October 26, 1901.
[ Mantaattaii |
Huston, Wm J to Antoinette B De Witt. Interior lot, 200 w Sth av
and TS.ll n 14Sd st, runs n 21 x w T5.5 to e s Bradhurst av x s
21.1 X e TT.O to beginning. Oct 22, 1901. 5,052
Hart, Frieda to Pincus Lowenfeld and William Prager. 4th st, Nos
ST4 to 378. Assigns 3 morts, each $3,500, Oct 23, 1901. 10,500
Hassey, Anna C S to William Hassey. Broome st, a e cor Por;yth
st, 25x87.6. Oct IS, 1901. 2,006
Huraphrys, Geo J to Charlotte Mayer. 35th st, s s, 191.5 e Lex¬
ington av. 22.1x97.6. Oct IS, 1901, 5O0
Johnson. Geo F to Wm E McMann. Centre st. No 210. Oct 21.
1901. 500
Jacobs, Joseph and Jacob Katz to Abraham J Dworslcy, 2-3 parts.
All title. Cherry st. Nos 230 to 230; also Delancey st, s s, 33.4 w
Cannon st, 35,5x75. Oct 24. 1901, omitted
Kipp. Mary to Charles Geyer. 1st av, e s. 94 n Sth st or St Marks pl,
20,2x60. Piled and discharged Oct 22. 1901. 2.500
Same to same. 1st av, e s, 94 n Sth st or St Marks pl, 20,2x60,
Piled and discharged Oct 22. 1901, 2,000
Lese, Louis lo Wm T Hookey. 120th st. s s, 175 e 1st av, 25x
100,10. Oct 19, 1901. nom
Lawvers Mortgage Insurance Co to Charles Earle. 1st av, w s, i">
s 19th St. 23xS0. Oct 21, 1901. 6,500
Lawyers Mortgage Insurance Co to Rector, &c. of the Church of the
Ascension. Hamilton terrace, w s, 1T4 n 141st st, 16x106. Oct 23,
1901. 16,.500
Lawyers Title Ins Co to Lawyers Mort Ins Co. Wadsworth av, w
s. 75 s ITSth st, 25x100. Oct IS. 1901, 3.000
Lawyers Title Insurance Co to The Bowery Savings Bank, 22d st,
n s, 2.50 w Oth av, 25x9S,9, Oct 22, 1901, 9,000
Levi. Joseph C as trustee lo West Side Savings Bank, Oth av, Nos
110 and 112, Oct 22. 1901, S,192
Levi, Joseph C as trustee to Sarah B McAdam- Church st, n e cor
Lispenard st, 35x56. Oct 23. 1901, 4.000
Lockman, Jacob K and ano e.irs Catherine W Bruce to Matilda W
Bruce, Leonard st, Nos 166V> and 168, Oct 23, 1901. nom
Lipman, Max to Charlotte Hastorf, 4th st. No 277 E, Oct 22, 1901,
Leonard, H Ward to Carolyn G Leonard. 114th st. No 606 W. Oct
24, 1961, 2,500
Lese, Louis to Wolf Silverman, 121st st, Nos 334 and 336 E. Oct
24. 1901. nom
Lowenfeld, Pincus and William Prager to The State Bank. 1st av.
Nos 2159 and 2161. Oct 24. 1901. nom
Manhattan Island Corporation to American Mortgage Co. 52d st.
s s. 180 e Sth av. 00x100.5. Oct 21. 1901. 31,445
Mitchell, Edward and David B Ogden trustees for Euphemia K
Haight to The Lawyers Mortgage Insurance Co. Manhattan av,
w s, 91.11 n 104th st, lSx50. Oct 22, 1901. 8,000
Murray, Wallace and Joseph, Jr. exrs Joseph Murray to Amelia
Murray. 82d at. n s, 234 e 2d av, 16x102,2. Oct 22, 1901. nom
Otten, Peter to F W Weekes, 104th st. No 316 E, Oct 22, 1901. nom
Paulding, Gouverneur. II. to Americau Mortgage Co. 6-11 parts.
Sth st. No 710. Oct 22, 1901. 15,000
Phelps, Chas H and David B Ogden trustees Mary A Coleman to The
Lawyers Mortgage Insurance Co. 85th st, s s, 230 w Sd av, 25.7x
102.2. Oct 22, 1901. 21,000
Powell, Wilson M to Thos S Willets, 113th st. No 2S W. Oct 22,
190L 28,000
Same to same. Sth st. No Sll. Oct 22, 1901. 2-!,000
Parkin, Wm W trustee Susan A Remsen to Isabella E K Burnham.
152d st, n s, 675 w Ilth av, 25x99.11, Oct 21, 1901, 4,500
Philbrlck. John A to Mariamne Rosenzweig. 4th st, Nos 374 to 380
Bast. Oct 23. 1901. nom
Riegeimanu, Kosina to Mary Kipp. 1st av, e s, 94 n Sth st or St
Marks pi. 20.2x60. Filed and discharged Oct 22, 1901. 2,560
Roberts, Jc hn J to Teresa C Reilley extrx James Reilley, West
Broadway, Nos SoO to 354. Oct 22, 1901. 15,000
Rosenberg, Rachel to Lena Lewis. Cherry st. No 231. Oct 21
1901. nom
Sherman, W'm W guardian Georgette W and Sybil K W Sherman
to J Frederic Kernochan. John B Hoffman and Wm O Piatt
trustees under deed of trust. Lexington av, n e cor 30 h st
21.11x100, Piled and discharged Oct 21, 1901. Oct 21, 1901.
Studt, Ferdinad G exr Henry V Burgy to Margaret Welche. 2d
St. No 4. Oct 21. 1901. 9,000
Schellenberger, Amelia to Janet Wetzler. 117th st. No 320 W. Oct
22, 1901, 2,575
Somerville, Anna M to Adolph David, Brooklyn, 106th st, s s, 280
w Park av, 2 lots, each 25x100,11, Assigns 2 morts. Oct 23.
IJOl. nom
Steeves, John F to John A Philbrlck, 4th st, Nos 374 to 380 E
Oct 23, 1901. nom
Schmidt, Julia extrx Anthony Schlumpf to Julia Schmidt, 129th st s
s, 80.0 w 6Ui av, old line, 20x99.11, Oct IS, 1901. T.OOO
Scheider, Wilhelmine to Rose Lieber. SOth st. s s, 30T.2 e '^d av 21
x9S.9, Oct 24. 1903, '2,000
Smith, Parmilia D to City Trust, Safe Deposit and Surety Co of Phil¬
adelphia, Cherry st. No 01, Oct 24, 1901, nom
Spies, Henry H and Sarah B exrs John R Spies to Sarah B Spies '
individ and legatee John R Spies. 124th st, s s, 400.6 w 1st av
18x100.11, Oct 24, 1901. ncm
Title Guarantee and Trust Co to Mary E Moffett, 105th st No 321
West- Oct 24, 1901, 30,000
Tille Guarantee and Trust Co to Moritz Joseph. Madison st No
200. Oct 18, 1901. in OOD
Same to same. 48th st, Nos 133 and 135 West. Oct IS lOcil
Sarae to New York Society for the Relief of Widows and Orphans
of Medical Men. Broome st. No 580. Oct IS, 1901, 6 000
Same to same. 32d st. No 234 East. Oct IS, 1901. 5^000
Tille Guarantee and Trust Co to The American Swedenborg Print¬
ing and Publishing Co. SOth st, Nos 332 to 336 West. Assigns,
S morts, each $18,000. Oct 21, 1901. 54,000
Title Guarantee and Trust Co to Agnes Clifford, 42d st. No 411 W
Oct 22, 1901, U,000
Tuthill, Susan M to William Wicke, SOth st, Nos 342 and 344 W
Oct 24, 1901. nom
Wiesen. Elizabeth extrx Henry Wiesen to H Louise Smith 23d
st, n s, 20 w 10th av, 20x54. Oct 21, 1901. 1 500
Woods, Mary D to Chas B Hobbs. Madison av. No 935. Oct 21
1901. 0.000
Young, Margaret to Rose M White. West Washington pl Nos
68 and TO- Filed and discharged Oct 21, 1901. Oct 21 1901
Bennett, Chas W and Leila B Scrymser as exrs Oscar Coles to Leila
B Scrymser, Eagle av, w s. 9T.S n Westchester av, 25x99.4x25.1
X9T.1, Oct 22, 1901. nom
Coudert, Frederic R guardian estates of Fausto and Elena de
Rivas to Elena de Rivas. Y' part. 141st st. No 75 East, Oct
19, 1901. nom
Same to Paul Puller and Frederic R Coudert, Jr, ^ part. 141st
st. No T5 East. Oct 19, 1901, 3,500
de Rivas, Elena to Paul Puller and Frederic R Coudert, as joint
tenants. ^A part. 141st st. No T5 East. Oct 19, 1901. nom
Giles' Cath C to Annie. L Mattison. Lot 62, map Wm O Giles
property, Kingsbridge Heights. Oct 21, 1901, 500
Granniss. Mary L to Geo H Grannis. ISSth St. No S96 E. Oct 24.
1901, T.OOO-
Keeler, Samuel admr Lewis H Bailey to Arvilla P Keeler, New
Boston road, parcel begins at n w cor thereof on said road, runs w
ill to old Brston road and adj land of John Pugsley now Louns-
bury —X—, 24th Ward, Oct 24. 1901, 4.000
Same to same. All title, Katonah av. old line, n w cor 23Sth st,
5 lots, each 20x100, Assigns 5 morts, Oct 24, 1901. nom
Same tn same. All title. 23Sth st, n s, 100 w Katonah av. old line,
20x100. Oct 24. 1901. nom
Lawyers Mortgage Insurance Co to Lairra D Beach. Taylor av, s e
err Columbia av. 30.6xT5, except part taken for Prospect av. Oct
24. 1901, 3,000
Lawyers Title Ins Co to Lawyers Mort Ins Co. Cauldwell av. w
s. 100.5 n 165th st, 25xl4T.10 to e s Boston road, x30xl63,ll.
Oct IS. 1901, 4.500
Lyman, Lois H to Bowles Colgate. Forest av, w s, 239 s 166th
st, 20x8T.6. Oct IS, 1901, 4,591
Same to same. Prospect av, w s, 87.3 s 169th st. 25x151, Oct IS,
1901, 5.094
Lyman, Lois H. Laura C and Robt M exrs Thos C Lyman to Lois H
Lvman. Forest av, w s, 239 s 166th st. 20x87.6. Oct 18, 1901.
Metropolitan Savings Bank to Emma Decker. Valentine av, e s,
200,2 s Clark st, runs e 333,7 xne 202.T to s s Clark st, x w
240 xsl_jxw25xn25xw 100 to e s Valentine av. x s 125.2
to beginning. Oct 21. 1901. 25 550-
Milbank, Albert J and Henry R exrs Samuel W Milbank to Albert
J Milbank trustee for Sophia M Young formerly Milbank,
under will of Cbas E Milbank. Prospect av, e s, 62,6
s 156th st, 2 lots, each 18.9x90. Assigns 2 morts, each $5,000.
Oct 21. 1901. 10.000'
*Meyer, Geo A exr Agnes Arden to Geo A Meyer, Assigns 6 morts.
Lots 6, 29. lOo, 112. 258. 458 and 459 on mortgage map of the
Arden property, Westchester. Oct 23, 1901, order of court
*Meyer, Henry von L to Geo A Meyer, Assigns 13 morts. Lots
22. 40, 48, 146, 148, 161, 186, 265, 219, 244, 24T, 2TS, 434 and
435 on mortgage map ot the Arden property, Westchester. Oct 23,
1961. nooL
Nathan, Marcus to Albert Mamlock. Brook av, e s, 125 n ITlst
st, 25x100.11. Oct 18, 1901. 1,000
Phillips, Thomas to Peter Doelger. Southern Boulevard, w s.
225 n ISTth st, ST,6x92.6xSTs98. Oct 18, 1901. 2,250-
Rogers, Anna N to Hannah M Stilwell. Webster av, w s, 106 n
168th st, 26x100. Oct 18, 1901. 11,065^
Rosenberg, Daniel to Benj H Davis, Washington av, s e cor Wend¬
over av. runs e 151,6 x s 123,3 x w 56 x n 50 x w 100 to Wash¬
ington av X n 94.9 to beginning. Oct 18, 1901. nom-.
*Toepfer, Margaretha to Stephen Toepfer. Garden pl. s e s, lot 13
map of li lots in Village South Mt Vernon, 25x135,5x25.2x132.4.
Oct 24, 1901, 3T5,
Worthington, Bliza to James Cromie. Tinton av, e s. 20S.6 s
lOfith st, 16.6x100. Oct IS, 1901. 600
Zobelt, Christine to John Townshend. Grove Hiil pl, s s. 100 e Av
C, runs s 50 X w 30 X s 25 X e 53.3 x n 75 x w 23,2 to beginning.
Oct 24, 1901,
The flrst name is that if the owner; ar't stands for architect; m'n
for mason; c'r for carpenter, and b'r for builder.
When character o froof is not mentioned, it is to be understood that
the roof is to be of tin,
159^^10th st, n s, 140 e Av D. 1-sty brk shed. 36,10x83; cost,
$2,500; W E Uptegrove & Bro, on premises; ar't, Chas/ Perry, 723
Cauldweli av.
1589—5th av, s e cor 52d st, 10 and IS-sty brk hotel, 125.5x100;
cost, $2,000,000; Stewart H Chisholm, 35 Wall st; ar't, Wm C Haz¬
lett, 1133 Broadway
1595—Madiscn av. n w cor 27th st, 11-sty brk hotel. 24,9x90; cost,
$145,000; Joseph Wolf, 128 Broadway; ar'ts, Chas Brenden & Co, 109
W 42d St.
15S8—70th St. s s, 100 w Av A. 1-sty brk stable, 25.x98-2; cost, $3.-
800; Samuel Bauer. 46 Front st; ar't. Cbas Stegraayer, 306 E 82d st.
1591—76th st. No 540 E, 3-sty hrk cltib, 76x40, galvanized roof;
cost, $48,000; East Side House Settlement, President, Everet P
Wheeler, 21 State st; ar'ts, Howell Sc Stokes, 47 Cedar st.
1596—7oth st, Nos 5 and 7 E, two 4 and 5-sty and basement brk
and stone dwellings, lS,9xi5 and 27,2; total cost, $260,000; Wm Halls
Sons 39 E 42d st; ar'ts, Welch. Smith & Provot, 11 B 42d st,
650—Olst St. Nos 150 to 160 E, two T-sly brk flats, 50x84,9; total
cost. .?180,000: Chas Buckley, on premises; ar't. M Bernstein, 111
Broadway. (Corrects er'or in issue of April 13, 1901, as to location
and number of buildings.)
1593—Fort Washington av, w s, — s proposed 190th_st, 11,4-sty frame
stable, 3Tx50 and 21; ccst. $4,000; Ernest Grund. 44o Broome st; ar't,
F H Vreeland. Jr, Montclair. N J.
1581—Hull av, s e s, 40T.4 n e 205th st, 2i^-sty frame dwelling,
20x32.6; cost. $3,000; Wm H Perry, T23 Cauldwell av; ar't, C J
Perry, T2S Cauldweli av.
1582—Hughes av, w s, 125 and 1T5 s 183d st, two 2-sty frame
dwellings, 21,6x53,6; total cost, $9,000; P Tesoro. 2128 Hughes av;
ar't, Chas S Clark, TOO E ITTth st.
looo^Jefferson st. e s, 350 n Morris Park av. 2-aty frame dweli'g,
slate roof; cost, $2,500; Abraham B and David B Levy. 231 Broad¬
way; ar't, B Ebeltng, St Lawrence av. Van Nest.