-21; SyO% ; Janet D TraveU, Bdith
T Bates & Grace T Van Norden to Bank for
Savgs, 40,000
5iH av, 133-4 (3:819), ws, 00 s ISlh, rnns w
113xii(iO lo ISlh (No 2i, xw00xs90xel5xs92 to
171 h I-Nus 3-5) xei30xu52.6xellO lo av xn71.6 to
beg; ext $700,000 mlg lo Feb3-26 at 5%: Peb
1; .4pr27-21; Eqnitable Life Assur Soc of U S
with Estate uf Eugene A Hoffman, Inc, 258
Bway (R S $323). nom
STH av, 358 (3:830), nwc 34lh, 61.9x100; pr
mlg .$------; .4pr29; Ma.v2-21; due, &c, as per
liuud; .-530 AA'esl OSth St Corpn to Saml Wacht,
790 Riverside dr. 157,380
STH av, :1S8; certf as to above mtg; Apr
29: Mav2-21; sarae lo same. ------
STH av, 531-5 (5:1279), nec 44th (No 1), runs
ii93.3xeKH)xiiSxe40xslOO.S to st xwUO to beg;
-Vpr29; Apr:iO-21: 3y6%; Delco Eealty Corpn,
.3-27 3 av, tu N Y Life lns Co. 200,000
i">TH av, 531-5, nec 44th (No 1); certf as to
abuve ratg; Apr29; Apr30-21; sarae to same.
STH av, 531-5, nec 44th (No 1); agmt spread¬
ing lien of 5 mtgs aggregating $1,700,000 to
cover above; alsu cunsniidating & extending
aarae to Apr29-24 at G7c; -4pr29; Apr30-21; N
Y Life Ins Co with Delco Really Corpn (R S
$750). nom
STH av, 635 (5:1-2791, es, 65.5 n 44lh, 30x100;
supplemental to mlg for $550,000 (now $490,000)
recorded Apr20, 1896; Apr29; Apr30'21; due
Apr29-24. G7o ; Delco Eealty Corpn to N Y
Life Ins Cu. —
STH av. 1351 (6:1618), es, 50.5 s USlh, 25.Sx
101); PM: pr mlg $-25,000; AprSO; May3-21; 4y
G'/i : Abram & Eubin Greenberg lo F W Eeal¬
ty Corpn, 59 Loew av. 6,000
.5TH BV (0:17.38), swc Ulsl (No 2), 99JlxlOO;
IM; Apr-29; AprSI)-21; due, &c, as per bond;
National Pamil.v Laundry Service Corpn to
Clarence H Kelsey, 115 Prospect st. East
Orange, NJ, adrar Mary G Pinkney. 15,000
7TII av, 236 (3:773); leasehold; Apr26; MayS
'21; installs, 6% ; David Gibbs to Morris Neele.
:!34 A\' 22. 8,000
7TH av. 1880-6 (7:18301. nwc 114th (No 201),
100,11x100: also PT AA'ASHINGTON AV. 47-53
(8:2130), swc Kilst, 102x147x99.11x125; Apr26;
-4pr-28-21; 2y6':', ; Banger Eealty Corpn to Paul¬
ine Klar. 1164 47th, Bklyn, & ano. 15,000
7TH av, 1883; also FT AVASHINGTON AV,
47-53; certf as lo above mtg; Apr26; Apr28-21;
same to same. ------
7TH av, 2061-6 (7:1909), nec 123d (No 157),
00x100.5; ext $80,000 mtg to Aprl'23. at 5%%;
-4prS-20: May2-21; Metropolis Secnritiea Co &
ano with N Y Savgs Bank. nom
7TH av, 2370 (7:2024), ws, 68 s 139th, Sl.llx
77.8; pr mtg $20,900; AprlS; Apr28'21; due Mar
31-26. 0% ; Assn of Trade & Commerce of N Y
City to H Adolph Howell et al, 2370 7 av,
trsle. 10,000
STH av, 549 (3:761);.ext $15,000 mtg to Febl
-22 at 5% ; FebS; Apr27-21; Equitable Lite As¬
sur Soc of U S with Geo M Dotv, 212 W 38
(R S $7). nom
STH av. 679 (3:762) ; exl $10000 mtg to Febl
-22 at 5% ; PebS; Apr27-21; Equitable Life As¬
sur Roc of U S with Geo B Doty, 212 W 38
(R S $4.50). nom
STH av, 674 (4:1014), es, 40.5 s 43d, runs e
.sOxnlO.S to 43d (No 274) xe20xs80xvp20xnl9.7xw
80 to av xn20 lo beg; PM; pr mlg $45,000:
Apr.'iO; Mav2'21; 5v6% : Ida Sens, BronXj to
Erailie Born, 790 Riverside dr. 25,000
STH av, 2610-16 (7:-202S); also 139TH ST,
207 AV; ext $30,000 ratg to Febl'26 at 5% ; Jan
31: Apr27'21; Equitable Life Assur Soc of U S
with Henry Albers, 265 AV 139 (E S $17.50).
STII av, 2619 (7:2042); ext $20,000 mlg to
Apr18'24 at 6%; AprlS; Apr27-21; An Assoc
fnr the Belief of Eespeclable Aged Indigent
Females in City N Y, 891 Ams av, with Hy
.Arnstein, 795 Sl Nicholas av (E S $10). nnm
OTH av, 600 (3:761), sec SSth (Nos 354-8),
24.9x100; ext $30,000 mtg to Marl'24 at 6%;
Apr4; Apr28-21; Bankers Trust Co. trste Oli¬
ver S Carter, for Lucy B Pelton, with Johanna
Vnn Mever, ,364 W 170 (E S $15). nom
Conaent to chattel mtg for $3,000; May2:
AIn.v3'21: AA'olpin's Bakery & Eestaurant, Inc,
lo Harry Barlh. ------.-----â–
Consent to mtg dnted May2'21; May2: MavS
•21: Martha Coat & Suit Co lo Morris Lickum-
ovitz, ---------. ------
Consent to mtg dated Apr26'21; Apr26; Apr
27'21: Well Mnde Novelty Co to I Epstein.