Record and Guide.
September 13, 1890
9 South st, No. 110. 30x100. John P. Fagan
agt Henrietta Giles, owner, and WiUiam
O. Morch, eotitractor.................... 21180
• 10 Bergen st, n s, 100 e Ralph av, 300x100.
James Hines agt Foroseapean J. Ledoux,
owner, and Jacob Georpen.-*, contractor.. 40 00
10 AtlanMc av, n e cor Vermont av. 25x1(0.
Imdolpli Iteiiiier apt Wiiliain J. Bennett,
owner, : n<l Janie.s aud Thomas KeUly,
contractors...................... . i'OO OH
11 Bav :H4th st, ss. :iO.) e Benson av, 180xU().8,
Xew Utrecht. Gregory Leahy Kgt Ed¬
waid and K. Desvernina and Mariana Ay-
merich, owners aud co'.tractors......... 26 10
II Fulton St. 8 w cor Alabama av, 7.5x25..
Venetian Blind Co. agt William J. tien-
nett. owner, and Thomas D. KeiUy, con¬
tractor................................ 539 00
11 Greene av, s s. £01.5 w Franklin av, C5.7x
7«.7. Krooklyn Door and Sash Co agt
John Cravin, owner, and Edward Burke,
contractor................................ SCO 00
89 Park av, No. 7, e s, 73 n 3)th st, 25x100. Can¬
da & Kane a^t Charlis P. Noyes, John
Laimbeer and John W. McDermott. (Lien
Hied Au^'. 2ti, 1^90)....................... 103 95
8 Forest av. Nos. 1102 and 1104, s s. lib n 1(i6th
st, «ixl00. George Wat.son agt John and
Bertha Fuchsins and Frank Breiner.
(\ug. r,', iH'.i I)............................$m) 00
8 Downing st. Nos. (Vi-i'u. n s, 97.7 e Varick st,
(U 5x—. Edw ard Kellj agt Adelaide Beau¬
det. (Au^'. 27, ISIK..................... 916 45
8*Fifteenth st, Nov. 253 and 2.55, n s, 1.50 e Sth
av. .tOa—. .\lf n d Bruniine agt W illiam H.
Ramsey, John H Hoirierand McKenzie &
Kaneen. i Aug. 28, 1890)............. h2 .35
ii*St. Marks pl. No. -.'2 Louis Bo.ssert agt
(ienige HoiulH-rger, owner, and Henry
WL'stuhal. contractor. (Sept. 4, 1890). 2.300 00
10*lnwood av. e s. 50 s UOth .st, 25x—. J. J.
;-ciiily agt Jo^eph .slauter, VV'il.-.on Bros,
aud Jobn Cantrell. (July 10, 1890)........ I;, OC
ll*VVest Eud av, n w oor M7th st, tive houses on
av. Cbarles stone agt ^qnier & Whipple
and .lames Wadsworth. (Feb. 28, 1890)... i>5 .50
12*Forty-tliird st, n s, :J50 e Sth av, 4ix—.
White Kock Lime and Cement Co. agt
Alexander Moore and Frazer & Mcintosh.
(Aug. 12, IHOiii...................... 8:170
IStKiKlity-seventh st. ii e cor Colunibus av, 25x
102.2. Coons & >U'sli agt Charles Gah-
rens and Louis 11. stroh. (luly 31,1889,. 115 00
12 Eiglityei>,'hth st. No. 251-2«i, s s. 100 w
1-oulevani. 1-.'."i\|(0. Win. Brooks & Son
agt Klla aud CluirlesT. Butler. (.\ug. l.'i,
IK'.til)................................ 202 .â– «
12 Same propersv. Lillie W. Downs agtsame.
(Au.{. 1.', I'<li0).................... 7(in 00
12 fiauie property. Fenn & Braxmar agt
Cha. Irs T. butler. (.^ ug. T.'. 1890)....... 215 00
12 Same propt^rty. W. T. Mersereau & Co. agt
same. (Sept. 4, 18!i0>....................2,8"0 00
12 Same jn'opeily. Manchester & PhUbrick
agtsame. (Aug. 12, 1890)............ C:J4 .50
12 Same property. F. Molic agt same. (July
•.;3, l8U0i ........................ 325 75
12*EiKhty-eighth st. Nos. 51-66. s s, 100 e West
Eud av, 125x—. K. M. Wadsworth agt
Ella, C:liarle8 and Thomas Butler. (Aug.
11,1890) .............................. 325 00
•Discharged by depositing amount of lien and
interest with > "ounty Clerk
tDischarged by order of Court on filing tx)nd.
3 Linden st, s s, 125 w Central av, 60x100.
thxrles .'^chmidling aud John Cadoo agt
Heury J. Farquhar, owner and contrac¬
tor. (May 27, i890)........................ $621 10
3 Marcy av, s w cor Greene av. Timothy
Dowd agt Francis E. O'Connor, owner and
contractor. (Aug. 13, 1890)............. 574 00
3 Powers st. No. 1. Henry Schlachter agt
Mary Nash, owner and contractor. (Aug.
1.5,1890)................................ 218 00
3 McDougal st, n s, 160 w Stone av. 100x100.
Jioliert Miller agt .Vary j. Buckman and
Frank Van Pelt, owners and contractors.
(July 12, 1890). (Orderof Court*............ 400 00
4 Paciflc 8t, s s, 80 w Utica av, 240x100. J. W.
ElUs agt Joseph Hopkins. Jr., owner, and
Frank Phelan and J. King, contractors.
(AUg. i9, 1890).......................... 240 00
6 Thirty-sixth st. n s, 82 w 4th av, 48x100.
Brooklyn Slate Mantel Co. agt A. Sven¬
lin, owner and contractor. (Aug. 15,1890.)
(Deposit).................................. 126 46
6 Stoue av, s e cor Somers st, 150x100.
Michael Lee agt George H. Box, con¬
tractor, and George Potts, owner. (June
16, 1890.) (Order of Court).............. 5 00
6 Same property. John Sloane agt same.
(June lb, 1890.) (Order of Court)...... 9 00
6 Same proi ertv. WilUam O'Kourke agt
same. (June 16, 1890.) iOrder of Court). 14 00
6 Same property. John Kane agt same.
(June 16, 189().) (Order of Court).......... 14 00
6 Same pro[>erty. Leslie Sloane agt same.
(June 16,1890.) Order of Court).. 22 00
6 Fiftv-flfth st, n s, 150 e 14th av. 50x100.2.
Hobby & Doody agt Adolph Nelson,
owner, aud John B. Sterling, contractor.
(Aug. 7, 1890) ........................ 89 45
6 Fifty-fifth st, n s, 150 e 14th av, 50x10".
John B. Sterling agt Adolph Nelson,
owner, and Walter T. Tibtials, contractor.
(Aug. 18, ;890,........................... 155 00
6 Thirty-sixth st, n s, 80 w 4th^v. Michael J.
rarreU agt Ida SvenUn, owner, and Al¬
fred svenlin, contractor. (Aug. 15,1890). 250 00
9 Pacific 8t, 8 8, 2.-8 e Rochester av, 32x100.
Charles Gertum, Jr., agt Joseph Hopkins,
Jr., owner, and John King, contractor.
(JunelO, 1890)....................... 50 00
9 Thirty-sixth 8t, n s, 82 w 4th av. Patrick J.
GiUooly agt S. K. Svenlin, owner, and Al¬
fred Kvenlia, contractor. (Aug. 14, 1890). 313 00
9 Thirty-sixth at, n g, 80 w 4th av. John
Morris agt Ida Svenlin, owner, and Alfred
SvenUn, oontractor. (Aug-16, 1880)...... 181 75
9 Same property. The Union Stove Works
agt A. Svenlin, owner and contraetor.
(Aug. 37.189')........................... 134 00
9 Thhty-sixth st. n 8, 83 w 4th av. 2.6x.55.
Tunis E. Van Pelt agt Catharine Svenlin,
owner, and Alfred Svenlin, contractor.
<Aug. 14, 1890) ...................... 80 50
10 Baltic st, s 8, 200 e Court st, 60x100. Frank
D. Creamer agt P. H. McGratty, owner,
and John J. (Martin, contractor. (Sept. 8,
1890.) (Deposit)........................... 13124
11 Atlantic av, n e cor Gunther pl, 100x100.
Jeremiah Racket agt Thomas Bartholo¬
mew, owner and contractor. (Aug. 9,'90) 300 00
The first name is that of the oumer; arH stands for
architect, m'n for mason, c'r for carpenter and bW
for Imilder.
West st, Nos. 470-483 I flve-story brk fac-
12th st, Nos, im and;!% W. ( tory, tK).9xl24,
gravel roof; cost,$4<),0(X); American Biscuit and
Mfg. Co., n e cor West and Bethune sts; ar't, G.
Vigeant; m'ns, W. A. & F. E. Conover; c'rs.
Hoe's Sons. Plan 1540.
Rivington st, Nos. 8 and 10, rear, two-story brk
stable. 40x38, gravel roof; cost, $5,000; E. Trapp,
IH Rivington st; ar't, W. GrauL Plan 1.549.
Washington st, n w cor Little West I'^h st,
flve-story brk factory, 100xl('3.3, gravel roof;
cost, #35,000; lessee, C, N. Wing, 233 Quincy st,
Brooklyn; ar't, J. M. Farnsworth. Plan 1553.
Catherine st. No. 29, five-story brk flat, 25.Ix
94, slate or tin roof; cost, $18,(J00; W. Remsen,
26 Waverley pl; ar't, F. T. Camp. Plan 1554.
Perry st. No. 137, flve-story brk and stone flat,
2.5xS6.4, tin roof: cost, *20,000; W. Bischof, Jr.,
Chappaqua, N. Y.; ar't, M. V. B. Ferdon. Plan
33d st, Nos. 232-238 E., tbree five-story and
basement brk and stone flats. 25x88 9, lin roofs;
cost, $25,000 each; A. C. Zabriskie, 12 East 30th
st; ar't, J. fi. Ware. Plan 1541
36th st, s s, 233.3 e Sth av, two five-story and
basement stoni flats, 26 and 25.9x^8.3, tin roofs;
cost, 121 ».000 each; Comett & Zimmermann, 354
West 54th st; ar't, 6. F. Pelham. Plan 1.5.52.
5l8t st, Nos. 330 and 33i W., two five-story and
basement brk and stone fiats, 30.9x90. tin roofs;
cost, $35,000 each; VV H. Ramsey, 14 West 60th
st; ar't, G. F. Pelbam. Plan 1551.
lOlst st. n s. 75 e 1st av, one-story frame shed,
10x12, shingle roof; cost, $i5; Cuny & Hayes,
1267 Lexington av; c'r, A. Herbman. Plan 1544.
8th avenue.
77th st, s 8, 225 w Sth av, two four-story and
basement stone dwell'gs, '2.5x55, with extension 28
xl7, tin roof; ccst, $25,000; Mrs. R. A. Cary, 230
West 43d St. Plan 1542.
north of 125TU street.
10»h av, s w cor 174th st, two-story frame
dwell'g, 45x70, tin roof; cost, $4,800; Ellen Will¬
iams, :i00 West Boulevard; ar't, F. B. Cole.
Plan 1545.
14'M st, s s, bet Amsterdam av and Hamilton
pl, five-story brk and stone flat, abt 139x24 11,
tin roof; cost, $40,000; Mary E. Stevens, 608 West
147th st; ar't, H. Van Benschoten; b'r, M. E.
Stevens. Plan 1555.
155th st, n s, 185.8 e Stb av, two one-story brk
buildings, connected, 125x60 and 40, slate roofs;
cost, $12,000 each; lessees, Tbe Haskin Wood
Vulcanizing Co., 40 Wa'l st: ar'ts, D. & J. Jar¬
dine. Plan 1546.
23d and 24th wards.
Willaid av, n s, 150 e 2d st, Woodlawn, one-
and-a-half-story frame stable, 18x18, shingle
roof; cost, $300; A. G. More, Kingsbridge, N.
Y.; ow'r, m'n and c'r, S. L. Berrian. Plan 1543.
154th st, n 8,145 w Elton av, four-story brk
flat, 25x55, tin roof; cost, $9,000; E..Gleichmann.
681 East 154th st; ar't, F. L. Blom. Plan 1547.
18.5th st, 8 8, 96.6 w Washington av, three two-
story and basement frame dwell'ss, 18x36, tin
roofs: cost, $3,800 each; Lucy Wadsworth, 185th
st and Washington av; ar't, T. W. Ringross.
Plan 15.56.
Park av, n e cor Spuyten Duyvil Parkway,
two-and-a-half-story framedwell'g, 2*2x35, shingle
roof; cost, $2,500; Margaret Devoe, West I52d st
and Boulevard; ar't, H7 M. Devoe. Plan l.'>48.
144th st, 8 8,125 w Willis av, tbree-story frame
dwell'g, '20X.50, tin roof; cost, $3,500; H. O. Ras-
miessen, 460 East 143d st; ar't, C. G. Jorgensen.
Plan 1557. *
Plan 1827—Norwood av, w s, 100 s Fulton st,
one two-story and basement frame dwell'g, 20x
36, tin roof; cost, $2,600; Nicholas V. Bourguig-
non, 97 Warwick st; ar'ts, C. Infanger & J.
1828 —Blake av, n s, 75 w Hendrix st, one
two-story frame dwell'g, 22x40, tin roof; cost.
$2J0OO; Charles Bahardt, 106 Walton st; m'n, H
1829—Essex st, e s, 240 n Ridgewood av, one
two-story frame dwell'g, 17.6x28, tin roof; cost,
abt $2,600; Minnie Josiah, Ridgewood av and
Essex st; ar't, W. Josiah; b'r, G. Josiah.
1830—Kent st. s s, 175 e Oakland st, one three-
story frame (brk filled) tenem't, 2.5x.55, tin root;
cost, $4,5'0; I. W. Bliss, 390 Manhattan av; ar't,
C. Dunkhase.
1831—Greene st, s s, 195 w Franklin st, one
four-story frame (brk filled) tenem't, 25x (30, tin
roof; cost. $6,5W0; W. Ruoflf, 203 Franklin st;
ar't, C Dunkhase.
1^3—4tb av, n e cor 32d st, one tbree-story
frame store aud dwell'g, 20x.5(), tin roof; cost,
$3,000; Mr. Stout, 14 16th st; ar't, T. Bennett;
b'r, not selected.
1833—4th av, n w cor 7th st, one four-story
brk store and tenem't, 20x.54, tin roof, wooden
comice: cost, $12,000; ow'r and b'r, Charles Col¬
lins; ar't, J. G. Glover.
1834—Jerome st, w s, 85 n Vienna av, one two-
story frame dwell'g, 17x24, tin roof; cost, $1,600;
Henry Short, Chester st, Brownsville; ar't, C.
Meins; m'n, A. Hensin^er.
18.3.5—Myrtle av, n e cor Grand av, one one-
story brk store, 25x65, gravel roof, wooden cor¬
nice; cost, $5,000; Jos. Casey, 150 Myrtle av;
ar't, W. M. Coots; m'n, J. McKeefrey: c'r, W.
18:^6—Throop av, w s, 25 n Wallabout st, one
three-svory frame (brk filled) dwell'g, 2.5x35, tin
roof; cost, $3,000: E. Felgenhauer, 43 Throop av.
18 ;7—Throop av, w s, aS n Wallabout st, one
one-story frame blacksmith shop, '25x57; cost,
$1,000; ow'r, same as last; b'r, not selected.
18'38—Clason av, w s, abt (50 n Lexington av,
one four-story red sar dstone, brk and ten-a cotta
tenem't, 30and 2'wix80, tin roof, iron comice; cost,
$27,000; Eliza K. Logan, Washington, Conn.;
ar'ts, Cady & Brown; b'r, H. Murdock.
18:^9-Starr st. No. 85, bet Hamburg and
Knickerbocker avs, one two-story frame stable,
16x'25, tin roof; cost, $700; C. Eichinger, on
premises; ar't, F. Holmberg; b'r, F. Widmayer.
1t>40—Norwood av, e s, tflot 100 s Ridgewood .
av, one one-and-a-half-story frame stable, Ibx'iO,
shingle roof; cost. $200; George Strossner, on
premises; b'r, G. Beacb.
1841—Bread way, n e cor Siegel st, one one-
story frame stable, 11x25, tin roof; cost, $2.50; M.
Hessberg, 99 Ewen st.
1842—;:id av, ws, 40.2 s 45th st, two three-story
frame stores and dweU'gs, 20x.5O, tin roofs; cost,
$3,.50t) eacb; Henry Buck, 82 West Broadway,
New York; ar't, J. D. Bogait; b'r, not selected.
1H4:J—Bergen st, n s, 200 w Utica av, one two-
story frame stable, 12x18, tin roof; cost, $300; A.
A. Jeannot, a28 Herkimer st; ar't, W. Waldron;
b'r, G. W. Pipe.
1844—Belmont av, n s, 25 e Linwood st. one
one-aiid-a-half-story frame stable, 16x38, shingle
roof; cost, $3iio: Patrick Hogan, Belmont av,
cor Ian wood st; ar't, C. Infanger.
184.5—17th st, n s, 140 w8th av, tbree two-story
and basement frame (brk filled) dwell'gs, 17.4x42,
tin roofs; total cost, $10,000; Mr. Hengel, 8 Jack¬
son pl; ar't, C. Braun.
1846—Palmetto st, s s, "265 e Hamburg av, one
three-story frame (brk filled) tenem't, 20x47, tin
roof; cost. $2,8o0; D. Gronfield, 78 Broadway;
ar't, B. Finkensieper; b'r, C. Reichert.
1847—Atlantic av, Nos. 43.5-443, n s, 120 w
Nevins st, one four-story stone and brk bottling
establishment, I06x.54, tin roof, coppe»* comice;
cost, $.5(t,0(K); Anheuser-Busch Brewing Assoc.,
St. Louis, Mo.; ar't, C. Wemer; b'rs, M. Gibbons
& Sons; iron work, Howell & Saxtan.
1848—Atlantic av, Nos. 435-44!^, n s, 130 w Nev¬
ins st, rear, one tbree-story brk stable, 106x20, tin
roof, stone comice; cost, $25,000; ow'r and b'r,
same as last.
1S49—Greenpoint av, n s, 1.50 e Kingsland av,
one one-story frame factoiy, 38x80, gravel roof;
cost.$700; Charles A. Miller.
18.50—McDougal st, s s, 200 e Stone av. four
three-story frame (brk filled) tenem'ts, 25x60, tin
roofs; cost, each. $4,200; A. S. Walsb, 643 Madi¬
son st; ar'ts, A. Hill & Son.
1851—Ashford st. e s, 200 s Ridgewood av, one
two story and attic framo dwell'g, 20.6 and 22.6x
34. shingle roof; cost, $4,000 ; T. F. Tread way,
131 East 17tb st. New York; ar't and c'r, E. G.
Vail, Jr.; m'n D. H. Hulse.
1852—Jefferson av, s s, 192.6 w Central av, one
one-story frame church, 34.6 and 32x55.6, shingle
roof; cost, $3,000; Evangelische Dulep; ar't, F.
Holmberg; b'r, J. Rueger.
1853—Broadway, e s, 260 n Greene av, one one-
story frame bowling alley, 20 and 13x115.6, tin
roof; cost, $2,100; S. Kleinschnitz, 1'270 Broad¬
way ; ar't, F. Holmberg.
1854—Kent av, No. 315, and South 3d st, one
one-story brk factory. 20x40, tin roof; cost, $700;
Otto Huber, Jr., 242 Meserole st; b'r, J. Shep¬
1855—Bergen st, s s, 225 w Hopkinson av, one
th ee-story brk store and tenem't, 25x.57, tin
roof, iron cornice; cost, $8,000; Fr. Kuckuk, 1980
Bergen st; ar't, F. Holmberg; b'rs, Berlenbach
& Muller.
1856—Ashford st, e s. 225 s Ridgewood av, one
two-story and attic frame dweU|g, 24 and '28x
36.1, shingle roof; cost, $4,500; Wm. Van Vel¬
sor, 70 South 4th st; ar't and c'r, E. G. Vail, Jr.;
m'n, D. H. Bulse.
18.57—5th av, n e cor Berkeley pl, one four-story
brk store and tenem't, 25x85, tin roof, wooden
cornice; cost, $12,000; G. A. Schuck, 187 5th av;
ar't, G. M. Miller.
1858—4tb st, s 8, S7.10 e 6th av, five three-story
and b—emont brk and Inrown steme dweU'gs, 2Qx
iS, tin roofs, Iron comioea; cost, each, •10,000;