November 11, 1916
Real Estate OfBce
tETfje Cljauncep
aaeal Csitate Co.
Telephones, 4300, 4301, 4302 Main
Appraisers Auctioneers
aEleal Csitate Profeerg
Brooklyn Board of Real Estate Brokers
Real Estate Board of New York
Members Brooklyn Board of R. E. Brokers
DAVID Porter, inc.
Real Estate Agents
Brokers, Appraisers
The United States Government
The State of New York
The City of New York
The Equitable Life Assurance Society
Equitable Trust Co.
The U. S. Title Guaranty Co., etc., etc.
Telephone, SJ8 Main BROOKLYN, N. Y.
Firm Established 1S74
Corwith Bros.
Real Estate
Mortgage Loans, Appraisals, Insurance
Entire Management of Property
851 Manhattan Avenue, Brooklyn
M embers
Brooklyn Board of Real Estate Brokera
Real Estate—Insurance
Water Fronts, Factory Sites, Appraisals
Main Office
837 Manhattan Avenue
545 Morfean Avenue 753 Nostrand Avenue
Member Allied Real Estate Interests
Member Brooklyn Board of Real Estate Brokers
Money lo Loan on First Mortgages
Joseph T. McMahon
Telephone 834 Main
property to the west, which he uses as a garden
in connection with his residence on 5th av.
The Howard Payne Whitney home occupies the
opposite corner on Sth av.
9.3D ST.—John J. Kavanagh and Sutton &
Benjamin sold for Sara N. Foss 17 East 93a
st, a 4-sty dwelling, on lot 20x100.8.
n4TH ST.—Ward Belknap & Son and J. P.
Finneran & P. J. Ryan sold for Dawson C.
GTlovcr to Ellen Lippay G2 East 94th st, a 5-
sty flat, 20.6.X1U0 ; Finneran & Ryan resold the
property to Dr. John A. Harris, who owns the
apartment house at 58 and 60, adjoining.
97TH ST.—J. P. Finneran & P. J. Ryan re¬
sold for the Merit Realty Co. the plot, 50.x
luO.ll, in the north side of 97th st, 100 tt. west
ot Central Park West, recently acquired Irom
the Sylvia M. Livingston estate.
IIOTH ST.—David Vogel and Emanuel Calucci
sold for the Bond and Mortgage Guarantee Co.
to an investor 228 East 110th st, a 4-sty tene¬
ment, 23x100.11, held at $11,000.
119TH ST.—Lenox Av Union Church has con¬
tracted to sell to a Swedish congregation the
property at 37 West lloth st, a 3-sty house, 25x
99.11, subject to the approval of the court.
HAVEN AV.—Frederick Brown sold to Con¬
stantin Wagner the 5-sty apartment house,
67.1xl00.2.\65xS3.4. at the northeast corner of
Haven av and 170th st, held at .fllO.OOO. The
buyer gave in part payment 914 East lG7th st.
a 5-sty apartment house, 39x94x69x74. Porter
& Co. were the brokers.
LEXINGTON AV.—Ennis & Sinnott resold to
George M. Clarke 1233 Lexington av, a 4-sty
dwelling, 22x6.5, acquired two weeks ago from
the Taylor estate of Pougskeepsie. Mr. Clarke
recently bought the adjoining houses, 1229 and
1231, from the same sellers, who previously
acquired them from the Sheehy estate. J. Irv¬
ing Walsh was the broker in both resales.
7TH AV.—The Gerlach Realty Co. sold to
the Chamax Realty and Construction Co. a 7-
sty elevator apartment house, 99.11x125, at the
northwest corner of 7th av and 143d st. The
sellers took in exchange a 6-sty apartment
house, 100x100, at the northeast corner of
Broadway and 160th st.
GRAND BOULEVARD.—H. A. Douglas & Co.
sold for the Hurley Building Corporation 2396
Grand Boulevard and Concourse, a 1-sty tax¬
payer, 25x65. The purchaser is B. Halperf, who
gave in exchange .the plot of nine lots in the
north side of 192d st, extending from University
av to the old Croton aqueduct. The same
brokers sold the plot fronting 50 ft. in the west
side of the Concourse, 50 ft. north ot 182d st.
HEATH AV.—John R. Davidson has sold tor
Ennis &. Sinnott the 3-sty dwelling at 2870
Heath av, on plot 20x100, to W. S. Livingston,
who will occupy.
MONTEREY AV.—The Crown Operating Co.,
represented by Morgenstern Brothers, has pur¬
chased 2023 and 2027 Monterey av, two 5-sty
new-law tenements, each on a plot 50x100.
MORRIS AV.—Frederick Brown bought for
cash from the Berman Realty Co. the o-sty
apartment house, 47.6x108, at the northwest
corner of Morris av and lS3d st, also 2301 and
2307 Morris av, two apartment houses, each
50x105. Nehring Brothers and Max Blau were
the brokers.
PROSPECT AV.—Harold L. Lewis sold for
cash for Charles B. Squires the 5-sty 50-ft.
flat at 1908 Prospect av.
WOODYCREST AV.—Frederick Brown bought
from David MacBride 1016 Woodycrest av, a
4-sty apartment house, 50x100, held at $50,000.
HANCOCK ST, ETC.—Henry Agar sold 677
Hancock st, a 2-sty dwelling, for Emma Kava¬
naugh to S. Byshower; also 407 Van Buren st,
a 2-sty house, to Margaret Crimmins.
HARMAN ST.—R. A. Schlesing sold for Ber¬
thold Zippel the 6-fara. tenement house at 464
Harman st to Anna G. Krudner.
MARTE.XSE CT.—Westwood Ptealty Co. sold
for Charles Goell two dwellings, 0 and 11 Mar-
tense ct, and loGl 5ith st for Joseph J. Mooney.
PACIFIC ST.—James R. Ross Co. sold 1402
Pacific st, a 5-sty apartment house, to Frank C.
Joslin, who gave in part payment a fract at
Haworth, N. J.
PALMETTO ST.—R. A. Schlesing sold for
Arthur Kolgcn the 2-fam. residence at 1877
l^almetto st to Alice Lotherington.
PE.VN ST.—Samuel Zirn has sold to Lazarus
Levy the 214-sty dwelling at 150 Penn st.
STERLING PL.—The Conrad Construction
Corporation purchased a plot. 200x100, at the
corner of Sterling pi and Bedford av.
50TH ST.—1. Salzberg sold tor M. Miller to
J. Kafka the 1-fam. cottage, on plot 40x100, at
1C17 SOth St.
71ST ST.—Frank A. Seaver & Co. have sold
the 2-lam. brick house at 270 71st st, Farrell
estate, to Lester Vail.
ROGERS AV.—Mclnerney-Klinck Realty Co.
sold tor J. Philip Goetz the 3-sty apartment
and store building on the west side of Rogers
av 120 ft. south ol Clarendon rd, on lot 20x
ST. MARKS AV.—Nicholas J. Occhifinto sold
for Thomas J. Healy to Joseph Cerasio 345 St.
Marks av, a 4-sty apartment house, on plot SOx
SOx irreg.
SURF AV.—Joseph M. May. of Brooklyn, pur¬
chased through W. G. Morrissey, Jr., represent¬
ing M. J. Rose, the northwest corner of Surf
av and West 19th st, fronting 140 ft. on Surf
av and running back 283 ft. to New York and
Coney Island Railroad right of way. The cor¬
ner plot is occupied by the Mechanics' Hotel and
two cottages are on the Surf av front. The 3-
sty business building at 1343 Broadway, near
Hancock St. was given in part payment. Nego¬
tiations are under way for the leasing ot part
of this property, but it is not expected that any
Improvements will be made until the spring of
euiniiminTntiiiiimrui jDUuiiiiumiiuicuuuiiuiaiiii iiiuiliutiriuiininiumiiiniiiiuiritiimiuiiiuiiiiiiiuuJUiiiniriiiiuiniiiiuliUiiiiinnrriinnuuiiLini
Exchange Buffet Co. Leases.
Charles F. Noyes Company has leased
for Vincent Astor to the Exchange Buf¬
fet Corporation, at a rental of nearly
$400,000 for twenty-one years, the Vesey
street store and basement of the Astor
House Building, Broadway and Vesey
street. The Exchange Bufifet, after $50,-
000 has been spent for improvements,
will occupy the basement for its busi¬
ness, and will sub-lease the ground floor.
The lease covers 5,700 square feet on the
ground floor and about 8,300 square feet
in the basement. The Exchange Bufifet
Corporation has figured in over $1,000,-
000 worth of leases during the last few
weeks, viz., Astor House Building, above
reported, Madison avenue and 29th
street, and the entire basement of the
Kinney Building at Broad and Market
streets, Newark, N. J. The new prem¬
ises will be open to the public about
January 1, 1917. The leasing company
now operates about thirty high class es¬
tablishments, inany of which are in the
finest and best office buildings in New
York. The Charles F. Noyes Company,
who are the brokers in this transaction,
have heretofore made many important
leases in the Astor House Building, in-
cludin.g the store leased to George W.
Welch's Sons, jewelers.
Hotel Commodore Site Rental.
Details regarding the recent lease of
Ibe block bounded by Lexington avenue,
42d, 43d streets and Depew place, by
the New York Central Railroad Com¬
pany to the Bowman Hotel Corporation
were made known this week, through
the filing of papers in the Register's of¬
fice. The lease is for twenty-one years
from Tune 1, 1916, with a privilege for
two renewals of twentv-one years each,
at a ground rent of $175,000 a year. The
lessee will also pay 2 per cent, on the
total cost of construction and 6 per cent,
per annum on the cost of constroction
and 91 per cent, of the taxes. This is the
site which is to be improved with the
twenty-eight story Commodore Hotel,
which may involve an expenditure of
close to $9,000,000 in its entirety.
Landmark Leased to Bank.
The Columbia Bank has practically
concluded negotiations for the leasing
of the vacant plot on the west side of
Broadway between Canal and Lispenard
streets, fronting 36.6 feet on Broadway,
127.8 feet in the former and 126.1 feet in
the latter street, with an irregular west¬
erly line. The propertv is owned by
the Brandreth Estates, and was occu¬
pied by the Brandreth House, a noted
hostelry in the early sixties. The estate
will erect on the propertv a two-story
building to be occupied by the lessees
as a branch bank. Final papers in the
transaction, it is said, will be executed
at a meeting of the Board of Directors
of the institution.
Chicaeo Concern Leases.
Pease & Elliman leased for Lee &
Fleischmann the westerly store in the
new buildin.g under construction at 23
and 25 West 44th street, running through
to 22 West 45th street, formerly the site
of the one-time Berkeley Lyceum, to
Crane & Company of Chicago, manu¬
facturers of valves and fittin.gs and dis¬
tributors of high-grade plumbing fix¬
tures. The leasing concern has factories
in Bridgeport and Chicago and branch
offices in fifty cities throu.ghout the
country. The snace just acquired will
be used for exhibition purposes.
To Open 37th Branch.
The Corn Exchange Bank has leased
through Manning & Trunk the major
portion of the Lexington avenue front¬
age of the ground floor, including the
corner, in the fourteen-story apartment
house now being built at the northwest
corner of Lexington avenue and 72d
street by the Jatison Construction
Company, Julius Tishman & Sons. The
term with renewal covers a twenty-year
period. The bank will establish at this
location its thirty-seventh branch.