March 31,1883
The Real EsriT^i: Records.
Frederick, Margaret, Frank, George and
...^ William Lander. March 5. nom
Same property. Alexander Lnnder, South
Norwalk, Conn., and Daniel Lauder to Alice
Nones. 2-7 parts. March 7. 3,571
Same property. Frederick, Margaret, Frank, ,,
George and William Lander, by F. B. Lordj
guard., to Alice wifeof Alexander H. Nones.
5-7 parts. March 34. 6,438
41st st. No. 231. n s, 400 w 7th av. 20x98.8,
three-stoi7 brick dweil'g. Peter McCullough
to Elizabeth Thompson. Mort., &e. March
26. 9,S0ft
4lstst, Nos. 311and3!3. Eliza J. Hayes with/
Theophilus G. Smith. Agreement to beconie
co-partner in storage and warehou-ing bjjBi-
ness in above premises, which are owned by
parties hereto,
4Sth st, No. 417, n s, 350 e 1st av, 35sl00 5, four¬
story brick store and tenem't and portion of /
four-story brick factory building on rear, *
James B. Metcalf to Maggie A. wife o(
James H Coleman, Q.C. May 6. 1879. nom
48th st, No, 317, u a, 20ii w StL av, 18x100,5,
threestory stone front dweli'g. Hanchen/
Kaufman, widow, to John H. G, Hildei*
brand. Mort, $8,000. March 28. 12,000
52d f-t, s s, 500 e llth av, 25x1005, one-sfory
frame stable. Gustavus E. Kissel to Henry
GaUigan. C. a. G. March 24. / 3.600
50d st, No. 316, s s, 153 e 8d av, runs south 63.7
X west ISx south 37.5s east65 xnorth 100,5 to
53d st X west 47, four-story stone front tenem't ^
and two-story brick stable and carriage house,'
on rear. Mary wife of and Francis Lahey to
Bernard Kolb. Mort. $15,000 Mar. 28. 33,000
.53d st. No. 243. n s, SO e «th av, 30x.50.5, three¬
story briek dweU'g. Kate G. Broderick to
Eugenia K, wife of James P. Campbell.
Tiort. $5,500. March 1. nom
.54th st. No. 135. n s, 179.10 w Lexington av,
16.10x100.5, four-story stone frout dweil'g.
Emanuel Popper to Leopold Peck. Mort. ,
$8,500, Juue 9, 1881. 13,000
54th st, No. 160, s s, 100 e 7th av, 19x100.5,
four-staiT stone front dweil'g. John H.
OdeU and ano., exrs. George Younga, dec'd,
to Matthew Murray. Mort. $7,000. March.
34, 17,500
56t;h st. No, 5, n s, 150 w 5th av, 35x100.5, four- ,
story stone front dweli'g. Sarah A. Robina /
to Francis F. Robins. Mar. 26. impart. aS.pefO
Same property. Franklin Finch to H. Fannie
wifo of Francia F. Robins. Mort. $35,000.
March 37. nom/
Same property. Francis F. Robins to Frank- /
7t)th st. No. 159, n 3, 370 w 3d av, 19x100.5,
four-story stone front dweil'g. DeWitt H.
Parker to John S. Chase. Mort. $6,500.
March 37, 14,000
_,72d st, n w cor 3d av, 21x75.2, Release raort.
William Meissel and Julius Lipman to'
Israel Casper. March 16. ^^47
72dst. No. 1411, s e cor Lexington av, 34x74.4,
/ fourstory stone front dweU'g. William
Cohen to Henry Harbeck. Mort. $32,000,
March 23.
/73d st. No, 1-30, S3, 100 w Lexington av.
103.2, four-story stoue front dweU'g.
wife of ond John Grabam to Charlea.-
Mort. $35,000. March 24.
33d st, s s, 198 e Av A, 25iixI02,2, vacapf. Miln,
' P Palmer to John F. Flanagan, .All liens.
Nov, 14, 18SA .' 30,000
^5th st, No. 336, s s, 175 w 2d a*', 25x103.3, four-
' story brick tenem't. Augusta Sulzer to B.
Annie Taylor, Brooklyn. Mort. $8,500. ^
March 29. 17,000^
77th st, No. 27, n s, 15 w Madison av, 15x8^,^
four-story stone front dweil'g, Maptin
Berolzheimer to Norman W. Kittson. Mort.
$15,000. March 26. <' 30,000
78th st. No. 23, s s, 89.8 w Madison av, runa
south 76.S X west 5.4 X south 35.6 x west 9.10
X north 102.2 to 78th st, x east 15.3, four-.'
story stone front dweU'g. Melville Boyd to
William A. Boyd. April 12, 1873. . nom
/roth st. No. 66, s B, 150 w 4th av, 35x11-3.2,
78th st, n s, 75 w 4th av, 100x103.3, vacant.
An Association for the Relief of Respectable
-Aged Indigent Females to John M. Pinkney. -â– '
Nov. 1. 65,000
79th st, No. 79, n s, 100 w 4th av, 16x103.3,
four-story stone front dweil'g. Anson
Squires to Helen W. wife of J. G. Bacon.
Mort. $15,000. March 27. nom'
79th st, No. 230, s s, 351.5 w 2d av, 17.10x103.3,
three-story stone front dweli'g, Marv.wife
of and John Martin to David Levy./Mort, ,
$6,500. March 34. -- 12,000
80thst, ss, 135w4th av. Party wallagreement.
Isidor Kaufman with Terence Farley. March
26. nom
80th st. No. 177. n s, 150 w 3d av. 16.9x103.3,
three-story stone front dweil'g. Releaae .
mort. Thomas H. Beeckman, Brooklyn^ to '
Sarah J, wife of and Ira E. Doymg. ^
March 34, nom
SOthst, ns, 150.1 w 3d av, 16.8x100. WiUett
Bronson to Ira E, Doyiug. Mort. $6,500.
March 34. - nom
lin Finch. Mort. $35,000, March 37. nom ..«Oth st, Noa. 175 to 179, n s, 133.4 w 8d av, 50x
56th st, No. 336, s s, 3i0 w 3d av, 35x100.4, five-/ 100, three three-atory stone front dweU'gs.
story stone front tenem't. Morris Steinharjitf Sarah J. wife of Ira E. Doying, Huntington,
to Frederick R. Freeh, New Dorp. March
27. /19,700
57th st, Nos. 311-215, n s, 150 e 3d av, 80x100.5,
three five-story stone front flats. Contract.
Frederick Schuck to George Hagemeyer,
Brooklyn, Morts. $45,000, March 21. 93,000
57th st. No. 433, n s, 3)1.5 w Av A, 20x100.5,
three-story stone front dweil'g, Charles E.
Hartshorn, Brooklyn, to Isidor Stark. Mar. .
38. 14,000
59th st. No. 311, n s. 130 e 3d av, 25x100,5, four¬
story brick store and teuem't and two-story
frame stable ou rear. WiUiam Brennan to /
Mary E. Cronogue. M. $5,"00. Mar. 29.10,;i50
i9th st, ns, 369 w Broadway. 50x100.5.
59th st, n s, 419 w Broadway, 5exl00.5.
, 59th st, n s, 375e 9th av, 25x100.5.
/ Nos. 331-333, seven flve-story stone
'^ flats.
Peter J. Treacy to Richard H. Treacy.
Morts. $30,000, on which $31,000 has been ad¬
vanced to date, Feb, 19. nom
/60th st, No. 316, s a, 188 w Broadway, and 183.3
/ w Boulevard, 10x100,5, portion of three-story
frame dweU'g. Denis J, Dwyer to EUen
PurceU. March 38. 6,000''
/ 60th st. No. 313, s s, 138 w Broadway, 30x1005,-^
/ three-story frame dweli'g, Luisa Pandolfitai,
I widow, Voltewa, Italy, to Dennis J. E!*yer.
March 7. -' 10,000-
v63d st, Nos. 336 and 328, s s, 305 w 2d av, 50v
'•/^' 100.5, five-story brick factory building. TS il¬
liam W, Belviu, Danville. Va., to Jeromg.---
Bernheimer, AU title. March 36. ,^-Bom
Same property. John A. Belvin, Bj:aO'£lyn,
I? and Louis Sieber to same. Mort.'$35,000.
f March 34. " 50,000^
mh st, No. 18, s s, 113 w Madison av, 18x100.5,- ^
y/ four-story stone front dweli'g. Helen Y.
' wife of John G. Bacon to Plummer.
Mort. 115,000. March 27. 43,5i»
.9th st, Nos. 3 and 5, n s, 175 e 5th av, 6pi
100.5, two four-story brick dwell'gs. Syl¬
vester M. Hamilton to Hugh Lamb. jSort. /
$115,000. See oth av. March 22. / exrfi
>69th st, No. 53, s 9, 63 w 4th av, 18x67.1-1.
/ four-story stone front dweU'g. WilUam'A.
Hankinson to Anne W. Suydam. Mort.
$20,000. March 24. 35,O0O
/9th st, No, 351, n s, 335 w 1st av, 25x100.5. â– •
fouf-story brick flat. Bertha wife of Johp'
B. Smith to Jacob Dieter. Mort. $13,000.
March 29. 32,5^
70th at, n s, 275 w 3d av, 14x100.5. George
/ Underwood, Chicago, IU., to De WSS H.
/ Parker. Correction deed. March SS. a
Hugh Meehen to Ann wife of Michael
Reilly. Mort. $8,500, taxes, assessments, &c.
March £4. 13,000
^18th st, s s, 350 e 2d av, 25xlC0.ll, vacant,
James Bennett to James P. Bennett. March
23. 3,150
liaihst, s s, 375 e 3d av, 2.5x100,11, vacant.
/'Thomas J. Moore, Brooklyn, to James P.
B^mnett, March 33. 3,150
^14th St. No. 131, n s, 238 e 4th av, 17x100,10,
â– • three-story stone front dweU'g. Elizabeth
C. wife of and George S. Trinim to Grace A.
wife of Mark S. Baldwin. Mort. $6,000.
March 33. 15,000
121st st, Nos, 439-443, n s, 150 w Av A, 75x
100.10, three four-story brick tenem'ts,
Grace A. wife of Mark S, Baldwin to Eliza¬
beth C. wife of George S. Trimm. Morts.
$3.3,1.00. March %^. 44,350
1^4th st, No. 3, s s,281.3e6th av, 18.9x100.11,
/ three-storj' stone front dweU'g, and all oth^r
property, real or jiersonal, of grantors, de¬
rived from Horatio N. Sherwood, dec'd.
Horatio N. Sherwood, Jr., San Francisco,
Cal., George W. and Georgiana Sherwood to
Elizabeth A. Sherwood, widow. Feb. 21. gift
;S5th st. Ho. 71, n s, 144.3 e 6th av, 20.5x99.11,
three-story frame dweU'g. Anna wife of
Andrew Armstrong, Fort Collins, Col., to
Corneliua Duffy, Brooklyn. March 13. 9.500
426th st. No, 401, D s, 75 w 9th av, 25x99.11,
three-story brick dweli'g. The Female
Academy of the Sacred Heart to Milo A.
Richardson. March 19, 7.000
136th st. No. 403, n s, 100 w 9th av, 16,10 to
Lawrence at, x9.3x95.8 to centre block, x35x
99.11. threestory brickdwell'g. The Female
Academy of the Sacred Heart to Mary P.
wife of Jesse H. Robinson. Mar.-h 19. 5.50O
437tb st, n s, 300 e 3d av, 30x99,11, new build¬
ing projected. Benjamio Bernard to John
McManus, Morts. $4,850. Dec. 6, 1832. 7.350
137th st. No. 351, n s, 408.4 w 7th av, 17.3x99.11,
three-story stone front dweli'g. Samuel O.
Wright, RockviUe Centre, L. I., to Harriet
L. Smith, Hackensack, N. J. Mort. $8,756.
March 21, 15.500
Same property. John Ross to Samuel O.
L. I., to Eliza wife of Randolph Guggen¬
heimer and Betche wife of Salomon Marx,
Morts. $31,300. March 34. 40,000
81st st, No. 66, s s, 160 w 4th av, 20x103.2, four¬
story stoue front dweli'g. The Charter Oak y
Life Ins. Co. of Hartford, Conn.. to Sieg-/
mundT. Meyer. Mort. $12,000. Mar. 1. nata
/ Wright, Rockville Centre. Release mort,
March 19. nom
ia9th st, No. US, s s, 180.1 e 4th av, 201x99.nx
' 20.3x99.11. Releasemort William T. Ryer¬
son to Isaac L. Holmes. March 26, 3,350
131st st, No. 66, s s, 168.8 e 6th av, 16.8x99.11,
three-story stone front dweil'g, Edward H.
Raymond to John D. Miner. This convey¬
ance recorded March 17 and reported last
week was upon that date, subject to a mort¬
gage of $5,000, to The Mutual Life Ins. Co.,
made by E. H. Raymond, the grantee above.
The said mortgage was paid and satisfied oa
March 20, leaving the property unencum¬
bered. Consideration was 10,000
138th Et, n s, 335 e Oth av, 50x99.11. vacant.
Francis R. Gourgas to Abby M. Gourgas,
Concord, Mass. March 38. nom
.Sameproperty. Siegmund T. Meyer to Mbss 168lh st, n s, 138.9 e Kingsbridge road, runs
S Phillips, Brooklyn. Mort. $13,000. Ma^h â– --^'- "---------' '"-------"- '^-------*â– '"" "-
10 .-^ 32.500
Slat st, No. 66 E.. s s. 160 w 4th av, 20x102,2.
Moss 8. Phillips, Brooklyn, to Sarah wife of
Adolph Kaufmann. Morts. $20,000. March
26 33,000
Slstst. Nos. 226 and 238, s s, 338.9 w 2d av, 50.10
' xl03.S, two two-storv frame dweU'gs. Eliza¬
beth wife of Joseph HiUenbrand to Philip
Braender. Morts. $9,000. March 29. 14.501
^stst, ss, 228.9 w 2d av, 25.5x108.3. Charles â–
Brannes to Elizabeth wife of Joseph Hillen¬
brand. March 29. 5,850
Slstst, B a, 353.6 w 2d av, 25.5x102.3. Eliza
Cooper, widow, to Elizabeth wife of Joseph
Hillenbrand. Mort. $3,000. March 29. 5,750
«2dst. No. 534, ss, 231.4 w Av B, 13.4x1083,
two-Story brick dweU'g. Edward Kilpat¬
rick to P. William Voss and Caroline his wife.
Mort. $3,000. March 23, 4,300
^6th st, s s, 150 e 10th av, 200x106.10, vacant.
D. WiUis James to Mrs, Olivia P. Hoe.
March 19. "om
87th at, s a, 287.3 e 4th av, 17.1x100.8, fourstory
â– *â– stone front dweU'g. Foreclos. Hamilton
Odell "to Ashbel P. Pitch. TaxesJ $417.
MarclTs. 1.400
^9th st, s s, 160 e 3d av, 100x100.11, vacant.
Contract. Smith Ely, Jr., to James B. Alex¬
ander, Jersey City, March 37, 11,600
.102d st, s s, no e Sd av, 25x100.11, vacant,
Caraline C. Bishop to Daniel Schoonmaker.
March 30. 3,00.0-
105th st, No. 310, s s, 175 e 3d av, 34.5xl00.11,-
/ four-story brick tenem't. Release mort.
Edwin A. Bradley and George C. Currier to
Christian Johnson. March 13. l,0ptl
Same oronertv. Christian Johnson to Rose
^ Hyman Mort, $10,500. March 26. IS.OOO
105th st. No. 314, sa, 334 5e3dav, 35 6x10011,
four-story brick tenem't. Christian John¬
son to John Reid, Brooklyn, Contract.
March 24. , „ , 14.000
109th st, ss, 304 e 4th av, 38x100.11, Release
mort. John H. Deane to Elizabeth Meehen,
March 24. >io™
.Ki9th at. No. 107, n a, 58 e ith av, 27x74, four-
Btory brick tenem't. Elizabeth wife 01 and
north 95 x east .'^O x aouth 45 x east lOO to
Audubon av. x south 50 to 168th st, x west
Audubon av, w s, 125 n 168th st, runs west
100 X south 30 X west 50 x north 85 to 169th
st, X east 150 to Audubon av, x south 55.
Partition. Philo T, Ruggles to EUzabeth M,
wife of Alfred Rce. Re-recorded, June 30.
174th st, n B, 100 w llth av, IOOx 105.7x100.5r
96.1. Partitiou. PhiloT. Ruggles to Patrick
H, Whalen. Jan. 4. 1,400
Av A, No. 267. Contract. Morris Greenthal
to Peter de Jonge. March 13. 16,500
Audubon av, w s. 55 a 169th st, 50x100, 1 j
169th st, s s, 150 w Auduhon av, 50x85, j Sfi"
Douglass Campbell to Elizabuth M, wife of '
Alfred Roe. Asiignment of all title. March
Audubon av, w s, 25 s 174th st, 75x100. Parti¬
tion. Philo T. Ruggles to David L. Phillips.
Jan. 4. 810
Aububon av, w s, 25 s 173d st, 75x100. Parti¬
tion. Philo T. Ruggles to Mary P. wife of
Charlea M. Schieffelin. Jan. 4. 1,140
Greenwich av. No. 129, s w cor Horatio st,
runs west 59 x south 23.1 xeast 1.10 xsouth
1.11 X east 68.7 to Greenwich av, x north¬
west 27.6, three-story brick store and tenem't,
Lizzie B. Taylor to John McL. Nash. Mort.
$7,000. March 31. 14,000
Lexington av. No. 1012, w s, 85.3 s 73d st, 17x
80, tnree-story stone front dweli'g. John M.
Canda. Brooklyn, and Leander Stone to
Anna E. Macgregor. iWarch 16. 16,500
'Lexington av, s w cor It 9th st, lOO.lIxlOl, Re¬
lease mort. John H. Deane to Elizabeth
Meehen. March 24. nom
Madison av. No. K058, w s, 33,4 n ISOth st, 16.8x
75, three-story stone front dweli'g. The New
York Life Ins. Co. to Mary Keliy. C. a, G.
March 30. 10,000
New av, 300 w llth av, e s, 25 n 173d et, nSx
100. Partition. Philo T. Rugglea to Moss
S. PhUlips, Brooklyn. Jan. 4. 3,855
lst av. No. 18, e S, 111 s adst, 23x100, four-storv
/brick store and tenem't. Leonhard Kohl-
mana to Henry Kohlmoon. Feb. 38. nom