May 29, 1897.
Record and Guide '^^^'f^ " '
st Marks av, n a, 378 e Rockawey av, 72x100.
Wm k Graham agt Cohn Bros..........825,00
St Marks av, a s, 250 e Buffalo av, 140x100.
Chas B Dreyer agt Frederick Buehar ... .132.00
Logan Bt. 6 s, 02 n Glenmore av, 108x100,
Jacob Buhrer agt John C Welsh ........78.00
May 27.
Logan st, e 8. 92 n Glenmore av, 108x100. Scolt
Sc Wolff agt John and M F Walsh.....192.59
Fountain av, w s, 02 n Glenmore av, lOSslOO.
Same agt same.........................35.00
St Marks av. s s, 390 e Buffalo av. 100 x 100.
Merchant & Co agt Frederick Buehar-----199.72
St Marks av, Nos 1344 to 1350, B GoeU Mfg
Co. agt same..........................104.85
Sutton st, Nos 73 to 81. w s, 100 s Nassau av,
lUUxlUO. Charles Royle agt Owen W Humph¬
rey ................................150.00
Hoyt st, n e cor Balllc st, 23.4x100. Robt Graf¬
ton agt Dora and EmUe Manneck.......74.00
St Marks av, n 3, 350 e Buffalo av, 125x100,
Thos H Robbins agt Mechanics' Savings Bank
of Westerly.R LAS Robbina and L F Naylor
Barbey st, w s 100 s Atlantic av, 50x100. Curtis
Bros agt Mrs McTighe and Jolin C Walsh.100,00
Scholea st, s s, 100 w Graham av, 100x100. Sal¬
vatore Treutacosti agt Chas Bornkamp, Fred
Lutjens, Rosso S Divitl and Gaetano Morlale.
May 22.
Scholea st, s s, 100 w Graham av, 25x65. Fred'k
Lutjens on Julius Katzenberg to pay Silvertro
Dlveta, out of trim and last payment-----$82.00
May 26.
Cooper at, n s, 25 w Central av, 100x100. Elka
Wiedhopf on Dime savings Bank to pay A
Meisel, Danowitz Sc Co. out of 3d payment,.
May 26,
Cooper st, n s, 25 w Central av. Elka Wiedhopf
on Dime Savings Bank to pay L R Miller,,
Cooper st, n a, 25 w Centra! av, 100x100. Samo
on same, to pay A Meisel Danowitz & Co...
.................................. 1,525.00
Cooper st, w s, 25 s Central av. Elka Wiedhopf
on Dime Savings Bank to pay Bmma Dautz¬
May 21.
Ciirlstopher st. e a, 92 n Glenmore av. 133x100.1
Sackman st, w a, 87 n Glenmore av, 138x100, |
Jacob Manneschmidt agt Samuel Landsberg
and S Ruhln, (Lien filed April 2, 1897)..$650.00
May 25.
De Kalb av. No 736. John P Malllle agt Justus
Doenecke and John F Malllle, (May 22.11,000.00
May 26.
Hicks, s e cor Orange st, 28x95. Hall Sash &
Door Co agt John L Smith, M O Allan and
A S Proskey. (Sept 5, 1896.) ........341.38
Hoyt at. n w eor 4th st, 100x90. Martin Kane
agt John O'Neill, (May 21) ..............22.00
The first name la that of the owner; ar't atanda
for architect; b'r for builder.
All roofing material ia tin unless otherwise
Plan 801—Eckford st. w s, 150 n Nassau av,
two 8-sty frame tenem'ts, gravel roofs; total
cost, $0,000; ow'r and b'r, W H Port, Norman
av and Russell st,
802—Eastern Parkway, 3 s, 25 e Jerome st,
1-sty frame shop, 20x25; cost, $250; Geo
StoUberg, Glenmore av and Warwick st; ar't
C Infanger, 2590 Atlantic av; b'r, W Richier,
Bastern Parkway and Jerome st.
803—Harway av, s e cor Bay 44th at, 2-sty
and attic frame hotel, 50x65; cost, $6,000; F
W Fleer, 148 Graham av; ar't, H VoUweUer,
483 Hart st; b'r, not selected.
804—Marcy av, e s, Lynch st and Hayward
st, 1-sty brk drill ball, 200x300; coat, $141,-
000; State of New York; ar't, J G Perry, Al¬
bany N Y; b'r, B J Brossman. Jamaica. N Y,
805—WiUoughby av, n w cor Nostrand av,
2-sty and attic brk dwell'g, 42x44, tin and
slate roof; cost, $18,000; J Dangler, Myrtle av
and Walworth st; ar't. Th Engelhardt, 905
Broadway; b'r H Bruckhauser, 137 Ellery st
806~5Sth st, 3 s, 220 w 12th av, 2-sty
frame dwell'g, 20x29; cost, $1,500; P Dooley,
328 Proapect av; ar't, H Morria, SSlh st and
10th av; b.- D Lee, 869 Sth av.
807-Greenwood av, n w cor East Tth st. 2-
sty frame tenem't, 35x55; cost, $3,000; H M
Prebn, 085 Greenwood av; ar't, C G Wissel,
97 East 4th st; b'r, M Nardottl East 4th at
and Jerome av.
808—Park pl, s s, 100 w PrankUn av, Ove 4-
sty brk flats. 30xG8, gravel roofs; lotal cost,
$25,000; S S Van Wyck, Times Bldg. New
York; ar't, P L Hine, 570 Lafayette av; b'r,
M D Walsh, 324 Lexington av.
809—Tilyou's walk, w s, 153 a Bowery, l-ety
frame building 27x.50, felt roof; cost. $650;
H Watkins, Riverside av and IOlst st. New
York; ar't, E H Brinckerhoff, Bowery and
Schweickerl's walk; b'r, Q Peck, Coney Island
P O,
810—Ocean av, w s. 17R.5 s Av 0, 2-8ty and
attic frame dwell'g 28x47. shingle roof, steam
beat; cost, $5,500; ow'r and ar't, M F Greene.
277 Bast ISth st; b'r, T J Sinnott, 279 Baat
18th bL
811—Brooklyn av, e s, 117 n Av I, 2-Bty and
attic frame dweU'g, 28x28^4, shingle roof, hot
air; cost, $3,000; ow'r and b'r, Conrad Bals,
Av F and E 35th st; ar't A W Pierce, 1127
Flatbush av.
812—On Furman st Dock, 75 s Fulton at,
1-sty frame shed, 127x50. gravel roof; cost,
.'K5,000; Brooklyn Wharf and Warehouse Co,
66 Broad st, New York; b'r, P J Aahfleld, 168
Montague st,
813—Brooklyn av, e b, 120 n Av J, 2-sty and
attic frame dwell'g, 28x28, shingle roof, hot
air; cost. $3,300; ow'r, ar't and b'r, aame as
Plan Sll.
gl4_Melrose av, e a, 340 s Av G, 2-sty and
attic frame dweU'g, 27x46, shingle roof, steam
heat; cost. $3,600; ow'r and b'r, M M Nolan,
348 Broadway; ar't, A W Pierce. 1127 Plat¬
bush av.
815—15th av, s w cor 75th st, 2-3ty frame
stable, 14x18, ahingle roof; coat, $200; W
Gierasch, 75th st and 15th av; ar't, H L Spi¬
cer, 208 Montague st; b'r. G Blind, 75th st,
bet 4th and Sth avs.
816—Maspeth av, s 3, 700 e Gardner av, 1-
sty frame blacksmith shop, 30x26; cost, $200;
B J McKeever, 371 Pulton at; b'rs. Smith &
Dundroff. 146 Liberty av.
817—Cropsey av, a e cor 20th av, two 2-sty
frame stables and shed, 48.10x17, gravel roofs;
cost $800; J F Nevins and G E Graff, 168
Montague at; ar't, B W F Ufer, 141 Pearl st.
New York; b'r, J Fleschner. Stapleton. S I.
818—74th sl, B s. 100 w 4lh av, 2-sty frame
stable. 24x22; cost, $300; ow'r, ar't and b'r,
N H Raymond. 77th at and 3d av.
819—Sedgwick st, a 3, 100 w Columbia st,
1-sty brk wagon shed, 28x14, iron roof; cost,
$125; H Weaver, 99 WUlow st; b'ra, Hay,
Daisley & Co. 61 Fulton st.
820--Covert st. n s, 100 w Knickerbocksr
av three 3-sty frame tenem'ts, 20x55; total
cost, .fll,400; L Jake, 190 Hamburg av; ar't,
F J Lessing, 140 St Nicholas av; b'r. not ae-
821—Bleeker st, s s. 100 w Hamburg av.
eight S-sty brk tenem'ts. 25x62; total cost,
$40,000; Hahn Bros. 68 Stanhope st; ar't and
b'r, same as last.
82'>—20th av, w s, 120 n Benson av, 2-sly
and attic frame dwell'g. 39.10x28.8, shinale
roof hot air; cost, $4,100; J W Kramer. Bay
17th st and SOth st; ar't, J J Petit, 180 Rem¬
sen at; b'r, P J Van Note, Bensonhurst, P O-
823—Oth Bt, n a, 250 e Sth av, 1-sty brk
synagogue, 35x63; cost. $8,000; Cong Bnai
Sholomn, 329 Oth at; ar't. S S Sugar. 2'J.S
7th st; b'r. J Wyeth, 321 13th st.
824—Slst Bt, s s, 100 w Sth av, 1-sty frame
dwell'g, 20x42; cost, $700; M T Mulaney, 1261
4th av; ar't, T W Edwards, 233 53d st; b'r,
not selected.
825—Sea Breeze av. n s, 950 w Coney Island
av, 1-sty trame stand, 100x32^; cost, $3,000;
T M Jackson. 53 Johnson st; ar'ts, Quimby
Sc Broome, 99 Nassau at., N Y,
826—llth st, s B, 250 e Sth av, six 2-aty and
basement brk dwell'gs, 18.7x45, gravel roofs,
hot air; tolal cost, $30,000; ov.'t. ar't and b'r.
Tbos T Marlin, 301 3d st.
827—Ocean av, w s, 2<6 n Emmons av, 1-
stv frame store, 20x30, felt roof; cost, .$300;
W E Cramer, 781 Park av, N Y; b'r, J Mc¬
Kane, Voorhies av, near 23d av.
828—Bast 34tfi st. e a. 327 s Av G, 2-sty and
attic frame dweU'g, 26x38, shingle and tin
roof, hot air; cost. 513,000; ow'r and b'r, A
McLean, 40 Rochester av; ar't, A W Pierce,
1127 Flatbush av.
829-Board walk, 300 s Av X, 1-sty and at¬
tic frame store, lSx30, felt roof; cost, $1,250;
Bergen Beach Co, Bergen Beach; b'r, J Colby,
102 Columbia st.
830—6th av, e s, 31% a Garfleid pl, three
4-sty brk flats, 23x71^, steam heat; cost,
$28,500; M S Buckley. 287 lOtb st; ar't. W
M Coots, 240 Platbush av; b'r. T J Buckley,
287 10th sL . ^ ,
831—Oth av. a e cor Garfield pl, 4-sty brk
flat, 31=^x87, steam heat; cost, $13,000; ow'r,
ar't and b'r, same as last.
832—SSth st, n s, 100 e 4th av, two 2-sty
and basement brk dwell'ga, 20x45; total cost,
$9,000; HamUton Bros, 271 Sth st; ar't, T W
Edwards. 233 53d st; b'r, not selected.
833—55th st, n a, 100 e 4lh av, three 2-sty
and basement brk dweU'ga, 20x45; total coat,
-¥15,000; ow'r, ar't and b'r, same aa laat.
834—Hamburg av, w a, SO n WUloughby av,
1-sty frame shed. 12x18, gravel roof; cost,
$35; ow'r, ar't and b'r, Chas Horney, 122
Hamburg av.
835-St Marks av, s s, 100 w Classon av. 4-
sty brk flat. 40x80. steam heat; cost, $12,000;
John Potts, 55 Hull at; ar't, J Lack, 259 Hal¬
sev st; b'r. not aelected.
836—Kingston av, w s. 20 a Dean at. four
3-5ty brk stores and tenem'ts. lSVjx4C; total
coat, $22,000; P C Swimm. 434 Putnam av;
ar't, J L Young, 1221 Fulton sl; b'r, not se¬
837-Kingston av. a w cor Dean st. 3-aty brk
store and tenem't, 20x50; cost, $8,500; ow'r,
ar't, and b'r, same as last.
838—Abbey av, e a, 190 a Casino walk, 1-
sty frame dwell'g, 18x22, gravel roof; cost,
$100; S C Jackman. on premisea; b'r. C Milla,
on premiaes.
839—Park pl. a a, 542 w Vanderbilt av, 4-
aty brk flat, 21x66; cost, $7,000; ow'r, and
ar't. Geo W Kenny, 259 9th at; b'r, not b^
840—Park pl. a s, 32I14 w Franklin av, 4-
sty brk tenem't. 2714x00; cost, $8,000; ow'r
and b'r, A Dalton. 769 Douglass al; ar't, F G
Wilson, 342 2d st.
841—Macon st, s s, 100 w Stuyvesant av. 2-
sty and basement brk dweU'g, 20x45, hot air;
cost, $24,000; ow'r and ar't, W P Clayton, 75
Bainbridge at.
842—4th av, e a, 60 s 53d st. 3-aty brk ten¬
em't, 20x48; cost, $4,500; 0 Olafson. 230 54th
st; ar't, Thos Bennett; b'r, not selected.
84'i—Lorimer st, e s. 57 n Johnson av, 4-Ety
brk lenem't, 24x79; cost, $9,000; ow'r and b'r,
P Phillips, 161 Bergen st; ar't, P Holmberg,
911 Broadway.
844—Bastern Parkway, s w cor Doscher at,
3-sty frame tenem't, 20x55; coat. $3,000;
ow'ra and b'rs. Gascoine & Hornby, 424l Ful¬
ton sl; ai-'t, C E Austin, 1779 Broadway.
845—Eastern Parkway, n w and n e cora
Crystal st, two 3-sly frame stores and ten¬
em'ts. 20x55; total cost, $6,000; ow'ra, ar't
and b'r, same as last.
840—Bastern Parkway, s s, 20 w Doscher
st, 3-siy frame store and tenem't, 18^^x55;
cost, $2,500; ow'rs, ar't and b'r, same aa laat,
847—Franklin st. No 21, 1-sty frame black¬
smith shop, 25x50; cost, $130; R McSaveney,
111 Java st; b'r, W H Payers. 215 Java st.
848—Atlantic av, a 3, 910 e 7lh av, l-aty
frame dwell'g, 22x30; cost, $1,500; C Huson,
Jersey City Heights, N J; ar't, Wm Bell. 3d
av and 93d st; b'rs, W Bell & Sons, 3d av and
93d St.
849—40th at, n s. 100 e 10th av, five 2-Bty
and basement frame dweU'gs. 20x38; total
cost, $12,750; ow'r, ar't and b'r, B Raymond,
1028 40th at.
SSO—Bremen st. e a, 25 n Poreat at, l-sty
frame stable, 13x26; cost, $50; B WIestmann,
83 Bremen st; b'r, G Springatein, 83 Bremen
851—Greenwood av, n a, 15 w of East 7th
st, 2-sty frame dweU'g. 17x40; cost, $2,500; H
M Prebn, OSS Greenwood av; ar't. E Q Weasel,
97 East 4th st; b'r, M V Nardolle, East 4th
st and Greenwood av.
852—Greenwood av, a a, 120 e of East 7th
st, 3-sty frame dwell'g, 20x55; cost. $3,000;
W Schumann, 2 East Sth st; ar't and b'r, same
as last.
Plan 893—Sands st, n e cor Navy at, re¬
buUd north wall of slone and brick; coat,
."plSO; J C Elliott on premises; b'rs, E Jonea
& Son, 101 Kosciusko at.
S94—Harway av. e a. 50 n 25th av, move
building and build new atone foundation; cobI.
$300; W H Ellis, on premises; b'ra, Barry &
Bogart, Cropaey's lane.
895—North 3d at. n s 20 w Bedford av, cut
opening and put in a show window; cost, $50;
P Mountener, 157 Norlh 3d sl; b'r. A Zink,
163 North 3d st.
896—De Kalb av, a a, 400 e Evergreen av,
l-aty frame extension 13x7^; coat, $2S1; O
Langsdorf, 1270 De Kalb av; b'r, J Elchrlch,
IS Vandervoort pl.
897—Varet st, n s, 93 w Ewen at, rebuild
party wall; cost, $300; S Danto, 1S44 Fulton
st; ar't and b'r, A Keupp, 176 Varet st.
898—Olh sl. n s, 140 w 2d av, subsiitute flat
for a peak roof; cost, $800; Davia Oil Co, 109
9th st; ar't, P S Benedict, 103 Ft Greene pL
899—Atlantic av, s a, 25 w Jerome st, l-aty
frame extension, 25x22; cost, $150; ow'r and
ar't, L Pebbe on premisea
900—Liberly av, a a, 75 w Warwick al, 2-aty
frame extension, 18x10; cost, $150; H Em¬
merich, on premises; ar't, H Pohlmann. Lib¬
erty av and Lincoln av; b'r not selected,
901—Evergreen av. s e cor Cedar at, repair
foundation and corner posts; cost, $40; A
Waler, 113 North 2d at; b'r, J H Smith, 395
Gatea av,
902—Sth av, w s, 20 n 19th st, 2-sty and
basement brk extension 16x17, alao internal
alterations; cost. $1,000; A Warner. 142 Drea-
den Bt; ar'l, C Infanger, 2590 AtlanUc av; b'r,
nol selected.
903—Proapect av, s w cor 3d av new gable
foundation walla of brk; coat, $115; M J Car-
ley, SSO W 38th at. New York; ar't and b'r,
John Laraon, 75th st, near ISth av.
904—Havemeyer st. No 183. repair sills and
posts; cost, $75; Mrs John Heyer, Rockville
Center; ar't, B Finkeusieper. 93 Broadway;
b'r, A Marinus. 143 Havemeyer st.
5K)5—Graham av, n w cor Meeker av, l-aty
frame extension, 25x22; coat $100; Jos Fall¬
ert, 86 Lorimer st; b'r, A Ulrich, 371 Fulton
st; b'r, W WUliams, 111 Richarda at.
906—9th at. n a, 20O w 2d av. l-aty frame
extenaion 51x47; cost. $1,950; Davia Oil Co,
109 Olh at; ar't P S Benedict. 103 Ft Greene
907—West Sth st. s w cor Sheepshead Bay
av, 2-Bty frame extension. 30x20; cost. $500;
K Berkovitz, on premisea; ar't, J A McDonald;
56 Weat lat st; b'r, not selected,
90S—Wolcott st, a a 190 e Van Brunt at.
2-aty brk extenaion, 22x14; coat, $300; M
Riele, on premlaea; b'r, M T Riele, 79 Wol¬
cott et.
909—Linden Boulevard, n s, 350 e Flatbush
av, 2-sty frame extension. 20x25.1; cost, $4,-
000; Mrs D Hawea, 00 Church av; ar't, J J
Petit, 186 Remaen at; b'r, not selected.
010—Union st, n e cor Smith st, 3-«ty brk
extension, 20x15; cost, $7S0; Mrs C A John¬
aon, 255 IStb Bt; «r't, J J Kierst 255 12lh it