September 23, 1911.
Douglas L. Elliman Forms New Firm.
Douglas L. Elliman announces that on
October I he will withdraw as officer and
director from the flrm of Pease & Elli¬
man, witb which he has been connected
for over eight years. A new company, to
be known as Douglas L. Elliman & Co.,
has heen formed and after October 1 will
be located at 421 Madison avenue, be¬
tween 4Sth and 49th streets. The new
firm will specialize in property in the
Fifth and Park avenue sections. Mr,
Elliman has long been considered one of
the best informed brokers on property in
these neighborhoods and has been closely
associated with many of the new apart¬
ments on upper Park avenue. Argyll R.
Parsons, also connected with Pease & Elli¬
man, will be associated with the new flrm.
Record Rental (or 45th Street.
McCarthy & Fellows leased for Dr.
Reginald H. Sayre the four-story dwell¬
ing on lot 25x100.5 at 0 East 45th street.
The lessee is the newly formed Progres¬
sive Construction and Leasing Co. of 542
Fifth avenue. The lease is for a tenn of
twenty-one years at a net annual rental
of $9,000. This establishes a new rental
record for side streets in this neighbor¬
hood. The lessee will alter the building
to a six-storv mercantile structure at a
cost of about $25,000.
South of 59th Street.
BLEECKER ST.—Maxwell E. Butler and other
members oii the Buller lamily sold 132 Bleecker
st, a 3-sty building, on lot 25x100, near West
Broadway, The properly is a portion o£ the
estate of A, T. Stewart, and has uot changed
ownership in more than half a ccnlury. Wil¬
liam A. White & Sons were the bi-okers,
WASHINGTON ST.-The Wm. H, Whitney
Co. sold for Kantrowitz & Esberg llie south¬
west corner of Washingtou aud Clarkson sis,
a plot of 12,500 sq ft, known as 51>i to 1582
Washington st aud G2 and 64 Clarkson st. A
fireproof mercantile structure will be erected on
Ihe site.
3D ST.—Charles Buermann sold the u-sly
tenement at 126 East 3d sl, ou lot 25xi)U, Aslor
21ST ST.—Jacob Bellak sold the G-sly tene¬
ment at 211 East 21st st, on lot 23,6x08.0, to
,Tohn Benzans, The huyer gave in part pay¬
ment a 2-famiIy house, on plot 50x163, in B-ronx-
2TTI-I ST,—Edgar M. 'Weiss sold for Mary
Mead 510 West 2Tth st, a 5-sty tenement on
lot 25x93.9 lo the Liederman Realty Co., which
gave iu exchange 15 lots iu Jamaica.
SOTH ST.-Pease St Elliman sold for Helen
G. Wagner 103 East 30th st. a 4-sty d-n'elling
with a 4-sty e.vtension. on lot IC.SxO.S.O.
4STH ST.-The West Forty-eighth Street
Realty Co.. A. H. Pincus, M. L, Goldstone and
H. Graff, sold 22y to 22S West 4Sth st, flve old
buildings, on plot 100x100.5, to Harry H. Frazee
and George W. Lederer. Franklin T. Seaman,
the broker in the deal, reports that a theatre,
to be known as the Longacre, will be erected on
'the site, at an estimated cosl of -foOO.OOO. Several
arcliitects have submitted plans for the new
structure, but uo award has as yet beeu made.
48TH ST.—Margaret Horuidge bought from
the estate of R. G. L. Dieffenbach 224 Easi 4Sth
st, a 3-Ely dwelling, on lot lS.SxlOO.5, between
2d and 3d avs. Tbe property was advertised to
be sold at public auction this week al the stand
of Joseph P. Day,
50TH ST.—Jacob Weiss and Koppel Bros,
sold for Weil Sc iVlayer 206 East 5yth st, a 5-
sly building, to Jobn Condax. This property is
located near the approach to Ibe Queensboro
Bridge and will be altered for business pur¬
BOWERY.—The estates of Simon and Amelia
Herman have sold the 6-sty building at the
soulhwesl corner ot Bowery and Hester st, ou
plot 50x100, to Beujamiu Davis for :i;120,000.
4TH AV.—A. M. Johnson -Ji Co. sold for Mrs.
Isabel de P. Kelley. Robert Lee Morrell and
Julia B. Peck lo Roswell F. Easton, the 1, 2
and 3-sly buildings locaied on plot 115,10x83.10
xllOxS3.8, coulaiuing 0,500 sq tt, at the south¬
west corner of Ith av sjid 32d st. The Tonuele-
Marlin Realty Co. represented llie buyer. The
property will immediately be improved witb a
12 or 18-sty mercantile building aud the uew
owuer reports that negotiations are pending tor
the leasing of the entire structure to one tenant.
The property was offered at auction last year
and was bid in by the present sellers. The
price paid was if5G5,000.
6TH AV,—Rutli M. and Gardner C, G. Smith
sold 510 Oth av, a 4-sty building with store, on
lot 21x60, adjoining the soulbeast corner o£
Tlst, to Herman Stern for .'^85,000.
North of 59th Street.
75TH ST.-William A. While Sc Sons sold for
James W. Halstead to Heiluer Sc Wolf 'S West
75th st, a 4-sly dwelliug, on lot 21x102.2, ad¬
joining tbe Keuilworth apartment house at ths
northwest corner of Ceutral Park West.
TSTH ST.-S. M. Bier sold for Edward S.
Steinan, of Kuhn, Loeb Sc Co., the two 5-sty
flats at 103 and 105 East T5lh st, on plot 4;jx
102.2; also for John I-I. Block the two 5-sty
flats al 107 aud 109 East Tolh st. on plol 53.4x
102.2. The combined plot hag a frontage of
06.4 ft. It is located 100 ft. east of Park av.
The entire block front on Park av is Improved
with fwo 12-sty apartment houses, wilh the ex¬
ception of the T5th st corner, TKe buyers are
James C. McGuire Sc Oo.
TTTH ST.—Frank Griffin is reported to have
sold ;:i22 West TTth st, a 3y.-sly dwelling on
lot 22x102.2, between West End av and River¬
side Drive.
S3D ST.—William .1. Carlin sold 161 lo 165
West S3d sf, three 3-sty dwellings, on, plot 50i)x
102.2. and Mary S. Searles sold 167 West 83d
st, adjoining, a o-sly flat, on lot 10x102.3, to an
investor who will raze the buildings and erect
oa the site a structure wbicb will be leased to
Locke & Co., carriage manufacturers, now lo¬
cated at 218 West S4th st. The combined prop¬
erties have a frontage ot 60,9 ft. and a depth
of 102,20 ft., and are located ITS ft. east of
Amsterdam av. Directly opposite is Branch
Post Office W.
DoTH ST.-The A. & S. Construction Co. sold
Valencia Court, a 7-sty elevator apartment
house at 31T and 310 West Ootb st. ou plot 62.6
xlOO.S, The sellers acquired the property last
April in au exchange with I-Ienry P. Gardner
tor tiie 12-sty loft building at 28 aud 30 West
25th St.
lOlST ST.-Frederick Zittel & Sons sold for
Sally S. Tefft 325 West lOlst St, a 3-sty d-well¬
ing. on lot 20x100.8.
113TH ST.—J. P. & E. J, Murray sold tor F.
G. Kuntze, lo Moritz Kornblum, 168 Easl UStli
st, a 3-sty dwelling on lot 16.8x100.11, Tbe
buyer owns adjoining property.
121ST ST.-Wiu. S. Earle, of San Diego, Cal.,
sold 518 East 121st st, a 3-sly dwelling, on lot
17x80, . , _i
132D ST.—Clarence E. Hutchinson sold for
Mrs. Margaret E. Sullivan to tbe Union Rescue
Home Missionary the 3-sty dwelling, ou lot 25x
100, at 63 West l,32d sl. The society bas now
uuder lease Che similar building at 07 West
132d St.
loflTH ST,—Kurz Sc Uren. inc., sold tor Mrs.
Caroline Haffeu a plot, T5xlO0. In the south
side of -156th sl, between Courtlandt and Park
avs, to a builder for improvemeut.
ISIST ST.—Negotiations have practically been
concluded for the sale by tbe Ambrose Really
Co., Wiiiiam N, Harte. president, to the Brown
Realty Co.. of Ihe property at 710 to TIG West
ISIst si, two new 6-Ety elevator aparlment
houses, each on plot lOOxlIOxirreg, located 140
ft east of Fort Washinglon av. Each building
has accommodations (or sixty families. Tbe
houses are about 60 per cent, rented. The
buyer gave Ihirly-Iive lots iu 56th st. beiween
ist aiid 2d avs. Brooklyn. The deai involve;?
approximately ,1!7T5,O0O.
AMSTERDAM AV. — Sugarmau & Kahn soTd
for William H. Haiilon 1400 Amsterdam av, a
5-sty double Hat with stores, on lot 25x100,
between 12Uth and 130th si's.
LEXINGTON AV.—H. C. Senior & Co. sold for
T. D. Leonard 18-11 Lexington av, a 4-sty build¬
ing, with stores, at the southeast corner of 114th
st, on lot 78x86,
bought from the Hoilaud Holding Co., Judson
S. Todd, president, the O-sly elevator apart¬
ment hou'.je at tlie noi'theasl corner of Fort
Washington av and ISuth st, on a plot IDOx
144.5xirreg. known as the Dacora Dwellings.
The structure was erected iu 1000 by the Da-
corn Realty Co., and last August was sold in
foreclosure, being taken over by the selling
company iu Ibe present deal. In part payment
the buyer gave 1,841 Lexington av, a dwelling
at the southeast corner of 11-1 th st. on plot
7SxS6, ,ind a 50-fl plot in the east side of
Valeniine av, 04 ft south of lOOtli st, recently
reported sold. 11. C. Senior & Co. were ine
bro iters.
GILBERT PLACE.—S. Cowen sold 1221 Gil¬
bert pl, a 2-family brick dwelling, on lot 25x
100, for the Lroad Really Co.
LORILLARD PL.—Sbarrott Sc Thom sold tor
Herman Hartman to a builder the vacant plot
50x1011 OD the east side of Lorillard pl, 221 fl
ttoi-tli ot 3d av.
TIFFANY ST.—L. M, Mosauer & Co. sold for
tbe Usona Consiructiou Co. to Charles I, Stager,
986 Tiffany st, a 5-siy apartment house, on plot
40x103. The buildiug is one ot" a row of twelve
model apartment houses now in course of con¬
180TH ST. —L. M. Mosauer & Co. sold for
Charles P. Hallock the southeast coruer of 180th
sl and Honeywell av. a plot 100x81. and for
Dr Arthur C Butts. Jr.. the southwest coruer
of ISOtli st aud Daly av, a plot 100x^2. The
two parcels comprise the entire block front on
the south side of ISOtli st, between Daly and
Honeywell avs. The buyer is a speculator, wbo
Is uegotlating fcr a resale of the entire property
lo a builder for improvement. The same flrm of
brokers bave sold for Jobu Henry Schnaufer a
plot, 38.6x100. ou tbe easl side of Daly av, 75
ft. south of ISlst st, lo Dr. Butts, who will re¬
move to it his residence uow on tbe plof at
ISOth sl and Daly av.
BRIGGS AV.—Alexander Selklu and B. Licbtig
sold tor Masou B'. Levin the private dwelling at
2765 Briggs av, to a client for occupancy.
COURTLANDT AV. — Christina Bobmer sold
the nortbwesl corner of Courtlandt av and 160tb
St. a plot 50x90, to John Weiser for $14,000.
CRESTON AV.—S. Cowen sold 2100 Creston
av, a one-family dwelling on plot 60x85, lo
W, Bullwiiikle.
GRANT AV.—H. S. Carpenter sold to Harry E.
Wade the plot, -50x100. on the west side of Grant
av, 105 fl. south of University pl, Morris Park.
TREMONT AV.—Arnold, Byrne Sc Baumann
sold for Charles Brogan to Samuel Winters the
plol of sixteen lots at the southeast corner of
Sedgwick aad 'fremoni avs. On the property is
a handsome concrele dwelling, erected several
years ago by the seller for his own occupancy.
VALENTINE AV.-H, C, Senior Sc Co, sold for
William J, Kelly the plot, 50xS2, ou the east
side of Valentine av, 04 tt. soulli of lOGth st.
VIREO .\V.—The Brown Realty Co. bougbt
from Auletta & Co., 42T0 to 4278 Vireo av, at
the nortlieast corner ot 235th st. seven new 2-
family houses on plol 110x125, Woodlawn
Heights. In part payment the Brown Realty
Co. gave a plot of Iols in Jamaica, Edgar M.
Weiss negotiated the deal.
WHITE PLAINS AV.—.losepbliie Toepfer sold
the northwest corner of White Plains av and
2401b sf, a plot 134.2x150. wilh a buiiding to tbe'
Bendheim Construction Co. for $30,000.
Recent Buyers.
ROBERT McDonnell is the buyer ot the
dwelliug al 310 West 101st st reported sold re¬
cently by Adolph H, Landeker.
E. 1-r. KELLY is Ibe buyer of tbe dwelling at
165 West 94th st, reported sold recently by Mrs.
A. L. Ward through Pease & Elliman.
"Ned" Hanlon. former baseball manager, ia
the buyer of tbe Lusitania and Mauretaiiia
apartment houses at 402 to 420 West 14Sth
St. the sale ot which by Samuel Krulewitch
was reported last -week.
OGDEN Sc CLARKSON leased the building at
117 West 21st st to Alice Stalb.
ROYAL SCOTT GUILDEN leased the store lu
40 West 37th st for William Sittenham to B.
HERBERT A. SPIERMAN leased the dwelling
at 159 East 51st st tor W. B. Welling to R.
ROYAL SCOTT GULDEN leased the 2d loft
in 10 Wesl 40th st to Mary S. Walsh, a
WILLIAM R. WARE.—William R. Ware
leased 122 West 88lh st, a dwelling, tor J. E.
Childs to George Coon.
the estate of Charles A, Winter to G. Farrelly
122 East 71st St. a 4-sty dwelling.
EDWARD J. HOG.A-N leased for Dr. Nathan
B'ozeman the dwelling at 60 Wesl 40lh st to
Mary F. Smith for a term ot years.
GUSTAVE BRITT leased for tbe estate of
William P. Woodcock 2d the 4-sty house, 148
Lexingtou av, to Frank Previti,
CHARLES KOHLER leased for three years
for Victor Weiclimaun the ;i-sty dwelling al
21-1 West 112tb st, to Samuel L. Frey.
E. S. WILLARD & CO, leased for the G. B.
W. Construclion Co. the tenlli loft in 220 to
2;ii.i West 19th st, to the Individual Drinking
Cup Co.
E. H, WENDELL CO. and A. J. Robertson
leased for Amos R. B, Pinchot the entire 2d
floor of 21 West 46tb st to Arthur H. Scott for
a term of years.
THE H. M. WEILL CO. announced that after
alterations are completed, it will move its of-
tite to the buildiug which it recently leased at
46 Wesl 3.'id sL
McCarthy &. fellows aud the Cross Sc
Brown Co. leased to the Oakland Motor Car
Co. the ;j-sly building at 121 West Slst, st,
for a term ot five years.
PEPE Sc BROTHER leased for Leon C, Gior¬
dano the store and basement in 400 Wesf Broad¬
way, and for J. & R. Lamb the store and base¬
ment in 25 and 27 6lh av to the Casale Import
H. C. SENIOR Se CO. leased for the Walton
Estate, to .John S. Coleman Sc Brother, the 5-
sly stable, on plot 1 OOxlOO, at the northwest
corner of Amsterdam av- aud T.itb st. tor a
long term of years.
East 55th st, a dwelling, to J. Randolph Rob¬
inson, tor Ibe Goadby estate, and 121 East GOth
Sl, a dwellini;, to Mrs. Thomas H. Burchell,
tor Chandler P. Anderson.
A, G. Huuliugtou & Co. to the Pittsburgh Con¬
tracting Co., of Pittsburgh, Pa., tor a term of
years, the entire block_ bounded iiy Tremont
av, Grove lane, Easl 11 litli sl, and Aqueduct
HENRY B'ARNETT & CO. leased the 3-sty
dwelliug at 8 East 12Stli st to Anna Koch ; also
10 East ]29tb st to Richmond Pease; also the
3-sty dwelling at 1097 Madison av to Mrs, Car¬
rie E. Beard, and the dwelling at 2004 Madi¬
son av.
PEASE Sc ELLIMAN leased Ibe Ith lofl iu
50 West 46th st to Madeleine L. Nilysche, a
Parisian dressmaker, and spate in the same
building to Oscar Cohn, a ladies' tailor, and to
Kaufman & Rosenberg, makers of children's
SIMON, ASCHER Sc CO, manufacturers of
knit goods, now located at 506 Broadway, leased
for a long terra of years at an annual rental
said to be :f20.000 the four upper floors in the
Kridel Building, af 300 to 396 4tb av, between
2Tth and 2Sth sts.
WILLIAM A, WHITE Sc SONS and the Doug¬
las Robinson, Charles S. Brown Co. leased to
the S- M. Robins Co., the store basement iu 33
Broadway; also, with the Duross Co., for Eliza¬
beth A. Halligau, to the Autocar Sales Co, the
buildiug at 437 19th st.
JOHN H. DEGELMAN leased to Philip Ber-
liuger. La Belle Warsbauer and John Strohl for
a term of years the buildings at 2148 and 2150
3d av. Tbe plot is about 50x110, and the lessee
will erect a modern business structure ou the
site. Tile deal involved about .1;2.50.000.
THE PURSELL MFG. CO. has taken a lease
of tbe large store and basement in the building
at the southwest corner of 5th av aud 3Tth st
from tbe Goelet esiate. Tbe property was re¬
cently leased to Frank Widener for three years,
with a sixty-days' cancellation clause,
THE CROSS Sc BROWN CO—leased for A.
B, Fox and Julia T. L, Cannon, reprosented
by Horace S. Ely Sc Co.. tbe 5-sty buildiug
at 102 and 104 East 6:^d st, on lot .!i0xl05. lo
(be Cab and Taxi Co ; also to tbe Oakland
Motor Car Co the 3-sty building at 121 Wesl
51st. sl.