June 25, 1904.
Ryan, of 1045 Bast 156th st, to be erected on the north side of
156th st, 75 feet east of Hewitt pl, Bronx, to cost about $3,600.
STEBBINS AV, Bronx.—William Dewsnap, 150 Nassau st. is
making plans for a S-sty frame dwelling. 21x52 feet, for Frank
Meizer, of 440 East 77th st, same to be erected on the east side
of Stebbins av, 208.7 feet north of Freeman st, Bronx, at a cost
of $8,000.
The Drexel house on 62d st, just east of Sth av, is enclosed,
. the facade being entirely of Indiana limestone, and in a simple
and even severe design. John T. Brady & Co., of 4-6 East 42d
st, the general contractors, now have plasterers at work, and on
the ground floor some flreprooflng is still under way, Horace
Trumbauer, 1408 Land Title Building, Philadelphia, Pa., is the
The new residence for R. Livingston Beeckman, of 40 East
SOth st, is under way at No. 854 Sth av, in the center of the
brownstone biock from OGth to G7th sts, and, of course, facing
the park. Jacob & Youngs. 1133 Broadway, have the Ironwork
up through three tiers of beams and the front wail of Ohio lime¬
stone through the 1st story. Tbe architects 'are Warren & Wet- ,
more, of 3 East 33d st.
The art-gallery annex to the residence of Charles T. Terkes
is progressing under the supervision of Gillespie Bros, of 1133
Broadway, at No. 860 Sth av, the residence itself, No. 804, oc¬
cupying the southern corner at CSth st. Iron beams for the main
floor are in place and the front wail Is up to this level, though
some stone work for the entrance rises above this. The mate¬
rial of the house, brownstone, is being used for the annex and
the lines of the design and construction will be carried through.
The interior will be flnished in carved marble. Henry Ives Cobb,
of 115 Broadway, is the architect.
The Henry T. Sloane residence planned by C. P. H. Gilbert, 1123
Broadway, has at last been started at Nos. 18 and 20 East CSth
St. C. T. Wills, of ISG Sth av, having the general contract. The
second story level has been reached, but nothing has been done
on the front. The building stands between brownstone dwell¬
ings of the old type.
The dwelling on tbe southeast corner of Park av and 71st al
for Secretary of War Elihu Root has reached the Sth story floor
level and the general contractors, the Andrew J. Robinson Cff.,
of 123 East 23d st. will soon have the building enclosed. The
design, by Carrdre & Hastings. 28 East 41st st, Is almost devoid
of ornamentation, the structure depending upon its proportions,
simplicity of line, and the rich color of its Harvard brick exte¬
rior, for its effectiveness. The house is to have a richly carved
marble staircase with ornamental balustrades.
Grenville L. Winthrop, of R. Winthrop & Co., 40 Wall st. New
York, will build a $200,000 residence of marhle at Lenox, Mass.
The J. W. Bishop Co., of Boston, has the general contract.
Bids Opened.
On June 10th bids for constructing the new Staten Island ferry¬
boats were opened in the office of the Commissioner of DocIcg.
There were two classes of bids. Class X, calling for the installa¬
tion of Babcock-Wileox or Nichlausse boilers, and Class Y, for
Mosher, Hoehenstein, or Seabury boilers. The bids received were
ae follows, the flrst amount being for one boat and the succeed¬
ing amounts for each additional boat: Class X.—Harlan & Hol¬
lingsworth. $302,000, $341,000, and $331,500; Bath Iron Works,
$355,900 and $347,900; Burlee Dry Dock Co., $345,000 and $341.-
000; H. F. Palmer, $352,000 and $347,000; Easton Shipbuilding
Co.. $350,000 and $345,000; W. & A. Fletcher Co., $365,000 and
$340,000; William Cramp Se Son, $350,000 and $340,000. and Mary¬
land Steel Co.. $365,600, $349,200. $341,700, $327,600, and $325,-
000. Class Y.—Harlan & Hollingsworth, $341,000, $320,000, and
$312,000; Bath Iron Works. $340,100 and $332,100; Burlee Dry
Dock Co., $335,000 and $329,000; H. P. Palmer. $338,000 and
$333,000; Easton Shipbuilding Co., $S35,24S and $326,245; W. &
A. Fletcher Co., $365,000 and $346,300; WUliam Cramp & Son,
.$340,000 and $330,000, and Maryland Steel Co., $351,500, $337,000,
$319,000, and $317,000. It will be seen that tbe lowest estimate
was tbat of the Burlee Dry Dock Co., of No. 1 Broadway.
Estimates Receivalile.
. BROADWAT.—The Netherland Construction Co, (J. A. Pinch¬
beck, 074 Columbus av) are taking flgures for interior finish of
the 9-story apartment hotel, 100.11x120 ft. on the southwest
corner of Eroadway and lOSd st. The hotel, which contains 300
rooms, is expected to be ready to open in the fall. Harry AUan
Jacobs. 1133 Broadway, is the architect.
NEWMARK, N. J.—Geo. Fred. Pelham, 503 5th av. (Manhattan,
will have plans ready for bids in ahout two weeks for the 10-
story flreproof stores and office building to'be erected in Clin¬
ton st, between Broad and Beaver sts, Newark, N. J. The struc¬
ture will contain elevators, iron and marble staircases, steel
frame, tile floors, and 'will cost about $200,000. Louis Schlesinger
and Morris Rachlin, both of Newark, aro the owners.
AV A.—Plans hy Shepley, Rutan & Coolidge, 122 Ames
Building, Boston, Mass., are out for figures for building the
Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, on that portion of
the old Schermerhorn farm bounded by G4th and GSth sts, Av
A and the Bast River. Plans have, been completed for a main
building, 5 stories high, of brick, flreproof, to contain an as¬
sembly hall, library, hoard room, superintendent's room, studies.
laboratories, etc., and for a power house, and an animal house.
The cost will probably reach half a million dollars. Figures must
be in by Tuesday. Dr. L. Bmmett Plolt, 14 West Both st, is
secretary of the institution.
G7TH ST.-John E. Scharsmith, 500 Sth av, is ready for bids on
the general contract for the erection of a 4-3tory brick and
stone asylum, 50x80.8 in size, to be situated on the north side
of G7th st, 200 feet east of Columbus av. for the Swiss Benevo¬
lent Society, 'of 108 2d av. Plans calls for tile and copper roof,
steam heat, electric light, open plumbing, at a cost of .$55,000.
The only contract so far let is for excavating, to Frank Falk, of
2371 Oid Broadway.
LENOX AV.—Schwartz & Gross, 35 West 21st st, will take
figures for alterations to tbe 4-story brick and stone dwelling,
191 Lenox av, for John Halloran. Bay window construction, flre¬
proofing, sheet metal and ironwork and plumbing. Neuman &
Co., 375 Sth av, have the contract for decorating.
IRVING PL, Brooklyn.—W. B. Wills, 17 Troutman st, Brook¬
lyn, has just flnished plans, and invites estimates for the erec¬
tion of a 4-story brick store and dweUing, 35x77, to be situated
on the northwest eorner of Irving av and Jefferson st, Brooklyn,
for Richard Weber, of 46 Sumner av. Plans call for all im¬
provements, at an estimated cost of $G5,000.
24TH ST.—Fredk. C. Zobel, 24 and 26 East 21st st, is ready for
estimates for extensive improvements to the 4-story residence.
No. 25 West 2Sth st, for Belie A. Quay, of 306 West Uth st.
Contracts Awarded.
72D ST.—Harry Allan Jacobs, architect, 1133 Broadway, has
awarded to Deisier & Stevenson, 1133 Broadway, a contract for
alterations to the 4-sty and basement brick and stone dweU¬
ing of Louis Marshall, at 47 East 72d st. The work consists of
an addition, 4-sty and basement, brick and concrete in the
rear, new baths, vents, skylights, etc., at an estimated cost of
about $10,000.
SOTH ST.—Harry Allan Jacobs, 1133 Broadway, has awarded
to Harvey Murdock, 116 Nassau st, a general contract for alter¬
ations to a 4-sty and basement brick and stone dweiling, 09 East
SOth st, owned by Edwin L, Meyers (The Osborne, 7th av and
57th st). There will be a rear extension, new wails, partitions,
toilets, floors, etc. The cost will be about $18,000.
MADISON: AV.-Harry AUan Jacobs, 1133 Broadway, has
awarded to Fountain & Choate, 114 Bast 23d st, a general con¬
tract for alterations to a 4-sty brick and stone dwelling, 1047
Madison av, corner of SOth st, owned by Olin D, Gray (The
Dawlton, 71st st and Amsterdam av). A 2-sty brick and con¬
crete rear extension, 18x13, will be added, new doors and win¬
dows cut, new partitions, and fireproof elevator instaUed. The
cost will be about $10,000.
66TH ST.—Herts Bros, 507 Sth av, have received the general
contract for extensive alterations to the 4-sty residence of Leo¬
pold Cohn, No. 00 East COth st. One story will be added to the
rear extension, a new staircase light shaft, and new partitions
will be installed. Herts & Tallant, 32 East 28th st, are the arehl-
5TH AV-—Edwin Outwater, 510 West 24th st, has received the
contract for $7,000 worth of alterations to the 4-sty residence,
of Mrs. R. P. Flower, No. 597 5th av. Plans prepared by Hop¬
pin. Koen & Huntington, 244 Stb av, call for tearing down and
rebuUding brick walls, partitions, and installing a new entrance
and stoop.
SOTH ST.—John H. Knubel, 318 West 42d st, has awarded to
Francis J. O'Beirne, 468 Sth av, the general contract for altera¬
tions at No. 248 and 250 West SOth st, to cost ahout $4,500. Sel.
igman Manheimer, of 212 East OOth st, Is the owner.
S7TH ST.—J. C. McGuire & Co., 26 Cortlandt st, have obtained
the general contract for extensive alterations to the 4-story
residence of Prancis L. Wellman, No. 123 East 37th st. Plans
prepared by Joseph M. Lawlor, 69 "Wail st, call for a new bay
window, steel beams, doors and windows, bath and toilet rooms,
and new hardwood floors, to cost about $10,000.
Tbe contract for .$40,000 alterations to the new portion of the
oflice building of the Mutual Benefit Life Insuranee Company,
on Commerce st, Newark, N. J,, has been awarded to the V.
J. Hedden Sons Company, of Newark. Geo B. Post, of 33 Bast
17tb st, Manbattan, drew tbe plans,
OOTH ST.-The Tide-Water Building Co.. 25 West 26th st, have
secured the general contract for building the new clubbouse
for the Harmonie Club, of 45 West 42d st. Tbe new structure
will be six stories in front, seven stories in the rear, and will oc¬
cupy a plot 75x100.5 on the south side of OOth st, 125 feet east of
Sth av. The estimated cost is $230,000. McKim. Mead & White.
160 oth av, are the architects. Contracts for the beating and
ventilating, plumbing and electric work, will be let separately.
CLIFF ST.-The Thompson-Starrett Co., 51 Wall st, have ob¬
tained the general contract to build the 10-story brick ware¬
house, thoroughly fireproof, l'24.4x81.6 feet, on the southwest
corner of Cliff and Ferry sts, for Charles A. Schieren & Co.,
frora plans by Frank Freeman, 132 Nassau st. The site Is Nos.
63 to 69 Cliff st, and 30 to 38 Ferry st. The building is planned
to extend to the old building line, no provision being made for
a possible widening of Ferry st. Mr. Schieren is ex-'Mayor of
Brooklyn and president of Charles A. Schieren & Co., manufac¬
turers of leather belting.