November 19, 1921
Southern Boulevard, 1041 (10:2725), str;
Winik Holding Co lo Pally Bros, 1041 South¬
ern Boulevard; frora Novl'21 to Sept30'27; Oct
23; Novl0'21. 3,900
Southern Boulevard, 1S36-54 (11:2982), sur is;
Philip Rosen to Winsor Garage Corpn, ------;
JulvIS; Nov9'21. nora
Southern blvd (10:2742), es, — s Aldus st,
store No 8; bldg to be erected on plans of
Spriugstein & Goldhamraer; Marrail Holding
Corpn to Saml Nieraan, 1023 Southern blvd; 5
yf Octl'21; June27; NovS'21. 2,300
Stebbins av, 836 (10:2696), aparlraent, 7
rooms on first floor; Selene Really Co to
Louis Gray, 835 Stebbius av; Syf completion;
June27; Novl2'21. l.oOO
Topping av, 1786 (11:2798). aU; Nano Levins
& ano, Irsles, to Freda GuUck; Syf Octl'21;
Octl; Novl2'21. 1.800
Trinity av, 803 (10:2039), str; Mendel Dia-
raondslon to Pesach Halpern, 822 Triuity av;
Syf Mayl'21; May—'21; Novl9'21. 930
Vyse av, 1444 (11:2994), all; Adam J Pol¬
ster lo Nathan Rosenblatt, 1444 Vyse av; .Syf
Novl'21; Novo; Novl2'21. „,V{-''
Wales av, 66S (19:2641), str; Hyman Teitler
& auo to K^rrv Frankel, 63 E 102; Syf Novl
•21; Novl; Nov7'21. 1,'290
West Farms rd, 1899 (11:3016) ; asn Ls; Saml
Resnik lo Nathan Rosen & auo, 1310 Crotona
Park E; Junel; Nov5'21. O C & 190
West Farms rd, 1899 (11:3016); asn Ls;
Harry Sambcrg to Soloraon Rosen. 1510 Cro¬
tona Park B: Vs pl; Novl; NovS'21. ' 2,3o0
West Farms rd (11:3010), ws, 76 n 176th, 63
xlS2- asn Ls; Delancey Business & Realty
Corpn lo srimuel Resnik, 911 Freeraan; June
2; NovS'21. „ 2.40U
SD av. 2829-31 (9:2327), str; D A Sehulte,
Inc, to Harry Greenberg & ano, 19S9 Prospect
av; frora Mayl'22 to AprSO'32; MaylO; Nov4
'21 4,900
3D av, 4697 to 4791 (11:3041), asn Ls; Lee
Sprinkle to Richard Lindner, 427 E 188; Jau
29; Novl2'21. >iom
SD av (11:3041), swc 188th, sur Ls; Richard
Lindner to Lee Sprinkle & ano; Novl; Novl2
i2i_ nom
NOV. 9, 10, 12, 14 & 13.
Allen st 104 (2:414), es, 129.3 s Delancey,
241^87 6; prratg^$'20,0il9: Nov9; Novl2'21; in¬
staUs, 6% ; Abr Camhi to Harry Both, 240 St
""'S^r^t^W^m) ; ext $15,000 mtg toJS°
1'24 at 6%; Oclll; Novl4'21; Robt B Roth¬
feld 231 W 92, et al, trstes Bettie Rothfela,
to Carfie lanuzzi, 1749 74th, Bklyn (E S $7^50K
Bleecker st, 241 (2:589), es, IJO.Uw Carmine,
24.11x100.3x24.10x100.3; PJI; NovW; Novl4 21,
10y0% ; Louis B Rosenbaum to Isaac J Sil¬
berstein, Hotel Majestic, 72d st ■& Centval Park
W, et al, individ & as exrs, &c, David Silber¬
stein „o,ouu
Christopher st, 16 (2:593) ss 21 w G.ay, runs
848 xsell.6 to nws Gay (No 18) xswlS xnw
23.5xn3S.3 to st xe21 to beg: pr mtg $lo.OOO,
Novl4; Novl5'21; 2y6% ; Willard Van Ornun
to Predk T Frost, 452 Senator, Bklyn. 2,400
Gay st, 18; see Christopher, 16.
Grand st, 198 (2:471), ns, 75.11 w Molt, runs
nS12xn49 2xe-2.3.6xs48.6xs51.in to Grand xw24.7
to beg-; PM; Nov9; Novl4'21; 5y6% ; Generoso
Ristiano to Louisa V R Baylies, 10 B O^^el
" Grand St. 648 (2:326). ns, 73.2 e Cannon '23x
100; PJI; NovlO; Novl2'21; 5y6% ; Harry Lieb¬
erraan lo Bowery Savings Banlv. is.ouu
Greenwich st. 134 (1:3fl) ; ext $35,000 mtg to
Dec20'24 al 6%: Novl5'21: Hugh H Rainey,
trste Annie B Turley, with Michael Shannon,
1212 Bwav, Far Rockaway, NY' (R S $17.50).
Grove st, 66-68 (2:591): ext $8,000 mtg to
Nov4"''6 at 0%, & consolidating sarae with
mtg for $7,000; Nov4; Novl4'21: Ivate Alberti
-with Bowery Savgs Bank (R S $4). nom
Hamilton pl (7:2070). nec ISSth, runs ne217.1
to ISflth xe69.Sxs99.11xw25xs99.11 to 138lh xw
129.6 to beg: b'dg loan; NovlO: Novl2'21: due
Decl'22, 6% : Hamilton Place & ISSlh St Corpn,
309 5 av, to Wm H Barnum et al, firm Y?„S
Barnum & Co, 111 Bway. 37o,00O
Hamilton pl (7:2070), nec ISSlh, same prop;
eorlf as to above mtg; NovlO; Novl2'21; sarae
to sarae.
Hamilton pl (7:2070), nec ISSth. sarae prop;
PM: pr mlg $375,000: NovlO; Novl2'21; due
Octl'S2, 6% ; same to Michl Friedsam, 400 -park
aY_ 140,000
Hamilton pl, sec 139th; aee Hamilton pl, nec
Leivis St. 53 (2:3'28). ws, 150 n Delancey. 25x
100- PM: NovS; Novl0'21; .3y6%'; Saml Wein-
Iierg to Minnie B Wood. 170 Clinton av, Ja-
■maica, NY, et al. exra Eliz Betz. 8,000
Mangin st, 108-28; see Stanton, 342.
Monroe st, 17S (1:269), ns. abt 115 w Mont¬
gomery, 23x100; 12-27 pl; AT; NovS; NovlO
-'21; due, &e, as per bond; Geo J Benziger,
Hempstead, NY, to Victor J McQuade, 299 St
Marks 51, New Brighton, NY'. 5,090
Orchard st, 35 (1:299), ws, 73.2 s Hester, 30.6
xlOOxSO.lxlOO; equal lieu with mtg for $31,750;
Novl3'21; due, &c, as per bond ; Theresa Bern¬
stein to Dry Dock Savings Instn. 1,-250
Prince st, 193 (2:518), ns, 23 w Sullivan, 25x
78 pr ratg $14,000; Novl; Novl0'21; 2yO'/c ;
Jlichele Gerraino & Doraeuico Albano to Vin¬
cenzo Albano, 172 Prince. 1,090
Prospect pl, 60 (5:1333), ws, 07.1 s 43d, 16.8
x54; PJI; Novl; Novl0'21; due, &c, as per
boud; -iugusta L BradtrauUer to Anua JI Gal¬
lagher, 471 1 av, Astoria, NY. 6,000
St Jlarks pl, 42 (2:449), SS, 87 e 2 av, 19x35,
Vs pt; OctSl; Nov9-21; ly6'7o ; Beatrice E S R
Sheldon, Jaraaica, N Y, to Isaac Daniel, 4423
4 av, Bklvu. 1,750
St Nicholas pl, 80-86 (7:2051), es, 2-25 n c 1
ISSd, 109x199; Nov7; Nov9'21; due May7'22,
0% ; B'ay Realty Co to Sarason Lachraan, 313
W 196. 35,009
St Nicholas pl, 80-86; certf as to above mtg;
Nov7 : Nov9'21; sarae to sarae. -----:
Stanton st, 342 (2:323), nec JIangin (Nos
198-28) 200 to Tompkins x200, with all title
lo land under water in front of above; PM:
pr ratg $99,000; NovlO; Novl5'21; 2y6%;
Slate Ice JIfg Corpn lo Jas S Reardon, 113
Prospect Park W, Bklyn, & ano. 30,090
Sullivan st, 58 (2:490) ; ext $35,000 ratg to
Novl3'20 at 6%; Oct24; Nov2'21; Citizens Sav¬
ings Bank with Angelo Legnili, 64 Mulberry
(R S $17.30) (corrects error in last issue, when
% was oraitted. nora
Tompkins st, nwc Stanton; See Stantou, 312.
William st. 186 (1:103), es, abt 30 n Spruce,
30.10x191.9x30.8x105.6; PM; pr ratg $37,800;
NovlO; Novl2'21; 5y0% ; Louis Goldstein to
David Lippmann, 225 W .86, & ano. 10.799
4TH St. 279 E (2:.386), SS, 338.2 e Av B, 24.9x
90; pr mtg $------; OclSl; Novl4'21; 5y6%;
.Marcus B'riedman & Meyer Friedman to Isaac
Friedman, 398 E 8. 2,000
OTH st, 533-S E (2:402), ns, 450 e Av A, 2
lots, each '23x90.10: 2 PJI ralgs each $6,000; 2
Iir mlgs $13,000 each; Novl5'21; 8y6% ; Saml
Papel to Adolph Kuhn, 2'25 Union av, Belle¬
ville, NJ. 12,000
5TH st, 32 E (2:462); ext $18,500 mtg to
Julyl'24 at 6%; NovT; Novl0'21; Bankers
Trust Co, trsle Henry Herrman, with Jlax
Schwartz, 240 W 98 (R S $9.25). nora
lOTH st, 280-2 E (2:437); ext $45,000 mtg
lo Dec5'26 at 6%; NovS; Novl5"21; N Y Life
Ins Co with Herman Segal, 1457 57th, Bklyn
(K S $2i'.30). nora
IITH st, 274 W (2:622), ss, 130.4 e Bleecker,
23.7x199x26x100; pr ratg $10,500; NovS; NovO
'21; 3y6% ; Ethel S Dorrance to Desraond
Dunne. 25 Prospect Park West, Bklyn. 5,000
ISTH st, 2S2-S4 E (6:1(564) ; agraut ext & con¬
solidating Iw-o ratgs aggregating $16,000 to Ocl
27-20 at 6%; Oct27; Novlo'21; Commonwealth
Savings Bank with Azzoline A Severin, 210 W
10 (R S $8). uom
ISTH st, SS8-40 E (3:921), SS, 196 w 1 av, 42
xlOS.S; PM; NovlO; Novl2'21; installs, 6%;
Rose Katz to Aaron Goodman, 1055 Grand
Concourse, Bronx, & auo. 15,000
16TH St. 341 E (3:922). ns, 321 e Livingston
pi, runs Ii92xe9xs23xel3xs6» to st xw22 to beg;
lu- intg $------; Oct-28; Nov9'21; ly6% ; Lucia
I'adulia lo Ralph Guido, 291 Jay st, Bklyn.
16TH Bt, S3 W (3:818), ns, 600 w 5 av, 2Sx
92, 1/, part AT; NovT; Nov9'21; 3y6% ; Sarah
E Parker, Chappaqua, N Y, to Cath E Seflou,
164 W 74. 5,000
i:TH st, 3-6 W; see 5 av, 122-4.
18TH st, 216-22 W (S:767). SS, 225 w 7 av,
runs wl0Oxsl42.6xeS0xn67.6xe50xn74 to beg;
ext $270,000 mlg lo Novl'24 at 6% ; OctSl; Nov
13'21; Jlonahan Express Co, Realty Dept, a
corjiii, with Union Dime Savings Bank (K S
$1.33). nom
18TH st, 231 W (3:768), ns. 400 w 7 av, 2Sx
92; given to secure the collateral bond for $7,-
900; pr ratg .$------; Oct-20; Nov9'21; instaUs,
0%: Jlay B Whitenack, Pelhara, Heights. N Y,
to Frauk O'SulIivan, Hoiua & Dewey avs,
Queens, N Y. 7,000
19TH st, 322 W (3:742), ss, abt 265 w 8 av,
21.10x02; PJI; Novll; NoylS'21; 3.v6% ; Rose
F JIcKenna to Hy F Taylor, 34 Madison av,
Jlorristown, N J. 9,300
2SD Bt, 146 W (3:798): ext $12,000 mlg lo
Nov9'24 at 6%; Nov7; Novl2'21; Bond & JItg
Guar Co with Eliz K Sherwood & ano, 3156
Bway (R S $6). nom
23D st, 368 W; see 9 av, 208.
24Tn Bt, 100-14 E; See 4 av, 424-32.
26TH st, 461 W (3:724), ns, 100 e 10 av, 25x
98.9; PJI; pr mtg $29,600; NovlS'21; installs.
6%; Jennie Bossie to JIaryland Mtg Co, 143
Av D. 2,300
29TH Bt. 43 E (3:859), ns, 281.9 e Madison
av, 21.3x98.9; sobrn agmt; NovT; Novl5"21;
Isador Koplik et al, trstes, with Dry Dock
Savings Instn. nom
29TH Bt, 43 E (3:859), ns, 2S1.9 e Mad av,
21.3x98.9; equal lien wilh mtg for $18,000; Nov
].5'21; due, &c, as per bond; Delish Co to Dry
Dock Savings Instn. 17,000
29TH Bt, 43 E; certf as to above mtg; Novl;
Novl5'21; same to same. ------
29TH Bt, 49-53 E; aee 4 av, 424-32.
SSD st, 101-7 W; aee Bway, 1293-1311.
S4TU st, 100-6 W; see Bway, 1293-1311.
S4TH st W. nwc S av; see 4 av, 424-32.
S4TH st, 547-55 W (3:796), ns, 190 e 11 av,
123x98.9, leasehold; pr mlg $4,000; NovlO; Nov
15'21; 4y67(, ; 351 W Sllh St Garage, Inc, to Sol
Cedar, 1446 48th, Bklyn, & ano. 21,000
34TH st, S47-66 W; Certf as to above mtg;
NovlO; Novl5'21; same to same. ------
35TH st, 17 W (3:837), us, 275 w 5 av, 22x
98.9; PM; pr mtg $40,900; OctSl; Novl0'21;
oy6% ; Julia I O'Hara, Hotel Coraraodore, N
Y, to Geo W Browu, 312 W 20. 20,000
SOTH st, 38 W (3:837), ss, 453.2 w 5 av, runs
s98.9xwlSxn43.4xnS0.Sxn3.2 to st xelS to beg;
PM; Oct25; Nov9'21; 3y6% ; Roth-Picket Re¬
ally Co lo Theo K Wilraerdlng, exr & trate
Emraa S Wilmerding, 21 W 33. 30,000
40TH st, 24 E; see Jladison av, 271.
40TH st, 208-16 W (3:789), SS, 143 w 7 av,
71.3x98.9; PJI; pr ratg $100,090; NovlS'21; lOy
6% ; 205 W SOth St, Inc, to Little Streets Co,
297 JIad av. 32,000
43D St. 11S-2S W (4:996), ns, ITS w 6 av, 12Sx
100.5; equal lien wilh mlg for $400,000 dated
Novl'lO; NovlO; Novl2'21; due, &c, as per
bond; Societies Realty Co to Title Guar & T
Co. 100,000
43D st, 113-23 W, same prop; certf as to
above ratg; NovlO; Novl2'21; same to same.
43D St, 113-23 W; sobru agmnt; NovlO; Nov
12'21: Columbia Trust Co, trste, with Title
(juar & T Co. nom
46TH St, 328 E (4:1036), SS, 294 w 8 av, 20x
100.5; pr ralg $19,000; NovlO; Novl5'21; 2y6% ;
Jenny Lichtman lo Chas I Friedman, 109 W
27. 3,000
47TH st, 1-3 W (3:893), leasehold; also
PARK AV, 89 (5:1263), leasehold; Junel7; Nov
14'21; instaUs, % as per bond; Sl Johu Alex¬
ander, 3 W 47, to Edw N Elmore, 24 B 61.
48TH st, 122-4 w (4:1000); agmt ext & con-
sohdating two ratgs aggregating $45,000 to
Apr30'25 at 5%%; Apr39'20; re-recorded May
4'20; Novl5'21; Dry Dock Savings Instn with
Chaa L Moreau, Lake JIahopac, NY (E S
$22.50). nom
49TH st, 342 W (4:1039), ss, 173 e 9 av, 25x
100.5 P.M; Nov9: Novl0'21; Sv6% ; Christopher
Von Glahu lo JIary R Doscher, Graulwood,
^'J- 6,500
49TH st, 346 W (4:1039), ss, 125 e 9 av, 25x
100.5; PJI; NovO; Novl0'21; Sy6% ; Bernhard
E Von Glahn to Mary B Doscher, Graulwood,
NJ. 6,300
SSTH st, 261 W (4:1027), ns, 120 e 8 av, 20x
100.5; PM; OclSl; Novl0'21; Sv6% ; Johu T
Brook, Pelham, NY, to Gilbert P Cotton,
Hotel Pl.iza, Sth av & SOth, 20 000
56TH Bt, 120 E (3:1310), SS, 174 e Park av,
21x100.3; equal lien with ralg for $30,000;
Nov9; Novl0'21; Sy6% ; Helen T Bigelow,
Oyster Bay, LI, to Bowery Savgs Bank. 12,000
57TH st, 246-60 E; see 2 av, 1075-7
SSTH st, 66-62 W (5:1273) ; ext $260,000 mtg
to Jnne30'24 at 6%; JuneSO; Nov9'21; N Y
Life Ins Co with Philip G Bartlett, 30 B 52;
Dwight W Morrow, Englewood, N J, & Geo
H Howard, 108 E 82, exrs John W Sirapson
(RS$130). - nom
eoTH st, 2 W; see S av, 122-4.
62D st, 146 B (5:1397); ext $6,000 mtg to
Nov7 2G at 6%; Nov7; Novl2'21; U S Savings
Bank of the City of N Y with JIaude S Pick-
hardt, 50 B .59 (R S .$3). . nom
68TH st, 1 W: see Central Park W, Sl-3
68TH Bt. 14 W (4:1120), ss, 120 w Central
Park W, .33x100.3; pr mtg $36,000; OctlO; Nov
0'21: ly6% ; Jared Flagg Corpn to J F Holland
Wichford, EI. 3 qqq
68TH st, 21 W (4:1121), ns, 233 w Central
Park W, 16x100.5: ext $19,300 mtg to JIavl'24
at 6%; Oct27; Novl0'21; Edna A Lilieithal
with Union Dirae Savings Bank (E S $9.75).
69TH St. 406 E (5:1464), ns, 113 e 1 av, 25x
100.4 : pr ratg $10,000; Julyl; Novl4'21; 6vSy. % ;
Peter Sluka to Onton Zoufaley, 363 E 71. 3,000
71ST st, 26 W (4:1123), ss, 320 w Central
Park W, 17x100.5; pr ratg $24,000; Novl4'21;
instaUs, 6% ; Anna Cscontos to Grace Jacques,
202 W 103. 2,00()
72D st, 164-8 W (4:1113), ss, 100 e Aras av, 59
X102.2: equal lien with ratg for $72,500 dated
Mayl.3'14; NovlO; Novl2'21; 2y6% ; Western
Holding Co, 200 W 72, to Invincible Mtg Co,
299 Bway. 77,500
72D st, 164-8 W; certf as to above ratg; Nov
10; Novl2'21; same to same. ------
72D st, 164-8 W (4:1143) ; agmnt consolidat¬
ing ratg for $72,500 dated MaylS'll with above
ratg to form a single Uen of $150,000 payable
NovlO'23 at 6%; NovlO; Novl2'21; aame -with
sarae (E S $33). ____
72D st, 164-8 W: sobrn agrant; NovlO; Nov
12'21; Frances W Haines with same. nom
74TH st, 131 E (5:1409), ns, 102.6 w Lex av,
17x102.2; PM; pr ratg $11,000; NovlO; Novl2
21; Sy6% ; Saral D BeU to Lydia B Kirkbride,
840 Park av. 15,000
74TH st, 129-31 W (4:1146), na, 360 w Col av,
40.2x102.2; ext two mlgs for $35,000 & $10,000,
respectively, lo Mayl'26 at 6%; OctSl; NovlS
'21; Guy B Eadford with Union Dime Savings
Bank (E S $22.50). nom