December 9, 1905
Building Operations.
PiT« Ne^v Flais for iTlRiiliattau At. Bloctc Front>
MANHATTAN AV,—Moore & Landsiedel, 3d av and 14Sth st,
have plans under way for the erection of flve high-clasa 6-sty
fiat buildings, 40x88, and 40x90, to cover the block front on the
west side of Manhattan av, between 107th and 10Sth,sts, at a
total cost of about S2oO,000. Falk & Fine, of No. 230 East 10th
st, will be the owners.
Hi^li Office Kuildiii^ for Libarty aud Temple Sis.
LIEERTT ST.-The Fidelity and Casualty Company, of No.
97 Cedar st, will erect at the southwest corner of Liberty and
Temple sts, on a plot 52.6x54.5, a 15 or 18-sty steel, frame, office
building, upon which there now stands a 7-sty structure, which
will be demolished. The company also owns the abutting prop¬
erty at the northwest corner of Cedar and Temple sts. Mr. C. L.
W, Bidlitz, of No. 1123 Eroadway. will prepare the plans. No
contract has yet been made for the construction.
New Office Biiildinff for Fifth Av,
STH AV.—Messrs. Maynicke & Franke, of No. 298 Sth av,
have been commissioned to prepare plans for a new ll-sty
office building, to be erected on a plot 29x150, at the southeast
corner of Sth av and 32d st, for Matthew Rock (merchant
tailor), of SIS Sth av. Plans will be ready for figures in about
a month or six weeks time, all contracts will be made through
the architects. Limestone, brick, terra cotta, plate glass, tile
roof, electric elevator, steam heat, electric lights, concrete arch
floors, etc.
Arcltitects tor Isaac Nv Sellg'maii's Baiikt
SOUTH WILLIAM ST.—Isaac N. Seligman, of the banking firm
of J. & W. Seligman & Co., with offices on the second floor of
the Mills Building, 21 Broad st, informs the Record and Guide
that he has commissioned Messrs. Francis H. Kimball, of 71
Broadway, and Julian Clarence Levi, of 24 East 23d st, asso¬
ciate architects, to prepare plans for hia new banking house and
offiee building to be erected on the south side of William st, be¬
tween South William and Stone sts, opposite the Cotton Ex¬
change, on a plot 70x94x50 feet. The building will contain be¬
side the bank, fine offlces; it will be a 12-sty building of granite
and marble, of handsome design. No contract has yet heen
Elg'bteeu'SIory Building' IHay be Erected on Gustom
Bouse Site.
WALL ST.—It was officially announced in the Record and
Guide of Nov. 4, 1905, that Messrs. McKim, Mead & White, of
No. ICO Sth av, would prepare plans for extensive alterations
and improvements to the old Custom House Building, at Wall,
Hanover, William sts and Exchange pl, for banking purposes,
to be used by the National City Bank, of No. 52 Wall st. It is
now learned that two sets of plana are being prepared, one for
the alteration and another set for an entirely new building, to
cover the entire plot. If the new structure is built it will be
from eighteen to twenty stories high and 180x220 feet in size.
James Stillman, 52 Wall st, is president of the bank. (See also
issue Nov. 4. 190S.)
â– otel SaTille to b* Eular|t:ed.
29TH ST.—Mr. Louis C. Raegener, 141 Broadway, owner of
the Hotel Seville, at the northwest corner of 29th st and Madison
av, will build on the plot front of 50 ft. adjoining the hotel, west
of 29th st, running through to 2Sth st, on plot S0xl97.6, a 10-sty
fireproof hotel annex to connect with the present structure.
The new part In design will harmonize in exterior and Interior
with the old part; there will be twenty-one sleeping rooms and
nineteen bathrooms on each floor, and best hotel flre protection
outfits. Mr. Raegener wil! not obtain possession to the site
until May 1, when operations will be pushed rapidly. He has
commissioned Mr. Charles P. Mott, 35 West Slst st, as architect.
No contract has yet been made for the improvement.
'Wall Street and Broadway Corner.
At Wall st and Broadway, the southeast corner, the old
4-sty red brick structure which occupies a plot of 29.6 feet on
Broadway and 40 feet on Wall st, has been lowered to the height
of one sty, and here the remaining portion of this historic
building Is being roofed over. Several months ago the Building
Department condemned the upper three stories aa unsafe, and
notice was served. The United States Cigar Stores Company
has a three-years' lease yet to run on the Wall st half of the
first atory, and it is learned that the company stood the ex¬
pense of lowering the structure. The other half facing Broad¬
way is occupied by the Wilson drug store, which haa a lease
until May 1, 1906. The property was bought last June by the
United Mercantile and Trust Company, of St. Louis, at the
rate of $4 a square Inch, or $700,000.
Apartmemts, Flats and TsnviacBts.
SUMMIT AV.—Joseph H. Jones, owner and architect, 950
Ogden av, will build at Nos. 969 to 977 Summit av, Bronx:, five
4-sty 8-famiIy flats, to cost $80,000.
99TH ST.—Sockin & Riccardi, 301 Bast 107th st, will build at
205-209 East 99th st. two 6-sty 28-famIly flats, 37.6x87.11, to
cost $70,000. Samuel Sass, 23 Park Row, Is architect.
1S8TH ST.—Samuel Sass, 23 Park Row, Is making plans for
two 6-sty 29-famIly fiats, S0x86.ll, for A. Horowitz & Son, 17
West llSth st, to be erected at 524-530 West ISSth st, to cost
SSTH ST.-The Hauben Realty Co., 192 Bowery, will build
three 6-sty 28-family Hats, 41.8x87.5, at Nos. 333-345 East 55th
St. to cost $120,000. Bernstein & Bernstein, 24 East 23d St,
are the architects.
180TH ST.—Joseph W. Cedar, 640 West 131st at, will erect
at the southeast corner of 180th st and Audubon av. two 6-3ty,
38x8S.6 ft. flats, to cost $80,000. J. C. Cocker, 103 East 125th
St. is making plans.
DAWSON ST.—On the northeast corner of Dawson st and
Westchester av, Nathan Marcus, 121 Canal st, will erect a 6-sty
fiat, 110xl47x irregular, to cost $100,000, Moore & Landsiedel
are preparing the plans.
PROSPECT AV.-The Prospect Av Realty Co., 94 Greene st,
will build at the northeast corner of Prospect av and Beck at
a S-sty flat. 94,10xl26.6x irregular, to cost $75,000. Moore &
Landsiedel are making plans.
HOME ST.—Samuel Finkelstein, lS2d st and Union av, Bronx,
will build at the northeast corner of Home st and Stebbina av, a
6-sty flat, 116xll6x irregular, to cost $75,000. Moore & liand-
siedel are preparing the plans.
135TH ST.—Edwin Wilbur, 120 Liberty st, is preparing plans
for a S-sty flat, 25x87, for Bernard Trepton, 964 Southern Boule¬
vard, to be erected on the north side of 135th st, 175 ft. west o£
Willow av, Bronx, to cost $20,000.
109TH ST.—On the north aide of 109th st, 300 ft west of Am¬
sterdam av, the Lester Realty Co., 2790 Broadway, will build a
6-sty 25-famlly flat, 44.4x87.11, to cost $46,000. Geo. Fred Pel¬
ham, 603 Sth av, is making plans.
OAK TERRACE.—Moore & Landsiedel, 3d av and 148th at,
are planning for a 5-sty flat, 61x100, for Amdur Bros., 430
Broome st, to be erected at the northeast corner of Oak Ter¬
race and Crimmins av, to cost $75,000.
182D ST.—Moore & Landsiedel, 3d av and 148th st, are plan¬
ning for a 5-sty 19-famIly flat, 50x90, for Donald Robertson,
246 West 108th st, to be erected at the southeast corner of 182d
st and St. Nicholas av, to cost $60,000.
173D ST.—Isaac and Henry Mayer, 100 W^est 119th st, will
build on the south side of 173d st, 100 tt. weat of Amsterdam
av, two S-sty flats, SOxSS, to cost $150,000. Neville & Bagge,
217 West 125th st, are making plans.
S2D ST.—One 6-3ty 33-family flat, 48x87.5, will be erected on
the south side of 52d st, 221 ft. east of 1st av, at a cost of $55,-
000, Parnass & Dellon, 1787 Lexington av, are owners, and
Geo. Fred Pelham, 503 Sth av. architect.
ST. NICHOLAS AV,—Robert Coble, New Rochelle, N. T., will
build on tbe west side of St. Nicholas av, 25 ft, south of 173d
st, two 5-sty 15-family flats, 37,6x88, to cost $76,000. Geo.
Fred Pelham, 503 Sth av, ia making plans..
PROSPECT AV.-The Prospect Av. Realty Co., 94 Greene st,
will build on the east side of Prospect av, 98 feet north of Beck
st, Bronx, a 5-sty flat, 37.6x88, to cost $40,000. Moore & Land¬
siedel, 3d av and 14Sth st, are architects.
BROOK AV.—Stern & Morris, 1133 Broadway, are preparing
plans for five 6-sty flat buildings, 40x87x90, for Abraham SII-
berwitz. SO Willet st, on the east side of Brook av, 136th to
137th sts, Eronx, to cost a total of $250,000.
WOODTCREST AV.—James W. Cole, 403 West Slst st. Is
planning for a 4-sty 9-family flat. 29.1x76, for James J. Spear¬
ing, 136 West SOth st, on the east side of Woodycrest av. 114.8
ft. south of 168th st, Bronx, to cost $18,000.
127TH ST,—Plans are being drawn by Moore & Landsiedel,
14Sth st and 3d av, for a 6-sty 10-famlIy flat, 24.11x63, for
Aaron Cohen, 109 West 70th st, to be erected at the northeast
corner of 127th st and Park av, to cost $15,000.
GRANT AV.—The Waverly Construction Co., 883 Grant av,
will erect on the west side of Grant av, 5S.6 ft. south of 162d
St. Bronx, a 6-sty, 50x106.3 ft. tenement, to cost $60,000. Harry
T. Howell, 3d av and 149th st, Is making plans.
IIGTH ST.—Eernstein & Bernstein, 24 East 23d st, are plan¬
ning for two 6-sty 22-family flats. 35.8x87.11, on the aouth side