Bertram, J J. 10 Av A,.Jordan & M. 134
Brockway. Kath. 100 W 22d. .L Baumann. 211
Burnett, Jlrs D P. 350 W 124th. .Doherty &
Co- 260
Bell. Phebe C. 140 W 130th.-J Scott. 200
Carroll, Fannie. 206 E 36lh..S Baumiinn. 160
Coners. Bridget. 190 E 70th..S Baumann. 142
Crocker, Susan E. 211 W 53d. .J Weslcott. 250
Cataggio, Chas. 844 Amsterdam av. .J Bau¬
maun. „ I;iV
Cole, G W. 48 Bradhurst av. .J Baumann.131
I'osgray, J G..Eliz Cosgray. 3.1100
Campbell, S M. 45 E 59th,.B M Cowperthwait
& Co. 181
Carboy. Sarah, 336 E 26th..B M Cowperthwait
& Co. 10-
Cary, Mrs N A. 4.55 6th av. .J Lewin & Co. 133
Cavanagh. Mary. 239 E 28th..B M Cowper¬
thwalt & Co. 122
Cronemeyer, A H. 237 E 39th..B M Cowper¬
thwait & Co. . 101
Defries. Hy. 10.30 3d av. .B M Cowperthw-ait
& Co. 153
De Leon. Margt J. 244 B SGth. .B M Cowper¬
thwait & Co. 1S2
Denlea, L C. 622 B 137th. .B M Cowperthwait
& Co. .^ ,^ 124
Diehl, G C. 320 B 57th..B M Cowperthwalt &^
Co. "-*'
Dublin, W H. 63 Nassau. .B M Cowperthwait
& Co. 10'
Donohue. E W. 253 W 123d. .T Kelly. H-
Duffy. Susan. 404 W 20th..R M Walters.^
Piano. I'-T.'l
Doyle. Emma. 218 W C4th. .L Baumann. 1.14
Dittmar, S O. 1848 Lexington av..G 'VV
Allen. 24
Eisler. Eliza. 275 W 3eth. .L Baumann. 244
Enfant. C L. 119 and 121 W 23d..L Baumann,
Engel. Johana. 227 E 14th. .Cowperlhwait &
Co 1"''^
Enright, John. 200 B 90th. .B M Cowperthwait
& Co. IOS
Forest. W E. 101 Waverley pl. .C H Hinsdale.
Fo'sler, 11 F. SOS W lllth. .B M Cowpcrth-.vait
& Co. lf',4
Falkenstein. John. ISO Av A. .W Bowman.lll
Fang & Smith. 13 Pell, ,Jordan & M. 104
Feist. Mrs J. 212 E 70th..J II Little. oUl)
Felix & Paul. 155 Attorney. .S I HerschmanrL
Foley, Alice. 717 Lexington av. .Fidelity L
AgsQC -ll"'
Ford. Hattie S- 18 W 32d. .J H Little. 2119
Fox, Rusa. 119 E 109th,,H Israel & Sous,liO
Frith, Madeline. 253 W 39th. .Manges Bros.-241
Fingelstein, Sarah. IGS Madison..L Baumann.
Foltz, Clara. 391 St Nicholas av..L Baumann.
Franklin. Augustus. 418 W 36th..L Baumann. ^
Foote. Thos. 2.57 W 12th..J Baumann. 151
Fraser, Cassie. .304 E llth..J Baumann. 121
Goldberg, Rachel. 266 W 12Sth..J Bau¬
mann. 211
Oervitz. Saml. 234 E lI5th..L Baumann. 152
Grau. Mabel. 108 E 54th. .L Baumann. 252
Gabriel, L. 19 W 124th. .Alexander Bros. LSI
Gaunt. Mary E. 405 W 22d. .Cowperthwait
& Co. l-'-j
Geiger. Antonie. 158 E 46th. .E Kenna. 0O..1
Gotterdum, Hy. 40 and 42 W 28th. .M A Ul¬
rich. 5,01111
Gross. Rosa. '251 E S4th. .Alexander Bros. 1.14
Gallagher. Mary. 431 2d av. .B M Cowper¬
thwait & Co. 171
Garrison. Sarah. 72 Perry..B M Cowperthwait
& Co. 155
Goldberg, Lillian. riS E 13th, ,J Lewin Co. 144
Griffin. Geo. West Farms..B M Cowperthwait
&. Co. 302
Harris. Kaufman. 715 E Oth. .B M Cowper¬
thwait & Co. 16.'
Hinchey. Mary. 1840 Lexington av. .Fennell
& P. 15,1
Hofstetter, J J. 8 W 103d..B M Cowperthwalt
,& Co. l.'*4
Hale. Gladys. ,36 W 64th..L Baumann. .535
Hanson. Ada. C4 E 105th. .L Baumann. 137
Harmon. B C. 202 E 99th..L Baumann. 140
Heins, Nellie. 592 Columbus av. .L Bauinann.
Hettling. Fred. 1483 Amsterdam av..L Bau-^
mann. l-'^l
Hillman, Adolph. 346 E 9th.,Jordan & M. 164
Hyalt. R and J G. 12 W 46th. .G Durant. 275
Hardwicli. Minuie. 140 E 31st..L Baumann. Cii
Hendersou, J D. 20 Leroy .. Fidelity Loan
Assoc. ^,'"J
Hogan, John. 9 Carmine. .J Howell. ..n.-)
Heale- Thos. 172 W 13.5th..J Baumann. 161
Hill. H P. 430 W 40th..J Baumann. 211
Hoopc. Am\'i 112 E llth..J Baumann. 105
Irving. Geo'. 213 W 31st..J H Little. 2i«
Kaufman. Emma. ■2--'5 W 40th,-D 0'Farrell..i81
Kellar, V A. 1.59 W Olid. .J H Little. ...'"..
Knapp, Sophia. 2253 2d av. .Fidelity Loan
Assoc. 1"
Kelt, Mrs J. 410 E 84th. .Rosenheim & H. '105
Kenny, John. 1 Doyer. .B M Cowperthwait &
Co. 201
Kirkwood. Margt. 247 W 124th..B M Cowper¬
thwait & Co. 10 j
Kane. Mrs A. 0.56 10th av, ,C B Lawson
trustee. Piano. IV^i
King. Annie. 243 W 35th. .J Baumann. 21:1
Kramer. Theo. -21.55 Sth av.-N Rhein- 0i2
Leonard. Annie W. 5.51 W .511th..B M Cowper¬
lhwait & Co. 144
Lacnne, Gabriel, IGl W 49th..Jordan & M. 131
Lafair. Mary. 7-52 Oth av.-L Baumann- 131'.
Lytle, W O. 44,'^ Lenox av..Brooklyu F Co.lOT
Leavitt. M C. 140 W 13th,.M P Howell. 40ii
Linde. E W. 208 E 126th, ,T Kelly. 101
Livingston, Mav. 206 W 25th, ,S Baumann,263
Lewinski. Hattie. 308 E 12lh,.G W Allen. 11'-'
Mainardy. G E. 547 W l-25th..P Cordts. 321
Manton, Annie. 101 E Sth. .J Baumann. 170
Muller, D & A M. 034 E 139th..G Muller. 400
Marino. Stephan. 158 Thompson. .Jordan. M
& Co. 1"5
Mayer, John, Jr. 510 W 50th, ,Fidelily Loan
Assoc Jiiii
McGenness. J II. 3C9 W 2Sth, ,J H Little. 234
Metz Hedwig. 135 W Ooth, ,W Bowman. 10.)
Minznsheimc, G. 70 E 92d.,J H Little. -J24
Morris, Francis. 181 Macdougal..A Klotz. l.OUO
jiluUigan, P J- 2887 3d av. .A Gowdy & _
Co. Coaches. -^■3-'
Record and GuideJ
Mullaney, Thos. 2099 3d av. .Alexander Bros.
Murphy, Kate. 217 Av A. .Jordan & M. 174
Marcuse, Mrs B. 517 E 87th. .Rosenheim & H.
Marshall. W E. 15th av, WilUamsbridse, .B
M Cowperthwalt & Co. lOo
JIartin, Hannah A. 63 W 131st. .J S Huyler.
McClure, Marie B. 122 E 24th. .G B Martinez.
McGuire, Lizzie. 10 Spring.. B M Cowpe.-- _
thwait & Co. 10'
McKibbin, Martha R. 370 W 35th..D O'Far¬
rell. i-.lO
Masch, P J J. 13 Sth av..L Baumauo. 12.,
Mayo, Rose. 44 W G4th..L Baumann. 183
McAlister, Marthy. 25 B 3d. .J Lewin & C(3.
McFarland, Helen. 213 W SOth. .L Baumann.
McGinn. Danl. 192 E 7Gth. .L Baumann. 421
McGuire. J W. 133 W 62d..L Baumann. 197
Meany, Mary. 17 Watts. .L Baumann. 143
Melzer, Clara. 182 and 184 E 7th. .L Bau-__
mann. 15 (
Osherowitz, Saiah. 129 Henry. .L Baumann. _
Owen. Annie M. 157 W 22d. .Fidelity Loan
Assoc. UU
Pla. Lina. 152 W 25th. .Fidelity Loan Assoc.
Phelan. Frances. 007 E 147th. .L Baumann.117
Prentice. C 11 and F J. 128 W 47th. .C H
Hinsdale. 90\!
Pollaci. Rose. 510 Henry st, Brooklyn,.B M
Cowperthwait & Co. 115
Riley. Jas. 27 Frankfort. .B M Cowperthwalt
& Co. 135
Rooney. Alice. 426 B 14th..B M Cowperthwalt
& Co. 102
Ramsome, A C. 101 3d av. .H B Kellner. luj
Redmond. Minnie. 114 W 132d. .T Kelly. 143
Reinhard, Herman. 206 W 43d.-I L Link. 500
Relihan. Kate. 105 B 10th..D McClosky. 500
Richards, Belle. 120 W 94th. .Cowperthwait
& Co. 2115
Richy. B S. 2O814 B 83d. .Alexander Bros. 300
Rooney. Mary. '200 W GOth. .J Baumann. 1.50
Rosenberg. Julius. 24 W SOth. .S Baumann.l'JO
Rossiter, Eliz A. 132G Broadway. .T Kelly. 1-20
Royce, Sarah. 1711 Park av. .Cowperthwalt
& Co. 104
Rozelle, Mrs G H. 56 Morion. .J H Little. l.?9
Ryan, J J. 3G Morton..J Baumann. ll.'I
Ramsome, Aura C. 103 3d av. .G Brooks. 1.50
Rotter, Jennie O'N. Carnegie Music HalL.L
Baumann. 2110
Riba, D. 145 E 2-2d..J Baumann. 128
Rosenthal, Theo. 156 E 79th..M Borgenski. ll'l
Schuyler. Adele S. 115th st, near Uiversldt!
Drive. .A E Wilkey. 9:r>
Scott. Alice E. -205 W 22d.. A D Worl. 25J
Sherwood, Charity M. 40 and 42 W 20th..G
Beck. 3,417
Shuster, Bessie. 183 B 70th. .S Baumann. 14:i
Silbiger. J. 64 E 120th--Concordia F Co. .520
Staub. Louis. Jr. 93 3d av..H B Kellner. 121
Stiasni. Bernard. 224 E 104th..S Baumann. 121
Schrader, Ang. 43d st, cor llth av. .C Stem¬
ler. 23';
Sinclair. Jaraes. 139 W GOth. .L Baumann. 187
Sieber, Bessie. 258 W 38lh..W Bowman. 300
Silberstein. Dora. 27 Delaucey and 312 Broome
. .H Israel & Son. 130
Sniith. Jennie. 22 Mott. .Jordan & M. 143
Schoenfeld. Sarah. 247 E 7Sth. .D M Cowper—
thwait & Co. 155
Shorter. Nellie. 255 W 1.5th..B M Cow.ier-
thwait & Co. 181
Smith. Ed. 243 W 15th..B M Cowperthwait
& Co. " 1-23
Sraith, Jennie. 18 Mott. .B M Cowperthwait &
Co. 12:1
Stover, N J. GG E 12th..B M Cowperthwait &
Co. 148
Tully, J T & G. 23 W 119th. .J H Curtin. 803
Tate. Mrs W N. 653 Western Boulevard. .
Brooklyn F Co. 279
Taylor. Georgiana. 103 W llth. .M Casey.
Furniture, &c. 734
Tabiug, H. 210 W 104th. .Cowperthwait H.
Co. .-"lO
Waguer, Agnes. 2G9 W C2d. .D O'Farrell. 31U
Willis, A T. 180 W Slst. .J Baumann. 308
Webb. J H. -236 E 14th. .L Baumanu. 108
Wheeler, Eliz. 119 Charles..L Baumann. 232
Wiggins, Virginia. 41 B 28th..L Bauraaun.104
Walsh, Edward. 200 Prince. .D M Brown. 3fi0
Wagner. Agnes. 209 W 52d. .D O'Farrell. 612
Warnock, J A. 70 W ■20th..B M Cowperthwait
& Co. ~ 114
Weigert. Clara. 538 E S4th. .Rosenheim & H. 101
Welsh. Mary. 273 Hudson. .D O'Farrell. 132
Zurlinde, Herman. 213 E 25th..B M Cowper¬
thwait & Co. Ill
Araio, Giovanni. 39 Madison . . S Paglielli.
Barber Fi.xtures. V2 int. 100
Boves, L F. 24.'!6 Sth av and ZO^i W l-2.Sth St. .
J D Gavin. Butcher Fixtures. l.OUO
Baxter, Lena A. 203 W 103d..F F Woodward.
Restaurant Fixtures. 1
Cattano, F and G. 348 B 32d. .E Tannuzki.
Barber Fixtures. ISO
Colca, G. 967 1st av..dl Palermo & Lucehet.
Barber Fixtures. 670
Dvorak, Jos. 134G 1st av . . Auna Dvorak.
Butcher Fixtures . oOO
Di Leonardo, G. 967 1st av..G Colca. Barber
Fixtures. 800
Eble. Andreas. 5C0 7th av .. Anua Eble.
Bakery Fixtures. [-Ou
Gabriel, Saml. 88 Baxter. . .1 Morris. Boot
and Shoe Fixtures. 500
Gerschel, V and J. 144 E 22d..A Newnesch.
Furniture. 1
Green Bros..R Conner. Merchandise. 150
Herriet, Julius. Sr. 712 E 113d. .M E Bar¬
tholdi. Presses. &c. 1
Huntington. J W. 306 Greenw-lch, .11 S Sher¬
wood. Saloon Fixtures. 1,5U0
Himeles, Wolf. Fall River S S pier. New York
. .Nat Iliracles. Merchandise. 150
Kelly, James. 541 3d av. .Cook & Ber-ihoimer
Co. Liquors. . 147
Kinney. ,Ias. 742 7th av..B C Schlesinger.
Pool Table, &c. -2.ri
Liscomb, A A. 40 Ann, ,L Dalton. Lydecker's
Express. Express Fixtures. 4,000
Mackay. Eliza J. 1CC2 Broadway, .F Edwards,
Grocery Fixtures. 845
McEIrov, Kate. 109th st and Jerome av..'W
II Murphv. Saloon Fixtures. 500
Must, Bertha. 78 E 3d. .E Lang. Grocery Fix¬
tures. 000
McManus. Terence. 426 Columbus av. .Michl
McManus. Restaurant Fixtures. 5,500
Meyer. Abram. 2172 Sth av...Lena Meyer.
Butcher Fixtures. 3,1/00
Pcrazzo, Geo. '26"2 Mulberry. .0 Bacigalupo.
Undertaker Fixtures. 1
Ryan. Bridget. 64 W 12th. .Jas Ryan and Kate
Ryan trustee of.. Furniture. 1
Rofheart & Berlin. 2U2 East Broadway. .N
Rosenauer. Printer Fixtures. 250
Redding, Thos. 512 E 137th. .J Hynes. Livery
Fixtures. 1,500
Roeth, Geo. 170th st and Fulton av. .Mary
Roeth. Horse. Wagon. &c. 103
Rosenmuff, David. 94 Monroe. .S Began. Cro- _
eery Fixtures. 1.^5
Seaman. E F. .540 Columbus av. .Emma E
Seaman. Milk Fixtures. 1
Schwartz, Elias. 50 Columbia .. P Sarno.
Barber Fixtures. 209
Schloendorff. H G. 1662 Broadway..E J Mac-_
kay. Stock and Furniture. 815
Wallner. Saml. 41 Bleecker. .Markheim .t
Geiger. Stock. Fixtures, &c. 1
Wells, C M. 488 Sth av..A L Thompson. Store
Fixtures. 50
Classen, H P to G Christ. (Mort given by T
Kanner, Oct 2, 1890.) 130
Dickman. Emil to N Roseman. (M & W Leroy,
Oct 10. 1.S95.) 1
Gross. Chas to A J 'Wallace .6; Co. (A & L
Brunt. Sept 9, 1893.) KH-S
Haerter. Cath to A Toffler. (Gutte & Ilaerter,
Oct 29, 1895.) 1
Kalt. Barthold to J W Haaren. Cl r.d.'-ten.
Oct 21. 1805.) 31..500
Kohlhepp, J N to F H Johnson. (E M Lock-
wood, Nov 30, 1895.) - 648
Muller, Jacob to EIlz Weinrich. (B DIetzmann.
Julv 17, 1893.) 800
Schiudier, Otto to A Wenige. (J Wenige, Jan
11, 1890.) 1
Thompson. Ella J to National Lite Assoc. (F A
Thompson. April 15, 1893.) 1
Weinrich. John to J Muller. (E Dietzmann,
July 17, 1895.) SO)
Westchester County Conveyances.
March 23 to 31—Inclusive.
Bernard, Harry M to Heleu Bernard, ycvt lot
633 w s 7th av, Mt Vernon, 40x105. $759
Foley. David to Kate P Loughran, n s Boston
Post road, 100.x—. 1
Hackev. Bertha to Maggie E Woods, lot SOO e s
llth ' av, Mt Vernon, 100x105. 10.500
Jennings. Herbert T to James Edwards, lots
32 and 33 block 9 map Mt VeruDn Heights.
Lawrence. Wm V to EUza J Durell and ano,
lot 4 section P, Lawreuce Park. 14.000
Margraf. Philip et al. H N Morse lef, to
.\raelia Margraf. n e cor 4th av and 3th st.
100x105, Mt Vernon. 0.405
Silinski. Annie to Gideon Tomlinson. lots 15
and 16 map Vernon Park. 1
Tomlinson, Gideon to Alb Silinski. .same. 1
Williams, David O to Webster V Gould, part
lot 835 e s 10th av, Mt Vernon, 50.xl05. 2,675
Whitmore, Danl W to John J Patter, w s
Union av, 133.4 n 3d st, 33.4x77. Mt -Vernon.
Whittum, John W to Mabel Falk, lot 307 map
property grantor. J'O^'O
Samo to Celia A Stiiwell, lots .105 and 309
same map. 7,500
Same to Chas F Whittum, lots 51, t-2 and 10
ft of 53 same map. 4.000
Same to Susan C Russell, lots 298 nnd 299
same map. 10.000
Same to same. lots 51-56, Vernon Park. 9,00)
Same to Bradford H Russell, part iot 211 n s
Jlillington st map Co-operative Huilding Lot
Assoc. -'"'
Lake, Fredk C to Ellen Kirby, n w cor WooJ-
bine and Grove avs, lOO.x-200. 5,0:J0
Rushmore, Eliza V to Patrick Mernagh and
wife, n s Old Post road. 1,000
Young, Chas H to Wm Smith e.nd ano, nws
Post road, 100 s w Chatsworth av. 50x110. 1,050
Foley, Mary et al to Edw-d B Reynolds, s 3
Drake's lane, lOUx—. 2,10.)
Koiler, Wm B to Emily B Koiler, nes Main
st, 35.3x200. 1
.Meade. Roma M et al R L Wensley ref to
Edwd W Disney, tract adj railroad and Ma¬
maroneck town line, 8 acres, also lot AB map
Pelersville. 625
Smilh. Archibald to Isabella Sral.h, lot 25
map sub-division plot I, Huguenot Park. 1
Cohn. Eliza to Frances C Cohn, lots 11, 1.39
nnd 173 map Sherwood Land Co, also lots 5a
and lla map 13 lots of S Cohn. 1
Same to Peter Rogers, part lot 10 map part
Shearwood Hill. 40J
East Side Land Co to Matilda Morrl.i, lots 14
and 15 grantor's map. I.IMD
Leverich. Wm H to Edw-in J Hazard, part lot
4 s s Davidson's lane map Davidson prop¬
erty. 25x141. 4,00 1
Minturn, James F to Allan S McDermott, w
s Park av 300 n Glenwood av, 10Ll.x218, also
w s same 135 s Lake av. 100.x21S, 1
Mitchell, llanora to The Board of Education, w
s Clinton st 125 n Prospect st. 25x100. 3,001
North End Laud Impt Co to Eliz .Miller, lots
2 and 3 raap Sherwood Park. 1.2;)0
N y and Westchester Real Estate i'o to Thos
Donnelly, lots 3-0 block 3; 1-4, 9-12 block 5
grantor's map. 1
Steveuson, Hugh and ano to Virgil I'rett;-n:an.
lots '231-234 map Caryl. l.UnO
Same to Chas E Bikle, lots 171, 172 t.nd 173.