Marcli 30, 18&9
Record and Guide.
Dufcch Evangeliscb Luther ische St. Pal us
Gemeide, East Now York, to William O.
Mooi'e et al. exrs. Abraham Uudsrhill.
Wyona sfc, w s, S3 s Glenmore av, 68x100,
Mar. 10, S yeare, 5H %. 5,000
De Vries, Maria to Jobn Blobm, 49th st, nes,
375 11 w 3d av, 100x100.8. Mar. 30, duo AprU
1,1892, 800
Donohue, Florence J. and Ellen his wife to
Binnia C. Smifch. Stb av, P. M, Mar. 85,
duo AnrU 1, 1S93, 5 %. 1,500
Daly, Elizabeth F. to Jane V. H. Scranton.
Concord st, s s, 25 w Liberty st, 35x60. Mar.
23, I yeai-, 400
Dolapiei'i'e, AdeUa E. wife of Bartholomew
mortgagor witb Amanda Tousey mortgagee.
Extension of reduced mort. Dec. 20. nora
Same *o sarae. Sfc. Johns pl, s s, 449 w 6fcb av,
19xl30,6xl9.xI30,l, Mar. 33, 3 years, 5 %. 1,000
Donike, Sally A. wife of and Thomas S. to Jo¬
seph ftj. Greenwood, Bergen st, n s, 3O0.6 w
Buffalo av, 3 lots, each 16.6x107,2. 2 raorfcs,,
ca.'h H,mO. Mar. 23, due May 1, 1893. "3,200
Same to Helen Embury. Bergen sfc, n s, 85 w
Bullalo av, 3 lots, each 16.6x107.2. 2 morfcs,,
each *1,600. Mar, 23, due May 1, 189'3. 3,800
Sarae to samp. Bergen st, n s, 184 w Buffalo
av, 16.6x107,3, Mar. 33, due May 1, 1892. 1,600
Same To Mary A. Carll, Babylon, L. 1. Be-fen
st, n s, 167,6 w Buiralo av, 16.6x107.8. Mar.
23, due May 1, 1S92. 1,600
Same to Harriefc Ayraar, Norwalk, Conn. Ber¬
gen sfc, n K, 151 w Buffalo av, 16.6x107.3.
Mar. 33, due May 1, 1892. 1,600
Same to Susan Embury. Bergen st, n s, 134.6
w Buffalo av, 16,6x107.3. Mar, S3, due May
1, 1893, 1,000
Same to Susan P. Embury. Bergen st, n s, 118
w Buft'aloav, 16.6x107.3. Mar. 83, due May
1, 1893. 1,600
De Zavala, Heury to Herschel P. Hildreth. At¬
lautic av. P. M, Mar, 30, due April 1,
1891, 6,000
Sarae to Rawson L, Wood. Atlantic av, u w
cor Now Yoi'k av, P, M. Mar. SO, due Apr.
I, 1893, 2,.500
DiUiughara,SusanS. wifeof EdwinR. toJames
T. Swift and auo. trusteesHannah W, Swift.
South Oxford st, w s, ri7.7 s De Kalh av,
19.11x100. Jan. 1, 6 yeai's, 5 ^. 5,000
Dorsett, Anna A. widow to Thomas Ross. St.
Marksav, s s, 112,4 w Frauklin av, runs east
19,9 X soutb 100 X wesfc to point 113.4 w
Frankliu av, x m rth 100, Mar. 22, 2 years,
5 %. 1,300
Doyle, Sarah N. wife of Nicholas fco Germania
Savings Bank, Kuigs County. 39th sfc,ss,
470 w 3d av, 60x100.3. Mar. 31, 1 year.
5 %. 3,000
Dundas, Henry fco William A. Butler trustee
Abigail Bukley, President st, s s, 365.6 w Sth
av, 3 lots. 3 P. M. morts, each $5,000. Mar.
26, due April 1, 1894, 5 %. 15,000
Dandas, Heury to Louise D. Stocksdale, Tomp¬
kins av, e s, SO n Haucock st, 30x75. Mar, 18,
due April 1, 1890. 100
Same lo George R. Rhodes, Jr. Jefferson av,
s s, 480 w Nosfcrand av, 30x100, Mar, 30, due
April 1, 1S91, 5%. 1000
Same to Mutual Life Ins. Co,, New York,
Same property. Mar, 14, 1 year, 5 %. 7,000
Edgerton, Thoraas to Sophie G. Parker. Oth
st, n s, 447 w 3d av, P. M. Mar. S3, due
May 1, 1889. 3,000
Everit, Thomas to Mary A, Seed. Halseyst.
P. M. Mar. 36, 1 year, 5 %. 1,300
Eppinger, Jacob to Williara H. DiU. Carroll
st, nes, 113.6 n w 3d av, i-uns northeast 75 x
soufcheast 12.6 x northeast 35 x northwest 36.6
X nonthwest 100 to Carroll st, x southeast 34;
President st, sws, 120 n w 3d av, 20x100.
Mar. 30, 1 montb. 113
Ericksou, Charles A. to Bradford W, Hitch¬
cock exr. RosweU D. Hitchcock. Sedgwick
pl, s s, 180 w Wakeman pl, 40x100; Sedgwick
pl, s 3, 140 w Wakeman pl, 70x100. Mar. 21,
1 montb, 1,000
Ericksen, Charles H. to W. H. Thomas & Bro.
77th sfc, u s, 133.S w .5fcb av, 40x100. Mar. 31,
5 years. 3,000
Same fco s'ame. 76th sfc, s s, 86,0 w ,Sfch av, 40x
100. Mar, SI, Syears, 3,000
Felter, George W. and James P. Sloane to Ro¬
shanna Walker. India St. P.M. Mar. .20, 5
years, 5 %. 8,700
Frische. Christian to Cornelius H. Tiebout.
Stockholm st, s s, 100 e Cenfcral av, ruus east
S5 X soufch 100 X west '35 x rortb 25 x west 100
to e s Central av, x north 35 x east 100 x
uorth SO fco beginning. Mar. 32, 1 year. 500
Fuchs, Auna M, wife of Jacob to Johu Geiss-
ler. Varet st, s s, 345 e Busbwick av, 25x53.
Jan. 10, due Jan. 1, 1894, 5^. -. 3,.500
Funk, Ferdinand raortgagor witb Fraucis Hill
raortgagee. Extension of mort. Mar. 33. uom
Fliu, Mary A. to Eliza C. Tappan. Cbesfcer st,
w s, 847.4 s Sackett st, 16,6x100, Mar. 36,
6 years, 5 %. 500
Gimther, Jobn to Andreas Spenkuck and Mar¬
garet his wife. South 2d st. P. M. Mar.
25, due April 1, 1891, 6 %. 1,,500
Gascoiue, Jaraes to Cornelia M. Covert.
^ Duryea st. P. M. Mar. 31, 3 years, 5 %. 4,000
Same to Sarah H. Purdy, Same property. ■
P. M. Mar. Sl, S years, 5 ;
Same to Thomas W. Conklin, Naugatuck, New
■ Haven, Coun. Hamburg av,. Knickerbocker
av and Madison st, P. M, Mar, 16, 5 -yaai-s,
5 S- - 10,000
Gronen'^ BertU 0. to Michael Nnber and Ther¬
ese his wife. Fulton av, s s, 33.6 e Hemlock .
st, 88,6x88x38x83. Mar. 1, 3 years. 1,300
Same to same. Fulton av, s w cor Hemlock st. '
28.6x83x23x78. Mar. 1, 3 years. 1.500
Same to Robert L. and Roberfc L,, Jr., Woods.
Fulton av, s s. P. M. Jan, 3, due July 1,
1800. 1,500
Same to Pauline Midas. Fulton av, s w cor
Hemlock st, •33.6x abfc 83x32x78. Mar. 1, 3
years. 900
Same to Alexander Berghaus. Fulton av, s s,
33.6 6 Hemlock st, 38.6x88x28x83. Mar. 1, 3
years. - 700
Gufch, Ignafcz fco Henry Moeller. Schenck av,
es, 100 u Soufch Carolina av, 35x100, Mar.
18, due Ocfc. 1, 1893, 5 %. .600
Gerlinger, Carolina to Conrad Burekhardt.
Flushing av, s s, 50w Throop av, 25x75. Mar.
26, due AprU 1,1892, 5 %. 4,000
Harper, James P. to Mary M. Shields trustee
Charles Shields. E^Uton st, s s, 60 w Schen¬
ectady av, 3 lots, each 36x100. 3 morfcs., each
¥2,492, Mar. 19, 3 yeai-s, 5 %. 5,886
Heim, Jr., Carl fco Robert A, Austin. Bedford
av. P. M. Mar, 2S, iustaUs, 5 %. 1,500
Heunings, Alfred F. toGu'itave Meiners, Uuiou,
N. J. Cropsey av, n e s, afc intersection with
cenfcre liue Bav 26fch sfc, runs norfcheast 509.4
to Bath av, x northwest 236,9 to Bay 2,5th st, x
southwest 506.4 bo Cropsey av; x southeast
256.10; Cropsey av, sws, adj lands J. Lotb
Nostraud, ruus northeast 200.3 x southwest
rSS.ll to Gravesend Bay, x uorthwest "300.1 x
northeast 292,6; Cropsey av, east cor Bay
S8th st, runs northeast 495 to Batb av, x
southeasb 143,10 x southwest to Cropsey av, x
uorthwest 134,10 to beginning; Cropsey av,
north cor Bay 28th st, runs northeast 496 to
Batb av, X northwest 80,3 x southwesb 95 x
northwest 10.8 x soutbwest 306.3 x northeast
6,3 X northwest 16.10 x southwest 100 to Crop¬
sey av, X southeast 113.9 to beginning; Crop¬
sey av, south cor Bay '3Stb st, runs soufcheasfc
133 X soufcwesfc 98,3 x northwest 118.3 fco sfc, x
norfcheast 109.1. Mai-, 23, 2 yrs or sooner, 3,000
Holraes, Juliette wife of and Lufcher fco Ber¬
tram Fich. Herkiraer sfc. P. M. Mar, 27,
1 year, 5 %. , 700
Hufcchiugs, Cornelia A, La SeUe to Johanna J.
Sherlock. Van Siclen av. P. M. Mar. 27,
3 years. 5 %. 3,SC0
Hand, Michael J. to Michad. J. A. Kane.
Busbwick av, F, M. Mai'. 22, due June 28,
1893, oi sooner. 1,,500
Sarae to Rosa Levy. Bushwick av. P. M,
Mar. 33, 1 year, 5 %. 600
Hawkins, Ella D. C. to Thomas E. Greenland.
Hart St. P. M. Mar. 6, 2 years, 5 %. 1,800
Hefferuau, Patrick fco David S. Arnotfc. Pros¬
pecfc av. P. M. Mar. 33, installs. 13,,500
Henbach, Jennie wife of and Gustav to Will¬
iam Baldwin. Strong pl, "west cor Harrison
sb. P. M. Mar, 22, due April 1, 1890, 5 %. 4,000
Herod, WiUiara to Louise G. GarUcbs. Throop
av, es, 103 B Decafcurst, 17.3x85, Jan. 1, 3
years, 5 %. 6,000
Hoibrook, George H., Jr., to Patrick Bar-
ringfcon. Hudson av, P, M, Mar, 19, 5
years, 5.<?, 1,7,50
Holland, Samuel G. to Otfco F. Sfcruse. Sheri¬
dan av, e s, 4-25 n Adanis av, 2,5x100. Mar,
33, 3 months. 100
Hyde, Wilbur R. to Andrew D. Baird.
Greene av, s w cor Grand av, 2O.x90. Mar.
30, 1 year, 5 %. 5,000
Harman, Catharine J. wife of and Henry to
Carrie L. Brine. Soufch Sfch st, n s, 118,4 w
Stb st, 19.8x104.7x19.8x104.4. Mar. 35, due
AprU 1, 1892, 5%. 5,000
Hartmann, WUliam to Frederick Middendorf.
Watkins st, w s, 100 s Belmout av. Mar. 23,
dueFeb. 1, 1893. l.,500
Hawley, Agnes C, to Agnes C, Hawley et al,
trustees Oscar F, Hawley. Hancock sfc, n s,
1'30 e Nostrand av, 30x100. Mar. 85, 1 year,
6 %. 17.000
Hays, Mary to WiUiam F. Corwith. Leonard
st, w s, 24,5 s Norman av, 36x100. Mar. IS,
2 years. 468
Heatley, George W. to Title Guarantee and
Trust Co. Pearl sr. P. M. Mar. 85, 1 year,
5 5. 3,000
Heerdfc, Louis W. fco AugTist Sedlmeier, Mel¬
rose St. P. M. Mar. 30, 1 year, 5 %. 700
Herbert, EmeUne R. to Augusta A. Roby.
Grand av, n e cor Clifton pl, 100x150. Mar,
35 deraand. gold, 30,000
Hopkins, Jr., Joseph to Alfred Ogdeu. Stew¬
art St. P. M, Mar, 1, due May 1, 1890. 6,000
Hough, Sarauel L. to George 'VV'. Green.
Roebling sfc, w s, 100 s South Oth sfc, 40x100,
Mar. 18, due Oct. 1, 1890. 3,000
Ingei-soU, Oliver W. to Walter R. IngersoU.
Plymouth st. P. M. Mar. 12, installs,
5 %. 2,2,50
Jacques, Eleanor to John N. Eitel. Hunting-
ton sfc. P. M. Mar. 18, 3 years, 5 %. 500
James, Haunibal to The Long Island Building
and Loau Assoc, tiackefcfc sb, P. M. Mar,
1, installs. (Correcfcs error in lasfc week's
Record.) 7,500
Jewefcfc, James C. to The Mutual Life Ins. Co.,
New York. Carroll st, n s, 389.5 e Stb av,
11 iofcs, fcogetber 190.4x100. 11 morts., each
$6,000. Feb. 88, 2 ye_ai-s, 5 %. 66,000
Johnson, Albert P. to Sarah M. Sfci-iker,
tribes Hill, N. Y. Easb 4th sfc, 360 n Av I,
runs uorth 120 fco New York, Brooklyn &
Manhatfcan Beacb R. R. Co., x easfc to ,5th
st, xwest 300; Easfc,6fcbst. e s, afc intersection
with south line of New York, Brooklyn &
Mauhattau Beach R. R. Co., x easfc — x
■ southeast — x southwest to st, xnorth—;
lot begins at centre line befc East 4th and
East .5th sts, 310 n Av I, mns east 100 to East
Sth st, X soutb — X southwest — x north —.
Mai-. 27, due Sept. 37, ISOO, or sooner. 8,800
Joues, Samuel J, to Stephen Pettus. Jeffer¬
son av, s s, 330 w Nostrand av. P. M. Mar.
23, 5 yeaj-s', 5 %. 8,500
Same to sarae. Jefferson av, s s, 180 w Nosfc-
i-and av, 6 lots, S P. M, morfcs., eaeh $8,600.
Mar. 22, 6 years, 5 %. 43,500
Same to sarae. Jefferson av, s s, 380 w Nost¬
rand av, 21ots. 2 P. M. raorts,, each $1,500,
Mar. 22, 5 years, 5 %. 3,000
Kiilian, J, Valentine to Jacob Zimmer. Bush¬
wick Boulevard, e s, 80 n Stagg sfc, I'uiis easfc
to Old Bushwick av, x northwest 30.8 x wesfc
to Bushwick Boulevard, x soutb 20, Mar.
25, due April 1, 1898. 1,350
Kerrigan, Michael to Sally A, Denike. Buf¬
falo av, w s, 17.4 n Bergen st. F, M, Mar,
_20, ins(-<alls, 5 ^. 1,050
Kodziesen, Aaron and Abraham to August
Sedlmeier. Melrose st, n w s, 12.5 s w Knick¬
erbocker av, 8 lots. 2 P. M, morts., each
§1,300. Mar. 80. 1 year, 5 S. 3,400
Kempf, Wilbelm to August Sedlmeier, Mel¬
rose sfc, n w s, 100 s w Knickerbocker av, 2Sx
100, Mar, 16, 5 5. 600
Krekeler, Mary fco Lydia V, Maryatfc. Mc¬
Dougal sfc. s s, 100 e Rockaway av, runs
soufch 61.9 X wesfc 2,5 x south 43.6 to poiut 75 e
Rockaway av and 100 n Hull sfc, x east 75 x .
uortb 103.7 to McDougal st, x wesfc .50. Mar.
38, 1 year. 400
Krieger, Rachel fco Jacob Pirrung, Pennsyl¬
vania av, es, 18,5 s Fulton av, 26x110. Mar,
1,5 years, 1,900
Larrabee, Sarab M. to John Feeney, Hancock .
st, n s, 72,6 w Throop av, 17,0x100. Mar. 33,
4 years, 5 %. 600
Laurie, Tbomas to The Brooklyn Savings Banlc.
Bergen st, s s, 326.3 w Nevins st, 17.9x100,
Mar, 30, 1 year, 4 %. 4,000
Layton, John to Mary Lawreuce. Kingston
av, e s, 64 s Atlantic av, 80x80, Mar. 21, 3
years, 5 %. 4,250
Same to Zacbeus Bergen et al, exrs, Robert A,
Roberfcson, Kingston av, e "'s, 24 s Atlantic
av, 20x80. Mar, 81, 3 years, S ^. 4,500
Layton, John to The Title Guarantee and Trust
Go. Kingston av, e s, 44 s Atlantic av, SOx
80. Mar. 31, 3 yeai's, 5 %. 4,250
Sarae to same. Kingston av, e s, 84 s Atlanfcic
av, 30x80. Mar. 31, 3 years, 5 %. 4,000
Layton, John and John S, Loomis fco same.
Kingston av, s e cor Atlanfcic a.v, 24x80. Mar.
22. due April 31, 1889, 5 f 7,500
Larson, Olena A, M. wife of aud Lars to
Abram Rose. SStb sfc, s s, 197 e 3d av, 19,6x
100. Mar, 37, 5 years. 3,000
Lauer, Daniel fco Olivia Peterson. Clason av.
P. M. Mar. 27, 1 yeai-, 750
Leouhardt, Sophia to Richard Ingrabam. St,
Marks av, s w cor Ralph av, I'uns south 20 x
west 100 X north 15 x northeast to St. Marks
av, xeast 58,11. Mar. 13, 1 year. 2,000
Lyons, Hera-y B, to Jane J. Davenport. Win¬
throp st, n s, 366.7 s Flatbush av, 50x106.
Mar. 81, 6 months. 1,000
Liuton, Edwai'd F. to Katharine C. Heme,
Bosfcon, Mass. Atlanfcic av, n w cor Cleve¬
land sfc, runs west 100 x south 25 x west SO x
south 106.11 to av, x easfc 151.11. Mar. 85,
due April 1, 1890, 6 6, 5,800
Loucks, James A. to William H, Mairs. Pros-
oecfc pl. Mar. 26, 3 years. See Conveys. 18,000
McMahon, Jaraes B. to James Barry. Greene
av,ses, 850sw Centi-al av, 100x100, Mar.
36, 3 years or sooner. 2,600
Meehan, James fco Mai-y Fifczgerald. Degraw
St. P. M. Mar. 27, 3 years, S %. 3,000
Meyer, Simon G. to Sigmund Grahenheimer.
Hopkins st, s s, "350 w Tbroop av. P, M.
Mar. 35, due April 1, 1S91, 5 %. 1,000
Sarae to Gottfried and Lina Eehra. Same
property. P. M. Mar. 35, due April 1, 1894,
6 ^. ^,800
Miller,WiUiam M. fco MaryW. Smith. At¬
lanfcic av, u w cor WiUiams pl, 95x98,7. Mar.
37, demand. 2,300
Magnor, Williani to Tbe Broadway Dry Goods
Co-operafcive BuUding and ijoan Assoc. 39tb
st, n e s, 300 s e 4fch av, 25x100. Mar. 20.
iustaUs. 1,500
Maske, WUliara to Wal*-«r J. Klots. George
sb, ses, 150 s w Knickerbocker av, 25x100.
Mar. SO, 1 year. 2,000
Massey, Frances S. wife of Mai-cellus to The
Dime Saving's Bank, Brooklyn. Joi-aleraon
st, n s, 48 w Heury st, 19x100x19.1x98,6. Mar.
22, 1 year, 5 %. 6,000
McClelland, Rebecca wife of John T. to Ce¬
cilia C. wife of Joseph M. Nash, Prince st,
ws, 268 s Willoughby st, 14.9x85. Mar. 31,
1 year, 5 %. 500
McGann, Richard to Mary L. Van Antwerp,
Bergeu Fields, N. J. Paciflc st, s s, 304,10 w
Clason av, 25x110. Mar. 20, due April 1,
lS93j 5 %. 3,000
McGuigan, James to Augusfc H. Schimpf.
Hendrix sfc, w s, 231.1 s Arlington av, 31.5x
100. Mar. 1, 3 years, 5^. 3,000
McWalters, Anna wife of aud James to Charles
J. Patterson, 3d av. No. 865, e s, 7,5.2 n 32d
st, 85x100, Mar. 21, 3 years. 5 ;S. 4,000
Merry weather, Emraa C. to The Roslyn Sav¬
ings Bank, L. I. Lexington av. P.M. Mar.
20, due April 1, 1892, 5 %. 1,500
Michel, Leopold and Johu H. Scheldt to Tbe
German Savings Bank, Brooklyn. Graham
av, w s, 100 n Newtou sfc, 19.8x100. Mar. 15,
due June 1, 1890, 5 ;^. 2,000
Sarae to sarae, Graham av, w s, 75 n Newton
sfc, 3 lots, each 25x89.3x25x93.5. 3 morts.,
eacb S!2,700, March 15, due June I, 1890.
5 %. 8,100
Samo fco same. Gi-ahain av, u w cor Newton
sfc, 25x85,3x28.6x80, .Mar. 15, due June 1,
1890,6 -g, 3,200