May 25, 1901.
flat. Paul Obalski to Louis and Alex U Zinke. Mort $20,000.
May 23. R S $6. May 23. 190L 7:2006. nom
139th st, No 136, s s, 178 e 7th av, 26x99.11, 5-sty stone front flat.
/Release mort. Continental Trust Co to Henry W Post. May 18.
^ May 20, 1901. 7:2007. 13,300
141st sl. No 310, s s, 150 w Sth av, 16.8x99.11, 3-sty brk dwelling.
7 PARTITION. Thos P Donnelly referee lo Apolionia Stumme. May
22, 1901. R S $7. 7:2042- 6.700
148th st, n s, 125 e Sth av, 50.x99.11, vacant. Thomas G Field as
/TRUSTEE under will of Henry Weil lo William Rankin. May 18.
* May 20, 1901. R S $8-50. 7:2034. 8.200
14Sth St. n s, 175 e Sth av, 100x99.11, vacant- Thos G Field TRUS-
/TEB Henry Weil to Solomon Jacobs and Esther Levy. May 13. R
S $16.50. May 17, 1901. 7:2034. 16,175
l^Oth st, s s, 136 e Broadway, 64x99.11, vacant. John Pickering
/to Chas G Moses. Mort $14,000. May 23, 1901. R S $1,00.
7:2081. nom
same property. Release mort. Mabelle L Burras formerly Lindley
/to same. May 21. May 23, 1901. 14.000
160th st. No 505, n s, 125 w Amsterdam av, 25.1x99.11, 4-sty brk flat,
/j Romaine Brown to Theodor Bertsch. Mort $10,000. May 1. May
_21, 1901- R S $9, S:2119. 19,000
lB7lh st, s s. 95 e Audubon av, 2oxS5, 2-sty frame dwelling with
/2-sty frame building on rear. Eva Merrigan to Mary W Merrigan.
/B & S. Deo S. 1S99_ R S none. May 17, 1901. S:2123. nora
IftSth st, s w cor lllh av, 25x65, vacant. John Laue to Williara
* Gumming, Jr. May 21, 1901. R S $9. 8:2143. other consid and 100
l^Sd st. No 661, E s, 104.1 e Broadway, 16.Sx74.ll, 3-sty brk dwell-
/ing. FORECLOS. Sylvester L H Ward referee to James B Fitz-
^ gerald. May 17. May 21, 1901. R S $8.50. 8:2104. 8,200
181st st, s E, 12o e Ilth av, 25x119.6, vacant. Mary E Monaghan
/to Atlantic Realty Co. May 18. May 20, 1901. R S $7. 8:2153.
^Av D, No 112 _| begins Av D, n e cor Sth st, 26.6x77,
â– Sth st. No 405 on map No 39o| 3-Ety brk tenement and store with 3-
,''sty brk tenement on rear. Henry Doelling to John and Hugo Ja-
V burg. Mort $16,000. May 21. R S $350, May 23, 1901. 2:365.
Al D, No 25, w s. 32.6 n 3d st, 27.5x100, O-sty brk tenement with
/stores. Ludwig Groszwirth and Lottie his wife to Max Weiss and
/Joseph Weisberger. Mort $31,000. May 15. May 21, 1901. R S
$12. 2:373. 41,600
Aiisterdam av. No 1456,w s. 24.11 s 132d st, 25x100, 5-sty brk
istore and flat; valued at $30,000. CONTRACT to exchange for
17lBt st, s w cor Brook av, 39.3x99.11x39,3x100, vacant; valued at
Carrie I Shotwell with Charles Wahlig. Oct 17, 1900. May 21,
1901. Misc and 11:2896. exch
'Broadway, No70JbeginB Broadway, e s, abt 178.6 s Wall st, runs s
'New st. No 15 I 25.9 x e 119.4 to w s New st x n 23,5 x w 17.2
A n w 12.10 X w 35.10 and 52 lo Broadway x s 25.9 to beginning,
»4-sty stone front office building. Sub to encroachments. George
Crocker to The Manhattan Life Ins Co. CaG. May 21. May 99_
1901. R S $500. 1:23. 500.000
Broadway, w s, 782 n 165th st, present line, 12.11x428x22.4x428.2,
/vacant. New York Institution for the Blind to Daniel S Slawson.
CaG, May 10. May 22, 1901. R S $11, S;2138. 11,000
Btoadway, w s, 794.11 n 165th st. present line, — to IGOth st, as
/legally opened x426.2x157.7x428, 3-Ety frame dwelling and vac-
' ant. New York Infant Asylum to Daniel S Slawson. May 13, May
2'2, 1901, R S .?112,.50. 8:2138. 112,500
B/oadway |or Kingsbridge road and Vermilyea av. bet Hawthorne
â– Vermilyea av| and Academy sts, being lots 112, 113, 114. 115 and
/ 134, 135, 136 and 137 map 92 acres 1st part Dyckman homestead
* property in 12th Ward, excepi part taken to widen Broadway.
Wm F Havemeyer to J Allen Townsend. Mort $11,500. May 22
1901. R S $7.50. 8:2234. other consid and 100
Broadway, s e cor lT3d st, runs s 17.3 xse S.2 x e 122.4 x n 25 to
/ st X w 125 to beginning, vacant. Edward Crowley to William Gum¬
ming. Jr. May 20, 190L R S $10. 8:2141. other consid and 100
â– C^tral Park West, No 327|e w cor 93d st, 75.8x125, 7-Ety brk flat,
-93d st I James Livingston to Harriet Strong,
/Newark, N J. Mort $220,000. Mar 11. R S $140. May 23, 1901.
4:1206. other consid and 100
Ccrtumbus av, No 965, e s, 50,5 n 107th st, 25.3x100, S-sty brk flat
/with atores. Chas P Eberle to Eliz S Arnold, Morts $28,500
â– •Sept 20, 1900. R S $5. May 17, 1901. 7:1843.
other consid and 100
Ctfnvent av. No 113, e s, 19.11 n 146th st, 16x50, 3-Ety atone front
/dwelling. Hamilton Bank to Harriet S wife ot Edw G Pinney
•fMort $5,000- March 12. R S $11. May IS, 1901. 7:2061.
other consid and 100
Hamilton terrace, w b, 619.6 n 141st st. 20x100, vacant. Sidney M
/Powell, Poplar Ridge, N Y, to Louis C Hahn. Mort $3,500. May
i20. R S $2.50. May 23, 190L 7:2050. nom
Lenox av, n e cor 139th st, 99.11x100, 1-sty frame shanties and
vacnt, flve 5-sty brk flats to be erected. Simon Adier and Henry
V S Herrman to David Pollack, Mort $19,000. May 16. R S $22
May 23. 1901. 6:1737. 100
Lenox av, Nos 473 and 475, w s. 25 s 134th st, 66.2x100, two S-sty
'brk fiats with stores. Robert Wallace to Francis J C Thomas and
/Harry Bierhoff. Moris $57,000. May —, 1901. May 22 1901
R S $33. 7:1918- other consid and 100
; Lexington av. No 1498. w s, 50.11 s 97th st, 25x80, 5-sty brk flat [
Lexington av. No 1496, w s, 75.11 s 9Ttb st, 25xS0, 5-sty brk flat
â– Charles Goldstein to Samuel C Baum. Mort $30,000. May 90
R S $10, May 23, 1901. 6:1624, nom
Lexington av. No 1734, w s, 26 n lOSth st, 25x75, 5-sty stone front
1, fiat with stores. Jacob Strauss to Henry Strauss. All liens Mav
* 14- R S $2. May 18, 1901. 6:1636. nom
Lexington av. No 1464, w s, 127.8 n 94th st, 18x80, 3-sly stone front
/dwelling. Augusla L Ernst widow lo Hannah C Goodwin. Morts
^$T,000. May 20, 19_01. R S $5.50. 5:1523. 12 500
Lexington av, No 16o5, e s, 41.S n 104th st, 16.8x70. 5-sty stone
front flat. Geo B Brown to Mary A Baxter. May 20. Mav 9i
^ J90L RS$12. 6:1632- 12o'0O
lexinglon av. No 1012, w s, 85.2 s 73d st, 17x80, 3-Ety stone front
/ dwelling- Anna E Macgregor lo David L Durra. Morts $16,500
May 23, 1901, R S none. 5:1407- nom
Nagle av I n w cor Academy st, runs w 115 to Shermans Creek,
Post av [xnw along said creek as same winds and turns to
Academy st| Post av, x e 29S to Academy st, x s 310 to beginning
' vacant,
Dyckman stl s e cor Post av, runs s 80.10 x b e 307.2 to Nagle av
Nagle av I X e 175.6 to Shermans Creek, xnw along same to
Post av, X w 141 to beginning, vacant.
Triangular lot on the meadow at foot of Shermans Creek being at
point distant northerly 12,133 from s s 155th st and distant west¬
erly 962.3 from e s 10th av, runs n w 229.1 x n e 807 2 x s w
204.6 to beginning, with all lands in bed of Sliermaus Creek run
ning through block bounded by Post av on n s. Academy st on e s,l
Nagle av on B s and Dyckman st, on w s. |
Henry R Hoyt and Alexander T Mason EXRS Charles P Daly to
American Real Estate Co. May 17, 19,01. R S $S5. 8:2217.
Park av, No 1503, e a, 74 n 109th st, 26.11x80, 4-sty brk flat. Es¬
ther ,E Siegel to Samuel D Tomback, Mort $7,300. May 16. R
' S $5. May 23, 1901. 6:1037. See 109th st. nom
Park av, n w cor TTth st. and lot adj on west. Party wall agree-
/raent. Thomas Daly (with consent of TRUSTEES of the Peabody
' Education Fund and Walter H Crittenden) -with John W Sterling,
Mar 6. May 20, 1901. 5:1392. nom
Park av, No 1617Js e cor 113th st, 25.11x80, S-sty brk store and flat
115th st. No 110 I with 1-sty brk store on sl. Release claims, dam¬
ages, &c. Michael Ahner to New York & Harlem R R and N Y C &
â– H R R R Co. May 6- May 20. 1901- R S $4, 6:1042, 3,841
Park av. No 1708, w s, T5.4 s 120th st, 25.0x90, 5-sty hrk flat with
stores, Solomon Tieran to Fannie Hahn. Morts $1T,500- B&S,
'May 21, 1901. R S 50 cts, 6:1746, nom
Post av, n e cor Emerson st, 100x110, vacant. Moritz L and Carl
Ernst to J Allen Townsend, Mort $3,500- May 15. R S $2.50.
'May 17, 1901. 8:2223- other consid and 100
Riverside Drive, n e cor 115th st, 103.7xS7.xl0O.llxll0,6, brk flat'
unflnished, up to 3d story only. WiUiam Rankin and W Edgar
V Pruden to John J McBride. Mort $50,000- May 14. R S $25- '
May 23, 1901. 7:1896. nom
St Nicholas av | n w cor 127th st, — to St Nicholas terrace ex-
St.Nicholas terrace| tended, x—, John F Comey lo John Robertson
and William Gammie. CaG. May 15. R S $137.50, May 17,
- 19U1. 7:1954. See 118th st. nom
Sl Nicholas av, n w cor 127th st, — to St Nicholas terrace, x—. Re¬
lease mort. Farmers Loan and Trust Co to John P Comey. May
' 15. May 17, 1901. 7:1954- 30,000
St Nicholas av, No 706, e s, 105,5 n 145th st, 19-6x110, 4-sty stone
front dwelling, John A Stewart et .al as TRUSTEES of the Liv-
j erpool and London and Globe Insurance Co in N Y to Jennie Kind,
May 16. R S $19.50. May IS. 1901. 7:2053. 19,500
Same property. Jennie Kind lo Samuel Greenbaum. Mort $16,000.
, May 17. R S none. May 18, 1901. nom
St Nicholas av. No 406, e s, 51.10 n 130th st, 25x100, 5-sty brk flat.
FORECLOS. Sylvester L H Ward referee to Nathan Marcus.
' May 20, 1901. R S $25.50. 7:1958. 25,100
'West Broadwayin w cor Beach st, runs n e 75.8 xnw SS.S x n 0-S|^
Beach st (xnw 26-3 x n 36.S x w 49.3 to e s St Johns lane
St,(Tohns lane | x s 136.1 to n s Beach st x e 96.3 to begiuning.
.Agreement as to action against Manhattan Railway Co and Metro-
/politan Elevated Railway Co. New York Wool Warehouse Co with
Wool Exchange and James W Clawson. Feb 10, '97. May 22,
1901. 1:212. â– nom
WTest Broadway, No 479, e s, 65 B Houston st, 15.x50, 2-sty frame (brk
/front) dwelling with 1-sty frame building on rear, Geo L and Wm
/ W Rose and Joseph R Dennis EXRS Joseph Rose to Christina Mer¬
genlhaler, May 2, May 22, 1901. _R S $6.50. 2:515. 6,500
1st;' av, Nob 29 and 31, s w cor 2d sl, oOxlOO, two 5-aty brk stores
/and tenements. Julius Engel and Bernard Heller individ and as
/firm Engel, Heller & Co lo The Engel-Heller Co, a corporation-
All title. &c. B&S and CaG- Morts $74,000. May 14. May
21, 190L R S $51. 2:443. nom
Ist av. 'Nos 2159 and 2161. w s, 50,10 s 112th st, 50x100, 1 and 2-
sly brk and frame buildings, two O-sty brk tenement to be erecled.
Louis Lese to Samuel D Tomback. Re-recorded from May 15,
1901. Mort $13,750- May 11. R S $7. May 23, 1901, 6:1683.
2d- av, No 14,58, e s, 27,2 n 76th st, 25x88,8, 5-sly stone front ten-
/eraent with stores. Dennis W Moran to John P and James A Mc-
/ Donald, y^ part. B&S and CaG. Mort $3,000. May 7, R S
-HO. May IS, 1901. 5:1451. nom
Same property. Dennis W Moran EXRS and TRUSTEE Ellen Mc-
,'Donald to John P and James A McDonald ouly children of bene¬
ficiaries under will of Ellen McDonald and HEIRS at law of Thos
F McDonald a son of said Ellen McDonald, y. part. Morl $3,000-
May 7. R S $10. May 18, 1901. nom
3d av. No 1925 | n e cor lOOlh st, 25,2x110, 1-sty frame stores.
lU6th Et, No 2031 Chas McManus to Eliza McManus. Dec 3, 1900.
' R S $25. May 23, 1901, 0:1056. 100
Same properly. Thomas and Eliza McManus to Chas E McManus.
â– Dec 23, '99. R S $25- May 23, 1901. nom
aa av. No 1704, -w s. 46.10 s OOth st, 26,10x100, 5-sty brk store and
/ tenement. Ernestino Harris lo Newman Leavy. Morl $22,850-
' May 9. May 20, 1901. R S $9.50. 5:1524. nom
Sth'av, Nos 4S3 and 4So, e s, 40.4 n 41st st, runs n 32.11 x e 50 x s
213.6 X e SO X s 19.6 x w 100 to beginning, T-ety stone front bldg,
/with tse of alley to 41st st and easement in courtyard at n e cor
/ said premises, 12.6x50. Henrietta Kahn to John Hoge. Zanesville,
Ohio. Mort $160,000. Jan 31. May 20, 1901. R S $S0. 5:1276.
' Sth av, Nos 13CS to 1374, b w cor 114th st, 100.11x65.6. !
Il4th St. Nos 2 and 4, two 5-sty hrk flats with store in eor. |
Chas E McManus to Eliza McManus. Mort $21,000 on No 4 Wesl
114th at- Dec 3, 1900. R S $75. May 23, 190L 6:1597. 100
' 5th av. No 685, s e cor 54th st. I
s/th at, Nos 4 and 6, s b, abt 125 e 5th av. |
'Agreement as to encroachment. Chas W Harkness with Ada S
' wife of Wm H Moore. Nov 28, 1900. May 18, 1901. 5:1289. â– -----â–
Sth av. No 2041, s w cor 141st st, 24,11x100, S-sty brk store and
. flat, Geo W Pearson to Margaret C Ryan. 1-3 part, Morts
' $27,000- May S, R S 50 cts. May 17, 1901. 7:2042. nom
91^ av, No 012, e s, 80.4 s 44th at, 20,1x100, 3-sty brk tenement
/wilh stores. PORECLOS, Prank D Arthur referee to Madeleine
''g Prance and Henry B Wilson EXRS and TRUSTEES Joseph R
France. May 17, 1901. R S $15. 4:1034. 15,000
10th av, No 705, w s, 50.5 s 52d st, 25x100, deed reads.
10th av, w s, 50.5 s 52d st, runs w 25 x e 100 to av, x n 25 to be¬
ginning, error, 5-sty brk store and tenement.
Max Bythiner to Marks Silverberg. Mort $10,000. May 18,
1901. R S $1. 4:1080- 500
ipth av. No 528, e s, 49-5 s 40th st, 24.8x77-6, 6-sty brk tenement
.' wilh stores. Leopold Kaufmann to Jonas Weil and Bernhard
â– Mayer. Mort $20,000. May 23. 1901. R S $13. 3:737. nom
lllh av, n w eor 186th at, 25x100, vacant. Hammond Odell to John
. O Baker, Newark, N J. Mort $5,000. May 20. May 23, 1901.
R S $6- 8:2166. other consid and 100
lllh av, w s, 95 n ISOth st, 50x100, vacant. Resolvid Gardner to
Max Marx. May 23, 1901. R S $11.50. 8:2166. nom
Same property. Max Marx to John 0 Baiter, Newark, N J. Mort .^S,-
000, May 23, 1901. R S $5. other consid and 100
lllh av, Nos 726 and 728, e/, 50.2 n Slst st, 50.2x100, 1-sty frame
* stable. /
41sl sl. No 348, s s, 175 e »th av, 25x98.9, 6-sty brk tenement with
. stores. ,/ ,