sky, 320 East 85th st, to be erected on the south side of 118th
st, 100 ft. west of 3d av, to cost $100,000.
144TH ST.—Bernstein Se Bernstein, 72 Trinity pl. are making
plans for two G-sty 25-family flats, 37.6xS6.ll, for A. Lazinsk &
Co., 41 West 35th st, to be erected on the south side of 144th st,
75 ft. west of 7th av, to cost $70,000.
mOTH B'S:—Neville & Bagge, 217 West,125th st, are making
plans, for two 5-sty 19-family flats, 39.llx8S.ll, for Smith &
Haffler. 52 West lOTth st, to be built on the south side of 100th
st, 250 ft west of Columhus av. to cost $80,000.
72D ST.—Brown & Timendorfer. 165 East Broadway, are
making plans for a G-sty 20-family flat, 25.8x90, for Maurice
O. Kon, 90 Canal st, to be erected at the northwest corner of
T2d st, and 1st av, to cost $45,000.
1^5TH ST.—George P. Pelham Is drawing plans for two 6-sty
flats with stores, 50x100 each, to be erected by A. B. Mosher &
Co., 71 West IlGth st, on the south side of 145th st, 275 ft east
of Broadv/ay,
17STH ST.—Lorenz F. J. Weiher, 103 East 125lh st, is drawing
plans for lhree 5-sty apartment houses to be built on a plot
81.10x145, on the northeast corner of 17Sth st and Audubon av,
for Hyman, at a cost of $175,000.
AUDUPON AV.—Lorenz F. J. Weiher, 103 East 125th st, is
drawing plans for tv/o 5-sty apartment houses, each 37.0x83x100,
to be built on the v/est side or Audubon av, 25 ft north of ISOth
st, for Hyman Eilender, at an estimated cost of $90,000.
179TH ST,—Lorenz F. J. Weiher, 103 East 125th st, is drawing
plans for three 5-sty apartment houses. 1o be built on a plot
125x100, on the north side of 179th st, 100 ft west of Amsterdam
av, for Hymon Eilender, at an estimated cost of $150,000.
125TH ST.—Plans are being drawn by Thomas Nash, 1170
Eroadway, for the erection of two G-sty flats, 68x87.5, for the
estate of Eliza M. Eailey, In care of H. H. Cammann, 51 Liberty
st, to be situated at Nos. 115 to 121 West 125th st, to cost $75,000.
13GTH ST.—Geo. Pred Pelham, 503 Sth av, is making plans for
an operation of four 6-sty up-to-flate flats, 39.9x86.11. for Wein¬
stein & Lurie, 342 Canal st, to be situated on the south side of
136th st, 255 ft east of Lenox av, at a total cost of $160,000.
UNION AV.—Moore & Londsiedel, 14Sth st and Third av. are
drawing plans for a 5-sty brick tenement, 43xSS. to be built on
tbe west side of Union av, GS ft north of Home st, Bronx, for M.
Rosenthal Se Co,, 221 East GSth st, at an estimated cost of
137TH ST.—Moore & Landsiedel, 14Sth st and Third av, are
drawing plans for three 6-sty elevator apartment houses, each
91.8xS6.ll. to be built on the north side of 137th st. 114 ft easi-
of Riverside Drive, for the Transit Realty Co., of 19S Broadway,
at an estimated cost of $100,000 each.
MORNINGSIDE AV.—Paterno Bros., builders, will erect four
S-sty elevator apartment houses on the block front on Morning¬
side av, west sifle, from 115lh to IlGth sts, a, plot 200x150 ft, frora
plans by Schwartz & Gross, of 35 West 21st st. The buildings
will be of high grade and similar to Cathedral Court, designed by
the same architects, for Paterno Bros.
94TH ST.—Lorenz P, J. Weiher, 103 East 125th st, has com¬
pleted plans for a 6-sty elevator apartment house, to be built
on a plot 75xST.8, in the north side of 94th st, 300 ft west of
West End av, for Hoffman Bros, Se Robinson, at an estimated
cost of $200,000. French Renaissance will be the style of the
design, Limestone will form the flrst two stories, while the
upper floors will consist of red Roman brick, trimmed with lime¬
stone. The entrance hall and vestibule will be finished with
marble with pilaster effect, anfl the reception hail, 15x32 ft in
size, will be similarly treated. On each fioor of the buiiding will
be four apartments, each of flve and seven rooms and bath.
Parquet floors and all other improvements will be installed.
Estimates Keceivable.
15GTH ST.—Schwartz & Gross, 35 West 21st st, want flgures
for excavating the site of a 6-sty apartment house to be built
by Henry T. Bullman. of 1133 Broadway, on a plot 100x99.11, On
the southeast corner of 15Gth st and Broadway.
51ST ST.—C. P. H. Gilbert, Eroadway and 25th st, is taking
bids on the general contract for the rebuilding of the old Car¬
negie residence. No. 5 West Slst st, recently purchased by
William P. Clyde, No. 1 West 50th st. The structure Is five
stories, on plot 50x100,5.
TTH AV.—Wm. E. Finn, IS East 60th st, owner, will receive
estimates direct, in ahout 10 days, for his new 3-sty store and
loft building, 75.5x66,4, and 74.4, to be situated at the northwest
corner of 7th av and 52fl st, to cost about $55,000. Buchman Se
Pox, 11 East 59th st, are now writing the speciflcations,
29th st,—Jnmes S. Maher, 1267 Broadway, is ready for
figures for building a 3-sty brick stable at 525 West 29th st for
Minnie L, Maher, owner, Speciflcations call for 5-ply slag roof,
Philadelphia front brick, concrete floors, etc. Work is to begin
May 1st.
20TH ST.—Green Se Richman, 37 Maiden Lane, are taking bids
on subcontracts, for their new 9-sty loft and storage building,
56x82, which they will erect at Nos. 13-15 West 20th st., at a
cost of $175,000. L. A. Goldstone. 110 West 34th st, is the
architect. Plans call for tar and gravel roof, limestone and brick
front, steel frame, galvanized iron cornices anfl skyights, eleva¬
tors, etc. Two old buildings will be demolished.
3D AV.—Plans will be ready for figuring in a oouple of weeks in
the office of Michael J, Garvin, 3307 3d av, for a theatre lo be
built at the intersection of 3d and Pranklin avs, Bronx, by the
Bronx Theatre Co., of 3d and Erook avs, at an estimated cost of
$150,000. ' The building will cover a plot 70x116 ft, will con¬
tain a balcony and gallery, and will S3at 1,000 persons. Every
effort will be made to construct an absolutely flreproof structure.
MADISON AV.—It is expected In the oflice of McKim, Mead
& W^hite. 160 Fifth av, that their plans for the Colony Club
will be ready to submit for estimating some time next week.
The list of contractors who will be invited to bid has not yet
been compiled. The building, which will be a model clubhouse
for women, will occupy a plot 74x52, at Nos. 120-124 Madison
av, adjoining the northwest corner of 30th st. It will be six
stories high, anfl Is estimated to cost $150,000,
STH AV.—J. B, Snook's Sons, 261 Broadway, state tha't they
will complete plans and speciflcations in about two weeks, and
be ready to receive estimates soon after, for the new Fifth av,
11-sty store and office builfling, to be erected on a plot 124x160
ft, at the northwest corner of Sth av and 17th st, being Nos. 118
and 120 Sth av, and No. 1 West 17th st, for the J. L. Mott Iron
Works, who have leased the new building. The Hoffman estate,
with offices at No. i Warren st. are the c
Contracts Awarded.
6th av.—Sexsmith & Hauser, of No. 1 Madison av. have
received the contract for the alterations to No. 356 Gth av for
Erlich Bros., opticians, from plans by Schwartz & Gross, 35 West
21st St.
GREENWICH ST,—The Foundation Company, 35 Nassau st,
has obtained the mason contract for extensive Improvements to
the G-sty cold storage building, 402-404 Greenwich st, for Wm. J.
Amend, 324 East 87th st.
The Mercer Construction Co., of Perth Amboy, has received
the general contrac;; to build a 4-sty factory, 50x100, for the
United Cigar Manufacturers, of 1018 2d av, Manhattan, at
Neville and Johnstone sts, Perth Amboy, Plans were drawn by
Charles Volz, 100 Fifth av. New Tork.
41ST ST.—Mortenson & Co.. 1123 Broadway, have obtained the-
general contract to builfl the 3-sty tar and gravel roof, stable
building. 125x07, for the New York Dressed Meat Comapny. 510
W. 42d st, to be situated on the south side of 41st st, 75 ft. east
of 12th av, to cost $35,000. Adolph G. Koenig, 510 West 423 st,
is the architect.
PERRY ST.—Jno. J. Tucker & Sons. 156 Fifth av, have re¬
ceived the general contract to build a G-sty fireproof stable, on a
plot 116.7x40, at 172-176 Perry st, being the southeast corner ot
West st, for Eflmunfl Cofiin, of 34 Pine st, from plans by Hill
& Stout, of 1123 Broadway. The estimated cost is $89,000. The
building has been leased to Z, T. Piercy, stables, of 207 Thomp¬
son St. Old 4-sty buildings formerly on the plot have been torn
Bids Opened.
Bids were opened by Bridge Commissioner Best, on Tuesday,
April llth, Eor the partial reconstruction of the westerly or
Manhattan Terminal of the Brooklyn Bridge, as follows: Snare
& Triest Company, 39 Cortlandt st, receive the contract at
$102,600. The only other bid received was from the North-
Eastern Construction Company, Fuller Building, at $145,000.
Bids were opened by Bridge Commissioner Best, on Tuesday,
April llth, for completing the University Heights Bridge
and approaches, across the Harlem River from 217th st, Man¬
hattan to lS4th st, the Bronx, as follows: Snare & Triest Com¬
pany. 39 Cortlandt st, receive the contract at $595,897.50; other
bidders were: The Williams Engnrg & Contrg Co., 13 Park Row,
$699,690.65; J. C. Rodgers, $G33,51S.S5; United Enginrg & Contrg
Co., 13 Park Row. $038,566,90; Naughton & Co.. 258 Broadway,
$044,414.85; Gallo & Pitteli, $671,002.25; and R. H. Hood Co., 220
Broadway, $809,828.60. The pivot pier upon which the bridge
will revolve is ready to receive it. and the Manhattan approach
is nearing completion. The bridge itself is now in use across
the ship canal and will be floated down the river to its new lo¬
cation when the Interborough Co., replaces it with the double-
deck bridge to be crossed by the Subway trains. The bridge was
built by the city in 1895, at a eost of $250,000. It will become
the property of John B. Macdonald, as junk, upon the comple¬
tion of the proposed double-deck structure, and then, according
to contract, he will resell it to the city for $SO,000, as the Uni¬
versity Heights Bridge.
CHERRY ST.—A. Ginsburg. owner, 161-103 Monroe st, will
make alterations and add an extension to No. 170 Cherry sl. the
cost to be about $0,000.
GREENE ST.—-Freeman Bloodgood, 8 York st, has obtained
the contract for alterations to the 5-sty store and loft, 33 anfl 35
Greene st. from plans by Louis Giller, 416 Broadway. Heniy C.
Swords, 30 Nassau st, is the owner.
WEST BROADWAY.—Jas. C. Hoe's Sons, 58 Gansevoort st.
have received the contract for alterations to the G-sty loft build¬
ing, 3S3-3S5 West Broadway, from plans by Schweitzer &
Diemer, 45 Leonard st. B. T. Kent, Tuxedo Park, N. Y„ is the