Record and Guide,
Match 2S, 18fl0
Joseph Benedetto agt Elise Kobe, owner,
and William Ryan, contractor........... 75 00
50 Ninety-Ioiirth st. s s, 100 e 2d av. 45 feet
front. Jackson & Shuttleworth agt Far¬
mers' Feed Co., owners, aud K. N. Smilh
& Co., contractors ..................... 80 00
20 Ninth av, s w cor 102d st, 100x100. being
Nos. 1760 to 1775 Oth av aad No. 102 lOJd
St. Heury Hahn & Bro. agt Christian
BUnn, Jr., owner, and Ernest Cbristman
and Albert E. Smith, contractors......... 216 35
51 Seventy-first st, No. 414, s s, 3i3e 1st av, SSx
102.2. Josepb A, Haas agt G. W. Falkner,
owner and contractor................... 135 00
21 Boulevard, swcor 85th st. lOOslOO. Timo¬
thy Grindrod agt Mary O. Nesbit, owner
andcontractor ............. .......... 1.067 00
21 Ninety-seventh st, s s. 150 w 10th av, 60s
100. Culbert Bros, agt Thos. J. Jeuitius,
reputed owner, and T. J, Jenkics & Bro.,
contractors............................... 445 90
15 Forty-fourth st, s s. 90 w 8th av, 20x100.
Micbael Rose agtjohn Garvey, owner and
contraetoi................................ $48 75
15 Bergen st, n s, 100 e Rockaway av, 20x32,
George Flory agt James Whelehan,
owner andcontractor,................... 30 00
17 Seventh av, w s. extends frcm 1st st to 3d
sC, 200x100. Martin Waish agt Emily and
David W, Reeve owner and contractor. .1,500 00
17 Gates av. n w cor Reid av, 30x100. George
Alexander agt F. E, Pouch, owner, and
English & Durie, contractors............ 630 02
17 Marion st. n s, 192 e Saratoga av, 10x100.
Lewis Parmer agt Eva Semel, owner and
contractor............................. 805 00
18 Fif ty-flrst st. n s, 150 e Sth av, 25x100. T.
W. Smith agt John Lindner, owner and
contractor................................ 100 00
18 Decatur st, Nos. 31 and 33, n s, 377.6 w
Throop av, 37.6x100, Frank J. Hummel
agt Amanda Hazzard, owner, and Harper
& Smith, conlractoi-s................... 35 00
19 Arlington av, s e cor Cleveland St, 50x100,
Hyde & Gload Mfg. Co. agt Sarah G.
O'Donneghue, owner, and John and
Charles O'Donneghue, contractors...... 80 00
20 St. Marks av s w s. 23 s e 6th av, mns south
73.10 EO Flatbush av, x south 336.10 s
west— xnorth 65 xeast 100 to begimiing.
being Nos. 76-80 St Marksav and Nos. 244
and 246 Flatbush av. John Hay & Son
agt Louis Scbebng, owner, aud Chas.
Werner, contractor ..................... 2,200
20 Gates av, n w cor Keid av, SOsiOO. George
Alexander agt F. E. Pouch, owner, and
English & Dm'ie, contractors......... 630 13
16 One Himdred and Twelfth st. No. 66, n s, 135
w Lenox av, 25x100, Henry and Joseph
Ilabn agt Antonio Gallo acd Herman
Woswinkel or Voswinkle. (Lien filed Jan.
16,1890.)............................... 88249
17 Davidson av, w s. 115 n Highbridge road, 20
xlOO. Ricbardson and Morgan Co. agt
George W. Yeandle. (Feb, 13,1890.)...... 125 00
,_ Twenty-eighth st, n s, 1(10 w Istav.......|
'' Twenty-ninth st, s s, 100 w 1st av.......j
John Cox agt Michael A, Corrigan and
The Riverside Bridge and Iron Works.
(Oct, 2, 1869.)............................10,779 00
17 Same property. J. B, Smith and Q. S. Bell
agt same. (Oct. 10,1680. j.................4,833 00
17 Ninety-seventh st, b b, 150 w 9th av, 00x100.
G, B. Robbins & Vo. agt Jenkius Bros,
(Jac.4, 1890.)............................ 143 75
17 Same property. Maxwell and Dempsey
agt same and John J. Dowling. (March 1.
1B90.)..................................... 209 00
17 Same propertj^. R. A. Campbell agt Mich¬
ael A. Corrie-an. Riverside Bridge and
Iron Works aud John Cox. lOct. 2a, 1869.) 225 OO
18 Eighty-nin th st. s s, 16iJ w West End av,
145x110.8. H. McDermott agt Garret and
Katbarme Van Cleve, (MarchI, lS9ll) .,, 192 00
18 Seventy-secondst,ss, 175 w8th av. ^xl02.2.
J. B. Tiffany & Co. agt Kosa W. Straus.
(Oct.l, 1869)......................... 1,66900
18 Thh'd av. No. 263, n e cor 21st st. 23x76.
Thomas Brennan agt William Purcell.
(Jan. 31, 1890)...........................3,987 81
18 St. Nicholasav.ws.99.11 s 140thst, 14,1x100,
Rernard Flood agt & Hugh M, Reynolds.
(Feb. 4, lo90), (Released)................. lOO 00
18*Nuiety-seventh st. b s, 150 w 9th av. 60 feet
front. Leonard De Rache agt Thos, J, &
Geo. W, Jenkins, (Feb. 13, 1890) ......... 126 59
18*Same property. Allen Mcintosh & Co. agt
same. (War. 11, 1890)..................... 310 00
19 Tenth av, n e cor 100th st, lOO.UslOO. Henry
McDermott agt Jobn C. Barth and Fer¬
riter & Rossell. (March 15, 1890) ......... 757 79
19 Tenth av, s e cor 100th st, 80x90. Same agt
same. (March 15, 1890)................... 637 17
19 First av, w s, 131) n Walnut av, William
Clarke (Siegmund Levenson by assign)
att Thomaa Keeley. (Sept, 9, 16851 ...... 81 98
19 Seventy-second st, s s, 175 w 8th av. 25x102.2.
J. B. Tiflany & Co. agt Rosa W. btraus,
(Jan. 21, 1890)........................... 586 13
20 Eightieth st, s s, 105 e 10th av, 145x100.
Jackson & Shuttleworth agt E. S. Levy.
(Jan. 0. 1890)..............................9,000 00
20"Thirteenth st, s s, 170 w 1st av, 84 feet front.
J. S. aud G. F, Simpson agt Justus H.
Zimmermann and Heinzer & Miller, (Mar.
15,1890)................................. 278 20
aitTenth av. s w cor 96th st, 100x170. The A.
Hall Terra Cotta Co, agt Andrew T. Dojle.
(Mar. 1, 1890]............................. 652 00
31 One Hundred and Thirty-second st, s s, 235
w .'ith av, 100 feet frout. Geo, McKeuzie
agtSmith i^Menken. (Mar, 10, 18901____ 290 50
21 Eighty-eighth st, Nos. 203 to 206, s b, abt 61
e 3d av, 100 feet front. Michael Noonan
agt Henry Goi-sch and Coleman & Demp¬
sey. (Feb. 36. 1890)...................... 62 45
21 Seventy-first St. s b. 250 e 1st av. D, R, De
WolC & Co, agt Hugh JIcGiUivray and G.
W. Falkner. (Mar. 15, 1890).............. 80 50
* Discharged by depositing amount of lien and
iaterast with County Clerk,
t Discharged by order of Com't on filing of bond.
14 Fourth av, w s, extends from SSth st to 36th
Bt, 200,4x82, James McKenna aKt Ida J,
and John Erickson. (Lieu filed .March 10,
1890).................................SGll 60
14 Same property, Robert T, Blohm agt
same, (March 7, 1890).................... 119 47
14 Same propert.v. Jobn Morris agt same,
(March 7. 1890)........................... 30 76
14 Stxty-first st, s s, 1 EO e Tth av. Harry Staf¬
ford agt Maurice Fitzgerald. (Feb, 20.
1890). ................ .................. 575 00
15 Bergen st, n s, 325 e Schenectady av. Jacob
Gutby agt James Martyn, (Jan, 7. 1890). 63 00
17 Sixty-first St. u b, IGO w 12tb av, 40x100.
Philip Munch agt John A, Nelson and
Francis V. Anderson. (Nov, 25. 1889),... 17 07
17 Same property, Gustave Anderson agt
same. (Dec. 5,1889)..................... 45 00
17 Same property, Gustive Reidenbach agt
same. (Dec, 6, 1889)..................... 11100
17 Sixty-first st, n s, 80 w 12th av. New Utrecbt.
Tunis E Van Pelt agt Joha A, Nelson and
Fracz V. Anderson. (Nov. S-J. 1889j....... 47 50
17 Sisty-first Bt, n s. 250 w 12th av, 35x100,
John Engquist agt same. (Nov, 22,1869). 20 00
17 Same property. Jobn W, Elson agt same.
(Nov. 22, 1889)........................... 12 82
17 Sixty-first st, n s, 250 from lltb av. 20x136,
Joha Williams agt same. (Nov, 18, 18S9i. 150 00
19 Rockaway av, e s, 25 s Belmont av, 25x100.
John Barrett agt Mr. Levy, owner, and
George Rhodebeck, contractor. (June 8,
1889)..................................... 25 00
19 Belmont av. n s, 35 w Watkins st. 25xlOi«»
Same agt Mr, Wolf, owner, and Geqrge
Rhodebeck. contractor. (June 8, 1889)... 26 00
The first name is that of the owuer; ar't stands for
architect, m'n for niason, c'r for carpenter and bV
for buUder.
SOUTH OF 14th btreet,
Goerck st, 50 u Rivington st, one-story brick
shop, tin roof; cost, §450; lessee, J, Lenihan,
ou premises; ar't, W, Graul. Plan 414,
Jeflersou st, No, 27, five-story brick and stone
flat, ^Oxas, tinroof; cost, Sl5,000; H, Pasinsky,
44 East Broadway; ar'ts, Schneider & Herter,
Plan 418,
Henry st, No, 174, six-story brick flat and
stores, 26x96, and extensiou, tiu roof; cost, §40,-
000; ow'r and ar't, same as last. Plan 419.
Henry st, No. 172, six-story brick and stone
flat, 3(ixS8,6, tin roof; cost, $iJS,0U0; ow'r and
ar'ts, same as last. Plan 420,
Hudson st, Nos. 59-65, ten-stoir brick ware¬
house, 102.10x97.3, brick and tUe roof; cost,
§275,000; American Express Co., 65 Broadway;
ar't, E, H, Kendall; m'ns, McCahe Bros.; c'r, D,
M. Smith. Plau 435.
Broadway, No. 716, six-story iron, stone and
terra cotta warehouse, 25.2x115, with extension
11,6x23, tin roof; cost, $75,000; J, Scholle, 21 East
49th st: ar't, A. Zucker. Plau 450.
Canal st. No, oSo, flve-story brick, terracotta
and iron store, 21.5x67, tin roof; cost $17,000; D.
Aruouid, 17 Wooster st; ar'ts, Brunner & Tryon,
Plan 445,
Franklin st, Hos. 186 and 188, six-story brick
warehouse, 49.11x78.6, with extension 10x5, tin
roof; cost, §20,000; S. C, Welsh, 113 East 57thst;
ar't, M. V. B. Ferdon; m'u and c'r, J, B, Niblo;
Plan 467.
Madison st, Nos, 203 and 205, five-story and
basement brick flat, 34.0x40, tiu roof; cost, §20,-
000; M. Jacobson, 172 Henry st; ar't, P. Ebeling,
Plan 448,
Rivington st, No. 325, rear, one-story and
basementbrick storage, 18.9x17, tin roof; cost,
J400; ow'r aud b'r, R. tihii-e, on premises. Plan
4th st, Nos. 21 and 23 E., seven-story and base¬
meut brick and terra cotta factory, 44,6x100,
concrete and asphalt roof; cost, $50,000; Smith
& De Vinne, 12 Lafayette pl; ar'ts, Babb, Cook
& WiUard. Plan 43i*,
South Stb av, Plan 355, printed Mar. 8, read
owners Cavinato Bros., not Steffano Bros,, as
erroneously printed,
36th st, No. 454 W., five-story stone Sat, 25x
8S.6, tin roof; cost, §16,000; \V. P. Devlin, 307
"West 52d st; ar't, G. Keister, PJan 424.
17th st, Nos. 330-334 W., thi-ee five-story brick
and stone fiats, 2,5x82, tin roofs; cost, $19,000
each; Jno, Totteu, 240 West 49th st; ar'fc, G. F,
Pelham, Plan 446.
27tb st, Nos. 414-148 W., three five-story brick
and stoue flats, 26x88,4, tin roof; cost, abt $22,500
eacb; J, V. CampbeU, 436 West 27lb st; ar't, J.
E, Schaarschmidt, Plau 460,
35th st. No, 437 W., flve-story brick and stoue
flat, 25x88.6; tin roof; cost, §20,000; Ellen M,
Harlow, 164th st, near Morris av; ai't, M. V. B,
Fredon; b'r, G, J, Harlow. Plau 456.
43d st, Nos, 231 and 233 VV,, two five-story
brick and stone flats, 20 and 20,6x83, tin roofs;
cost, §22,000 eacb; A.Moore, 316 West 5lst st;
ai-'t, G Keister, Plan 453,
47tb st, n s, 125 w Stb av, five-story brick and
stone flat, 2.5x80, tin roof; cost, §19,000; M. Duffy,
341 West -55th st; ar't, G. F. Pelham, Plan 461,
1st av, Nos. 813 aud S15, two flve-story brick
and stoue flats, 20x75, tin roof; cost, §13,000
each; E. C. Totten, 426 West 47th st; ar't, G, F.
Pelbam, Plau 444.
5th avenue,
68th st, 9 s, 448 e Av A, two two-story brick
stabies, 17x100 and 17x87, with extension 20 ft
deep, tar and gravel roofs; total cost, §4,500; J.
U. Jones, 45 William st; ar't, T. J, Sheridan.
Plau 431.
105th st, n s, 230 w 4tb av, five-story brown
stone flat, 25x84, tiu roof; cost, $20,000; Mary A.
Reardon, 169 East 117tb st; ai''fc, E. Wenz. Plan
113th st. No. 439 ii., one-story open frame shed
25sl3, gTavel roof; cost, abt ?1U0; T. Sullivan,
412 East llSth St. Plan 42S,
Madison ay, s e cor 93d st, flve three-story and
basement brick and stone dwell'gs, 20s53 ii^reg.,
tinroofs; total cost, §77,000; W. Reid, I47ii 3d
av; ar'ts, Ogden & Son, Plan 425,
93d st, s s, 170 e Madison av, three five-story
brick and stone flats, 20x21 and 70, with exten¬
sion 13x8, tin roof; cost, £19,000 each; J. A,
Frame, 105 East 70th st; ar'ts, Ogdeu & Son.
Plan 440,
93dst,ns, 103 w ith av, flve-story and base¬
ment bnck and stoue flat, 36x90,8, tin roof; cost,
§35,000; J, G, Wm. Feldmann, 13& East 94tbst;
ar't, H. J. Hardenbergh. Plan 443.
72d st, u s, 100 e West End av, six four-story
aud basement brick and stoue dwell'gs, four 31x
56,4, with extensiou, two 20.6x66.4, with exten¬
sion, slate aud tinroofs; cost, £2O,O00 each; W,
E, D. Stokes, 269 West 73d st; ar't, J, H. Taft.
Plan 432,
SSthst, Nos. 168 and 170 W., five-story brick
and stone flat, 50x43, tin and plastic slate roof;
cost, §22,000; Townsend & Odell, 206 West 100th
st; ar(t, R. S. Towusend, Plau 455,
l04thst. No, 163 W,, oue-story frame sbed, SSx
25; cost, $50; Jauette Hilger, 1610 10th av; ar't,
M, V. B. Ferdon, Plan 459.
10th av, n w cor 59th st, eight five-story brick
and terra cotta flats and stores, seven 25x85, one
25.5x96, tua roofs; total cost, $175,000; Rachel
Cohnfeld, 218 West 59th st; ar't. A, Zucker.
Plan 451.
UOth and 125th streets, between oth ahd-
8th avenues,
121st st, s s, 180 tv Lenox av, three-story stone
dwell'e, 20x55, tin roof; cost, $12,000; ow'r and
b'r, J, Carlew, 17 West 122d st; ai-'t, J, Frante.
Plan 415.
Sth av, n e cor 117th st, flve-story brick flat,
25.11x96, tinroof; cost, §2'i,O0O; W, W, Tomp¬
kins, 68 5th av; ar't, H. J. Hai-denburgh, Plan
north op 125th stbebt.
130th st, us, 30 w N, Y., C, & H, R, R, Co,,
aud 300 w 12th av, at bulkhead of Fort Lee
Ferry, one-story iron feiTy depot, 42,6x43.6, tin
roof; cost, $5,000; lessees, Fort Lee Kerry Co,,
261 West 84th st; ai-'t, A, Ai-ctander, Plan 416.
132d st, s s, 525 w Lenox av, seven three-story
and basement stone dwell'gs, six 14,8x50, one 13x
5U, tm roofs; cost, §10,000 each; «arah E, Buck¬
hout, 156 West 13!id st; ar'ts, Cleverdon & Put¬
zel, Plan 431,
ISyth st, n s, 138 e 10th av, one-story frame
stable, 12x15, tin roof; cost, abt $100; D, J,
Stein, ou premises; ai't, C, M. Youngs. Plan 422.
126th st, Nos. 229 and 231 E., two five-story
stone flats, 25x90, tiu roofs; cost, §20,000 each;
Bridget Hogau, 1614 Lexington av; ar't, A.
Speuce, Plan 449,
23d and 24th WARDS,
138d st, n s, 177 e 3d av, oue-story briek stable,
23x70, gravelroof; cost, $2,000; Harlem B, & F.
R. R, Co., 242 Leuox av; ar't, A, Arctander,
Plan 417.
134th st, n s, 90 w South Boulevard, two three¬
story and basement brick dwell'gs, 19x45, tin
roof; cost, $7,250 eacb; A. Gareiss, 907 East 134th
st: ar't, A. Gai-eiss, Jr, Pian 4:iO,
Jerome av, w s, 25 n Clark plj three-story
frame dwell'g, 25x35, with extension, tin roof;
cost, §3,500; Augusta Buddin, 1492 10th av; ar't,
C, M, Youugs, Plan 423.
Kelly st, s e eor Beach av, three-story brick
factory, 90x75, tin roof; cost, $10,000; Standai'd
Oil Clothing Co., 93 Spring st; ar'ts, Ogden &
Son. Plau 426.
Kelly st, s w cor Union av, one-story brick
factory, 75x125, tin roof; cost, $9,000; ow'r and
ar'ts, same as last. Pian 427.
Mott av, e s, 200 s 149th st, two thi-ee-story
brick dwell'gs, 20x40, tin roofs; cost, §5,000 each;
S. A. Thomas, 673 Mott av; ar't, J. Sexton.
Plan 439.
Tinton av, e s, 194 n 161st sfc, two-story frame
dwell'g, 22x37, tin roof; cost, $3,500; T. MLs, 895
Union av; ai-'t, A. Pfeiffer. Plau 434.
Kirk pl, n e cor Creston av. twc-and-a-half-
story frame dwell'g, 21x41, shiugle roof; cost,
§4,-200; A. H. Dundon, Reyer av, Fordbam, N.
Y,; ar't, J. S. O'Mearea; c'r, h. A, Soule, Plan
145th st, Nos, 691 aud 693 E,, four-story bricic
tenem't, 20x81,6, tin roof; cost, $14,000; A, Pier¬
ing, on premises; ar't, m'n and c'r, H. Piering.
Plan 441.
149th st, s s, 204 w Bergen av, three fcwo-story
frame dweU'gs, 17.4x58, tin roofs; cost, $1S,000
eacb; G. J, Grossman, 952 Trinity av; ar't, W,
Graul, Plan 437,
16Uth st. No, 636 E., one-story frame shed, 14x
18, gi-avel roef; cost, S;40; M, l>>.merlein, 3007 3d
av. Plan 453.
165th sfc, s s, 169.5 w Washington av, two two¬
story frame dweU'gs, 21,3x55, tiu roofs; cost,
$3,200 each; Chas, Zimmermann, 1011 Washing¬
ton av; ar't, 0, C, ChurchUl, Plan 447.
Creston av, both sides, Kingsbridge road and
Donnybrook st, fourteen two-story aud attic
frame dweU'gs, 22x32, shiugle roofs; cost, aht
i.3,500each; Wm. Wicke, 34 East 68th st; ar't,
C. S. Clark. Plan 438.