Oao st, 69 AV (4:1206), ns, 145 e Col av,
20x100.8; PM; OctS; Oct21'19; 3y, or soon¬
er, 51/2%; Right Realty Sc Security Co to
John P Lynch, 44 Johnson, Bklyn, ano,
exrs Cath M Lynch. 12,000
02Jy st, 2SS-90 AV (4:1239), ss, 100 w
Bway, 50x100: PM; pr mtg $64,000; OctSO;
OctSl'lO; by or sooner, 6%; 290 W 92 St
corpn, 340 Northern av to 2SS & 290 W 92
St Corpn, 34 W 50. 12,000
»3I> st, 16S E (5:1521), ss, 230 w 3 av, 20
XlOO.S; pr mtg $5,000; Oct7; OctlS'lO; m-
stalls, 6%; Gizella Ungar (Sc John Ungar
on note lor $2,000 due Aprl'20 Sc given as
additional security) to Harris Mandel¬
baum, 12 W S7, & ano. 3,250
1>4TH Bt, 10-2 E (5:1505), ss, 178,4 e 5 av,
40x100.8; Oct29; Oct30'19; 3y5%; Jos H
Choate, Jr, to Bank for Savgs, 2S0 ^ ^^^
95TH st, 32S-30 E (5:1557), ss, 210 w 1
av, 40x100.8; PM; Octl5; Octl7'19; 5y5%;
Van Deveer Estate, Inc, 52 Bway, to Col¬
umbia Trust Co, 60 Bway, trste will Fred¬
eric K Agate. , 26,500
95TH st, 32S-30 E (5:1557), ss, 210 w 1
av, 40x100.8; PM; Octl5; OctlS"19; installs,
$83.33 monthly, 6%; Mary Sentmiklossy,
339 E 16 to Nora Pasinsky, 9O0 Riverside
dr. ^'^^^
»5TH st, 333 E (5:1558), ns, 140 w 1 av,
35x100,8; PM; pr mtg $-------i Oct31'19; 2y
6%; Gertrude S Cowan, 2008 Daly av to
Abr Poltkin, 796 9 av & ano. 2,000
07TH st, 235A E (6:1647), nS, 100 W 2
av, 25x100.11; PM; Octl7; Oct27'19; due
Aprl7'20, 6%; Gaetano Se Dommick Mar-
gialetti. 142 S 9, Bklyn, to Lena A Paul,
266 Rochester av, Bklyn. notes 475
97TH st, 65-7 W (7:1S33), ns, 135.6 e Col
av, 32x100.11; PM; pr mtg $18,500; Oct2i;
Oct28'iy; 3y or sooner, 6%; John J i" inn,
63 W 97, to Benj F Romaine, at Babylon,
TJ 1,500
»7TH st, 152 AV (7:1851), SS, 316 e Amst
av, 17x100.11; PM; pr mtg $5,500; Oct25;
Oct27'19; due Sc int as per bond; Kath D
Ryan, 152 W 97, to Predk W Mattocks, at
Closter, NJ. ^ „^ 4.000
9STH st, 4-10 E (6:1603), ss, 125 e 5 av,
100x100.11x100x100; Alsa 9STH ST, E,
ss 225 e 5 av, 25x100; pr mtg $78,000 on 2d
parcel; Oct27; Oct2S'19; 3y5y2%; St Ber¬
nard's School Building Co to Farmers
Loan Se Trust Co, 22 Wm. 40,000
OSTH st, 4-10 E, SS, 125 e 5^ av, lOOx
100.11; certf as to mtg $40,000; Oct27; Oct
28^19; same to same. ^o^C^ZT
9STH st E, ss, 225 e 5 av; see SSth st,
^'oLtH st, 152-4 W (7:1852) ss^ 270 e
Amst av, 40x100.11; PM; Octl5; Oct21 19
due & int as per bond; Jacob Moss to
Equitable Trust Co of ^Y, 37 Wall.^^ ^^^
OSTH st, 254-6 AV (7:1869), ss, 100 e
West End av, 50x100,11; PM; pr mLg $58,-
500; Octl5; OctlO'lO; installs, 6%; The
Talty Corpn to Henley Realty Co, ^^f?^'
tor ^o,oyo
OSTH st, 254-6 W (7:1869); ext ot nUg
for $58,500 to Janr21, 6%; Dec2Vl r, Oct
16^19; Union Trust Co of N Y, SO Bwa>,
with Henley Realty Co, 2 Rector. nom
OSTH st, 300 W; see West End av, ill.
OOTH st, 230-4 E (6:1618), ss, 100 &
1376 w 2 av. 2 lots each 37.6xl00.ll; 2 PM
mtgs each $24,000; Oct29; Oct30'19; due Oct
r24, 5%; Dormond Realty Co. 299 Bway,
to Clergyraen^s Retiring Fund Soc of the
P E Church in U S, 281 4 av. total 48.000
OOTH st, 4 W (7:1834), ss, 100 w Central
Park W, 25x100.11; ext of mtg for $14,000
to Mayl3'23, 5%; Octl4; Oct22'19; Chas G
Koss, trste will Mary A Astor Woodcock
with Wm M Sperry, at Cranford, NJ (R S
$7) nom
iblST St. 10-21 AV; see Manhattan av, 20.
102D st, 120 E (6:1629), ss, 255 e Park
av, 25x100.11; PM; Oct31: Novl 19; 3y5%;
Roseson Realty Co, 120 E 102 to Signiund
Mendelsohn. 314 W 107. ^^^^^
102D st, 109-11 AV (7:1857), "S-^lfO ;w
Col av, 45.10x100.11; PM; pr mtg $45,000;
Oct27; OctSO'lO; due as per bond, 5%;
Louis M Mooney. 146 W 76, to John J
Deery Co. Inc (formerly G P Sherwood &
Co), at Vernon & Hams avs, L I ^^^g'^Q^
103D st, 137 AV (7:1858), ns, 300 w 'Cpl
av 17x100,11; PM; OctlS; Oct20'19; 3y
5y2%; Jane G Coghlan. 3153 Bway, to Ehz
F Turk, 137 W 103. Sc ano. fi^SOO
lfl4TH St. 216 E (6:1653), ss, 193.4 e 3 av,
16.Sxl00.ll; pr mtg $4,500; Oct29; OctSO'lO;
2y or sooner, 6%; Abr Martz to Fannie
Klein, 2558 Creston av, Bronx, ^^,000
104TH st, 313-5 E (6:1676), ns, 200 e
2 av, 50x100.11; PM; Oct—; Oct2ri9;_due
Novr24. 5%%; Giovanni Guglielmetti to
Aries Corpn. 359 Fulton. Bklyn 20,000
105TH st, 307 E (6:1677), ns. 125 e 2 av
25x100.11; PM; Octl6; Octl7'19; due & Int
as per bond; Chas A Milanese to Wm Ep¬
stein, 403 E 103, ^^500
105TH st, 307 E; FM; Octl6; Octl7'19;
due Se int as per bond; Gluseppl Perluzzo
to Chas A Milanese. 110 E 116. 1,000
1G6TH st, 108 E (6:1633), ss, 66.8 e Park
av, 16.8x100.1; PM; Oct27'19; 3y or sooner,
6%; Institution of Mercy, 1075 Mad av, to
Emma M Jacoby, 108 E 106. 5,000
1G6TH st, 110 E (6:1633). ss, 83.4 e Park
av, 16.SxlOO.ll; PM; Oct27'19; 3y or sooner.
6%; Institution of Mercy, 1075 Mad av, to
Paulina M Pless. 789 West End av. 5,000
lorTH st, 210 E (6:1656), ss, 156.10 e 3
av, 21.10x100.11; PM; pr mtg $-------; Oct29;
Oct30'19: due Novl*22, 6%; Calogero Zan¬
gara, 236 E 107, to Saivatore Soraci, 327 E
113, 3,000
107TH st, 56 AV; see Manhattan av, 149,
107TH st, 31S AV (7:1892). ss, 125 e Riv-
erside dr, 20x100,11; PM; OctlS; Octl6'19;
3y or sooner, 6%; Carlos L Henriq>ez. 13
W 88. to Lewis A Cushman. — New York
av. White Plains, NY. 3,000
107TH st, 31S AV (7:1892); ext of mtg
for $26,000 to Octl5'24, 5%%; Octl5; Oct
16'19; Louis A Cushman with Carlos L
Sc Jeanette Henriquez, 13 W 88 (R S $13).
lOSTH st, 109 E (6:1636), ns. 105 e Park
av, 25x100.11;PM; pr mtg $7,000; OctSO;
Oct3ri9; installs, 6%; Anton Lipman, 331
E 100 to Sophie Kruger, 1747 Melville,
Bronx, 5.000
lOSTH st, 137-0 AV (7:1863). ns, 350 e
Amst av, 50x100.11; PM; pr mtg $33,000;
Oct31; Novri9; 5y6%; Fanny Schacher to
Henrietta Abrahams, 65 Hamilton ter.
lOOTH st, 3 -& 5 E (6:1615), ns, 100 e Sth
av. 36.3x100,11; PM; pr mtg $38,000; Oct
24; Oct25'19; 5v6%; Anna Martinsen. 48
Central Park W, to 5 East 109th St Realty
Co a corpn. 13.000
lOOTH st, 73 E (6:1615), ns, 109,4 w Park
av, 28.10x100.11; pr mtg $12,000; OctSl,19;
3y6%; Systell Holding Co, 299 Bway, to
Saml D Shwitzer, 834 Riverside dr. 4,000
109TH st, 74 E (6:1614), ss, 119 w Park
av. 17x100.11; PM; pr mtg $-------; Oct31'19;
due Febr20, 6%; Mary Silverman Sc Sarah
Skrilow, 56 E 109 to C A Bruhns, Inc, a
corpn, 152 Amst av. ^ 3,000
ICOTH st, 160 E (6:1636), ss, 106 e Lex
av, 19x100.11; PM; pr mtg $5,000; Oct20;
Oct23'19; due Sc int as per bond; Dommick
Cristello, 1996 2 av, to Anna Harrison,
J071 St Nicholas av, 3,200
IIOTH st, 62 E (6:1615); ext of mtg for
$17,500 to Oct 24^22, bV2%; Oct21; Oct24'19;
Deutcher Frauen Verein Zur Unterstutzing
Hilfsbedurftiger Wittwen, Waisen Und
Kranken, with Sam Gordon, 8 E 107th
{R S $8.75), nom
IIOTH st, 64 E (6:1615); ext of mtg for
$17,500 to Oct24-22. 5V2%\ Oct21; Oct24*19;
Eberhard Schmidt, at New Canaan. Conn,
with Sam Gordon. 8 E 107 (R S $8.75). nom
IIOTH st, 154 E (6:1637). ss. 50 e Lex
av, 25x100; Oct22; Oct23'19; 3y6%; Im-
macolata Favale to N Y Title Se Mtg Co.
IIOTH st, 202-S E (6:1659). ss, 85, 100,
115 Sc 130 e 3 av, 4 lots, each 15x100.10; 4
PM mtgs, each $4,500; Octl; Octl8'19: 5y
5%; Dormond Realty Co, 299 Bway, to
Clergymen's Retiring Fund Society of the
P E Church in the U S, 281 4 av.
total 18,000
IISTH St. 70 4& 73 E (6:1617). ss, 26.3 w
Park av. 52.6x75.11; PM; pr mtg $25,000;
Octl6; Octl7'19; installs, 6%; Abr Cohen.
NY, to Eva Horwitz, 2574 E 55th st, Cleve¬
land, Ohio, Sc ano. 11,000
li:^TH st, 125 E (6:1640). ns, 101 w Lex
av, 24,10x100-11: PM; pr mtg $17,500; Oct
28- Oct29"19; installs, 6%; Meyer Wein¬
stein, 55 E 109, Se Isidor Cohen, 124 E 110,
to Meyer Zausner, 1504 Park av, Sc ano.
112TH st, 254-6 AV (7:1827), SS, 100 e
Sth av, 50x100.11; PM; pr mtg $43,000 j
Oct23: Oct25'19; installs. 6%; Rose Druck¬
erman to Ella Gitsky. 2360 Bway. 16,000
113TH st, 35 AV (6:1597), ns. 354 w 5
av 16x100.11: Oct29; Oct30'19; 3y6%; Edw
L Spitzer to N Y Title Sc Mtg Co. 5,500^
113TH st, 560 W (7:1884), ss, 125 e
Eway, 19x100,11; ext of mtg for $14,000 to
Oct23'24 5^%; Oct23*19; Metropolitan
Savgs Bank. 59 Cooper sq E, with Jennie
E Kies, 560 W 113 (R S $7), nom
114TH st, 62-4 E (6:1619); two exts of
mtgs for $14,000 each to Oct21'22, 5^%;
Julyll; Oct25"19; Emma Plaut, with Harry
Sammet 150 W 87th. et al. exrs. &c, Joel
Sammet Sc et al (R S on each $7). nom
114TH st, 62-4 E; certf as to reduction
of two mtgs rec Apr9'09 from $20,000 each
to $14,000 each; Octl; Oct25'19; Harry
Sammet, 150 W 87th, et al, exrs. &c, Joel
Sammet, to Emma Plaut.-----r
114TH Bt. 212 E (6:1663), ss. 164.7 e 3
av 18x100.11; PM; Octl5: Octl6"19: 5y5%;
Vincenzo Granieri, 347 E 114, to Maria
Pagliuca. 166 E 114. 6.000
NoveTnBe? 1, 1919
114TH st, 333 E (6:1686),'ns, 285 w 1 av,
20x100; pr mtg $4,500; Octl4; Octl6'19; 2y
5%; John Pacella, 331 E 114, to Rosa
Carucci. 333 E 114. 2.000
114TH st, 335 E (6:1686). ns. 265 W 1
av, 20x100; pr mtg $-------; Octl; Oct21 19;
5y5%; Rosa, wife Pietro, Carucci, 335 E
114. to Francesca Cariello, 320 E 113.
114TH st, 20 A\' (6:1597), ss, 209 w 5 av.
17.8x100.11; PM; Octl; OctlS'lO; 5y5%;
Dormond Realty Co. 299 Bway, to Clergy¬
men's Retiring Fund Society of the P E
Church in the U S, 281 4 av. 7,500
114TH st, 53 AV (6:1597), ss. 361 e Lenox
av 17.Sxl00.ll; PM; Octl: Oct24'19; 5y5%;
Dormond Realty Co. 299 Bway. to Clergy¬
men's Retiring Fund Soc, of P E Church
in U S 281 4th av, 7.500
114TH st, 52 AV; PM; pr mtg $7,500;
Oct23; Oct24'19; due Octl'21. 6%; Abr Lus¬
tig, 52 W 114th, Sc Benj Jossen. 78 W 114th,
to Ward B Belknap, 204 W S3d. 750
114TH st AV, sec Riverside dr; see Riv¬
erside dr. 417.
115TH st, 620-31 AV (7:1896). ns, 325 w
Bway, 50x100.11; PM; pi-mtg $100,000; Oct
11' Octl 6'19; 10y6%; Concourse Estates
Corpn, 135 Bway, to Lawrence Jaoob, at
Diamond Point, Warren Co. NY. 25.000
115TH st, 620-31 AV: ext of mtg for 100.-
000 to Augr20, 5%; Apr25^17; Octl6'19;
Lawrence Jacob, of Diamond Point, Lake
George, NY, with Germania Life Ins Co,
50 Union sq. nom
116TH st, 64 E (6:1621), sa, 190 e Madi¬
son av, 20x100.11; PM; Oct20; Oct24'19;
5y5V^ %; Dora Greenbaum. 246 E 115th,
to Ella L Murphy, 121 St Charles pl, At^
lantic City, N J. 15.000
116TH st, 352 E (6:1687), ss, 106.S w 1
av, 18.4x90; PM; SeptlS; Octl8'19; oy5%%;
Antonetta & Ferdinando Barone, 352 E
116, to Mathilda Strauss. 116 W 72. 6.000
116TH st, 2S W (6:1599), ss, 312 w 5 av,
21x100.11; PM; Octl; Octl6'i9; 5y5%;
Sarah "Welikson to Sigmund Wechsler, 3^
W 82, exr Abr Bernheimer. 5,000
116TH st, 45-7 W (6:1600), ns. 275 e
Lenox av. 50x100.11; PM; Oct22; Oct30'19;
due Novl'29, 6%; Theo Arisen, 52 W 116,
to Bella Hauser, 605 W 1X3. 38,000
117TH st, 143 E; see Lex av, 1S79.
117TH st, 164 E (6:1644). ss, 293 w 3d
av. 17x100.11; also 117TH ST, 166 E, ss
276 w 3d av. 17x100.11; also 117TH ST,
170 E. ss, 242 w 3d av, 17x100,11; PM; Oct
24; Oct25'19; 5y or sooner 5^%; Filomena
Sorga, 2057 1st av. to Louise Joutel, 164
E 117th. ^ 11,000
117TH st, 166 E; see 117th st, 164 E.
117TH st, 170 E; see 117th st, 164 B.
117TH st, 305 AV (7:1944); ext of mtg for
$15,000 to Octl5'22, 5%%; Octl5; Octl8^19;
Emigrant Indus't Savings Bank with Han¬
nah Fuhs, S71 Park pl, Bklyn (R S $7,50).
118TH st, 431 E (6:1806), ns, 263 w Pleas¬
ant av. 21.1x100.11; PM; OctlO; Octl7'19; 3
y5y2%; Saivatore Lufrano, 433 E 118, to
Mary E Wood, 25 Lenox av. 3,500
IISTH st, 433 E (6:1806), ns, 244.3 w
Pleasant av, 18.9x100.5; OctlO; Octl7'19;
due Se int as per bond; Saivatore ^ufrano,
433 E 118, to Title Guar Se T Co. 2,500
IISTH st, 4 W (6:1601); agmt as to
ext Sc ownership agmt in mtg for $21,000
rec Oct24'03; also as to PM mtg for $4,000,
dated Sept 29'19, and about to be re¬
corded : Sept29; Oct2S'19; Gustav Jaret¬
sky, owner of premises, with Geo
Solomon. 586 W 113th, owner of $1,-
500 in said mtg for $21,000 Sc $250 in said
PM mtg for $4,000. ^ ^ nom
118TH st, 5S AV (6:1601), ss. 285 e Lenox
av, 25x100.11: PM: pr mtg $18,500; Octl4;
Oct22'19; due Janl5'24, 6%; Eva Pollack
Sc Chas Rabinowltz to Gustave Jaretsky.
1864 7 av 2.750
IISTH st, 260 A^^ (7:1924), ns. 225 e 8
av, 25x100.11; ext of mtg for $4,000 to Nov
22'26, 6%; pr mtg $22,000; OctlO; Octl5'19;
Jacob Cash with Henrietta Unger (R S $2).
IISTH st, 276 AV (7:1923); ext of mtg for
$12,500 to Oct27'24. 5%%: Oct27; Oct29'19;
Emigrant Tndust Savgs Bank with Peter J
McGovern, 426 W 51 (R S $6.25). nom
118TH st, 401 AV; see Morningside dr, 80.
IIOTH St. r>10 E (6:1816), ns, 283 e Plea¬
sant av. 20x100.10: ext of nitg for $5,500 to
Oct31'22. 5y2%; OctSl; Novl'lO: Harold B
Hart sub trste will Wm S Burton with
Francesco Angtulo, 437 E 119 (R S $2.75).
tlOTH st, 519 E (6:1816), ns, 2S3 e Plea¬
sant av, 20x100.10: PM; pr mtg $-------; Oct
31- Novl'19; installs. 6%; Francesco An-
giiilo, 437 E 119 to Morris Mendel, 131 W
117 1,500
liOTH st, 401 AV; see Morningside av, 90,
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