Septembei- 7/ 1907
Building Operations.
Statistics of Plaus FUed.
The following is a table of the new buildings and altera-
tions projected for Manhattan and the Bronx with the esti-
mated cost, for the past week and also for the corresponding
week of 1906:
1907. 1906.
JVo. of the nevv buîldings in Manhat-
tau and the lii'onx............ '■^^ ^*"
Estimated cost of new buildings. . . $681,550 ¥5,559,600
Total estimated cost of alteratĩons
tor Manhattaa ánd thé Bronx. . . ¥aua,li75 ípaa3,500
Another Contract for the Wai-burg Mausion.
5TH AV.—C. P. H. Gilbert, 1123 Eroadway, has awarded the
contract for the cut stone work for the residence to be built
for F. M. Warburg, at the northeast corner of 5th av and 92d
Et, to the Earr, Thaw & Fraser Co., oE No. 5 East 42d st, The
stone to be used is a selected dark blue limestone. The exterior
js to be in the French Gothic style of architecture, and it is
the intention to have the carving the finest example oE 15th
century work in this country; the models and carving are to
be executed by the best scuiptors. The rock excavation is now
under way. Contract Eor the generai construction has been
awarded to A. J. Robinson & Co. The cost of the building
wilĩ be about $500,000, and the architect will have fuU cbarge
of the coraplete finish, including the interîor decorations, furni-
ture, etc. The building will he 6 stories in height, and 100x100
feet'in size. Messrs. Post & McCord, 24 East 23d st, have the
structurai steel work, and Clarence L. Smith, llth av and 30th
st, the excavating. (See also issue Aug, 3, 1907.)
Contract for the New Lotos Club House.
59TH ST.—Marc Eĩdlitz &. Son, 4S9 FiEth av, have t^e general
contract to erect the new 8-sty building which the Lotos Club
will erect in 59th st, between 6th and 7th avs, for which Archi-
tect Donn Barber, No. 24 East 23d st, has prepared plans. An
entire fíoor wiU be given up to an art gallery, another story
to a banquet hall. The club wiU remain in its present building
at 5th av and 46th st until the completion of the new structure.
John Elderkin, Charles W. Price and WiIIiara T. Evans are
membere of the building committee. From the sale of the
property, Nos. 556-558 Fifth av, the Lotos Club last March
realized the sum of $750,000. .
Seventh Avenue aud Pifty-Eighth Street Improvement.
7TH AV.—Alwyn Court, Inc, 437 FiEth av. wiU soon begin
the erection of a, fireproof élevator apartment house, on a plot
at tbe southeast corner oE 7th av and 58th st. to cost in the
neighborbood of $1,000,000. Tbe structure will be arranged
jn suites for housekeeping purposes. The exterior wil! be of
light brick, limestone and terra cotta, and the interior will be
equipped with ■marbie, tile, glass, mosaic, and electric elevators,
with every possible improvement. No contracts have yet been
made Eor the work. Messrs. Harde & Short, 3 West 29th st, arc
now preparing the plans and specíflcations.
High Loft Buiidlng for Broadway and Astor Place.
EROADWAT.—The O. E. Potter Trust, No. 71 Eroadway,
has commissioned Architect Francis H. KimbaU, No. 71 Eroad-
way, to prepare preliminary sketches Eor a high steel frame
loft and business buUding to be situated at the southeast cor-
ner of Broadway and Astor Place, fronting 92 feet on Eroad-
way and 295 feet on Astor Place. Details as to number of
stories, materĩals and construction, elevators, system of heat-
jng, etc, have not yet been determined, and of course no figures
have yet been taken or eontracts let. This is the flrst improve-
ment proposed at this end of the block in many years.
Thompson-Starrett Co. Get Another San Francisco Contra€t.
The Thompson-Starrett Co., 49 Wall st, Manhattan, and 2053
Sutter st, San Francisco, Cai., has obtained the general con-
tract to erect another flreproof business building at Stockton
and O'Farreli sts, San Francisco, for the D. Samuels Lace House
Company, to cost about $300,000. The structure is to be ready
for occupancy early in 1908. It wIU cover a plot 137.6x137.6 ft.
Its facing wUl he of torick, with terra cotta trimmings and iron.
Messrs. Meyers & Ward, Kohl Building, San Francisco, 4.'rÉ, the
Apartments, Flats and Tenements.
GOERCK ST.—Levine & Atlas, 77 New Market st, wiU «rect
a 6-sty flat at Nos. 145-147 Goerck st, to cost about $50,000.
Chas. M. Straub, 122 Bowery, is making the plans.
22D ST.—On the south side oE 22d st, 92.4 ft. west oE 3d av,
S. D. Davis, 24 East 2:3d st, will erect a 6-sty flat, to cost about
$65,000. Eernstein & Bernstein, 24 East 23d st, are making
PIKE ST.—E. A. Meyers, 1 Union sq, is preparing plans Eor
a 6-sty tenement Eor L Tlshman, 13 West 88th st, to be erected
on the northwest corner oE Pike and Henry sts, at a cost oE
13TH ST.—Louis Block, Inc, 3 West 117th st, will begin at
once the construction of a 0-sty flat, on the south side of 13th st,
318 Et. east oE Av E, to cost $20,000. Soramerfeld & Steckler,
19 Union sq, are making plans.
OLD BROADWAT.—M. Zĩpkes, 147 Fourth av, is preparing
plans for a 6-sty flat building for the Fleischman Realty &
Construction Co., 170 Eroadway, to be erected at the southeast
corner of Old Broadway and 130tb st, at a cost oE $45,000.
OLD BROADWAT,—The Fleischman Realty & Construction ,
Co., 170 Broadway, wUI begin at once the erection oE two flats
on the east side of Old Broadway, 45 Eeet south of West ISOth
st, same to cost $80,000. M. Zipkes, 147 Fourth av, is making
the plans.
Messrs. Walker & Gillette, 131 West 40th st, Manhattan, will
award contracts Eor a new ediflce for the Epĩseopal Congrega-
tion, Seabright, N. J., to cost about $60,000.
Messrs. Pilcher & Tachau, of No. 109 Lexington av, Manhat-
tan, have been commissioned to prepare plans for a 1-sty
synagogue for the Wickve Israel Congregation, of PhUadelphia,
Pa., to cost about $100,000. The structure wUI be situated at
Eroad and Tork sts. L. H. Elmaleh, 117 North 7th st, is Rabbi.
RIDGB ST.—O. Reissmann, 30 First st, is planning for $5,000
worth oE alterations to 85 Ridge st. for W. P. Fogarty, 362 West
17th st.
44TH ST.—Fred Ebeling, 420 East 9th st, is raakîng plans for
extensive alterations to No. 339 East 44th st for G. A. Detrog,
on premises.
125TH ST.—Messrs. Westervelt & Austin, 7 Wall st, are pre-
paring plans for improvements to Nos. 272-274 West 125th st,
for George Ehret, 235 East 92d st, to cost $10,000.
70TH ST.—Bernstein & Bernstein, 24 East 23d st, are making
plans for $12,000 worth of alterations to No. 329 Bast 70th st,
for Wolf Burscheen, 24 West S2d st. No contracts let.
BAXTER ST.—Magdalena Baumann, 22S East 52d st, wĩU
make $35,000 worth of improvements to Nos. 142-144 Baxter st.
O. Spannhake, 22S East 52d st, is making plans. No awards
have yet been made.
NORFOLK ST.—M. Frankel, 280 Broadway, wiU mak- ex-
tensive improvements to t'he southwest corner of Norfolk and
Eroome sts, same to cost about $15,000. O. Spannhake, 233
East 78th st, is making the plans.
Wells Bros; Co. Get $400,000 Contract.
The Wells Bros. Co.. IGO Fifth av, Manhattan, has «ibtained
the contract lor the construction of a 12-sty oEQce struq.tm-e Eor
N. J. Bell, at Montgomery, Ala., to cost In the neighbo(f.ii(joa of
$400,000. Messrs. AusEeld & Blount, Jackson EuIIãinfe_ Mont-
gomery, have prepared the plans. J
-^The Natĩonal Eox and Shook Manufacturers' Associ£!|,tion held
rt. very pleasant two days' session at the Hotel K::aa.terskUl,
KaaterskUl, N. T., on Aug. 29 and 30, at whicb .tln,,^ ^eneral
reports were received and pĩans for the future consI(jgj.gj3_
Floyd T. Parsons, 1133 Eroadway, Manhattan, is preparlng
plans Eor a 3-sty clubhouse for the Elks Club and Home Asso-
ciation, Paterson, N. J„ to cost about $75,(K)0.
Taylor & Mosely, No. 1 Nassau st, Manhattan, have been
commissioned to prepare plans Eor a high school buildlng for
the Eoard of Education, East Orange, N, J., to cost $150,000.
Hale & Rodgers, 11 East 24th st, Manhattan, are preparlng
plans for a 2-sty and basement school, 127x147 feet, for the
Eoard of Education, Plainfield, N, J. The board will receive
bids about' Sept. 15. The cost is placed at $100,000.
Estimates ReceÍTabl©.
Mr. MaximUian Zipkes. architect, 147 Fourth av, Manhattan,
is taking estiraates for a 3-sty fra'me residence to be erected on
a pĩot 60x100 ft. at Belle Harbor, Rockaway Beach.
45TH ST.—Mrs. Leah P. Norton, owner, will renovate the
4-sty dwelling, No. 16 West 45th st, from plans by Erwîn Ross-
haeh, 1947 Broadway, same to cost $22,000. No buiĩding con-
tracts have been made.
LORING PL.—Bids wUl be received about October 10, by
'the University Heights Eealty Co., H. H. Duckworth, architect,
Grand near Burnside av, Eor five 2-sty dwellings to be erected
on Loring pl, near 183d st, Bronx, to cost about $85,000.
Wm. H. McEIfatrick, 1402 Eroadway, Manhattan, haa com-
pjeted plans and is ready to receive flgures for a new theatre
l3jji]^ing to he erected at Greenpolnt, Brooklyn, for the Orpheum
Theatĩe Co., of 1133 Eroadway. The estlmated cost is $200,000.
OCEA'Ĩí PARKWAT.—Messrs. Helmle & Huberty, 190 Mon-
ta°-ue st, ^rooklyn, have completed plans for the erection of a
3_sty br'ick bo'spitaĩ, 261x75 feet, on the east side of Ocean
Parkway, llff f^^t south of Av Z, Brooklyn, for the Department
of Charities, foot East 26th st, Manhattan, to cost about
$225,000. ' ,., .\..... _ _ . ._.:'IíIÍlU