January 28, 1922
Brokers Invited to Submit Offerinss
Suite 911
Rector 3569
Douglas L.Elliman£[o.
Real Estate Brokers
Fifth and Park Avenue Districts
Efficient Property Management
Plaza, 9200 15 East 49th St.
Member Real Estate Bou'd, N. Y.
Real Estate—Mortgage Loans
Phone: Rector 8$S«-S(St
Member of Real Estate Board
Real Estate Mortgages
115 BROADWAY Phone 22|J Rector
CHARLES B. Van Valen. Inc.
.Member Real Estate Board of N. Y.
Phone: 6000 Beekman
H. M. Weill Co.
Tel. Loneacro 2290-2S17 221 West 33rd St.
Real Estate Operator
565 5th Ave.
Phone Vanderbilt 872S
PROPOSITIONS—Quick Decision GIvan.
Lansing Building
Suite 6 Phone; Schuyler 2897
Vanderbilt 3918-19
Leeds Sells West End Av. Comer
Rudolph G. Leeds, of Richmond, Ind., son of
the late William B. Leeds, tinplate king, sold to
Benjamin Winter, of the Winter Realties, Inc.,
the 12-sly apartment house, 112x100. at 7S0 West
End av. southeast corner of OSth st. The house
is arranged in suites of from 5 to 8 rooms, and
has an annual rental income of about $125,000.
Mr. Winter has also bought from Mr. Leeds
the 3-sty and basement dwelling at 766 West
End av, adjoining on the south, to protect the
light and air of the apartment house. The
properties were held at $800,000. The
apartment house was built by T. J. McLaughlin
&. Sons and was sold by thera several years ago
to Mr. Leeds, who gave in part payment the
southeast corner of Broadway and lO.jth st,
which was later improved by the buyers.
The Wood. Dolson Company represented Mr.
Leeds and Henry I. Cooper of N. Cohn & Co.,
was the broker for Mr. Winter.
Operator in East Side Sale
Samuel Brener, operator, purchased from
Vanderbilt Webb the five 4-sty and basement
dwellings 127 to 135 East 63d st. on a plot lOOx
HiO.5. between Park and Lexington avs. on a
plot SOxlOO.5. The property was acquired along
with a number of other parcels on Park av and
adjacent side streets before the New York Cen¬
tral Railroad electrified its road. William J.
Roome & Co. were the brokers in the transaction.
On the Park av end of the block the Third
Church of Christ. Scientist, is erecting an orna¬
mental structure on the 63d st corner, while on
the adjoining Park av and 64th st corner is the
new home of the Fifth Avenue Baptist Church.
A New West Side Building
The ever increasing demand for space in
modern buildings with heavy floor capacity is
one of the reasons for the erection of the new
■S-sty Kymson building, at 313-327 West 37th
st, which is now under construction and will
be ready for occpancy in May. according to
SaD:uel Minskoff the builder. Concerns desir¬
ing to remain in the section north of 23d st
and requiring a floor capacity of over 200
pounds per square foot have been practically
forced to move their plants and operations to
the extreme east or west sides of the city. The
majority of present buildings north of 23d st
and adjacent to main arteries of the city, being
built for tbe express purpose of office, light
manufacturing and garment concerns, have not
been able to accommodate manufacturers of
commodities necessitating heavy floors.
.Jacob Monsky, president of the Herald
Square Press, realizing this situation and hav¬
ing the fact brought home to him in his own
business, conceived the idea of relieving this
condition somewhat by the erection of the Kym¬
son Building. Consequently heavy floors, good
light and fire proof construction are facts whlc^
are sure to be of interest to many concerns.
The building has been designed by Schwartz
& Gross the architects and Price. Birkner &
Johnston have been appointed as managing
Elmore Court In a Trade
Elmore Court, a fJ-sty elevator apartment
house. lOSxliH. at 541 West 124th st, figured
in a three cornered deal. The property, which
was held at $235,000, was sold by Joseph M.
Ximhauser for Joseph G. Abraham, who was
represented by the Lloyd Winthrop Co. The
purchasers were Isidor and Philip Baer, who
save in part payment the 5-sty. triple flat, 130
Edgecombe av, 25x112. held at $42,500.
In further payment the purchasers gave
two second mortgages, amounting to $40,250. on
the premises at 75 to 83 Northern a v. As
part of the transaction, the parcels given in
trade were all sold by the Lloyd Winthrop Co.
to a client. This is the second three cor¬
nered deal elTected in less than a year by
Joseph Nimhauser for the Mes&rs. Baer.
Tenants Were the Buyers
Charles F. Noves Co. were the brokers who
sold 277 Pearl st'to Clinton K. Scofield : lOO-Ul
Beekman st to A. W. Craven, and a plot. 35.Ox
100, on Atlantic av, adjoining the southwest cor¬
ner of Kingston av. Brooklyn, to Charles H.
Eggert & Bros. Title to all these properties was
transferred within the past few days and all
purchasers are present tenants of the premises
sold. The Noyes company reports a strong
demand for investment properties and properties
suitable for occupancy.
N. Y. Times Leases Stores
Theodore C. Young leased to the Xew York
Times Co. the stores in 213-215 West 43d st,
which adjoin on the east the Times Annex
building. The Times occupies adjoining stores,
under lease, as well.
At 231-230 West 43d st. adjoining the Times
Annex on the west, are five o-sty brick and
stone apartment houses, on a plot 100x100.5.
which The New York Times Co. owns and
whinh it will soon reimprove with an addition
to Its building that will be of equal height to it.
Tho Times is now using parts of the old
luiildings it owns for some of its departments.
Undivided Pier Interest Sold
Cruikshank Co. sold for Miss Caroline de For¬
est, Frederic W. Rhinelander and George W.
Murray, executors of the estate of Mary R. Cal-
lender, to Charles E. Perkins, a large undivided
Interest in Pier 16 and bulkhead and Pier 18 and
bulkhead. North River. Pier 16 is under lease
to the N. Y. C. & H. R. R. R. Co. and Pier 18 is
under lease to the EasternSteamship Lines, Inc.
Pier 16 is at the foot of Barclay st and Pier 18
is at the foot of Murray st.
West Side Plot for Improvement
S. Morrill Banner and Herbert Mitler, the
operators who recently purchased the Tribune
Building at 154 Nassau st. have added to their
now extensive holdings in Manhattan by acquir¬
ing the four 3-sty and basement brick dwellings,
71 to 77 West 12th st, on a plot on the north
side, just east of Sixth av. The buyers will
erect a 6-sty elevator apartment house on the
site. The properties were sold by Pierce F.
Groome, a cotton broker, who has held them
since early in 1020. Peyton, Randle &. Co. were
the brokers.
Completes Apartment House Site
Pease & Elliman sold for Juliet A. Stursberg
to James C. McGuire & Co., builders, 955-950
Lexington av, adjoining the southeast corner of
70th St. No. 055 is a 4-sty and basement brick
dwelling, on a plot 38x80.6, and 050 is a 3-sty
and basement stone dwelling, on a lot 21.6x80.6,
while 057 intervening, is a vacant lot 10.5x80.6.
The aggregate plot is 70.1x80.6.
In January of 1020 the same firm bought
through the same brokers 043 to 053 Lexington
av old 4-sty dwellings, giving them a frontage
of 17!i.4 in all on the east side of the avenue.
The builders are having plans prepared for the
proposed improvement. The seller of the plot,
purchased in 1020, was the estate of James
McCabe and Henry and Simon McCabe.
Seamans' Estate Sold Two Parcels
Estate of Clarence W. Seamans not only sold
the gore. 2x100x8.1, at the northeast corner of
Bleecker and Lafayette sts, and along Bleecker
st to Shinbone alley, but it also sold 51 Bleecker
st, adjoining a 4-sty and basement brick build¬
ing, on a lot 27x100 and through to Shinbone
L. Tanenbaum, Strauss & Co. were the brok¬
ers in both transactions, the buyer being George
A. Gunshor. A store will be built on the gore.
Fine Home Site Sold
Brown-Wheelock Co., Inc., sold for the estate
of Henry D. Babcock. 20 and 22 East 71st st, a
vacant plot. 45xl0<J.5, situated 25 feet west of
the southwest corner of Madison av. The pur¬
chaser is a prominent manufacturer, who, it is
said, plans to erect a residence on the site esti¬
mated to cost $2(10.000. This is part of the old
Lenox Library block, on which many prominent
persons built homes following the improvement
of the Fifth av end of the block with the man¬
sion of Henry Clay Prick.
Investor Buys West Side Lofts
Dwight. Art_hibald & Perry, Inc.. in conjunc¬
tion with the Duross Co., sold for Thomas Deve-
lon, Jr.. to the Acme Lighting & Fixture Co.,
the 6-sty stone loft building. 107-100 West 13th
st, on a plot 40x100. The purchaser will use the
greater part of the building for its own business.
Operators Buy Lexington Av Comer
William A. White iVj Sons sold for William
Sloane ai^d others to 1. Randolph and Everett
Jacobs for an apartment house site the south¬
east corner of Lexington av and 73d st, contain¬
ing approximately IJ.OOt) square feet, with a
frontage of So feet on Lexington av and 130
feet on East 73d st. The site is at present oc¬
cupied by five dwellings and a 2-sty garage.
The property was held at $275,000.
The garage at 102 East 73d st had been owned
by the Sloane family since 1893. In 1900 they
purchased the abutting property at 1009-lOlT
Lexington av to fill out the plot.
Nottingham Apartments Sold
County Holding Co. sold through Sharp & Co.,
35 East 30th st. a 9-sty elevator apartment hotel,
known as the Nottingham, on a plot 65x98.0. It
was held at $400,000. William Crittenden Adams
is president of the selling company.
Resell Second Av Corner
Mi'ister Builders, Inc., resold through Minnie
Cohen to K. .Mignola. !Mi9 2d av and 250 E 48th
st, the northwest corner of the two thorough¬
fares, a 6-sty brick tenement house with stores,
on a plot 70.5x40. the longer frontage being on
the avenue.
Fine Harlem Apartments Sold
Everett M. Seixas Co. sold for the El Casco
Realty Corporation El Casco Court, at 203-200
West 103d St. a O-sty elevator apartment house,
on plot 80x100. The property wa« held at
.^250.0011 and the owners took back a second
mortgage of $6S.0()u for 10 years beside a first
mortgage of $132,000. The rentals are $42,000.
Thp soiling agents wilt manage the property.