Oo,;ober 26,1896
Record and Guide.
Building News.
E. 1791.—Twenty-ninth street, Nos. 5 and 7 West. Thia plot is lo
beimproved by tbe erectiou of a moderu office building early uext
year, as soon as the preseufc tenancy of tbe Bar Association expires.
E. H. Van lugen. No. 160 Sth avenue, owner.
E. 1981.—Amsterdam aveuue, southwest comer 186tli atreet. one-
story brick car abed; size. 170x100. Third Avenue Eailroad Com¬
pany, owner. Albert Wagner will probably he tbe architect.
E. 1072.—Mott avenue, northwest corner 138th street, three-story
briek anil fttoiie office aud store building. Owuers represented by
Charlea Stewart Davidson, 56 W.all street; architecta. Hoppin &â–
Koeu, 160 5th aveuue. Work will not be started before next spring,
E. 1943.—Twelfth street. No. 37 Easfc, aud Thirteenth atreet, Nos.
48 and 50 East Jacob Hirah, No. 47 Cedar street, will erect an
eight or uiue-story fire-proof store and loft building. AlfredZucker,
No, 33 Union square, will probably draw the plans.
E. 2095.—Albert E. Davia, of No. 2558 3d avenue, has plana on
the boards for a row of hrick dwellings, three two-story andbase¬
meut, 16.8x47. and six two-stoi-y, 20x50. with exteusion lOxiaig.
to he erected near St, Mary's Park at a tot.al cost of from $50,000 to
$60,000, by a company composed of a number of iirominent residents
of the uorth side. This improveuieut will be followed by tbe erec¬
tiou of a number of private dwellings fortbe individual members of
the company. Work will he started next spring.
E. 1079.—Aqueduct avenue, coruer North street, two tw,o-story
and afcfcic frame dwelling; Mr. Murphy. No. 52 West 67tb atreet,
owner; Fredrick Jacobsen, No, 50 West 67th street, arcbitect;
sizes, 25x76 and 25x66; cost, $3,500 each. Conditiou—plans being
E. 2035—One Huudred and Fifty-sixth street, south side, near
Prospect avenue, two-story, two-family dwelling; cost, $3,500; size,
22x55. Free Homo Builders, No. 8 East 42d street, ownera; Paul C
Hunter, No. 802 Park avenue, arcbitect.
E. 2094.—Westcbesfcer,—Doris avenue, two-story and attic frame
dwelling; eost. $4,000 ; Morris M, Corbtu, owner; J, William Limer,
Ho. 2557 3d avenue, architect.
E. 2085,—Unionport,—Two-story and attic frame dwelling; cost,
$3,500; William Hylaud, owner; William Henderson. Jr., architect.
Specifications call for hot-air beatiug and shingle roofing.
E. 1947.—Anthony avenue, uear 180th street, two-story and base¬
ment frame dwelling. 18,6x44; coat, $3,500 ; Rosa Prowler, owner;
William Heuderson. Jr., northeast corner Tremont and 3d avenues,
" R 411.—Seventy-tifth street, south side, 100 east of Riverside
Drive, 38x80. S, Barnes, owuer. C. P. H. Gilbert, No. 18 Broad¬
way, has drawn plans for a five-story American basemeut dwelling.
Speciflcations call for front of brick, stone and terra cotta, tile and
copper roof, hardwood trim, exposed plumbing. Harvey Murdoek,
No. 140Na;-sau street, has the general coutract. This is an addition
to the group of houaea previonaly reported and which are to fill up
the block.
E. 2087.—Madiaon aveuue, uorthwest coruer 101st atreet, four
tive-story brick aud atone flats and stores; Frawley &, Eooney, No.
180 East 95th street, owners; John C. Burne, No. 101 West 42d
street, .architect; total cost. $65,000. Conditiou—plans were filed
some time ago in the name of the former ownera of the lots; excava¬
ting baa juat commenced. Specifieafcions call for all latest conve¬
niences, including steam heatiug.
E. 2089.—Sixty-eighth atreet, uorth side, 100 feet west of Cen¬
tral Park West, two fiye-story brick and stone flats; cost, about
¥50,000 ; sizes. 30x90 and 20x90; Alex. Moore & Son, No. 522 West
52d atreet. owuers; architect, not yet selected, Specitieationa call
for all modem improvements.
E. 2118.—Wesfc End avenue, southeast coruer 97th street. Bern¬
ard Wilson, No, 339 East 5Sth street, has just taken title to this
plot, size 100x100, and will probably erect a large brick and stone
flat thereon,
•E. 1974.—One Hundred and Forty-second atreet, north side, 100
feet east of 8th avenue, two five-story limestone and ligbt brick
double flats. Same aa but additional to tbe two flats previously
menfcioned under this numher. Owner and architects eame also.
E. 2117,—Twentieth street, south side, 275 feet west of 9th avenue,
three five-story, three-family, brick and stoue flata, James Living¬
ston, No. 75 West 92d street, owuer; Thom & Wilson, No. 1267
Broadway, architects. Size, about 33x90 each. Condition—no
plans yet drawn,
E. 2115.—Prospect avenne, east side. 115 feet north of Dawson
atreet, one three-story frame and hrick flat. S. S. Cohen, 467 Bast
150th street, owner; Edward Wenz, No. 1491 3d avenue, architect.
Size, 21x56; cost. $5,000,
"E. 1721.—Franklin avenue and 175fcb street, reported in our
isMue of Septemher 28th as a tbree-story frame flat, ahould be five-
story brick flat, to cost $20,000.
E. 2111.—Amaterdam avenue, eaat eide, 75.11 north of 106th street,
two five-atory brick and atone stores aud flats. Cost, $25,000;
aizes, 25x88.6. Cummiugs & Ferguson, No. 743 Sth avenuo, owners;
Oeorge F. Pelham, No. 503 5th avenue, architect. Specifications call
for all modem improvements. Plans for improving thia lot were
filed May 25.1895, by Joseph Silvermann, No. 59 West 98th street.
E. 2109.—Washington avenue, eaat side, 248 feet north of Quarry
load, three-story frame flat; cost, $3,500. Mrs. Eoae Callan. owner;
J. J. Vreelaud, No. 709 Tremont avenue, architect.
R. 209'J,—Westcheater avenue, uear Union aveune, two five-story
brick flats withstores: cost $30,000; Dora Fernschild, No. 1020
Weatcheater avenue, owner; W C. Dickerson, 149th street aud 3d
avenuo, architect.
E, 2083.~Intervale aveuue, uorth of 167th street, three three-story
framo flats with stores; cost, $4,000 each; Johu Do Hart. Fox
street, uear Westcbester avenue, architect.
E. 2084.—Eagle avenue, west side, south of Westcbester avenue,
three three-story frame flats; cost, $15,000; Jacob Eiehl, No. 611
Eagle avenue, owner; A. F. A. Schmitt. No. 606 Cortlandt avenue,
E. 2075.—Columbus avenue, southeast corner 74th street. Clark
Estate, owner; Barnett Bros,, lessees, on Ihe premises. George H.
Griebel, No. 2-17 West 125th street, arcbitect. Ifc has uot yet been
decided whether to add one story to the present structure or fco build
an annex in the rear.
E. 2112,—Centre street, west aide, Franklin to White atreet. The
Commiaaioners of tbe Sinking Fund have appointed Eobert May
nicke. No. Ill 5th .avenue, architect for tbe alteratious to the
Criminal Court Building,
R. 2116.—One Hnndred and Twenfy-fifth street, Nos. 268 aud 270
West. Charles Weisbeeker. lessee, will make interior alterations,
add one sfcory. size 50x100, and construct a large vault undemeafch
the sidewalk for new machinery plant. Georgo H, Griebel, No, 247
Wesfc 125th street, architect.
E, 2104.—Fifty-fourth street, soutii side, betweeu Sixth and
Seventh avenues. Private bouse to be altered for store on first floor.
J. Murpby. owuer; David W. King. No, 96 Fifth avenue, architect.
R. McArtny, No. 120 West SOth street, builder. Tbe work calls for
structural iron, brick exteusion, tin roofing, galvanized iron sky¬
lights, etc.
R. 2081.—Bleecker street, south side, from Thompson to Sullivan
streets, 200x148x135. D. 0. Mills, Milla Buildiug, owner, E, Flagg,
No. 54 Broad street, ia drawing plans for a lodging-house to be
erected on this site,
R. 2082,—Rivington street, northeast corner Cbrystie street. 75x
100. D. 0. Mills, Milla Building, owner, E Flagg, No, 54 Broad
street, is drawing plana for a lodging-house to be erected on
above site.
R. 2033.-^Fifty-seventh atreet, soutb aide, between Broadway and
7th avenue, plot 50x100.5 feet. The American Society of Civil
Engineers, No, 127 East 23d street; George S. Morison, president;
Chas. Warren Hunt, secretary; John Thompson, treasurer, will
erect a society building on this plot, which will contaiu a meeting-
room, with seating capacity for about 450 people and accomodations
for an extensive library. There will probably be a competition for
the plans, hut details bave not been decided upon as yet,
*E. 1536.—-Corlear's Hook Park.—One-story granite "Public Over¬
look." Contract awarded to Wood & Tolmie, No, 245 West 12th
atreet, on a bid of $37,750.
Long Island City.—R. 1978.—J. Hunerbein, of Steinway, has
plana for a two-story butt brick store and lodge-rooms to be built
for J. Martinez at a cost of about $7,000. R. 1980.—Two-story and
attic frame dwelling; Henry ILameu, No. 126 Temple street, owuer;
Paul C. Hunter, No. 802 Park avenue, NewYork City, architect;
size, 21x30; eost, $2,800. Condition—plans being drawn.
Bergen Beach.—R. 2099.—J, B. MeElfatrick. of New York City,
has prepared plans for a one-story frame casino aud pier to be built
hy the Bergen Beach Improvement Company, of No. 189 Montague
street, Brooklyn ; cost, about $40,000.
Yonkers.-R. I818.—Park Hill, two-story and attic frame dwell¬
ing; coat, $8,000. Mra, F. S. Phiuny, owner; A. F. Leicht, No. 97
Cedar street, New York City, architect. Specifications call for steam
heating, abiugle rooling and all improvementa.
Kingston.—E. 1010,—Eomeyn & Stever, No. 48 Exchange place.
New York, have completed plana for a school-house, to cost aluout
E. 2060.—New Rochelle, Avingah avenue, near Brooks atreet, two-
story framedwelling. Free Home Builders, No. 8 East 42d atreet,
New York City, owners; size, 18.6x22, with extensions; cost, $1,500.
Bloomfield.—E. 2026.—One-story brick and frame foundry building.
Lappiu Brake Company, Bloomfield. N. J., owners; Jesse H. Lock-
wood, No. 329 Bloomfield avenue, Montclair, N. J., architect. Size,
100x30; cost, $2,500. Speciticatious call for a gravel roof aud
ventilating apparatua.
Newark.-R. 2032.—Mt. Pleaaaufc avenuo, north of Clay street,
frame atorage building for tho New Jersey Hygiene Ice Company,
No. 509 Ogden street. Architect uofc yet selected^ E. 2023.—.South
llth street, between Sussex aveuue aud Orango street, three two-
story and attic frauie dwellinga; cost, $7,000. A. H. Thompaon,
Brick Church, architect. Specifications call for open plumbing, bath
and laundry fixtures, cabinet mantels and hot-air beatiug.