November i8, 1905
4th St. No 193 East, Install toilets, windows, to 5-sty brk and stone
tenement; cost, $1,000; M Zwerdling, 193 E 4tb st; ar't, Harry
Zlot, 230 Grand st.—3310.
Gth st, No 336 East, install toilels, windows, tank, to .5-sty brk and
stone store and tenement; coat, $1,500; Louia Geissler, 439 B
Gth st; ar't, Chaa Stegmayer, IGS E 91at sl,—3297.
7th st. No 189 East, toilets, windows, to 4-sty brk and stone tene¬
ment; cost, $500; D Seylin, 100 Av B; ar't, 0 Reissmann, 30 1st
Sth at, Nos 420-422 Bast, install toilets, windows, to four 4-sty brk
and stone tenement; cost, $2,000; Louis Rosenblum, 422 E 8th st;
ar't, Henry Zlot, 230 Grand st.—3289.
10th St. No 259 East, install shaft, toilets, windows, to 5-sty brk and
stone tenement; cost, $3,000; Cbas Held, 42 E 4th st; ar't, O
Reissmann, 30 lal at.—3280.
llth st, Noa 419-421 East, install toilets, windowa, to two 5-sty brk
and atone tenementa; coat, $3,500; J laaacs & Sons, 117 Columbia
sl; ar't, O Reissmann, 30 1st st.—3365.
14th at. No 602 East, install toilets, windows, to 3-sty brk and stone
tenemenl; cost, $1,500; I Korlf. 19 Av D; ar't, O Reissmann, 30
lat at.—3355.
15th st. No 308 Weat, inatall toilets, windows, to 4-aty brk and atone
lenement; coat. $400; eatate Laura A Delano, 51 W 42d st; ar't,
John W Ingle, 109 W 42d st.—3372.
19th st, No 430 East, install toilets, windows, to 5-sty brk and
stone tenement; coat. $900; A Bollmeyer, 444 B 19th st; ar't, Geo
Hang. 109 W 42d st.—3371.
21st st. No 319 East, install partitiona, lo 4-sty brk and stone
tenement: cost, $250; B I Stewart, Ozone Park, L I; ar't, Wm S
Boyd, 561 Hudaon St.—3312,
31s^ st. No 9 West, 7-sty brk and stone front and rear extenaion,
2dx7.11x30, add 2 stories, build elevator shaft, partitions, new
front, to 4-sty brk and stone store and loft building; cost, $25,-
000; Alfred Nelson. 2G1 5tb av; ar't. G A Schellenger, 27 E 21st
- St.—328G.
31st St, No 40S West, install loilets, windows, to 2-3ty brk and
stone tenement; cost, $500: Margaret Coolc, 40S W Slst st; ar't,
John H Knubel, 318 W 42d st.—3331.
32d st, No 319 East, install toilets, windows, to 4-sty brk and
slone tenement: coat, $600; Jaraes Conway, 391 Pearl st; ar't, Chas
E Reid, 105 E 14th st.—3336.
33d st. No 339 Eaat, inatall store fronts, toilets, to 5-sty brk and
stone tenement; cost, $2,000; Simon Goldstein, 118 Av C; ar't,
Wm C Sommerfeld. 19 Union sq.—3359.
36lh St. No 443 West, install toilets, windows, to 4-sty brk and
stone tenement; coal, $600; Christian Muller, 443 W 36th st; ar't,
John H Knubel. 318 W 42d St.—3332,
39th at. No 510 Weat, install toilets, windows, to 5-sty brk and
stone tenement; cost, $3.50; estate John C Clegg, 141 W 92d at;
ar't, A S Hedman, 371 Fulton at, Brooklyn.—3330.
42d at. No 239 Easl, instal! loilets, windows, to 5-sty brk and
stone tenement; cost. $1,500; George Bhret, 235 E 92d st; ar't,
Chas Stegmayer, 168 E 91st st.—3290.
43d at. Nos 127-135 Weat, inatall toilets, windows, baths, to 12-sty
brk and stone hotel; cost, $9,370; Metropolitan Life Ins Co, 1
Madison av; ar't, D Everett Ward, 156 Sth av,—3340.
45th st, No 229 East, install toilets, partitiona. windows, tank, to
5-sty brk and stone tenement; cosl, $5,000; Irving Bachrach, 203
Broadway; ar't, Oscar Lowinaon, IS B 42d St.—3368.
4.\.h at. No 312 West, install toilets, windows, to 5-sty brk and
stone tenement; cost, $2,000; J Goldberg, 108 Sth av; ar't, 0
Reissmann, 30 1st st,—3339.
49tb st. No 422 West, install toilets, windows, to 4-sty brk and
atone tenement and store; cost, $650; Theodore L Flammer, 901
8lb av; ar'ts, Jardine, Kent Se Jardine, 1262 Broadway.—3309.
53d st, No 12 East, 4-sty brk and atone front extenaion, 37,0x8.G,
add 1 sty to rear, new stairs, electric elevator, girders and col¬
urana, front, to 4-sty brk and atone dwelling; cost, $25,000; Mary
L Fisk, 671 olh av; ar't, R C Gildersleeve, 150 5tb av.—3311.
54th sl, No 430 West, install toilets, windows, show windows, sky¬
lights, to 4-sty brk and stone tenement: coat, $2,000; Heury Erd¬
man, 60 E SOth st; ar't, Max Muller, 3 Chambers st.—3302.
54lh St. No 353 West, add 1 sly lo 4-sty brk and stone factory; cost,
$500; J & J W Williams, 3-53 W 54th st; ar't, H P Knowles, 317
W 93d St.—3341.
54th st. No 331 East, install shaft, toilets, to 5-sty brk and stone
Store and tenement; coat. $1,500; David Rieser. 343 E 50th st;
ar'ts. Goldner & Goldberg, Westchester and Jackson avs.—3357.
55th st, n a, 175 w llth av. inatall beams, alter posts, piers, to 2-aty
brk and frame storage building; coat. $250; Sarah J Brooks, 349
W 56th st; ar't, James W Cole, 403 W 51at st.—3327.
55tb st. No 241 East, install toilets, windows, partiiions, lo 5-sty
brk and atone tenement; cost, $1,^00; Henry Hochmeiater, 203 E
92d st; ar't, Anton Reitmayer, 168 E 91at at.-3281.
56th st, No 403 West, install toilets, windows, to 4-sty brk and stone
teneraent; cost, $1,000; Peter Doelger. 407 E 55lh sl; ar't, Chas
Stegmayer, 108 E 91at St.—3295,
&9th st, Nos 200-210 East, install toilets, windows, to three 5-sty
brk and stone stores and teneraents; cost, $1,500; Jacob Vander¬
poel etate, 108 E 59th st; ar't, Dunham Wheeler. 115 E 23d st.
OOth at. No 223 Weat, install toilets, windows, to 4-aty brk and stone
teneraent; cost, $1,500; Goldberg Se Greenberg, 140 Nassau st;
ar't. Max Muller, 3 Chambers at.—3319.
53d st. No 37 West, 5-aty brk and stone rear extension, 159l^x
19.1%, build roof house, plurabing, to 5-sty brk and atone resi¬
dence; cost, $1,000; W M Rodewald, 37 W 53d st; ar'ta, Barney &
Chapman. 520 5th av.—3346.
65tb st, No 248 East, inatall toilets, windows, tank, to 5-sty brk and
stone tenement; cost. $1,000; Jacob Jablons, 131 Orchard st; ar't,
Max Muller, 3 Chambera st.—3370.
65th st. No 250 Eaat, install toileta, windowa, skyligbta, to 5-aty
brk and stone tenement; cost, $1,200; Jacob Jablows, 131 Orchard
st; ar't, Max Muller, 3 Chambers at,—3277.
"71st st, Nos 303-305 East, install toilets, windowa. store fronts, to
two 5-aty brk and stone atorea and tenements; cot, $4,000; Adolph
Schleainger. 7 Stanton st; ar't. Nathan Langer, 81 E 125th at.
72d at. Noa 153-155 Baat. install balcony, stairs, to 1-sty and base¬
ment brk and stone church; cost, $5,.500; Hellenic Orthodox
Churcb, on premises; ar't, Nathan Langer, 81 E 125tb st.—3329.
Slst st. No 311 East .inatal! partitions, to 5-sty brk and stone ten-
f.Hient; cost, $.500; Gordon Sc Levy, 230 Grand st; ar't, C Dunne
330 W 26th at,—331G.
SGth st. No 451 East, install partitiona. columns, to 4-sly brk and
stone teneraent; cost, $1,500; Rubin & Kommel. 19 Oliver st; ar't
James F Slevin, 12 Chambers St.—3306.
Jod st, Nos 4-6 W, install toilets, windows, to 7-aty brk and atone
tenement; cost. $1,200; M A Hoffman, 418 W 145th st; ar't, James
R Dardis, 5.55 W 140th St.—3321.
94tli st. No lOi East. 2-sly brk and stone rear extension. 17.8x13
toilets, vestibule, to 3-sly brk and stone residence; cost, $7 000-
'^';s Frank Gulden, care ar'ts; ar'ta. Thain & Thain. 4 E 42d aL
lOOth at. Nos 54-56 East, inatall toileta, windows, to 5-sty brk- and
stone tenement; cost, $1,500; A Gutterman, 49 Orchard st; ar't,
O Reissmann. 30 1st st.—333S.
IOOlh St. No 88 East, install toileta, windows, to 4-sty brk and
stone tenement; cost, $2,000; Barney Coben, 88 B 109th al; ar't,
Henry J Feiser. 150 Nassau St.—3283.
109th st, Nos 230-242 East, install toilets, windows, ovens, parti¬
tions, to four 5-sty brk and atone slores and tenementa; cost,
$b,;:iOO; Harry Abram, 123 W lloth at; ar'ts. Horenburger Se
Straub. 122 Bowery—3293.
110th st, Noa 342-340 East, toilets, windows, skylight, to three
4-sty hrk and stone tenemenl and store; cost, $1,000; Concetta
Marrone, 414 B llOih at; ar'ts, Bernstein & Bernstein, 24 E 23d
lloth st, Nos 229-231 West, ins.tail toilets, windows, to 5-sty brk
and slone tenement; oost, $1,000; H Levy, 229 W 115th st; ar't.
Otto L Spannhake, 200 E 79th st,—3318.
115lh St. No 73 Eaat, instal! show windows, to 5-aty brk and stone
tenement; cosl, $5,000; Bernard Yeamana, 345 Manhattan av;
ar't, Maximilian Zipkea, 147 4lh av.—3349.
144lb st. No 307 West, toilels, windows, stairs, atore fronts, to
5-sty brk and atone store and lenement; cot, $3,-500; Alfred J Mad¬
den, 957 Cauldwell av; ar't, Horenburger & Straub, 122 Bowery.
147lh st, Noa 303-305 West, install plumbing fixtures, bath, lo
two 5-5ty brk and stone tenementa; cost, $1,200; Harris Beaver.
27 W 114th st; ar't, Andrew Dunlap, Jr. 1978 Lexington av.—3275.
Av A, No 09, install toilets, windowa, to two 4-3ty brk and slone
tenements; cost, $2,000; Gustav Rheinauer, 145 B 92d sl; ar't,
David Stone. 127 Bible House.—3358.
Av 0. No 202, install toilets, windows, lo 4-sty brli and stoue
teneraent; cost, $1,000; Amelia Seidner, 1395 Dean st, Brooklyn;
ar't, Nathan Langer, 81 B 125th st.—3344.
Broadway, No 1G30, erect sign to 2-sly frame store building; cost,
$100; John McGuire, 202 W 50th at; ar'l, Wm T Totten, 608 6th
Broadway, s e cor 64th st, install elevator shaft, to 3-sty brk and
stone loft building; cost, $250; M Heilman, care architects; ar'ts,
G H Riley Se Co, 136 Liberty st.-3315.
Broadway, n w cor 46th st, 3-sty brk and stone aide extension. 23.11
x94xl00,3, bldg will be lowered 1 story, install toilets, baths, par¬
titions, to 4-sty brk and stone hotel and restaurant; cost, $40,009;
John B Mantel. 22 William st. and Mrs Emily Wood. 39 Gram¬
ercy Park; ar't, H C Pittraan, 156 5lh av.—32S4.
Lenox av, s w cor 127lh st, install store fronts, to 2-sty brk and
atone store and dwelling; coat, $1,500; Rachel M Hustace, 413
Madison av; ar't, Richard R Davia, 247 W 125th st.—3347.
Park av, s w cor 59th sl, add 1 sty. stairs, to S-aty brk and slone
offiee buiiding; cost, $20,009; City of New York. City Hall; ar't,
OBJ Snyder, 500 Park av,—3334.
1st av. No 857, inslail toilela, windows, lo 5-aty brk and atone
tenemenl; cost, $2,500: M Dlamondston. 101 Bowery; ar't, O Reiss-
raanu, 30 1st st.~3325. '
1st av, No 58, iustall toilets, windows, tank, to 5-sty brk and stone
lenement and store; coat, $1,,500; Louis Geissler, 439 E Oth st;
ar't, Chas Stegmayer, 168 E Olst al,-----3298.
lal av. No 74. install toilets, windowa, to o-aty brk and stone
tenement and atore; cost, $1,000; Frederick Jantzen, 854 B 14l3t
st; ar't, Richard Rohi, 12S Bible House.-3300.
2d av, Nos 422-430|instalI toilets, windows, to five 4-sty brk and
24th sl. No 301 E | stone tenemenis and atores; cost. $1,625; Dauiel
S McElroy. 1489 Broadway; ar't, Geo H Van Auken, 30 E llth
2d av. No 490, inatall toilets, windows, to 5-sty brk and stone tene¬
ment; coat, $1,000; W C Ronner, 1278 Fulton av, Bronx; ar'ta.
Rettig St Jost. 215 E 28lh sl,—3337.
3d av. No 1760, install toilets, windows, stairs, to 5-sty brk and
stone tenement; coat. $5,000; Sophie Mayer, 1956 3d av; ar't, Max¬
imilian Zipkes, 147 4lh av.—3350.
7th av, s w cor 122d at, 1-aty brk and slone side extension. 16.4x
7,10, baths, toilets, to S-sty brk and atone teneraent; cosl, $4,500;
eatate of R C Browning, 99 Chambera at; ar'ls. Hill Se Stout, 1123
7th av, No 297, install toilels, windowa, plumbing ,to 4-sty brk and
stone store and teneraent; cost, $2,500; estate Meiser Mann¬
heimer, 212 E GOth st; ar't, Jobn H Knubel, 318 W 42d st.—3322,
Oth av. No 549, build chimney to 3-sty brk and slone store and
teneraent; cost, $500; Adolph Vollter, 549 9Lh av; ar't, J P Casey
Co, 345 W 48th St.—3308.
Fairmount pl, n s, 95 e Crotona av, 1-sly frame extension, 12.2x
12, and raise to new grade 2-aty frarae dwelling; cost, $500; Mary
and Frank Krezek, on premiaes; ar't, J J Vreeland, 2019 Jerome
1.34th at, n s, 60,3 e St Anns av, l-aly brk extension, 35x25. lo 3-sty
brk store and dwelling; cost, $3,000; Caroliue Gareias. 29136 Marion
av; ar't, Harry T Howell, 3d av and 149tb st.—610.
Bronx Terrace, w a, 798 a 224ih st, move lY^-aty frame dwelling;
cost, $;jOO; Mrs Frank McGarry, Morris and Elliott avs, ow'r and
Concourse, w s, 93 s 183d st, 1-sty frame dwelling, 5.3^^x10,6, and
raove 2-sty and attic Erame dwelling; cost, $250; John J O'Grady,
277 Broadway; ar'l, Chas S Clark, 709 Tremont av.—614.
Decalur av, No 2958, 2-aty frame exlension, 25x21.2, to 2-sly Irame
dwelling; coat, $2,000; Augusta Schirmer, 769 Union av; ar't,
Pranz Wolfgang, 787 B 177th st.-*07.
Eagle av, e a, 180 n 156th st, 1-sty brk extension, 62x11.S, to 1-aty
brk boiler and coal bouse; cost, $800; Ebliug Brewing Co, 156lh st
and St Anns av; ar't, Juliua Kastner. 113 SBroadway.-616.